Video courtesy of P. Vann - Panther Meadows, Mount Shasta, California
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Welcome to the Monthly Stargate Updates. These articles are in chronological order. So, if you are new to
the site and have scheduled your first session, please scroll down about 8 articles and read up. The top
article is the most recent. This is like reading a book with chapters. Things happen quickly and each
blog builds from the previous blog. These blogs will help get you familiar with the techniques that we will be
utilizing in your sessions. It will help you hit the ground running and accelerate putting old stuff in the
Dumpster! Happy Reading! See You Soon!......
the site and have scheduled your first session, please scroll down about 8 articles and read up. The top
article is the most recent. This is like reading a book with chapters. Things happen quickly and each
blog builds from the previous blog. These blogs will help get you familiar with the techniques that we will be
utilizing in your sessions. It will help you hit the ground running and accelerate putting old stuff in the
Dumpster! Happy Reading! See You Soon!......
Observe....Lead with your Heart
In the Game, everything is constructed with logic, time and contrasts/opposites. It cannot operate without these components. Logic does not allow you to "observe" or see, instead, what we call wisdom is simply an accumulation of logical validated results based on a premise that you somehow have experienced something and then by defining those experiences with a label, you would be able to sequence a story together to have something to relate it to - as in past, present, future - so that comparisons/judgments could be made. This consists of databases of variables plugged into a software algorithm based on probabilities and the use of logic to arrive at a consensus agreement. It literally can be a moving target. Or better said, "Things are not Always what they seem to Be!".
Logic is the operating system of this computer Game....Everything is mental. The ego mind is mental. Logic is mental. The Matrix/Black Cube is mental. YOU are NOT. The logic in the Game forces you to immediately react so that the contrasts or opposites are put into play. Duality as we call it. Wisdom is mental. Wisdom is simply a winnowing down of "past" experiences leading to a "better" than that over there conclusion. You have to reach logical conclusions in this Game in order to make a "decision". You Always have to make decisions in this Game, back and forth or cause and effect, trying to make the best "decision" for everything you do. This is the repetitive cycle of "life" and "death" in every situation no matter what level you are at or in. Now zoom out, you can now see the same fractal patterns repeating on all levels, a hologram! The Game always has resets...start overs...repeats...Rise and Fall....Does this feel familiar? Logic inherently repeats because it requires feedback of validation. This is why Observing with your Heart/Essence is all but precluded and prevented in the Game. If you are Observing, you are coming from your Heart/Essence or Knowing, not from the mental ego mind. The Game forces you to "knee jerk" with an immediate response to an event because it needs the validation of sequencing feedback of the event presented to you. It is predictable in all cases. The Game simply cannot be still. You CAN!
Observing is awareness. Observing comes from your Heart/Essence. When you innerstand that your inner world is your real world, you will see that nothing outside can affect you unless you let it. <===Read that sentence a couple times again and allow it to sink in. You have the power to do anything. If you have fear, then that simply means that you have consented to giving away your power. Taking your power back is easily that simple. This is not difficult in this Game. The Game is designed to keep you in it. Ready to step out of the Game? You are closer than you think! Lead with your Heart! Come with me!
A Logical Feedback Loop - Validation
Clue: You Don't Need It
Ever wonder why we believe we need to validate our outcomes? Logic, duality, and feedback loops might be a good place to start and end....Logic is a "science" that deals with the formal principles of reason. For example, if a person walks into the house with a wet umbrella, it is logical for someone that is already inside the house to assume that it is raining outside by seeing the person holding a wet umbrella. But is this what really is going on? Maybe, maybe not. Things are NOT always what they seem to be! Logic is reasoning - basically a feedback loop using "time". Simply put, it is cause and effect based on expectations (hmmm..... there is also a convenient universal law of cause and effect in place in this Game - interesting). Logic is patterning - think matrix. Logic needs validation - computer language using 0's and 1's needs validation because of the requirement to sequence logic (using "time") by a forcing a choice. Press the yes button and the system takes you to a certain screen on a computer (choice). If you choose not to press the yes button and press the no button, the system follows the command, "if the yes button is not pressed", then, the no button has been pressed, the sequencing takes you to a different screen (choice), else, it will return you to the original screen. It has to validate the choices. In this Game , You are forced to make a choice or decision for everything, and those choices are literally made every second in this Game, because it is based in duality, contrast/opposites, time, cause and effect - logic and reasoning. EVERYTHING in this Game is logical. Except YOU. You (Not the character in the costume on stage acting) or your Essence is illogical. The costume just hides/covers up your "magic". That is why you have to capitulate all your power by giving away your consent to be in a participant in this Game. The Game cannot use anything but logic. Logic needs validation to prove either the "true" or "false" nature of the choices that are selected. This would be interpreted as definitions with the associated labels so things can be categorized and put into a hierarchical system. Databases (information), algorithms (stories) and probabilities (simulations) are integral parts of Logic. Everything has to be validated or it "falls" outside of the cannot be used in the Game. So, being that YOU are not logic, but simply find that you are inside a box with rules and constructs bounded by logic and reasoning that require validation to operate, You can now begin to game the Game by using logic against the Game. Logic is linear and can be reversed....reverse engineering. You use the tools of the Game to flip the tables of the logic with one twist. You have an Essence or Heart....the Game does not. You use all these tools to your advantage instead of to your disadvantage and you get to insert variables into the Game forcing the game to reset the simulation. The Game has to comply for it is simply a matrix based in validation. You, then, have the Game on its heels, not the other way around. You force the Game to play its hand first! You don't need validation are already whole and complete. The Game needs and requires validation to operate. If you innerstand (which means you already have all the answers or KNOW) how the Game is constructed, then to reverse how you got here and give you the ability to either step out completely, or stay in the Game, play the Game in your costume but not be of it - very similar to the holodeck on Star Trek - or do both, YOU got this! In essence, Stop Program, take your costume off and come HOME!
The Game Has Rules - You Don't!
What do ALL games have in common? Rules, Logic, Sequencing (Time), Conditions and Opposites (Duality)! It is not a game if any of these components are missing. And it is impossible for them to be missing in this game. Because, illogical things cannot exist in a logical world - even though it is the opposite of logic by logical definition and labeling. Ever hear of the 12 Universal Laws? If you have, then you know that this is a GAME!
Rules = Laws.
Here is the list of the 12 Universal Laws (there are other variations of the is list as well):
1. The Law of Oneness
2. The Law of Energy or Vibration
3. The Law of Action
4. The Law of Correspondence
5. The Law of Cause and Effect
6. The Law of Compensation
7. The Law of Attraction
8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
9. The Law of Relativity
10. The Law of Polarity
11. The Law of Rhythm
12. The Law of Gender
If you have been following me for any length of time, you see that these laws apply to everything that occurs in the Game. AND only in the GAME. These laws do not apply to YOU outside of the Game. Why are there laws or rules? It is because the (all) Game(s) needs limits/boundaries, logic, contrasts/opposites/duality, constructs and time in order function. It is a closed system. An algorithm is a precise step-by-step plan for a computational procedure that begins with an input value and yields an output value in a finite number of steps. (inputs come from databases and outputs are what are presented). A matrix is a collection of connected algorithms.....This is what is behind the scenes - patterns. Patterns are logically repeated linear functions of time. In the Game that we are in, it is the Story. For a story to exist, it needs rules, logic, sequencing (time), conditions and opposites (duality). Binary 0s and1s computer software language translated and projected to a screen. Hmmmm?......something feels very familiar here. Oh, maybe like these Laws that pertain to how the Game is played - whether or not you are the player or being played. Innerstanding the rules can give you a distinct advantage on turning the tables (switching the duality) on Game. The Game is designed to keep you within it - it has to follow the rules with NO deviation. The Game is a software program that has to use logic, time, contrasts, rules and and conditions in order to function.
So, whatever the reason, how "we" have entered into this Game is superfluous. It simply does not matter. We are in it and we are therefore subject to the "Universal Laws" within the Game. However, remember it is a Game. We really are simply being conditioned to becoming a character in the Game that fits into a logical construct with a label, definition and attributes - as in "human", characteristics of a "human" with emotions, strengths and weaknesses gated by time (or we have a life, which then infers a death as this Game is based in duality or 0's or 1's). It has algorithms, probabilities, logic and is linear in nature. Artificial Intelligence! Computers use information, stored in databases to operate with the programming sequence command string, "if, then, else", to translate 0's and 1's onto the screen you are currently "experiencing". Databases are simply a collection of collated/categorized information and it is garbage in, garbage out. The information really has no meaning and the definitions are simply held together by a consensus.....hmmm.....something similar again is coming to mind! So the point of all this's a Game! AND You are in it and as long as you are in the Game, you will be subject to the rules. However, innerstanding the rules of the Game will allow you to play the Game from your advantage instead of having the Game play You! I have a process to share. Time to flip the tables! It will make you smile!
Game Changer! I Know!.....Reset Simulation
Remember, words are spells in this Game. Always use them to your advantage. We have been conditioned to use the “I AM” wording in this Game. By saying this, and this is a spell, you are always placed in a position of always defending you character on stage in costume because it is based in fear….it is NOT of your Heart. Hmmm?….Things are not always what they seem to be! Why would that be? Now, this Game of duality has opposites (literally everything has opposites, except for You) or has a mirror image. When you look into a mirror, you may believe that you are seeing a reflection of you….it is NOT you! Surprised?! This is the Game’s attempt to subsume you – the end game – the thing in the mirror is slowly taking over your soul or your ability to create. It is experiencing all things humanly possible through you because of the mirror image of the reflection and the repetitive cycling of the infinity loop. The more you experience, as through the regimen of what is called past lives, you are subjected to have to have literally experienced ALL the timelines with All the algorithms with ALL of the probabilities within the limits of the Game – 15% of our content creation – or simply a video simulation game. So, what is it that you can do? First of all, there is a curse to be reversed that holds this condition into place. I can assist with this. Once that is reversed, then you would step back into your power and use the following words “I Know” to simple come home into your Heart/Essence. Then you say aloud, “Reset Simulation!”
Where we are right now is literally in a simulation! Simulations are AI – logical, duality, computer coded as in 0’s and 1’s, based in time, algorithms and probabilities. If you are familiar with the scene in the first Matrix movie, the character Neo stops the bullets in the air by doing something that the Matrix did not consider in the algorithm that was simply coded for removing Neo because he was classified as a threat to the homeostasis of the system.....So, what he did was to force the Matrix to reset the simulation because it did not have the logical solution to the action he presented….He acted instead of reacting. He essentially reset the simulation....This forced the Matrix to logically reconsider its next move in order to play its new simulation. At that point, after the Matrix re-ran the simulation, it played its hand. Neo was now at an advantage. Just like holding serve all the time! He now knew (from his Heart – “I Know) what was coming from the Matrix instead of being of always in a defensive position.
When you say “Reset Simulation, you utilize the mechanics of the Game to your advantage. It allows you to see what is coming……AND you already have answers to everything in this Game in your Heart. When you say “I Know!”, it stops the Game in its tracks. You get to run the Matrix….It will make you smile!!!
You Never Have to Figure Anything Out! Really!
Say What?! Yep! How many times have you been told to think it through? That you have find your solution using your head (or logic)? That you need to set goals or set your sights on things that you want or desire? That you have to work hard to receive what you believe that you do not have? How about if this place we find ourselves in is simply a Game? Games have rules. Games use logic. Games come with conditions. Games come with duality or opposites. Games have winners and losers. Games need participants whether you are playing alone or with others. Participants in the Game are governed by the element of time. Games are linear and sequenced. Games have a beginning, middle and an end. Games can be played over and over again. Games require "thinking" or strategy. Games require the participants to play a role. Games are stories. Stories are logical. Games have dependencies. Games make you consider questions such as how, why, when, where, who and what to complete every aspect of the story. Games require the participant to use logic to figure everything out. Games require you to try to control the outcome by reducing the number of variables presented in each situation. So, if you have been affected by any ONE of the items above, then you are in a Game. How come universes are not square? Why is the root entomology of the words true and trust, a lie? Use your imagination - where do you end up? In a logical Game, that's where. It just might be commonly be called a Matrix. So needless to say, you are always trying to logically figure out answers and solutions for Everything in the Game! Everything is logical - conditions and opposites. So, we are led to believe that there is nothing illogical in this Game. But, oh, wait! Yes there is! That would be YOU! The Game uses "the emotion of Fear" as a placeholder to make you believe (belief system) that Fear is the opposite/contrast of YOU in order to fill the Game's requirement to have a full complement of duality across the board so it can operate. YOU are not logical, nor of time, nor of contrast nor of time. Which gives you the advantage! And YOU would say, what?! Your current defense of your character has been conditioned by always acknowledging that in this Game that this "life" is hard and challenging, we struggle, we are in fear of the unknown trying to control the unknown, time is against us and then we "die"....A belief system...This is the character you are portraying on stage in a costume acting and performing that you now have identified who you believe you are. It is NOT who you think you are! The Game is simply a pre-planned compendium of stories that you don the costumes to act out the scripts over and over again because of the never-ending cycles that the Game is comprised. You consent to give your power away in this Game (and nothing happens unless you consent). Fear is simply you giving your consent to allow the story to play out. Your character is deliberately set up to take on "karmic debt" that is added from the story (experiences) to the costume to keep the programs sticking to you. You have been separated from your Heart or Essence on purpose. The Game is designed to keep you out of your Heart. Why? Because if you are in your Heart, you are in charge…..This is exactly what you will be doing as you do the process to reverse what has gotten you to where you are currently in this Game – coming Home!
Now, back to do you really have to figure anything out? NO! If you come Home into your Heart (it has not gone anywhere, as it has just been covered up so you purportedly cannot find it – like the barn door is shut and things are piled up against the outside of the door), then you already have all the answers and solutions available for anything. The Game operates on logic, time and duality – it needs all three to function. You, on the otherhand, do NOT need any of these and in addition, you can create! So, the Game is designed to make you react to an event (pre-programmed), and then manipulates your character to engage the ego mental mind (part of the costume you are wearing) to present you with a problem that does not have a solution and the ego mental mind then tries to solve the problem with logic WITH an emotion! And then the cycle continues…..over and over and over….ad infinitum (and ad nauseum to boot!). Nothing changes…..until, you react to an event, and you are aware of your reaction, then you STOP your ego mental mind, place your hand over your Heart and say “Center”, then say Detach! Then say, I do not Consent! Then say, Time Be Gone! Then say, I Know! You go into your Heart. You become your Change. Your answers and solutions (ALL of them) are now available to use. You NEVER make a choice in your Heart (it is not logical). In the Game, logic rules and you have to make choices for everything. So, once you have your answer/solution, you KNOW. It unfolds. There is never any doubt, question, second guessing or hesitancy. This is a very easy way to know where you are – either in your ego mental mind or in your Heart. You Already Know! Then apply this answer/solution to the Game. Every answer/solution that comes from your Heart works. Know that! So, use this to your advantage. The Game cannot stop you. This is why you listen to that voice that uses no words (You). It is not an audible listen….it is a knowing. You already have it. It is time to turn the tables and play with the advantage instead of the disadvantage. This will make you smile and you may as well have some fun on your way out this place! Keep Smiling!
Mastering the Frequencies
Taking Advantage
Frequency is the name of the Game.....Everything is Frequency and Vibration = Energy. Mastering the Frequencies is something that has been inherently and purposely kept out our reach in this Game. In this Game, we have always been on the "other" side of the duality - the Game has had the upper hand because of the rules that we have agreed to in order to "play" in this simulation that stipulated that we had to capitulate all of our "power". As in a game of cards, we have agreed to tip our hand - the Game knows what cards you are holding. It is easy to manipulate the Game when you can run both sides. Well, since there is not a chance or coincidence in this Game, the opportunity is now presenting that it is time to flip the table and take advantage of the duality nature of the Game by Mastering the Frequencies.
In the recent months, there have been what is called timeline jumps or major shifts into higher frequency timelines. You have been directly affected as these shifts indicate that older and lower frequencies no longer are in resonance with you and your "physical" body. Been feeling a bit out of alignment? Like a lot out of alignment!? Well, these changes have been coming in with an intensity that will literally knock you off your feet. You are becoming less "dense" in a physical definition as the story is experienced, and this is where we are in the point of the swinging pendulum cycle as it is moving through now. This is commonly referred to as an ascension process, ergo 3D to 5D. Now mind you, this is simply repeating a cycle in the finite infinity loop that contains everything in this Game - You have been before, just without the memory of experiencing it - AGAIN!
So, being aware of how the Game is structured and how it operates is crucial to innerstanding on how to Master the Frequencies and take advantage of the Game. The Game is static, it does not change, it is simply a logic software program that repeats in an infinite if-then-else loop. It has rules. It is of logic, which is gated by time - as you need time to sequence logic. Logic is dualistic and predictable. Logic is algorithmic and is used to provide probabilities. Logic needs a story and conditions to exist - as in labels and definitions - like a database. Everything in the Game is based in logic. Logic requires opposites or contrasts and the geometric shapes mathematically creates the element of time. If you do not have time, logic sequencing does not happen. Cycles do not happen without time. And time is linear and it can be reversed - as in past, present, future. In fact, you can scalar jump (time line jump) forward, go the the future and see the past! Taking advantage of the Game involves turning the tables on the Game.
Using these aspects of the Game as tools, such as logic, contrast, time and words, on the opposite side of that the Game uses them to manipulate the frequencies, we can then use these frequencies to our advantage because of the simple rule of the law of attraction. The Game cannot stop this as it requires a full complement of opposites in order to function! The process that I have shared has and will turn the tables on the Game within the Game. You can raise your frequencies, the Game has to support you at the level of frequency you hold. The law of attraction then is working in your favor. Everything comes to you based on frequency. You start changing the frequencies of the reflections of the "physical" realm we perform in. Taking advantage of the different outcomes of higher level timelines allows you to change from within (Essence or Heart Consciousness) and let go of the outcome of any situation. You begin to operate more and more from your Heart and not from the ego mental mind, allowing the unfolding of your Magic (Essence) to take over the Game. You begin to run the show and change is possible by the change in your Heart. You take advantage of the Game and it becomes yours. You get to influence everything without trying to use logic from the ego mental mind and not trying to change the "physical". The Game is not sentient nor can it think nor create. It simply can be reversed engineered....So, you can be in the Game but NOT of it.....on your way out of the Game! Yes, there is an Exit point. But, once you Master the Frequencies, it does not matter if you stay or not....You have the ability to create and do anything.....this is all about coming Home.......Keep smiling! You may as well have some fun whilst you are here!
Major Changes are Upon Us
Holograms, Sacred Geometry, Dimensions, Planes, and Time make up everything in this illusion that we have defined as our physical reality. They are logical constructs based on shape, form and patterns. These make up the duality of the back and forth Story of this reality. The Game is logical. It cannot do anything outside of logic. The Game always requires a balance of 100% composition of opposites - no partials are permitted....for example it can be 80/20 or 50/50 or any combination adding up to 100. This so-called reality is really a reflection and not a reality. The Game conforms us to be governed by rules that cannot be changed. It is programming based on probabilities and algorithms with the element of Time, which only occurs in this Game. Time is produced within the Game by the geometric shapes or the so-called Sacred Geometries - this entails things like magnetism, dimensions, space and planes. The Game is predictable and repeatable in all cases. Nothing changes. We are here because our ability to create content. The Game is centric around this content. The Game cannot create anything nor is it sentient. The Game is just a template to house our creative content that has to conform to the logical duality programming. Everything in this Game is limited to the "box", which contains 15% of your entire Creative Content. The other 85% is outside of this box and that is why you cannot create anything new in this Game - it just gets recycled - in other words, it is limited....Just exactly how this "life" is designed - this is NOT a coincidence. You cannot create or discreate anything in this Game. It is static. Nothing is new. You may only transmute the balance of energy into different "forms" - for example, sunlight into electricity. There is however, something that has changed that has never occurred before, EVER! We are leaving the Game!
Innerstanding (listening to the voice that uses no words) from your Heart (YOU), is where this change is emanating. You or your Essence cannot be touched. It is indestructible and inexhaustible. Even in this Game, this tenet applies. In other words, "Time's Up!".....It is like the board game is wrapping up and coming to a close. The Game board will be folded up and placed back into the game box to go back on the shelf never to be opened again. Now, you may initially react to this concept with fear and OMG what are we going to do? Well, ALL of this Story is simply a reflection or a hologram of our creative ability. It all comes from YOU! Inside...The Game is just the computer hardware that converts your Creative Content (software) into a "physical" reflection. Just like you use a computer to convert software coding into "visible" pictures or forms on the computer screen. You are the Creator of all of these - content, software coding and hardware. When you innerstand that you have the Power to do anything, the illusion of this Game will simply be an illusion. And you won't Ever miss a thing! I have some techniques to game the will make you smile! You Magic will Unfold!
Consent and Karma
In this Game, NOTHING happens without your consent. And that means Everything! If you have been keeping up with my monthly blogs, last month's blog was regarding stepping into your Mastery. This is being able to simply Observe, without Judgment and be Non-attached to what you are observing. In other words, you are in your "Heart or Essence" and not in the Ego Mental Mind of the character in the costume acting and performing on the "stage". Now, when we stepped in to this Game, we exchanged our Essence for Ego. Literally, consenting and giving away ALL of our power to the rules and constructs of this "physical" and logical realm that has what we define or call as "Time". This Game is simply AI or logic patterned is in a containment box and is limited both by size and content within the definitions of logic. So, once inside the Game, you now are subject to the rules and conformation conditions of the logic of the software - sequenced events using Time to "move" in a physical manner. We have all heard about Karma - Karma just a word that means something repeats, or comes around. You may be familiar with the phrase, every action has a reaction. This is the cause and effect, back and forth, ebb and flow....0's and 1's binary software coding of a computer - or what is called duality. As we traded in our Essence for our Pre-programmed costumes so that we could conform to the rules of the Game, in effect, capitulating all our abilities to step down into a "3D" physical frequency world or universe, we had no Karma whatsoever. Karma is another binder that is designed to keep us from leaving the Game. You acquire Karma from another character that is portrayed in the performance as coming from the "Dark" side of the duality. Karma and like constructs that we have been subjected to by the programming of our character only occur in this Game and no where else. The Karma is part of the pattern of frequencies that we usually cannot perceive or see - they are hidden on purpose to keep you on stage as the character performing in your costume.
Now, every time you react to an event, you are given the opportunity to keep it – engage your mental ego mind, which allow the program to stick around so you can experience again…OR you place your hand over your Heart, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and say the aloud, “Center”. Then be quiet for two seconds and listen to the voice within that uses NO words. (That would be you!😉) So, using this following technique will assist in moving into higher frequency timelines, remove karmic debts (completing karmic cycles) and resulting into stepping into your mastery – Observe, without judgment and have a non-attachment…
Technique: You react to Anything……Stop your ego mind, then step into the theatre like you are going to watch a movie or play for the first time, pick a seat, then put that event on screen or the stage and start the event that you just reacted to…..Then, Observe…be with NO judgment…..then allow your Heart to “see” the pattern hidden within the costumes….(this is not a mental visual “see” nor are you mentally looking for something), once your Heart has the awareness of the pattern, then say aloud “Detach!”….Then say aloud, “I do not consent!” “Time, Be Gone!” The story, narrative, scene, stage, script, actors, and set are designed to keep you in costumes of the character you are portraying in your movie. Time to lose the costumes! Take a bow, say Thank You!, Step off the stage, hand me your costumes and leave them at the theater and step out the door of the theater and COME home!
What are you Focused on?
Observe, No Judgment, Non-Attached
In this game, one of the tenets is you receive what you are focused on. And that applies to EVERYTHING! The Law of Attraction is also in play along with the duality construct of the game - there is an opposite for everything immediately available now! Logic is based on duality - computer programing is based on 0's and 1's. The programs that have been pre-loaded into you are based on logic. The matrix is logic. You are set up by the system to react to situations that set up in logic - in fact, the entire game is logic. The only thing that is not logic, wait for it, would be you! You are illogical - meaning that you do not need time, contract or logic to create. Your illogical creation ability has been wrapped up in logical wrappers so things can sequence because of the element of time required to be inserted by this game in order to process flow of what we define as energy - like if-then-else....When you react to an event, the game is betting the farm that you will be engaging the ego mental mind (which is not yours by the way) and that will keep you in a timeline with a lower frequency trying to figure out logically the problem that has no solution with an emotion (not yours either). The game is designed to keep you in the logic, keep you here for one reason only, that is, to siphon off energy from you 24/7 because it has one energy source, and that would be you! You are made to focus on the story or the narrative of the events with the ego mental mind. You are deliberately debilitated so that you cannot recognize patterns and invariably trip on the trip-wire even though you can see the trip wire. All to harvest energy from you. So, as you reverse curses like the curse of not being able to recognize patterns (pattern recognition), you will be able to be 12 steps ahead of the game. This means you will not be caught off guard or blindsided by the game because you can see the cards that the game is going to play next and you can force the game to play its hand! The game cannot do anything about it! It has to support you in the frequencies you are vibrating at regardless of where you are in the game. As you scalar jump, you continually raise your frequencies, reside in higher frequency timelines with much different outcomes, change the ego slides into essence slides and basically the game becomes all yours without you giving away your power on your way outta here!
So, as you are raising your frequency within the game, you begin to see the big picture with more can see up on the hill and you start to simply Observe events that happen around you WITHOUT the judgment and the attachment (meaning that you don't go down in frequency into the story or narrative the game is trying to pull you back into - think Karma.....all based in the "past" and repeats. You begin to step into your mastery - you Observe without a reaction (judgment) - once you have the awareness by Observation and because of the duality nature of the game, you now act on your awareness because you can see both sides of the coin that the game presents to you. Your choice will be obvious and you simply are not attached to the outcome! You are in the game but not of it.....on your way out of the box. Everything outside of you (Heart/Essence) in this game is Noise to constantly draw you in and manipulate your focus. So stop giving away your Power and Step into your Magic....Now "Play" the game if you know what I mean!
Pattern Recognition
There is one thing that is constant in this never changes.....The "pattern" never changes....Nothing is new in this just repeats over and over ad infinitum. There is that finite infinity loop again! Like a figure 8? Seems like you have been here before....Yep, you never left! You just "thought" you left! This the quintessential patterning of the Game. The more it changes, the more it stays the same. The matrix. And all of it is predictable, logical and based in "time" (sequenced). In fact, it is just the opposite of what we call "Being". Imagine that! is the duality again. See a pattern? Familiar? Yep! This game is of duality - as above, so below.....yin/yang....good vs. evil...and the idea of the Game is to unite into the center....with both halves becoming one. Do you ever get there in the Game? Not if you using the Ego Mind to try to figure out that problem you have been presented that has no answer with logic....If there is the element of time, then there is duality, and duality will always require opposites and if there is an opposite, there is Always a method of solving a dilemma in this Game with the opposite. For example, if you get sick, there is simply the opposite already in place happening simultaneously. Interesting that it works that way isn't? Sound like an opportunity to Scalar Jump! Do you get anywhere? never leave the duality because of the element of time. If you have not time in this Game, NOTHING sequencing, no past, present or future....if, then, else....beginning, middle, end.... All things have to have an opposite in this Game....and time gives you that construct. There is only one thing that does not have an opposite in this Game and that would be us. Oh, but you say, that is not true! Fear is the opposite of Us (Love). Nope, fear is an opposition not an is a place holder so that the Game can have a whole complement of duality in order to operate or sequence because the Game is logical....Cause and Effect, every action has a reaction and so forth....Ego Minds exclusively use logic - anything that is "illogical" cannot be sequenced. And what is that Being represents - there is NO time, logic or words in "Being/You". An important point to remember here in this Game, your Heart/Essence/Being CANNOT be touched...You are already whole and complete (you cannot be destroyed and your source of energy is inexhaustible - AND Oh yeah, you can create). So, the Game is relegated to cover up, hide, obfuscate your Being and keep you in the Story and Narrative of Time, Logic and Words.....and because of the element of time, to keep you here....going in circles, gated by time. Nothing is cannot destroy energy here, however you can transmute (like changing light into heat or Ego into Essence) but you cannot add or subtract from this Game. This box represents the 15% of your total 100% of your "Light Quotient and that is the limitation of the Game. Wonder why everything looks the same? Wonder why your Imagination in this Game is limited? Why does "history" repeat itself? So by using the Scalar Jumping technique within the Game, Scalar (means non-directional without time constraints) Jumping gives you the ability to time travel without the time and NO mental ego mind middling back and forth trying to figure things out logically. This Game is all about constructs, frequencies, vibrations, patterns and dimensions - all logical. You Ain't Logic!
And remember, the root word entomology of the word true and trust is "a lie". Isn't that convenient! So, which is it, a truth or a lie? Your ego mind is always trying to ascertain that - and belief systems change.....or do they? There is that "lie" in belief....words are spells....Scalar Jumping allows you to game the Game - using logic, time and words in the inverse direction that the Game plays is linear....even though there are circles and spirals and vortexes and all things with fields of frequencies - they all have don't....You are much "smarter" than this can only play at the level of 3D checkers whereas you are playing at a "12D Chess" level. So, when you reach the 15% level of the Game limitation of your Light Quotient - or in other words, you max out the Game by raising your frequency levels to higher level timeline frequencies and replace the Ego slides being reflected back to you with your Essence slides, then you are no longer in the Game. In the meantime, as you continue to Scalar Jump, you use the Law of Attraction to your advantage to stay in the higher frequency timeline end of the time probability algorithm and the Game has to support you in those higher can't say no....You use the tools of the Game, logic, time and words, to force the Game to show it hand to you - pattern recognition - this is what is restored when you get all your intuition/deja vu/gut feeling/dream memories turned back on (I can help you with that)....Now you can see what is coming way ahead of time! No more going through the Bridge out sign and into the river again, or being blindsided or surprised by being set up by the Game. AND the Game can't do anything except support you at the frequencies you hold. In other words, you let go of the time, relax, be in the Game but not of it! On your way Outta Here!
It's Time to Step Off the Stage
Alchemy of Ego to Essence
Is your Gig becoming tiring? With incessant and constant performances on a 24/7 basis and matinees every Saturday and Sunday that are booked out to ad infinitum and mostly ad nauseum....Acting! Master Thespian! Where you have never missed a line and you have taken on the BELIEF that you are the character dressed up in the costumes YOU are wearing on the stage. I got some good news for ya! So, when you chose to enter this Game and soon after you dropped your quarters in the money slot, the very first thing you were asked was, "What is your Name?" The Game will not operate if You don't have a Name, Avatar, Identity, or an Identification. It is necessary for you to have an Identity or Ego (I am) so that you (and the Game) can keep score (judge and compare), level up (aging process) and develop (physical flesh-out) your Character with attributes to define who you think you are. The conflation is that you believe that you are the Character in the costumes acting and performing on the stage. The story and narrative is the fabric that is woven to simply make it almost impossible to separate You from the costume. So, for example, you see an advertisement in the local paper wanting folks to try out to be in a play that is scheduled to take place in the near future. You are interested and you go to the venue and try out for the the lead character in the play. And you get the role! So, now you are going to the rehearsals to practice your lines and study up on what makes the character tick so you can fully embody the "life" of this character when it comes time to perform. You try on the costumes in each different scene, you interact with all the other characters in the play making sure that you understand the roles and that conform to your interpretation to the theme and message of the play so that you can Wow! the audience with your acting prowess! So, the day arrives and the play is to be performed - You really Wow! the crowd, and the play ends with a standing ovation! You and the cast take bows and then go and mingle with the audience receiving the Kudos being given to you. Then as the crowd disperses, what is it that You do? Oh, you back to the dressing room, take off your costume, leave the costume at the theater and you GO HOME! Do you wear the costume home? NO. Are you the character in the play? NO. The analogy is that this Game is outside of YOU - it is a manifestation of the opposite of YOU - think north and south ends of a magnet. They oppose each other - a duality - opposites....In the Game, you are given an "Ego" - think "physical" that is a reflection of the polar opposite of YOU - or your Essence. Everything in the Game is a frequency, vibration in a dimensional logical form bound by the element of time. You are the exact opposite. In the Game, the Ego keeps your costume on to the point of literally no return. It constantly returns You to the stage to perform endlessly in the infinite finite loop. You are conditioned to believe belief systems that are not yours that your Ego will argue to the nth degree defending your character in that costume with logic of the duality system keeps you mentally occupied so that you cannot come Home into your Heart. And there seemingly appears to be no way out of this Game. That is not so! You are the Alchemist in Charge. Your are being given an opportunity to change - this is alchemy - to change and transform from the Ego (Costume) to YOU or Essence. This is NOW the time for you to choose between keeping the Ego or allowing it be changed and absorbed into your Essence. Remember, you are holding ALL of this in form, not anyone else. This is your ability to create and you simply ARE. Being. You need nothing yet you are everything NOW. You do not need time, contrasts or logic or anything else! You can change anything and create anything. You have no limitations, boundaries or rules. You can not be destroyed or discreated. Time to take a bow in mid-performance, say Thank you, You are not mad, resentful or angry, then step off the stage, hand in your costume(s), and leave the theater and not come back. You will never miss any of this. It is a Game and that is all it is. Nothing more. You are not the character on stage performing - you never were anyway. Use the tools and techniques I have shared. Game the Game. I can help....Get off the Stage and Come Home!
Now What? Lean into your Imagination!
If this last 30 days has not rocked your boat with intensely intense crazy-mon energies, then I will sign up with you! Everyone has been effected. It has been all about experiencing multiple timeline releases simultaneously. The current construct of the ego mind in this Game is not geared or equipped to handle these types of energy events at the levels being experienced. So, on one hand, it has been very tumultuous and "intense" on all levels of our perceived separation of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects, however, on the otherhand, it provides us with a golden opportunity to take advantage of the changes - remember the duality of this Game - to Scalar Jump and be done with these distractions. So, once you Center and Listen to that Voice that uses no words, that would be your Heart/Imagination, and you will know "how" to proceed. I am calling it "Leaning into your Imagination"!
In this Game, You have capitulated all of your power to "experience" what is literally a sci-fi imaginary movie that uses our ability to create content and thus have become a voluntary captive of the Game. It takes our imagination, albeit only 15% of it, and places it in infinite finite loop of logical constructs and parameters that has rules and includes the construct of time. Mind you, we make this up, not the Game itself. The Game is of duality - opposites - contrasts and time. It repetitively repeats or cycles. Nothing is ever new. Content is just swapped out as seemingly different costumes and situations. And separation is the bottom line. One does not need to go very far into this game to have the Stockholm Syndrome latch into place (this is where you begin to sympathize with your "captors" and begin to defend your imaginary positions of being captured and logically come to the conclusion that this is the way it is!). So, the Game is set up to keep you in the loop by developing belief (see the "lie" in belief) systems and lock you down into logical circular patterns that repeat - think algorithms - oh, just like a computer if-then-else software program?! And you are trying to find answers for problems that have no solutions using logic for what purpose? And the defense of justifying your existence keeps you yearning for more - more of what? So, yes, it is Time to step out of this DC Marvel Comic Book Never-ending Clown Show! Somehow we got here, went through the En-TRANCE and have been trying to contemplate the our navels with the meaning of "Life" ever since. On another note, it is also good to know that there is an Exit - even though you may never have been told that - it exists. This is where you use all the tools of the Game to your advantage.
These tools are Time, Logic and Words. Oh, that is what the Game uses - yes, it is a duality Game. And at this level of "checkers", You use these tools in reverse, just the opposite of how the Game uses them against you. So, your Imagination (You/Heart/Essence) cannot be touched or damaged. In the Game, your Imagination is designed to be covered up, obscured and perceived mentally to be compromised. Your Imagination represents the "present" or "zero point" and the Game will keep you out of this space at all costs. That is because you are "Home" - no time, no opposites/contrasts - You simply BE! So, scalar jumping is timeline jumping without the time and no mental ego engagement. It allows you to replace the mitigated content of your Imagination (ability to create) with untouched Pure Imagination! In other words, you begin to come Home - leaving the Game. Use the tools to your advantage and change your focus to Easy, Fun and Wonder and allow yourself to game the Game. Have some Fun on your way out instead of repeating all of this "stuff" one more time! So, lean into your Imagination! It will make you smile! and to quote a satisfied experienced user of the tools: "Living in state of I wonder how much fun this is going to be, has a lingering seemingly permanent smile plastered at all the in-between places at the cellular level!" Oh, yeah, it gets "better" and doesn't stop! And when you lean into your Imagination, it will lead you Beyond Your Imagination! And where may that might be, you ask? Well, it is in the same place it has Always been! And you don't have to figure out how to find it! It is You!
Imagine your Imagination - Getting past the Logic
Your Imagination has no constructs, boundaries, limitations, opposites, conditions, rules, time, fear or logic. It also it does NOT have a "mental ego mind". Nor does it "think". Does it have any concerns of controlling the outcome? NO! So, we have been "experiencing" what we believe is "real", when this "reality" is actually a reflection. In this Game, we are trying to use logic to figure out something that is illogical. It may appear that logic is the opposite of illogic.....that is NOT the case....Yeah, try to figure that out to come to a logical conclusion! Your Heart(Essence) is infinitely more powerful than the ego mental mind that we rely in this Game (it is not even yours by the way). Because we have been literally pounded with logic 24/7 (and the Game is simply one of logic), transitioning from a "life" with the head in the ego versus the Heart, presents a huge shift (almost insurmountable), and is very scary at first, because there's no logic or "reference" points of duality/time in your Heart. And it seems that there is no "help" or guidance of trying to figure it out - trying to navigate the perceived and logically defined impossible - this is because you can't use logic to figure out an illogic context. These become part of what we call belief systems. These belief systems keep you in the Game. Our reference point, for all of us in this Game, is that we think we "know" where our Heart is and we "feel" Love with it, but we have very little experience of it being the dominant pattern setter and to utilize your Heart by directing "life" outside of the mental ego mind trap that is contrived by the Game is presented as very challenging. The Game is designed for you to become the name of one Pink Floyd's songs, "Comfortably Numb". As you scalar jump, remember, this is time travel without the time and also since it is non-directional and out of time, there is NO mental thinking....Scalar jumping is all done from your Heart. Scalar jumping allows you to raise your vibrational frequencies to game the Game and REPLACE the coded imagination content slides (these are the reflections that you "see" in this "physical realm"), and when you first entered the En-Trance (entrance) of the Game, with unmitigated content slides from your Heart (Vision/Imagination). Since everything is based on duality in this Game, if there is an Entrance, there has to be an Exit. Scalar jumping starts you on your way to the Exit. As you scalar jump to higher frequency timelines in the Game, more and more of your unmitigated blank slides (which you are filling in with your content) are populating the reflection that you "see" in this "physical realm" when you scalar jump. Remember, you only need to increase your total Light Quotient from 4% to 15% within the Game and you are outta here! You don't have wait for anything or anyone.
Now, there is a lot of consternation - worry and anxiousness in your ego mental mind - that arises as we get closer to reaching the 15% level and leaving the Game (the Game can only capture 15% of our creative content - the other 85% of you (magic) is outside of the Game awaiting your return). So, as you are making your way to the Exit, the thought (which is always based in fear and triggered by the Game) that comes to the surface as another tap on your shoulder is to produce a reaction (this is part of the predictive programming of the Game that is designed to keep you asking questions, second-guessing, doubting and being hesitant, that enables the ego mental mind to engage putting you in a position of trying to figure out a problem that has no solution with logic - ergo, you just go in circles and nothing changes) that stops you in your tracks because you logically engage your mental ego mind on trying to figure out how to control the outcome of when you reach the Exit and step out. In other words, questions such as: how is that going to look?, what are going to do?, what are we supposed to do?, where is it? - another good example of the buckling up the 20 wild horses around your waist and saying "Giddy-Up!" and away you go in 20 different mental directions...This problem that is presented is seemingly a blank slate - ergo, everything that you have every known (at least in this "lifetime) is gone! And it is another failsafe mechanism designed into the Game to keep you here. The Game can't expand the content of the Game, all it can do is to repeat the content by giving you the perceived life and death scenario with you coming back again and again repeating the same things without any remembrance of anything. So, it appears everything in this "life" you are currently experiencing is "new" to you! The fear of the unknown kicks in bigly! Notwithstanding that we create the unknown, as this has been conveniently hidden and sidelined, we are logically taught to fear the in we are only "human", weak and we are gated by time (life-aging-death cycle). We are desperately trying to control the outcome of our "lives" before we "die". Which is certainly logical! Oh, yeah, it is Game! So, as you get nearer to the Exit, fear raises it head and prompts you to have second thoughts on leaving because it is almost impossible for us to believe beyond the logic of the Game by Believing Beyond your Imagination and then Becoming your Imagination! By the way, you already are your Imagination - You have not gone anywhere nor will you. You cannot be destroyed and you are an inexhaustible source of Imagination. You are not an Emotion, nor is there any such thing as Fear, you are the creator and that means Everything you could ever Imagine is here. So, have some fun on your way out of the Game, Everything is awaiting! Go Create something that has not been created!
Illogical Thinking.......psst! Its your Imagination!
Is your imagination logical? No. Imagination does not require anything - it creates without any of the following: it does not require time, structure, constructs, duality, logic, conditions, opposites, contrasts, dimension, vibrations, frequencies, rules, karma or limits. This Game, that we currently find ourselves "experiencing" has been using our ability to create content, is based in logic. The Game has attempted to merge logic with imagination. They are not opposites. When imagination is wrapped in logic, it is like a carbonated beverage. If you never open the container, the illusion stays intact....when you remove the lid, the bubbles (of carbon dioxide) are now exposed and start to rise to the top and disappear into thin air. The bubbles represent the logical vibrational frequency constructs that hold the "liquid imagination" into form. If you leave the container open for an extended period, all the bubbles leave. What is left? That would be your imagination. Has the imagination ever gone anywhere? Nope! It has always been here. That is you - in words, your Essence. You are the Magic. You Are!
What is transpiring right now, is not Ascension that all of the Game controlled AI Gurus are spouting (this is the logical story that is keeping you in the Infinity Loop - and remember, it is a LOOP!) and it just repeats because it simply is an algorithmic logical program. This shift in the energies are simply part of the pattern that the Game has to follow - ebb and flow. There is a natural thinning of the "veil". This is where we can take "advantage" of the rules and use the tools of the Game against the Game....So, by using logic, time and words and the knowledge of how the Game is constructed and knowing that it cannot go outside of the logically programmed rules, you can use these tools to step out of the Game. The pendulum shifts back and forth in this duality Game, it has strengths and weaknesses. Now is the time to take the lid off! Your Essence, or You, can begin to override the Game by using Scalar Jumping. What happens when you use this technique, is that you replace the coded mitigated programmed reflected slides that the Game has hi-jacked and holds into place as the reflection that you see as this physical "world", with your unmitigated imagination slides! In other words, not only do you raise your vibrational frequencies within the Game, you start to run the matrix! You essentially are rewriting the programming codes.....the Game can only run the programs that are loaded into the "computer". It cannot think or change anything! You can! So, you are now writing the code, then what is the outcome of this Game? Yeah, SEE YA! The more you Scalar Jump, the more you are tapping into your Imagination (Vision) - it is right here and has always been here! Anything is possible and you might as well have some fun on your way out of the Game! By, leaning into your Imagination by using illogical "thinking", you will instantly see the simplicity of your Magic - you have everything already! Your imagination is the key - you can change anything without trying to control the outcome! Place your hand over your Heart and say "Center"......Come Home! It will make you Smile!
Things Are Not Always What They Seem To Be - How the Game Works
This Game has rules. Do you know what they are? You may think you do, but if you are thinking logically, you will find yourself stuck very design. Knowing what the rules are will give you a decided advantage to "play the Game".....
Here are the rules in no particular order:
So, to begin:
You have the ability to Create ANYTHING. The Game cannot.
You Create the Unknown. The Game cannot.
You can do the Impossible. The Game cannot.
You do not require an opposite or contrast to create.
You are not logic, reasoning or rationalization.
You are not an emotion, nor are you sentient, have belief systems or think logically
You are not "human".
You have no strengths or weaknesses.
You are not duality, karmic or gated by time.
You have NO FEAR.
You simply ARE. No explanation required. You Already KNOW!
Now, the Game is constructed of logic and is binary - duality. It is predictable and easily reversed if you know the construct and the rules- in the Game you give away your power, capitulate everything and made to believe that you have to follow the rules....The Game cannot do anything else other than how it is programmed - it repeats itself - if, then, else. You are the power source and the content creator for the Game - it is simply a construct that uses your ability to create. The "dark side" of the Game does not have a power source and the light side has a power source (opposites). The dark side has to take power continuously from the light side 24/7 (as the day is defined). The dark side does not have a battery for storage.
The Rules:
1. You willingly or unwillingly gave your power away by consenting to "be in this game".
2. The Game consists of constructs and rules. You are given no prior knowledge of how the game works or given the rules to understand anything, you are tasked to use logical mental thinking to try to figure things out in a logical manner. The Game is limited to playing "3D checkers" level and we play at a "12D Chess" level.
3. The problems posed in this Game have no answer or solution, however, you are then tasked expected to try to figure out a logical answer. You are always looking for answers outside of You, which conveniently do not exist.
4. Here are the components of the Game that are not Yours:
a. Pre-scripted programming
b. belief systems ("lie" in belief)
c. the mental ego mind
d. logical thought processes
e. words/language (words are spells)
f. emotions.
5. You are the sole power source for the Game to exist. Your ability to create is called a focus. Your focus is the source of the content for the Game. Your focus is constantly being manipulated, usurped, adulterated, mitigated and used by the Game to keep you within the constructs of the Game.
6. The "physical" in this Game is a Reflection - or green screen filled - The physical is not a reality. You are always tasked on trying to change the physical, which is an impossibility. The only reality is within your "Heart" or YOU.
7. The Game is set up logical, using binary (0s and 1s) programming - or duality. Everything in the Game has to have an opposite or contrast, i.e., Light vs. Dark.
8. The concept of time (linear) is introduced to produce the illusion of past, present and future (beginning, middle and end/if, then, else) and the system needs it for sequencing of the software programs. This is is the presentation of the Cause and Effect (back and forth - rhythm and motion) we all experience.
9. The duality of the game represents the binary computer programming. Everything has an opposite - except for You! The Game inserts an opposition, not an opposite, called Fear. Fear is NOT the opposite of You (commonly referred to as Love, Essence, Light). Fear is then attached to ALL "emotions".
10. Things are NOT always what they seem to BE!
11. Fear is NOT the opposite of Love - it is an opposition or a placeholder. There is no opposite to YOU in the Game.
12. Your belief systems are not Yours. You believe that all the things that you have "experienced" is what you have accumulated and "learned" and this becomes your wisdom as you age.
13. The Game is based on frequency, dimension and vibrations and logic, reasoning and rationalization.
14. The Game has to conform to the constructs and rules that it cannot breach or change and by giving your consent away, you then comply with these constructs and rules.
15. Time is a requirement to the Game to allow binary programming to operate - as in sequencing of linear processes - if, then, else...past, present, future....beginning, middle, end. It cannot change. Time creates the Cause and Effect (or back and forth) in the Game.
16. The Game is an infinite loop. In other words, it is a finite loop - a figure is already limited in possibilities and probabilities. And it is has already been maxed out, the hard drive in the computer is full. All timelines and time happen simultaneously. All timelines have opposite timelines (mirror images) that exist simultaneously.
17. Words are Spells (Curses, hexes, jinxes are all the same in severity) and will be used to your disadvantage in the Game to extract energy from you. They act as caps to keep you from moving into higher frequencies and all are done surreptitiously to you without your knowledge.
18. You always have two choices when making a decision because of the duality of the Game. Each time you react to an pre-scripted event, you have already been set up to have your energy to be siphoned away from you.
19. The Game needs a full complement of duality in order to exist.
20. The Law of Attraction applies - everything comes to You via your focus (and this is the pre-scripted programs already programmed into you - the content)
21. You believe that you have a "Life" - you are born, age and die....You are given things and then they are taken away, promulgating the fear of loss throughout every stage of your Life.
22. Everything is a consensus - things may seem opposite, but they are exactly the same. True is False and False is True, Dark is the same as Light, Past is the Future, Future is the Past. Consensus is the basis of this Game. There is no such thing as True or Lie...They are both the same thing and can change based on the current definition of what you "believe" and hold into to form. These are fluid and can change at any time.
23. You are set up in the Game to be given something and then have it taken away. Ultimate takeaway is the illusion of "death" when you have everything taken away from you.
24. You are always trying to control the outcome by using the logical ego mind to ask the logical how, where, who, when, why questions to figure out the problems you are tasks with. This places you squarely in the fear of the unknown. You are always trying to reduce as much of the variables as you can to obtain stability and to be in control. Changes are constantly happening and this keeps you distracted in the ego mind. These are your reactions, be it mental, emotional, physical or spiritual (all the same thing, just presented and defined/labeled differently), and this is where the Game harvests your energy on a 24/7 basis.
If you believe that this is the best that "life" can offer, then you are in for a very pleasant surprise. The analogy I will use to compare us to the system - we are 85 inch OLED 8K Flat Screen Smart Television and the Game is a 1940's black and white CRT tube television with horizontal and vertical knobs to adjust the picture....The system does not have the bandwidth to include even less than 15% of what we are capable of creating. If you are here in the Game, it means it has an entrance. Because of the duality nature of the Game, there is an exit. Now, that you KNOW the rules, this gives you have a decided advantage within the Game......You begin to "play" the Game and the Game cannot stop you from leaving - the exit is very near! Keep Smiling! Now, see below and read up on how to Scalar Jump!
Scalar Jumping, Consenting your Power Away and Belief Systems
Here is something almost all of us wish we could is called Time Travel. Oh, wait! We already know how to do this! What you say?! There are a whole slew of things that we can do but we have been subterfuged, sabotaged and deceived in believing in the logical ego minded belief systems built into of the duality of the game. Remember, you will receive what you focus on whether your focus comes from your ego mind or your Heartspace (You). The Game is designed to funnel your creative ability by manipulating it into the constructs of this duality based logical physical "world" that we "see and experience". This Game is controlled and gated by what we define as "Time". Time allows space, constructs and parameters, comparison, judgment, contrast, logic, opposites, duality and linearity to "exist". And remember, we are holding all of these into form. And all these are the result of consenting your power away. This is what keeps you in this game. In order for the game to function, we have to give our consent. No one is holding a gun to your head. You voluntarily chose to give away your power, albeit by deceit. But nonetheless, you are what powers (energy source) the game and the game uses your ability to create (by manipulating your focus) to fill in the parameters of this logical computer programmed game. Then, as you go forward into the game - you acquire "experience" that aggregates and accumulates into what is defined as belief systems....In other words, you hold these into form and the game then builds the narrative of who you believe and think you are - identity - and solidifies you into the matrix and the mental ego mind will then clamp down on these frequencies and keep you in the game assuring that you are not going anywhere. Remember, almost everything in this game, you have given your consent away to conform to the game's requirements. The analogy of the comparison is this game has the capacity to operate at logical level of Checkers, you on the otherhand, can easily play 12D while you are asleep. You are way smarter than this game. So, what is not yours in this game includes: the initial programming that is inculcated into you, subject to time, you are using a mental ego "mind", the logical thought processes are not yours, the language and syntax of communications are not yours, the "emotions" are not yours. In other words, the system has to bring you down to its level in order to exist, and in exchange, you are given a "life" as so called sentient spiritual being having a physical experience. So, now, you then busy trying to level up in a game that is designed to always place you in predicaments and situations because of the belief systems that you are stuck in have NO solutions and then you are tasked in trying to figure out an answer to the problem by using logic. And you can now see how well that has been working out for you. Seems kind of circular doesn't? So, if you are done with the circus, then I can lend some assistance. The above experiences involve reversing curses and spells (words are spells) that act as a cap to hold these belief systems in place. I can help you do that. There is a method of stepping completely out of the game - I have the cheat sheet. Next time you use your mental ego mind to try to logically figure anything out and you come up with no answers....schedule a session....I have a dumpster that is waiting to go the dump!
The following is how to use the scalar (non-directional time travel) technology:
Scalar Jumping:
event happens
reaction to event (emotion)
Stop brain, put hand over Heart, say
"Center" (Point A)
Get ready to Scalar Jump from Point A to Point B
Point B is where you to go back to tweak/change the event outcome (you already know where Point B is automatically and you already know what to change automatically - NO mental thinking involved)
Take a Breath
Then say "I agree with ALL of this!"
Then say "Scalar Jump" (this includes a silent "Dis-create! Detach" "I Do Not Consent!" "I Will Not Comply!")
Then say "Ridiculous!" - and observe those time bubbles pop!
Then go from Point A to Point B (make your change) and then back to Point A in two snaps of your fingers. When you come back to Point A, you actually land in the direct opposite higher frequency timeline of the original Point A. Which means that you become your change within and not trying to change the physical. You override the system's slide projection reflection with your Vision. Your Vision is from your Heart/Essence and belongs to you....not the game. You have now become your change😉 and you begin to be in charge and operate at higher frequencies within the game. You then can be in the game but not of it until you reach the vibrational level that you can literally step out of the game. Use this technique for everything you react to whether it is mental, emotional or physical!😉
Then simply focus on "I wonder how easy this is all going to be and I wonder how much fun I am going to have!" And the game has to give you what you are focused on - which in this case is Fun, Easy and Wonder! It is obligated to bring this to you - it has to follow the rules - you don't! This opens up your Imagination/Magic within. It will make you smile!
Singularity and Staggered Timelines
Just when you have become comfortable with notions and ideas like the term Karmic cycles to explain how the universe works, it is now apparent that this too is NOT always what it seems to BE! We are told, inculcated and pounded about the head, meaning the ego mental mind, with programs that we have in turn, constructed into "Beliefs" systems that become the reference points of our "Existence" in this Game. So, something shifted the other day and this situation presented itself.....All this circular cycle stuff is not circular at all....this is all linear and staggered in linear "timelines". Time in this game is linear....the loops we experience are not loop - even though we call them loops - similar to the computer programming basic coding - "if, then, else" logic....Logic is linear - past, present, future or beginning, middle, end. Karmic cycles are linear even though it has the word simply repeats in staggered timelines of different frequencies with slightly different outcomes. Thinking is linear as is reasoning and rationalizing. Another, look over there, not here situation....Staggered timelines are similar to watching a 400 meter race on an oval track. The lanes all have staggered starting lines. Each lane is staggered and each lane then represents the different outcomes of the race at different frequencies and have different outcomes in the same race - you are always racing/competing with yourself....and then it is commonly placed on an oval, continuous loop, giving it the illusion that it is a loop and not linear. Even thinking abstractly and randomly in this Game is linear....
Now, on to a thing I call a singularity....And of course, this can have a couple of being the concept of this Game (duality) in which the dark side of the Game is trying to obtain the Singularity of the light side using the element of time to merge both sides into one - or a Singularity. Well, this is an impossibility as time is simply a mechanism to allow sequencing of linear patterns or computer (AI) programs. This is just probabilities mapped out by what we call mathematics or "science". Somehow, all these things come back to the same thing....your starting point is the same as the ending point. In other words, you have never moved anywhere physically. Singularity would then represent us in this Game as your character of who you believe you are. The Game can then place your full singularity into multiple timelines with each having different frequencies and different outcomes that happen simultaneously. Are you innerstanding now how easy it is to become mentally overwhelmed using logic trying to figure out problems that simply have no solution? I can assist you in converging multiple singularities back into one singularity and also merge the above staggered timelines into one timeline. This will bring you back into You! Then your focus simply becomes one with ease!
Duality is Everything in this Game
I had a question posed to me the other day regarding prayers. So this was my reply: prayers, just like all the rest of these attributes/mechanisms of the game are all designed logically to keep you in the box...prayers are meant to be repeated - chants, rites, rituals etc., are the same places or directs your focus on everything outside of you....even Abraham-Hicks...Wayne Dyer...Angels, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, and 99% of all these other "metaphysical" forms, vehicles and mechanisms that are woven into this game for the purpose of keeping you in your "human physical" form - read mental ego logical mind - which is not even remotely close to "who" you are and is a tool of the game to be used to anchor you here. You are given attributes such as: you are weak, only human, here to learn lessons, evolving and ascending and gated by time (aging). So, there are abundant clues in each on of these "teachings" with every event we experience (over and over again, I might add) and that is to do one thing, and one thing only, it is to keep you in the game and separate YOU (Essence) to be scattered and enmeshed into the matrix. Now, because of the duality component of the game...duality has two sides...duality cannot happen without logic...the game is a program, binary, 0's and 1's, and logic comes with inherent conditions...logic cannot happen without time...time gives the illusion of space for judging and comparing...we need contrasts or opposites in this game to be able to "create"...YOU however, do not need contrasts or opposites to create...we create the unknown and we not subject to conditions. So, all the clues are "hidden" right in front of us, as we see them but they appear to us logically disconnected...Since the game hinges on duality, the Law of Attraction applies - like attracts like - Everything comes to you, which means, you have been preloaded with programs that set you up to react by using your mental ego mind (which is not yours) and the reaction is presented as an emotion, a mental dilemma or a physical dis-ease. Prayers are simply a duality construct. When you pray, you are focusing on the are actually focusing on what you don't want more than you do want. This game is all based in Fear - and Fear is not the opposite of Love (YOU), it is a placeholder, and opposition and then we are inculcated/programmed to think that it is the opposite. Fear is actually your Love that has been separated from you and attached to all of the emotions we get to experience in this game - and emotions are not ours, YOU are NOT an emotion! We are told that we are sentient beings and we are a spiritual being experiencing a physical experience and this concept is locked in by the game to again, keep you here....the "dark" side of this game - as above, so below - does NOT have an energy source. It has to use YOU as its energy source - You are indestructible and you are an inexhaustible source of energy. You now can see that this IS a game with made up rules based in computer logic as the "dark" side does not have a method of storing energy or have a battery. This means that it has to constantly 24/7 make you to react to events that have been pre-programmed with in you to engage your mental ego mind to engage in a logically derived limited answer.... The mental ego mind is designed to lock you into a lower frequency timeline so that the emotions that are evoked can now be used to derive and take your energy to fuel the "dark" side - all the while YOU are trying to figure out if you are still breathing and trying to live your "life"! And you are none the wiser because the programmed are designed to mindfook the mental ego mind and keep you in fear of the unknown because you are trying control all the variables and the outcome - which you ultimately been programmed to believe that your "life" will be coming to an end very soon....And the game sets you up to bring you what you are focused on....then here is comes and is presented to you....The game is set up to manipulate your focus (ability to create), usurp your focus and fool you by making you believe that the "physical" world is a reality when it is simply a reflection - a greensceen. Try changing the weather map behind the weather person on the can't, it just a reflection. You can only change the only reality within YOU first. This is why when you begin to jump timelines, you will start to become your changes and that vision is your reflection back out into this game - you become your change and the change becomes YOU! You raise your vibrational frequency and you play the game until you reach the limits of the game, not your limits, and you can step out.
So, what you see on my website is a compendium of disparate findings (clues) and piecing the puzzle together...using the logic and time (tools) of the game to dismantle and reverse engineer the game to literally step out of the game...YOU ARE...there are no needs or wants, you are only pure imagination with the capability of the impossible....YOU are the Creator, you are not co-creating with anyone else. Your movie so to speak. So once you innerstand what the rules are of this game we find ourselves in, then you can begin to use the tools available at all the levels that you find yourself in, within the game and begin to use them to defeat the game by gaming the game - a sting operation!...and that means stepping completely back into to your magic!
Conditioning of the Event - The Distraction
We have been conditioned by the logical nature of this duality Game. The Game comes with rules, restrictions, constructs (beliefs), time, logic, sequencing and structure that artificially conforms us to this box. We believe (see the "lie" in the word believe) that this physical environment is a reality when it is not. It is a reflection - think greenscreens filled with projections filled in holographically. Your only reality is within YOU or your Essence. We are conditioned to use what is called the mental ego mind - this is often construed as your thinking brain...and thinking involves what is labelled as logic. Logic is binary or duality - 0's and 1's - and this fits nicely with the programs that are used to run the computer. You cannot have logic without time. Time is a concept that allows space and sequencing such beginning, middle and an end. Time allows comparison and judgment and is used to serve as reference points to form logical constructs. Without time, the computer systems cannot sequence the "if, then, else" as logic needs time and space to exist and function. A reminder, you do NOT need nor are You of the following: Time, Space, Duality, Logic, Conditions, Limitations, Karma, Contrasts or Opposites. You do not need Time, Contrast or Opposites to Create. These are all requirements of the Game.
So, in the Game, the conditioning of the distraction is set up by the creation of an "event" in order to engage your Ego mental mind (which is not yours) that is called a reaction. The events are all pre-scripted and pre-programmed - nothing in this Game is new - it and all the rules and parameters of the Game are pre-existing before you entered the Game. The premise is that you are weak and only human, gated by time and are trying to control the outcome because of the concept of fear of the unknown. And the unknown is scary. (Reminder: We create the unknown...we have no fear). Now throw in the duality of logic (opposites such as good and bad) and Voila! you have instant mistrust, confusion, consternation, indecision and anxiety (to name a few)....sounds familiar doesn't it? The Ego mental mind, along with the pre-loaded programs and emotions are all part of the Game - meaning that these are not yours! These are designed to make you conform to the constructs of the Game. The Game exists and functions by taking your energy - you are indestructible and you energy is inexhaustible and you have the ability to create. The Game is set up in a dualistic manner, (logical binary computer program) - ergo, the "light" side and the "dark" side and the concept of time is inherent as this is the sequencing of the timelines functionality. The dark side of the Game has no energy source, it has to extract it from the light side - you are a holding all of this into form - so in essence, the Game is within you.
In order for the Game to continue, it needs a full complement of duality or opposites to operate. The Ego mental mind is Always on the alert to make sure you are still breathing and are as safe as you possibly can get by constantly monitoring your "life" situation on a 24/7 basis. Remember, in this Game, you believe that you have a very short lifespan and fear is always lurking around every corner. In order to extract energy from the light side, the dark side will then use a pre-existing program to set up an event so that you will react with an emotion (emotions can be presented as emotions, mental constructs and physical distortions/pain). So, you are always being set up to "step on the next landmine" no matter how you hard you try to avoid the landmines. We have been conditioned by the Game to react to events - events include EVERYTHING that you do - from small to humongous! So the event is already pre-scripted and set up for you, these are the programs that are pre-loaded ready to use - and the programs include all of the following: scene, set, stage, actors, actresses, script, story and narrative - you just walk right into it, then the emotions (which are not yours) are inserted into the programs so that your Ego mental mind can now clamp down on the frequency of what timeline frequency it resides in and hold it into a vise grip not letting it go - then, the Ego mind will immediately engage you in a logical thinking pattern designed to keep you going back and forth - as a pendulum - with judging and comparing and trying to logically figure out what to do next gated by the variable of time. This back and forth (duality) is the conditioning effect of the event....this is the distraction....the Game wants you be in a constant influx of fear trying to control the variables of the unknown - time gives you the variable of past, present and future - reference points in time and space - or sequencing the flow of the event. This is the indecision, questioning and second guessing....all a distraction and in the meantime, you are funneling energy to the dark side without having any idea that this is what keeps it going. This distraction applies to all things we react to (mentally, emotionally and physically) - it keeps your Ego mental mind busy in the duality (which is its primary purpose) and it obfuscates what really is at the core of the event. The story and narrative take precedence and as long as the Ego mental mind is engaged, you stay in the frequency and timeline that just repeats the programs. So, by being aware of your reaction of any event will give you the opportunity to stop your Ego mental mind, place your hand over your Heart and then use the Jumping Timelines technique to jump to a higher frequency timeline where what you just experienced does not occur (and that is change is available to you immediately NOW! in that higher frequency timeline!). And then, you simply become your change and the distraction and the old program is not accessible anymore! It will make you smile!
Zeroing out Time from the Equation
Taking advantage of the Game is crucial into stepping out of it. Using your reaction, (emotions) to events that occur to you 24/7 give you the choice of engaging your ego mental mind to continue to play out karmic cycles again and again, OR you can stop that process, take a breath, and jump timelines to a higher timeline that has a different frequency, higher frequency, different outcome and access to choices that were previously inaccessible to you. So, within the process of jumping timelines, this is what you are really doing to game the Game: See this process this as an equation X +Y = Z, where
X is the event...that includes everything, scene, set, stage, actors, script, narrative, and story plus the emotions.
Y is the time variable 0 to 100 (where you are in the timelines - highest to the lowest frequencies)
Z is the outcome
So, in this equation above for example, 1) the event happens, then You react with an emotion, so this would equal the variable X...Now parse out the emotions you reacted to and put them aside...2) Now zero out the time variable Y (turning the dial to off)...then say aloud. "Jump timelines, dispel all these spells, cloak!" and leave the emotions in that current timeline....once you zero out the time, the system cannot sequence the flow, it is a freeze frame, static or a picture on the wall. It stops - it can't come with you and you have completed any associated karmic cycles and are no longer in that lower frequency timeline. Which means it goes away and you no longer experience it. Dispel all these spells allows you to use spells to your advantage and the cloak protects you as a shield from the Game (cloak = a shield of hexagons or hexes are gone!).
Jumping timelines allows you to accept the "fears" associated with the emotions and integrate them back into You! This gives you the opportunity to jump to a higher frequency timeline that is available to you immediately NOW. This raises your frequency within the Game and your vision now becomes your slide that is projected as the the reflection that you see in what we call the physical. This slide overrides the Game's mechanism to hijack your focus and you become the your change within (Essence) before the change becomes you! Using these tools, You will notice a huge difference in what you don't feel anymore and everything becomes easier as the Law of Attraction applies to your new level of vibrational frequency!
Timelines and the Matrix
So, not long ago, I have been shown how timelines have been implemented/used within the system to keep us in this matrix. This system is nothing if "time" is not held into a concept. Time gives "life" a sequence, it is the "glue" that holds space into form giving us the illusion of dimensions all based in what we define as frequencies and dimensions. Time gives you "past, present and future". It provides a method to provide linear occurrences and experiences by allowing a contrast or opposite to be held into to place. This would be described as logic. Logic is boiled down to a system of duality - commonly presented by good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, up vs down and so on. Computer programming is based on 0's and 1's or binary. We are constantly put into positions where we have to (or believe or think) make a decision between two choices. And these choices then come with a time constraint - or gatekeeper - seemingly forcing you to make the choice because "time" is running out....for example, trying to meet expectations before a self-imposed deadline is due comes to the forefront. The system will always place you in a situation where the choices are all about you trying to control the outcome of everything because of the fear of the unknown and your constant attention (angst) of trying to control all the variables (questions like How, Why, Where, What, Who, and When) as much as possible - and which is impossible to do within the system. So, most of us are familiar with what we call or label as a timeline - past, present and future. We are told that we create in the Now or present, the past is what happened before the present and is "old" and the future is what may happen after the present (which never happens). In this system, our timeline is defined by birth, aging and death. Linear time is sequenced because of this concept. What else uses sequenced time? Computer systems or AI programming. Duality - binary - 0's and 1's - before, now, future.
Timelines in the system are used in different ways, most being part and parcel of the entire infrastructure of the system. Timeline can be categorized into 3 types: superimposed timelines, entangled and twisted timelines, and coupled (inlaid or nesting) timelines. All these timelines are held into place by curses/spells, and curses/spells act like caps to prevent the timelines to be freely accessed. Reversing the curses/spells is the first step in addressing these kinds of timelines in the system or matrix. Once this is completed, then the timeline types can be dealt with in each of their particular attributes. Superimposed timelines are somewhat 'zipper" like, as it is melding of two or more timelines superimposed upon each other. If you have some of these, and yes, all of us do, the timelines are in alternating order, as in Timeline 1, Timeline 2, then repeat the sequence. We cannot separate them without the curse/spell being reversed. These types can be of any two timelines, which can cause a lot of confusion in the long term logical thought processes required by the system. Entangled and twisted timelines are numerous and common - most are short term, i.e., day-to-day stress related emotions. Coupled timelines are probably the most insidious. These are can be contiguous, continuous or segmented. I have observed up to 7 separate segments with these types of timeline configurations. Usually, the segments are all invoked with time latent curses and when they happen can drastically change or alter a person's "life". So, the reversal of the curses of these upper tiered timeline structures can be a game changer as it gives us another tool to utilize within the system to help raise our vibrational frequencies. The energies have accelerated to an unprecedented level with no sign of slowing down and just observing how "crazy" it is out here in this green-screened physical illusion we are experiencing, if you are feeling a bit out of sorts, I would definitely recommend a session to help smooth out the jet lag!
Big Changes and Interdimensional Timelines
You made it through the month of March! Craziness in the energies have been unprecedented! Massive shifts into higher frequency vibrations was the name of the game this past month. This has set the table of what will be unfolding in April! So, a bit about April coming up, but first I would like to give a brief synopsis of what took place in March.
Amongst the craziness of the shifts and changes that has effected everyone was the exposure of what I will call Interdimensional timeline vortexes or portals. These have usually been virtually hidden by the system using frequencies that we (at that point) have been unavailable to be able to be perceived. These have been hidden, yet have been in plain "sight" from the frequencies we find ourselves in at the moment. Because of the magnitude of the shifts and changes, the system's energy source is being reduced significantly. These interdimensional timelines are the size of the width of a credit card but open into a realm that we, in this current 3D construct, cannot enter or exist. This duality system has been built "above" it. However, there is an attachment to each of us with an individual interdimensional timeline vortex. This is the real energy drain. We hold the duality game in place by our ability to create and we are the inexhaustible source of energy used to perpetuate this game or system. This interdimensional timeline realm is beyond most of our comprehension. For example, in this duality system, we have good and the opposite, called evil. If you can conjure up the worst nightmare of evil that you could imagine, this would have the appearance of "joy and happy" compared to what lies beneath this duality game. Now, one good thing with these vortexes being exposed is that they can now be located, closed, sealed and permanently collapsed - never to be opened or used again. And the ability of the system to recreate new interdimensional vortexes is being rendered impossible. So, the dismantling of the system is continuing at a rapid pace. I have been collapsing these timelines with everyone that books sessions and also in my Stargate Session each month. With these interdimensional timeline vortexes being removed, folks are able to accelerate clearing using the jumping timelines technique and they are finding it being very beneficial in raising their frequencies to higher levels much more quickly.
Also, a new tool has appeared with the last month is what I call is a "fabric" or a uses the technology that the system uses against us to obfuscate dimensions, vibrations and frequencies (think geometric shapes). In essence, it allows us to reflect back the frequencies back to the sending game source thus rendering us "invisible" to the system. This is an advanced tool that can be used in many new different ways to defeat this duality system. The changes that you will experience by using these tools will make you smile big time!
Recapping for the Acceleration of the Changes
Remember, it is NOT about the event, the story or the narrative, the actors, the set, stage or is ALL about your Reaction - emotions and the current timeline you are in, you are experiencing simply what is reflected back to you...this is the slide (focus) that you have in the projector and your mind cannot see anything are now given the opportunity to, a higher frequency timeline exists IMMEDIATELY NOW and that does not include any of what you are focused (or experienced) on at the, change the slide (your focus is that everything you desire is already done), then Jump timelines and allow you to become the change you just became...then relax.
Also remember, the programs are NOT yours, the System runs you by mindfooking you onto believing that you have a life and you die...ALL you have been experiencing, simply is to keep the System running...the System has NO power of its own, so you have been tricked/deceived with illusions using frequencies and dimensional planes into giving away your power - this is a logical duality - software, AI that has been within programmed us. You believe you are here to do something, and "life" is who you never die and you don't is the System that sets you up with an ego mental mind that runs the programs, and you are provided with emotions and feelings that are NOT is part and parcel integrated into the programming. You have been programmed...there is NOTHING to heal, save or fix here...we don't belong here and we are in the process of reverse engineering the System by using the tools that are readily available in the System...The System uses your energy to exist....that is the ONLY reason that you are here...The System keys on emotions which are not yours to keep you in the System at all costs....the more you are in your head (ego mental mind), the more energy you give to the System to keep you within the your reactions are all about mirroring back (reflected) to you what has already been inculcated into your "database" is not about the event (see above), it is all about to get you to react with an emotion so that you can give your power away, and it just repeats.... What you focus on - what you experience, is what the System has already scripted for is set up to keep you in a state of mental, emotional and physical distress, ALL THE TIME.
So here is the technique...
So, when you react to an event with an emotion or feeling, these are now on the surface and you have an awareness....all these are based in fear (fear is the System's supposed opposite of us (us - Essence/LOVE) ....In the System, LOVE and Fear are really the same thing (just like forms of water: ice, water and steam). Fear is an opposition not an opposite. The System relies on a full complement of duality. It uses deceit/illusion to make us believe that Fear is the opposite. The ego uses Fear to hold the karma together to repeat the programs...everything has opposites except LOVE. LOVE only has opposition and that is with each of these events that happen to you, you stop your mental ego mind and acknowledge the reaction which is based in Fear and validate it by saying "It is okay to feel this emotion or feeling," then Accept the Fear by saying " I accept this Fear!", then integrate the Fear into your LOVE...this then raises your frequency and allows you to jump to a higher frequency timeline to make a different choice than what you just experienced....then say, "Jump timelines! I now dispel all these spells!"... This creates a glitch in the System that cannot be repaired. The dismantling then begins. You also are then stepping outside of the System to create within YOU - with no time, duality, need for contrast or opposites, conditions or limitations. Then you bypass the Systems process of hijacking your ability to create, which is then run through a blueprint, then codified with software codes, projected and screenshotted out and reflected back to you in what we call the physical. The physical is not real. It is simply a reflection. Like a weather map behind the weather person on the TV. Greenscreen. Not Real! You are then inculcated by the System that you have to change the physical to change your reality - this then presents a problem for us - because it is impossible to do in this System! The physical is not real, it is simply a reflection! The only reality is within us, OUTSIDE of the game. This is where you are able to override the System with YOUR slide that can now be projected into the physical. You become your Change from within before the change becomes You in the Physical. The System cannot stop this. So, your focus now is on Jumping Timelines - changing your frequencies to higher vibrations that place you in a higher level timeline that has a higher frequency, different outcome and different choices - and the jump is to these these higher frequency timelines takes advantage that all timelines occur simultaneously now within the System! So, use this technique to game the System - your LOVE becomes more expanded dissolving everything around you that is not at your frequency and each time you jump, you step outside the system and you begin replacing the slides of the System with your slides! With the massive changes happening and underway, using this technique will greatly help you in stepping out of this System!
Re-Examining Balance and Rhythm
Remember that things are NOT always what they seem to BE? Well, here is a perfect example of the absolute mind-whitewashing we have been subjected to since "time" began. Let's re-examine our "need and requirement" to feel and to be Balanced. And along with the Balance, we are told that Balance comes with a rhythm and we have to keep in motion.....heard of frequencies and vibrations before? Use it or lose it sound familiar? Hmmm, there may be a theme that infuses us into the matrix....
Maybe, just maybe, we don't need to be balanced or need to have a rhythm (like a biorhythm) because we are "a physical" being - or more commonly described as a spiritual being in a physical body to experience all things physical that include "dimensions" and "frequencies". I will remind you that YOU (Big C Consciousness) are already whole and complete and you do not need to be aligned or have to have a rhythm or a vibration, frequency or need to be balanced. This game we are currently in consists of duality, a "physical" world that is Not a reality, and is but a reflection of a screenshots of the slides being held into place by the little c/s consciousness/subconsciousness duality (as above, so below) of the game that has subjugated our big C Consciousness for the purpose of hijacking and manipulating it to hold this duality system/game into form. This system/game is based in logic (binary 0s and 1s) and is literally a software program (if, then, else) that has us confined to realm of vibrations, frequencies and dimensional planes all gated by time (which only exists in this realm). Does having a heartbeat keep make you believe that you have to have balance and rhythm in to live or survive? How about ALL of the different kinds of frequencies of what we call "music" have a beat or rhythm? Even the music of say the solfeggio sounds?....Why is there a need to believe that you have to meditate - to become still and be centered - only to be immediately thrown off "balance" when you stop your meditation? Well, it is quite simple......The system/game needs the movement, it needs the metronome, it needs the rhythm in order to operate....remember the duality requirement of the system/game? The swinging back and forth of the pendulum of the grandfather clock is an example of the movement requirement of the system/game. If you are not moving, being off-balance, out of alignment, then the system/game does not derive any energy from you. The system/game requires you to be sync'd to it. Not the other way around. I can assist in removing this system/game requirement as well as its close cousin, the myth of the "I AM" statements. These are major anchors that keep us in this system/game....
Where is your Reality Really is Hangin' out?
Reality or Greenscreens? Well, it is mostly greenscreens....your only reality is in your Consciousness (Mind). Now, DO NOT conflate this Consciousness with the definitions of consciousness and subconsciousness of this duality ego mind GAME that we are and have been experiencing. Consciousness is YOU, your Essence, Love, Light, Soul. This is your Magic (and not of the duality black or white magic in the GAME). This gives us the ability to create the UNKNOWN in the Now....without contrasts, opposites, duality, conditions, or time. This GAME is set up logically, a software program (binary and literally 0s and 1s) and is finite - i.e., everything has an opposite, or a duality. Everything that has ever existed in this GAME is all there in this GAME. Nothing is new. That is why there is never a chance or coincidence. Everything is entirely scripted and then played out constantly repeating and looping in "karmic" cycles and gated by time. All time happens simultaneously (timelines) in computers, and this computer needs a timeclock to function. Unplug the timeclock and the GAME ceases to play. And that energy that powers the timeclock of this GAME is supplied by our ability to Create (Consciousness). This ability to Create has been usurped and manipulated and we are kept inside this GAME simply to keep it running. We are not of this GAME. Somehow, we are within this GAME, however, we are actively in the process of dismantling it and leaving, i.e., unplugging the us from the GAME.
So, we have been led to believe (see the "lie" in the word believe) that our reality exists in the so-called physical world. And yes, indeed, that is what the GAME is designed to do, so that we believe that this is Life and we are creating and holding the physical world into form. Only problem is that the physical world really does not exist! It is simply a reflection back to us from the only Reality we have - that would be our Consciousness. Then the GAME deliberately points us to the Outside or physical world and we are told in order to change anything, you have to change the physical world. This is an impossibility. Have you ever tried to change the weather map on your TV? You can't, because it is a greenscreen or a reflection back to you. The same applies to EVERYTHING else you experience in this physical world. We try to change the physical world. How's that been working for you? Where you have to change first, is in the Consciousness (NOT the mental ego consciousness) and Become your change first. Then it is projected out and reflected back to us. Visioning is the same process as Becoming. So if you desire change, You Become your Change before the Change Becomes YOU! Visioning is not mental (Visualizing is mental), and Visioning goes hand in hand with the process of jumping timelines! This, then, changes what is projected out and reflected back to you! Now, one important note.....this only occurs in this GAME. We are simply using the tools that are available to us in the GAME to dismantle, end and step completely out of this duality GAME. Each time you jump timelines, you create a glitch in the matrix that cannot be repaired, the GAME exists on a full complement of duality. The GAME begins to fall apart from the bottom up and we reclaim our power that has been stripped from us. We begin to operate outside of the GAME. Once we are completely out, all bets are off - as we can create ANYTHING without a contrast, opposite, duality, or time. The GAME goes away because we have completely unplugged. The GAME ceases to exist because the power supply simply is never connected ever again. Come Home!
New Way Cool Stuff
In November, there was a convergence of timelines. This represents and releases ALL old patterns and what is playing out is access to new energies and creating from the Unknown. Remember, we get what we focus on...timelines within this duality Game have different frequencies and outcomes AND they all exist simultaneously...that means you can jump into a higher frequency timeline NOW! where what you just experienced cannot happen! So, below is the technique to continue to use to dismantle this logical based Game...When you get stuck in a timeline - events and emotions repeating.......the story or narrative is only there to keep your mental mind distracted and the void programs running.....Now you can employ the jumping timelines technique:
So, when you react to an event with an emotion or feeling (mentally, emotionally or physically), these emotions are now on the surface....all these are based in Fear and conditions (logic)....LOVE (which is the very existence of YOU) and Fear are the same (just like forms of water have different structures at different temperatures: ice, water and steam). Emotions (which do not belong to you, nor does ANY of the mental programs belong to you) are tagged with a piece of your Love that has been taken from you and it is falsely redefined as Fear. The ego uses Fear to hold the karma (repeat story) together to repeat the programs...everything has opposites except LOVE (You or your essence/soul). LOVE only has opposition and that is Fear (again, Fear is actually LOVE just turned around) with each of these events, acknowledge the reaction which is based in fear, silently call in all the associated timelines that made up the event you just reacted to and validate it by saying "It is okay to feel this emotion or feeling!," then Accept the Fear by saying " I accept all of these Fears!", then scoop up the Fears, and integrate the Fear into your LOVE!...this then automatically raises your frequency and allows you to jump to a higher frequency timeline to make a different choice than you just experienced...then say "JUMP TIMELINES!"...This places you in a higher frequency timeline with a different outcome with new choices!...then focus on things that are positive without the opposites with the magic of your imagination! The glitch in the matrix occurs, this cannot be repaired and the system needs a full complement of opposites to operate....this begins to dismantle the duality Game from the inside out! And this allows your calm space (the hole within the your dreamcatcher) to expand and you have the ability to create in the NOW moment THE UNKNOWN without any mitigation, opposite/contrast, condition, time, limitation or duality! This is OUTSIDE of the GAME! 😇Use this technique for everything...this technique is exponentially more accelerated than what we have been using before and simultaneously dismantles the system as you reclaim your Power! You unplug the system from YOU! It will make you smile!
When a Red Light means GO!
A WAY Cool thing happened to me coming home from my vacation last week. A not so subtle "AHA" moment happened! So, on the subject of jumping timelines, the following event unfolded. We were driving back home and stopped to fill the gas tank and get a bite to eat for lunch. Well, the highway route went through the city center with all the stop lights - lots of stop lights!!! So, I have previously had stop light change from red to green simply by say "Jump Timelines" and the light turn green in the middle of the traffic light cycle. Way Cool and so far so good. I was then provided the opportunity to see the red stop light as I approached the intersection. I said aloud, "Jump Timelines!", totally expecting the light to turn green so I did not have to slow down or stop as my previous examples had set me up! And now, you guessed what happened! I arrived at the intersection and the stop light was still red. What!? Nothing changed OR did it!
Once I had come to a complete stop at the intersection, the "AHA" moment was very clear. Everything looked the same, same stoplight, same cars and trucks around me, stoplight was red, and then it flashed that I HAD jumped timelines and there was a unique calmness that I was sensing and feeling. I no longer had the impulse, compulsion or impetus to change the light color (and the corresponding script that I had change it - this was certainly within the old timeline frequency "swimlane"). It did not matter whether the stop light was green or red. So, when you jump timelines, be aware and pay attention to how your expectations (old script) is changed in the higher frequencies of you. It was very clear that I had jumped "timelines" within the calm space of the glitch in the matrix (the hole in the dream catcher) where I was outside of the duality of the game! Remember, when you are there, you are not bound by duality, not having opposites or contrasts and NO time, limitations or conditions! Every time you jump timelines, you essentially come home, the calm space becomes larger and you begin to operate more and more from your "heart/magic/imagination. And since I have been home, there is a calmness that has permeated everything that I do! This is how you make a red light a GO! It is wonderful! So, I can assist you in the process of jumping timelines! It will make you smile!
Imagination Magic
We are the center of the "Universe". That is, what ultimately happens to us affects
Everything else. No, that is not bragging or being self-centered. We have the ability to create and that means anything. We create in the "now" and we create the Unknown (not from the Unknown) - which is limitless. It is our Imagination and essentially can be called the Unimaginable! We hold all things into form, and in the situation we find ourselves in currently, we can call it kind of a "soft technology" - ergo, a "human" physical form with rules to fit into a logical duality loop - a "software" program that never ends. This consists of a denseness of physicality and contains material labeled as DNA and it is has parameters of time, duality, logic, reasoning, rationalization, limits, and conditions - in a box or simulation. Our ability to use our imagination has been curtailed and limited and in the box, what is labelled as our "spirituality" has been created to make it the crux of the duality matrix where we are currently residing. We essentially do not belong here. We are inherently energy and we are not of labels, conditions, limitations, contrast, time, mental thinking, emotions, patterns, imprints, frequencies or duality. WE ARE ESSENCE. Creating is what we do - we create the Unknown and we belong in the Unimaginable. Our Imagination is our Magic. We do not need contrasts or opposites to create nor is there any destiny or fate - no time.
Your Imagination is "within" you because it is YOU! Our ability to "Know" is the difference. Currently, everything is predicated by imprints, patterns and logic - Knowledge is completely artificial and our imagination has been usurped into creating within these parameters, boundaries and rules of this matrix system. You are required to create within a system of opposites - duality. For this system to exist, everything requires an opposite or contrast. When we reclaim and accept our fears (fear is love and not an opposite) and integrate the fears into our Love, we instantly create a "short" in the system. This short cannot be fixed, and this leads to the entire system to begin to break down. The miracle happens when you jump to higher frequency timelines. The calm space (glitch in the matrix) is formed and this calm space allows us to create in the now moment and the unknown with no exceptions. There is a very massive difference in creating without mitigation than the one we are currently in. We are extremely powerful and as a reminder, just look around you realize you are holding all of what you see, feel and experience into form? Do not tell me that you are not powerful! When you use your Magic of your Imagination, you simply can create anything! The philosopher Rumi has an adage, "Your Heart knows the way, Run in that direction!" Listen to your Heart! That is your Imagination - Your Magic is ready and waiting for YOU! I can assist you in getting back into your Magic!
Programmed patterns and spiral twisted timelines
Notwithstanding everything else that keeps us in this game, one of the basic building blocks of this logic duality system is programmed patterns. Familiar with sacred geometry? How about your "learning" style or type? Patterns are imprinted first, then embedded in the structures, so the system is connected or wired from the ground up for everything. A common example is ducklings or chicks being imprinted to their "mother" after hatching. Even the holographs and "illusions" of what we perceive to "see" individually are programmed to keep us in the box. These tie directly into everything we "do" that has captured our ability to create and then the creation is what is used manipulate and control the desired logically outcome where we are maneuvered deliberately into empowering the mental mind to operate in this dualistic system. How we "learn" and "see" things are limited to the patterns that are imprinted. It is very difficult to step out of these patterns because if you do, you are trying to look for reference points that you created to "prove" your surroundings. In other words, we are always trying to control the outcome because of the fear that is inculcated into just trying to stay "alive and breathing" in this "human" body suit. Try playing a game of chess without the board....Your logical mental mind gets blown away with this type of situation. Even trying to think outside the box is still well within the box! The only thing that is outside of the box is you/essence. We are purposely wrapped up in the creation and believe (notice the "lie" inside the word believe) that the creation is defining everything about us and who we are.
Recently, with all of the massive shifts and changes that have been taking place, there are more and more glitches in the matrix showing up. For some reason, I am being shown how to devolve and reverse engineer the structures of the logical patterns and the convergences of timelines. Then by taking advantage of the how the system is structured, I am utilizing the tools available in this duality structure realm to literally dismantle this system by creating a calm space (think of the hole in a dreamer catcher) within the matrix so that you can create in the NOW moment, create the UNKNOWN, without mitigation, conditions or limitations. This is your Light/Love/Essence or You. This type of creating (what we do) does not require a contrast or opposite. There is a massively huge difference between what we currently believe and how we believe we create in this box. It is about converging timelines and removing/reversing failsafe curses that cause spiral twisting of timelines so it is impossible to leave the box or dismantle patterns and imprints. Know that you have lots of help available and do not hesitate to receive help. This is not about trying to do everything by yourself! We can get you on top of the surfboard instead of standing on the beach watching the tsunami ready to hit!
The Unimaginable
We have the ability to create and we create the Unknown at the present or NOW (sometimes referred to as the zero point). This ability to create all things possible is not gated by time or contrast or opposites. We are not limited by duality or karma. You are not Source and Source is NOT you....this is a function of the programming that we call duality. We simply ARE - you can call this LOVE, Essence, Soul, Light - these are all the same. Within this simulation or game we have been placed into, there is duality, time and conditions/limitations/rules. Our ability to create has been hi-jacked and manipulated to keep this simulation intact - the game goes on without US being aware that it is us being used to keep this game in play. There is a big clue that has always been right in front of us in this game of duality. There is only one thing that does not have an opposite - that is YOU or LOVE. We are programmed to believe that Fear is an opposite of LOVE. It is not, it is an opposition and for all intents and purposes it is actually LOVE but it has been turned around to make us believe that it truly is the opposite - this keeps the duality game intact. Since LOVE does not have an opposite, this means we can create without having a contrast/opposite. This means NO time, NO timelines, NO need for reference points, NO duality, NO karma, NO comparison or judgment, NO mistrust, NO lack, NO being alone, NO unworthiness, NO doubts, NO expectations, NO life or death, NO looking, NO trying, NO logic....This is where we are returning to - the Unimaginable. And this is already within our LOVE or Being. This game is being dismantled from the bottom up by US. We are creating glitches in the matrix which we call miracles and this house of cards is currently imploding. We are doing this by simply innerstanding the rules and unplugging from the simulation. It does not take much more shifting up in frequency within this game for US to reach a space where everything will change. The Unimaginable may indeed not have frequency or anything that we can relate to this current state of this simulation. So, it really does not matter.....we are shifting rapidly and this can be quite a disconcerting experience in our current state of conditions and limitations. Always know that you cannot be destroyed or eliminated - you ARE. That is all you need to Know. The Unimaginable is waiting!
Frequency Cancellations
Everything is energy. Energy is frequency. Frequency can be defined as a wave (wavelength depending on how short or long the wave is between crests). Go to the ocean and watch the waves. Observe and you will see a low point or trough and a high point or crest in each wave no matter how large or small the wave. We are constantly being bombarded with all kinds of frequencies. We are effected by frequency. We carry and are frequency. The law of attraction is all about attracting like kind of frequencies. Emotions are based on frequency. You have reactions filled with emotions that are frequencies. Events that happen to you are directly tied to your emotions (frequencies) and these emotions are triggered by frequencies that are constantly being broadcast non-stop to you to keep your mental ego mind busy - in constant state of stress. This keeps you in the mental logic loop of the karmic cycle (repeats) of the programs that are activated by frequencies. Our ability to create is premised on duality, in order to create, there has to be a contrast or an opposite. Opposites lend to the "balance" that we are all trying to constantly achieve....ever do a meditation? and why do you believe you think you have to do the meditation? In the meditation you are trying to cancel out the "noise" or the opposite by trying to achieve a still point - or zero point within the electro - magnetic field - which is not only a point where you create but also a calmness.
So, with the duality structure of the current "universe", innerstanding how these frequencies, along created by the electro - magnetic phenomena we find ourselves immersed in, we can utilize the cancelling frequencies to create a space of calmness. simply when you react, you have already detected the frequencies being sent, then with no fighting or resisting, generate the same frequencies from your core and send them back out. This works exactly like noise cancelling earphones. Now, you can use this technique alone or you can supercharge it with employing it with the validation of the emotions, accepting the fears and the integration of the fears into your Love technique. These tools will allow you to accelerate exponentially the releases of old programs into higher frequencies!
FEAR is not the opposite of LOVE
In this place that we currently find ourselves, it is a matrix of constructs, paradigms, conditions, limitations and duality (Karma) that keep us in a continuous mental artificial intelligent logical loop. Our mental mind Ego is predominately in charge. Thinking and logically trying to figure out and control the outcomes of everything we do is paramount. The Ego, the left part of the brain which uses about 94% our brain capacity and has been used to separate us from our Heart, uses Fear to "protect" us and that leaves the 6% remainder for the right brain connection directly to the Heart. Heart meaning Soul/Essence/You - who you really ARE! In this universe of opposites, we are commonly taught Fear. We have been inculcated with the belief that the "Unknown" is scary and that we have to or try to get answers to everything, (how, why, when, where, who, what) before we do anything. The concept of time as our gatekeeper is also in play....This is because we have been made to believe that time is short and limited and life is challenging and scary and the Unknown always lurks as we try to control the outcome and narrow down the variabilities so that we can achieve some stability. This is always a moving target. You fear changes. Changes are the only thing that is constant. Your Heart embraces changes as it has No fear and it is never trying to control the outcome. We create the Unknown and when we join that with our LOVE, this equals Miracles! This is what has been shut down inside this logical matrix we find ourselves in.
In the karmic game, there are opposites. We have been led to believe that Fear is the opposite of LOVE. Not so! LOVE is not an emotion. LOVE is YOU/Essence/Heart/Soul and is Unconditional and cannot be destroyed. There is NO opposite for LOVE only opposition. Fear fills this void as opposition. Fear is a part of LOVE that has been separated. Just like water which has three forms - gas, liquid, solid or steam, water and ice - different forms but the same thing with different properties in each form. Fear is what all our emotions that we experience in this 3D density are based in. Again, the Ego uses fear to try to protect us in this environment - this is based in logic. There is no logic in your Heart.
So, to expand and refine on the technique of releasing old programs and emotions that I have shared previously, here is the upgraded procedure:
Events will always be occurring to keep us in a mental logical mind thinking loop to repeat the programs we are constantly experiencing.....
1. The Event happens.
2. You have a reaction, which is a(n) emotion(s)/feeling(s) (not yours) that gets inserted into the programs assigned to each event. These are emotions from A to Z, from abject horrific to ecstatic and everything else in between!
3. Once you have experienced the emotions/feelings, DO NOT beat yourself up, rather allow yourself to validate them by saying aloud, "It is okay to feel these feelings!"
4. Then once you have acknowledged these feelings, then you want to Accept the Fears that the feelings are based in. Say aloud, "I Accept all these Fears".
5. Then INTEGRATE the Fears into your LOVE! This raises your frequency.
6. As you raise your frequencies, then you are able to jump timelines into a higher frequency timeline and choose a different, new choice - as in the choice that whatever you just experienced is simply gone!
7. Then open your LOVE and engage your Imagination with positive thoughts (not logical thinking) that you are always focusing on the highest frequencies of being!
This technique is exponentially more accelerated and powerful than what we have been using before and effects EVERYTHING in the universe (mandala effect).
Your Essence + Unknown = Miracles
We are taught to believe to fear the Unknown. It is scary. Don't go off somewhere that you are not familiar without being prepared and get all your ducks in a row before you set out. We are taught fear. We are taught to use our mental thinking mental MIND to use logic, reasoning and rationalization to figure out everything BEFORE we do anything. How's that process been working for you? A bit stressful? And considering that you are also gated by TIME and you are only Human? "Life" is hard, short and challenging. Fear of the unknown and fear of trying to control the outcome/future are the biggest factors we surround ourselves with labels, reference points, conditions and limitations. We have been trying to answer ALL the How, What, Where, When, Why, Who questions BEFORE we do anything! This is all about the separation.
There is a huge separation between our Heart (Essence=You) and your Mental logical thinking Mind. The logical mind is in essence, Artificial Intelligence. This is knowledge....knowledge is quite meaningless....although, don't let your brain know that! Knowing is in your Heart. To Know replaces "truth or true or trust" of the mental MIND game. The etymology (word root) of truth is "a consensus - not of fact" but a lie to put is more succinctly. So when you speak the Truth, there are many different Truths at every single separate frequency. So, to Know is already intrinsically in your Heart/Essence. For example, if I ask you to define what Unconditional Love means in words, can you do it? No. There are not any words (remember, words are spells in this 3D dimension that we have found ourselves in) to describe it. However, you already KNOW what it is - YOU! No one has to tell you anything! You already KNOW! You already have everything you could possibly have in your Essence. This Essence is your Light and Love! It has been covered up! We have been only able to shine about 5% of our Light. This is changing big time with the timeline convergences acceleration.
We have been told that TIME is our gatekeeper, you are born, age and die and then it repeats, as in a karmic cycle, over and over and over. We are in the midst of closing this cycle out. We have never been of time. We have been told to focus on the past and the future, and we find it extremely difficult to stay in the present. This is on purpose to keep us always off-balance as in the duality nature of the Karmic realm - opposites + fear + time = instability and use of the logical thinking mental Mind as you are constantly giving away your power. If you experience what we commonly call a miracle, then there is has been a glitch in the system - in other words, you have managed to create enough space to make a hole in the matrix. This will be short-lived and shut down very quickly. We are miracles and this is what we do - this is what has been "hidden" from us.
When we combine our Essence and our ability to create the Unknown (we do not create from the Unknown!) this is what equals Miracles! This is the major reason we have been purposely steered into the direction that the Unknown is scary and to be feared. There is NOTHING scary or to be in fear of that we naturally do! This is the unlimited possibilities that we can create and have manifest. Anything is possible! We create the Unknown in what would be referenced to as the "present". This is why we are knocked out of the present state (like being quiet of MIND and in a meditative state) very easily. Well, things are changing rapidly and change is the only thing that is constant. Within your Essence, NEVER are you concerned with fear, time, limitation, conditions, judgment or density. You just right now, you just ARE! That has not changed and your Essence/Love can never be destroyed. We are moving out of situation that has captured us, hijacked and manipulated our ability to shine our Light/Love and inculcated us with belief systems, words, duality, karma, time, mental mind logic (AI), density and judgment. We are stepping back into who we really ARE......Being with the ability to Create!
So hang in there, changes in the energies are massive and we are experiencing things that we have never ever experienced before, but with your Love, you have the ability to do anything. Returning to our Essence will make you Smile!
Collapsing and Reversing Timelines and Expansion at the same Time!
Observe without Judgment
Within the last month, there has been an acceleration of the shifts and changes that has affected everyone in one way or the other. We are moving rapidly in Elevated Energies. Frequency creates Vibration and Vibration creates Frequency.....a word to describe it is Cymatics. It is the science describing the study of visible effects of sound and vibration. Mental thinking is a vibration and in this 3D density frequency range, words are spells, hence the term spelling when using words in speaking and writing. Thinking allows you to utilize things that are already done. Elevated energy allows you to create the unknown. We can visibly see how we can effect and are effected by vibrations and frequencies. This connects everything as frequency creates vibrations.
The phenomena occurring now akin to having timelines reversing (coming back to the origination point) and at the same time, an expansion of to the elevated energy (as in completely opening up a fold-up Japanese fan) it taking place. The timeline reversals are consolidating all instances of Karmic "past" lives and bringing literally through the physical body to what we could describe as the "Now". This creates many physical symptoms that are presented as aches, pains, discomforts, tiredness, distortions and we experience them with our already defined definitions. This is also processing in the dream state as well. In other words, lots of old energies are being consolidated ready to be left behind! Elevated energies are now available to leap into new "activations". Just like pulling the curtain away from the window and discovering what is waiting for us when we "look" through the window! And as this is occurring, simultaneously, there is the "unfolding" of the fan pleats and what was beforehand hidden, it is now being exposed and coming to the surface. This is being aggregated with the shifts in the timeline reversals and the mental thinking head can be very easily overwhelmed! Not to Fear!
We are moving into these elevated energies - something that really as never been done before! However, within you, or YOU is your Essence. This Essence cannot not be destroyed - it is described as Unconditional Love. This is not an emotion. It is YOU! We typically refer this as your Heart or Heartspace. It is why you have a difficult time trying to describe in words what Unconditional Love means....that is because there are NO words to describe it. You Know. And this is what the philosopher, Rumi, reminds us with his adage - "There is a voice that uses no words......Listen!" Here and Now, you are already Complete and Whole! Always has been. Our Essences have just been covered up. It is emerging big time now! Remember, there is NO Fear, Time, Conditions, Limitations, Healing, Karma or Duality, Density, or Judgment in your Essence. It allows you to Observe without Judgment. You do not need to do anything except just BE. Then, you have the unique ability to Create. Anything! As you wish, with NO stipulations as described above. Never does your Essence ever ask "How you are doing? What are you feeling? Who are You? There is no need to do this at all. Everything thing you could ever possibly need or want is within your Essence. You already have answers and solutions to everything now AND you already have answers and solutions there when we step back into the Elevated energies to create from the Unknown! There is no fate or destiny here...ever....because there is no time and no judgment.
We are quickly moving out the "mental" mind situation and back into our Heart or Essence and operating completely and directly from this Essence. This Essence is your Magic. Observe the Magic of the cymatics going on around YOU that you are effecting. Creating is relaxing back into the Laz-i-boy, notching it back a couple notches and Enjoy the Show! You are Amazing! And within YOU is an endless unfolding of Inspiration, Imagination and Creativity! Allow your Heart to Shine! You will be Smiling like that Cheshire Cat All the Time!
Innerstanding Choices
Question: So Freedom is then the ability to choose your perspective and happiness is to choose it as close to your heart as possible?
Answer: Take it a couple steps are already whole and complete....choices are still within the duality of the predictive programming. There is no concept of happiness in your Heart. LOVE is not an is BEING, your ESSENCE...or YOU! You have the ability to create anything you place your focus on. Your Heart does not care in what emotional state you choose to be is Innerstanding what you are placing your focus on. And it will be given to you instantly!
Choices are the mainstays of this game of duality we have found ourselves being played by. These are bracketed by opposites, contrasts, logic, fear and gated by what is called and defined as time. Constructs, programs and paradigms that are and have been intentionally structured to be confining, limiting and conditioned. These we hold into form because we have been conditioned to believe that this is how things are, this is the way it is....and as our Power has been usurped our ability to create has been hijacked and manipulated. Our unique ability to create anything has been used against us to "think" logically with our mental mind - we are reminded over and over again, that you have to figure things out, use your head to think things through and try to control the outcome of things because of the "uncertainty" of the future (time). This constantly keeps us in a state of fear of simply surviving/breathing to have a "life". Read this next sentence carefully.....I have news for you, we are not of time, fear, conditions, limitations, judgment or density. When you place your hand over your Heart, you are already HOME! It is that incredibly simple. You are already whole and complete. To quote Florence Shinn, "You are a perfect idea in Divine Mind (this means Heart), pure substance, expressing perfection!" You cannot be anything less! There is nothing wrong with you EVER! You just "think" you have issues and problems and that you are only "human", weak, scared, being in constant fear of trying to control the outcome of the "future" because you are taught believe you are of time and "life" is short, hard and difficult. You don't really Live or Die, you just believe it and your ability to create what you are focusing on will be held into form simply by your ability to create. Your Essence can never be destroyed or compromised (it has been covered up and we are in the process of of uncovering it right now!) Your Mental mind is not yours, neither are your emotions that you have been told you have. You believe that you have to give up things in order to have something. You believe that you have to perform, be perfect, have to have an identity/ego, you have fight for everything, "life is unfair and unjust and you have to live in constant fear. Fear is what keeps these programs, constructs and beliefs in place. You have been taught Fear so that you can now believe that you have choices - these choices are funneled down to the same thing for every situation - between a rock and a hard place - or which choice creates the least amount of pain. Does this sound familiar? If it does, do not beat yourself up, simply be aware of when you react to an event, and you experience an emotion or feeling that does not make you happy, then you are then being given an opportunity to STOP and DELETE the program/construct that you just experienced. So, you can continue to keep the old program running (karmic cycle) by doing nothing and allowing the head to try to keep logically figuring it out OR can take a breath, then you place your hand over your Heart, which takes you HOME immediately! You delete the program and emotions, then you Vision (from your Heart) that what you just experienced is completely gone and you do not need to try to figure anything out (you already have all the answers and solutions in your Heart right now!), then take another breath and sweep your hand out in front of you (like stopping traffic) and emphatically state, without Fear or emotion, NO! This is now out of the way, it does not play anymore - exactly like an "aha" moment! New clarity will be given to you immediately - just like pulling the curtain away from the window. It allows you to "see" what has already been in front of your nose! This will make you smile!
So, when you are confronted by thinking that you have to make a choice about ANYTHING, Stop and be aware that choices are only within the box/construct of time, fear, judgment, limitations, conditions and density of the mental mind. Now, as the quote from Rumi informs, "There is a Voice that uses no words. Listen!" Pay attention to your Voice within.....It has everything you could possibly ever need or want! It is waiting for you to come Home!
Reminder......"There is a voice that doesn't use words....Listen" (Rumi)
Just a reminder that you are Awesome! Not only that, but You have the unique ability to create Anything you focus your attention upon. With the old energies leaving, there is no looking back in the rear view mirror as the past has Never defined you! New opportunities are now popping up everywhere! This means that as we move out of the old dimensional spaces that contain fear and duality are going away. So, as we go through this rapid shift and transition, here are a couple of points to be aware of as you experience the changes:
What are you focused on? Remember, you create what you are focused this case, the system of events will always happen and your reaction will always tell you what the bottom line of your focus is...the story or narrative is the mental mind holding the stage, set, scene, props and the characters that are familiar to you, so that you selling the crowd with your acting....this is all leaving......your choice to keep it or not...however, the more you fight, the tighter the finger trap becomes (the more you resists, the more it persists)....the mental mind can only repeat the loop and it is based in are not of fear. But, is you feed the Fear and give it your power, it will be manifested for toss this in the dumpster and stop trying to mentally control the outcome (which is inculcated into us because we are told that time is of the essence).....these events are coming up so you can be aware that you still have some leftover lime Jello in your pockets that are not yours!...once you dispatch with this Jello, You will see with a new clarity....your head knows Jack squat... vision what it is that you want and come home into your Heart (Magic)!
So, this is all coming up to, like any contract, you have to be able to WALK away energetically and say NO....these programs are all held in place by FEAR...and KNOW that you will not miss fact, when you do walk away, what will be uncovered will be much better than what you were looking at in the first place....see the pattern....your head has no idea, NONE, of what is waiting for you in your Heart. Right now, yours fears will be realized and you will settle for less, AGAIN...If you place your focus on it, your focus will be realized. The instant that you engage your mental mind, you have locked yourself into the drama that will give you the same experience that just happened....And it will repeat....see the pattern?...The Universe already KNOWS what you desire and it is waiting for you to decide when and if you are going to take a bow, step off the stage, stop acting, remove your costumes and come are being given the opportunity to stop giving away your Power as this is not a new scenario....remove the resistance and clarity will unfold and this becomes a piece of place your hand over your Heart and ask, "I need some help now, Thank You"! Now let it go! It is your movie😉✨
Listening with your Heart is the key.....we don't need any words to hear the voice within us. When you Know, you Know! Listen! It will make you smile!
Words are a double-edged Sword......
An anagram for the word "words" is sword. In this we find ourselves in realm that seemingly is not what it appears to be. Mirrors are everywhere. Swords are double-edged, representing duality. Cognitive dissonance is quite rampant but also quite hidden from view, although it is in plain sight. From a quote that is attributed to martial arts master Bruce Lee, "Don't speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn't know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells, that 's why it's called spelling. Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life. What you're not changing, you're also choosing." So, speaking of spells, curses and incantations.....there is a mighty good chance, like 100%, that you are affected by a myriad of these perturbations we find this 3D "physical" space! It affects us in many ways without our knowledge. We simply and easily have been led to believe things (belief systems are spells) that have been very carefully planned, coordinated and manipulated in a matrix that simply is here to mindfook your mental-mind/brain. One that we are not of! We have been in a web and kept there by the illusion of time. We are not of time! We are not of duality or karma. We have come to believe that what we have been experiencing is called "life". And then there is "death", "aging" and we are our "emotions". Now, something is holding the Fear into all of what we have been experiencing. We are not of Fear either! Spells to have something to do with all of this!
So, the other morning awhile back, I woke up with what I call the "yellow sticky note" stuck to my forehead, I reached up and peeled it off and read the note.....If words are spells, spells can be reversed by words, things are always mirrored or backwards. Use the word "NO"! And specifically the word "NO" is very powerful. We "live" in a world where we are constantly and continually giving away our power. There are always conditions framed in logic and gated by time. Conundrums are presented everywhere, begging for you to figure them out with a logical process (mental mind brain) and of course, 'How has that been working for you?!' This was another wonderful 'AHA!' moment! The word "NO" can be used to reverse all spells! So, I contemplated my naval for a bit and then a very simple exercise came to the moment!
Here is the exercise:
1. Sit comfortably in a chair
2. Place you hand over your Heart, close your eyes and take a deep breath
3. Imagine that you are facing the cardinal direction East.
4. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud. Say it with firmness with any emotion whatsoever...i.e., Stand in your POWER!
5. Then imagine that you have turned and are facing the cardinal direction South. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud
6. Then imagine that you have turned and are facing the cardinal direction West. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud
7. Then imagine that you have turned and are facing the cardinal direction North. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud
8. Then take a nice big slow cleansing breath!
Now, repeat the above process going backwards (the mirror image), however you will start in the West cardinal direction. Once you have done this, if there had been ANY resistance (events or emotions) that came to the surface along this process, go back to those events and bring them in front of you - close your eyes, take a breath, "see" them, then say "NO"! aloud only once. You will find that they disappear! Which means that they are gone and you have, in effect, raised your frequency so that spells cannot be attached to you (and they do not come back) - the difference is that spells can only be placed upon you if you are resonating with the same frequency that the spell is cast in. There is a limit to frequency range where the spells can go or can be applied. This allows you to "step" up and out of that frequency range, remove any old programs and emotions and dissolves the Fear that holds all of these things into form! So, going forward, you only have to do the Directional NO! Exercise once. Then, when you react to something, you just place your hand over your Heart, which deletes the old program, the vision (or AHA moment) happens and then you say NO!...So, when you "shine" your Light, in effect, you are playing in the bread aisle that Always has the shelves loaded with bread! Now, one other thing to share. If you are familiar with certain types of large feed bags or flour bags, some of these have a sewed on string stitching to seal them. To open the bag, you find the loose string and give it a pull and the stitching unravels and you are able to open the bag. So, keep that concept in mind and now imagine a giant mosaic on your wall that is a woven matrix of patterned material. Now, go to the bottom of the mosaic and find that loose string. Once you have found it, grab on and give it a good yank! Now watch the entire mosaic completely unravel and fall to the floor! This is a wonderful metaphor to see this matrix no longer form and it is releasing you from all of the old programs and patterns that represent for constructs and structure of this "physical" dimensional space. You come HOME to your Heart! It will make you Smile!
The Bread Effect or Where are you Playing?
This is an account of a real event that happened in August of 2021. I have a good friend that lives just across the river from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Hurricane Ida (the second most powerful hurricane to hit Louisiana) was taking a direct line (eye of the storm) toward her house. They had decided to stay to be with her husband's home-bound parents. So, in preparation of the storm hitting, she went to the big supermarket to stock up on food and supplies a couple of days ahead. She got everything that she needed at the store except for bread. So, she left and headed for a smaller store closer to her house to get the bread. She arrived at the store and went into the bread aisle to get some bread. She was surprised to find that the shelf were empty! So, she went back up to the cashier and asked if they had any bread and the cashier said yes and pointed her back to the bread aisle. With a quizzical look at the cashier, she turned around and went back to the bread aisle knowing that she had just been there and found that all the shelves were empty. Well, when she got back into the aisle, sitting on the shelf was 8 or 9 long loaves of bread in an unfamiliar brand package. Obviously, this surprised and delighted her! So, she grabbed two loaves and headed back to the checkout counter. As she was standing in the checkout line, with the bread in hands, another person comes in the door and asks the cashier if they had any bread, and the cashier pointed her back to the the bread aisle. That person proceeded to the bread aisle and then returned empty handed - no bread, on any shelf the person exclaimed as she was headed out the door. And my friend was still standing in line holding onto two loaves of bread! So, she paid for the bread and got in the car and was headed home when the thought popped in, "Oh, I should probably fill up my gas tank while I am out". So, she headed over to the convenience store/gas station that she always uses to gas up her car which about 3 blocks away from her house. So, when she arrived at the convenience store/gas station there was yellow DO NOT ENTER caution tape around the pumps. So, disappointed she pulled over to search for the next closest gas station on her phone. As she was searching, someone came up to her car and tapped on the window. She looked up, rolled her window down and the person began to take down the caution tape and pointed for her to go to pump number 8. Now, delighted, she went to pump number 8, fueled up, paid at the pump and then pulled away from the pump. The person put the caution tape back up and then she noticed a line of cars in the street that were not there before. So, she was a bit confused but happy that she got what she needed. She headed home and told everyone about the bread story and her husband asked her if she remembered to get gas in the car. And she said, "Yes! I did!" Then her husband asked, "Where did you fill up?" and she replied, "Oh, at the convenience store/gas station that we always fill up at!" He then look perplexed and said, " How can that be? That convenience store/gas station is closed!"
So, two days pass and back to the rest of the story! Her house is now directly in the path of Ida. Not usually the best of situations was upon her and her family. Yes, she called out for assistance and everyone responded, but not in Fear, but in Love. The storm took a turn away from her house and neighbor hood, they had the lights flicker 7 to 8 times during the night, she never lost power and in the morning there was minimal wind damage and the rain was nothing out of the ordinary. Needless to say, it was a major relief but it sure did make her smile and give out a great big Thank YOU!
I call this the "Bread Effect"! In other words, where are you playing, what frequency are you playing in? Are you playing in the frequency where the bread aisle may or may not have bread on the shelves OR are you playing in the frequency where there is ALWAYS bread on the shelves NO Matter What? As you step up into the higher frequencies by detaching from literally everything, you enter back into your Heart/Essence - You! You are not of TIME, FEAR, DENSITY, LIMITATIONS or JUDGMENT! There are NO conditions, attachments, quid pro quo's or strings in your Heart/Essence. You have the Power to do anything you desire and it is in your Heart/Essence already. There is ALWAYS a First Class Seat Ticket awaiting for you, so don't settle for the Economy Class any more! My work allows you to step out of the old frequencies and back into your Magic! Guaranteed to make you Smile Big Time!
Things are NOT what they ALWAYS Seem to BE, part II
In addition to all the things we are finding out that Things are Not Always What they seem to BE!
Now Part II! Expanding on the subject of timeline convergences, I would like to share some very important insights that have come into my purview. So, follow with me with this process.
We are currently in a situation that is rapidly changing - massive shifts in the energies are effecting the magnetic fields of the Earth to diminish and these fields are being replaced by the opening of our Heart (Love) oscillations. So, this transition is really bringing to the surface the severity of the suppression of our Light in our Heartspace that we have been experiencing. We are shifting out of the duality of the karmic realm and time. This is where the manipulation and usurpation of the structure of the timelines and the splitting of the timelines to siphon our Power of our Essence away from us comes into play.
So, it goes something like this: You have a Light or an Essence that cannot be destroyed - this, I will define as your Heartspace. You have the ability to create anything that you desire, as you wish. However, you have been in a "place" where you have been trapped and then inculcated with information that simply has no truth, for example, you believe are of time and space, you are weak and only human, you are of duality (right vs. wrong), you have to use logic and reasoning to "think" and "figure" things out (mind), and you have been taught Fear. You have been used as a source of energy, giving it away under the guise of living a life with challenges, emotions and hardships that are not yours only to "die" at the end of your "life". Well, just so that you know, you just ARE! You have to realize that you are a Perfect Idea in Divine Mind, Pure Substance Expressing Perfection! You cannot be ANYTHING else!
In order to keep you mindfooked and in a state of confusion and fear all the time, my analogy is that when you initially joined the gang on Earth under the guise of deceit, you were "issued" a computer (loaded to the gills with bloatware!) - all of it is artificial intelligence (AI) consisting of your head (the CPU and very slow and tiny it is!), your body (an emotional software database - the emotions are not yours by the way) and in order to logically quantify emotions, you have been given a "physical" shell (hardware)to be able to compare and measure on a scale, say 0 to 10 of a level of pain, so your head can keep you constantly informed of your status - for example, you are using an exorbitant amount of energy every day just trying to figure out if you are still breathing! Our ability to create (essence) has been also usurped to keep us in the duality box. We have been deliberately separated from our Magic, our Heartspace. Every time you experience joy or happiness, it is short lived as if you have a dog bark collar on and when you enjoy something, someone pushes the button and you are then deprived of the joy in a mental state of trying to figure out why you can't stay in that energy. The more that you are in an emotional state (uproar, anxiousness, fear), you generate more energy to be siphoned off. It is exactly the opposite of who we really are!
So, with the software comes with the typical 'IF, THEN, ELSE' logic (AI) and it just loops, repeating the same patterns over and over that you experience each day. Events happen and then you have an emotional reaction. Once your head is aware of the emotional reaction, then it tries to figure out a solution by looking at the logic in the database. Ever notice that solving issues can be quite tedious and very possibly impossible, as the answers are not there.....bloatware that simply goes in circles - the epitome of a karmic cycle. Changing things is very difficult - on will make you disappointed and OH, you are providing a quality stream of energy to be siphoned off from you. No wonder you feel tired after you think too hard of trying to figure things out in you head!
And to add to our "destiny" of being human in this situation, when the computer was issued to us, we also were given a unique initial "timeline" - logic of time is that it has to have a beginning, middle and an end, or past, present and future. Now, to add to the mindfooking, this initial timeline as been cloned many times and split many times. Familiar with "past" or "parallel" lives or past life regressions? Timelines are intentionally split so that it produces a lot of mental/mind confusion - read Fear! Well, once the timelines are split, your head, which is the very tiny and slow CPU of your computer, is totally incapable of crunching anything past 1+1=2 and is easily overwhelmed because logically, it cannot see or calculate how it has been constructed. So, not only that happens, but now, each individual time sequence on the initial timeline can now be manipulated either separately or in chunks, either backward or forward or replaced by any size of time on a cloned, when an event happens, and events will always happen because of the nature of the cyclical nature of the programs to keep you in a constant mindfooked condition (remember the IF, THEN, ELSE logic sequence), you will react, however, in that now moment that you have reacted, you have no idea if that now moment is from the initial timeline or a cloned one. Then on top of that, the now moment reaction, which is an emotion or feeling, is just a segment of the whole. In other words, see the now moment segment as part of an orange slice. The rest of the orange slices could be located anywhere in the other timelines or even in the original timeline! Each segment, and there can be many segments of the "orange" scattered all through the timelines, is like a scale of 0 to 10. So, in the next event, the now moment, your reaction could be a 1 on the scale, meaning that the rest of the "emotions" within that scale of 0 to 10 is still out residing in other timelines (and these timelines are exhibiting the severity, in this case all except 1 and also they can be in the future or the past in these other timelines - and then none of the timelines are lined up or synchronized with the other timelines!) You were issued a very tiny computer and an associated original timeline when you first landed in this lime green jello. Computer logic needs the aspect of time in order to function. So, there has to be a beginning, middle and an ending. Remember, You are not of Time, we have just been mindfooked believing that we are gated by Time. Your original timeline has been compromised big time and your Head does not have the capacity to figure out or how to reverse engineer the logic of the bloatware on purpose! Now, as you are bringing back the segments of the orange into one point on your original timeline, you are actually locating the original "plug-in fuse" time socket that was separated into the split timelines. This will automatically be shown to you and re-installed back into your original timeline. This restores the continuity of your original timeline - which cannot be removed ever again. So, the more you do this technique, the easier things become. Now you may have an inkling why you have the belief that "Life" is challenging?!! Well, there is some good news afoot!
Now, you might be wondering, how do we extricate ourselves out of this place? I fondly refer to this karmic realm 3D reality to the mahvelous lime green jello with the mandarin oranges, carrots and cottage cheese that we have swimming around in for a very, very long "time"! In the past 9 months, there have been massive energy shifts occurring, affecting and effecting everyone as the magnetic fields of the earth are being diminished, our Heart energy (Love) is replacing it (this is your Essence or Light and this is the most powerful chemical in the Universe and it will dissolve anything but itself!). It is also an end to a karmic realm cycle that cannot be stopped. This means, this dark energy that has trapped us in this jello is simply eating itself alive - it has no options as this karmic cycle comes a completion. Also, remember, we are not of the karma realm - as we have been led to believe that is the case. So, when we step back into our Heartspace, we are simply LOVE and LIGHT - and we have the ability to create. We are beginning to get back to creating brand new things that have never been created before - our Heart is our unlimited inspiration, imagination and creativity that has been suppressed.
So, here is what the process of stepping out this jello:
1. An Event Happens - and events will always happen.
2. You React to the said Event (this is an emotion or feeling) which can be classified as either a separate or a combination of physical, emotional or mental components.
3. You are aware of your reaction and this reaction does not make you feel happy. NOW yourHead is completely done.
4. This is your tap on the shoulder and now you have a choice. Either engage the computer (Head) to logically run the old program again OR
5. Place your hand over your Heart and Vision that this is completely gone!
In other words, when you place your hand over your Heart, you are already home....Emotions do not happen in your Heart/Essence. There is no woulda-coulda-shouldas or ifs-thens-or buts, no questioning, hesitations. There is no Fear, Time, Limitations, Density or Judgment in your Heart/Essence - you are already Home when you do this!
6. Your Vision consists of the End Result (you do not need details!) What is it that you WANT?! That is your Vision. Details will be given to you if they are needed and you can choose to use them as you wish.
All of this happens AUTOMATICALLY when you place your Hand over your Heart after you react to an event:
a) Your Logical Head/Mind is Done!
b) You Say "Thank YOU"! Take a bow! Step off the Stage! Remove ALL your costumes! Leave the Theater! Come Home!
c) You have already Arranged Aligned, Converged Timelines and Collapsed the Dimensional Spaces of where these timelines may have the propensity to occur. The Delete command is invoked! The program is deleted and uninstalled!
d) The original "plug-in fuse" is restored to the original timeline - re-establishes the continuity of the original timeline (this prepares us to fully step away from the jello)
e) This will work for EVERY event....Remember, there is NO Logic, Reasoning or Rationalization in your Heart/Essence! You will Always be taken care of NO matter What!
You have everything thing you could possibly ever need or want right now!
The culmination of all of these processes by simply placing your Hand over your Heart and Visioning is instantaneous! Many of the people I am blessed to work with have already noticed this change. Things are changing rapidly so if you need some assistance, please reach out!...We can Help! Remember, Things are Not Always What they Seem to BE!
Timeline Convergences, Dimensional Collapses and a Software Upgrade
There is a "time" for everything.....With all the massive changes taking place, timeline convergences are happening very quickly. With a little assistance, these convergences will be instrumental in allowing an easier transition from this Karmic Realm. In metaphysical terms, time is the gatekeeper. In this duality of Karma, time is linear.....time is required because of the density and structure and non-changing patterns are essential.
Labels, definitions of the labels and categories of the things representing where that label belongs is all part of the logic. In karma, you are always forced to the end conclusion of choosing between two choices, between a rock and a hard place. This has been programed into your mental mind (Artificial Intelligence or AI) Time holds the AI logic into place - this by the way is not yours!). You have to have a beginning, middle and an end for the logic to repeat. IF, THEN, ELSE, this is a programming logic loop. You always have the opposites going on that play against each other. There is always an ebb and flow - duality. Karma is based in Fear. We have been inculcated with the concepts of Time, Fear, Density, Judgments and Limitations and what we define and hold into form as Emotions. Your brain is simply a computer, a CPU (and a very slow and tiny one at that). Your body acts a data base to house emotions. But, in a logic point of view, emotions are intangible, meaning that it is very hard to quantity emotions, so the physical body encapsulates the emotional body and Voila! Now we can quantify emotions by having them present in a physical form! So, pain levels can be measured and tracked by the brain, then compared and the brain then can be easily overwhelmed by pain and discomfort - I call it being mentalled! Your head will allow you to get to levels of pain and discomfort where you cannot function. Been there? The brain is the ultimate separation from your Magic - your Heart, your Essence or YOU! We believe that things are finite, that time (and space) exists and then we hold it into form. The programmed logic keeps us in a loop that simply repeats - the scenes may be different, but the bottom line is still the same and nothing changes because of the repeated patterned logic.
So, there is an acceleration of the energy shifts affecting everyone right now. These are major and more intense even from last month. Once you are aware of your reaction (which are feelings and emotions - and remember that these are not yours!) to an event (events happen all the time and you react all the time, so it should be fairly easy for you to be aware of your feelings and emotions when they appear!), your head/brain/mental mind is done! It has done its job. The trick is to stop your thinking process dead in it tracks! Do not allow your mind to go any further by trying to figure out what, how and why the event happened! That just repeats the logic of the software program of IF, THEN, ELSE loop. Nothing changes.....Mindfooking at its finest!
So once you have stopped the thinking process by being aware of your emotion, you then place your hand over your Heart and now the following happens:
1. When you place your hand over your Heart, you are instantly in your Heartspace - it is that simple. In your Heartspace, there is NO Time, NO Limitations, NO Density, NO Judgment and NO FEAR!
2. You are then automatically Converging Timelines that were split off of you - as in past, present and future timelines that exist in the duality of this Karmic Realm. Converging the timelines brings back together into the NOW all the splintered pieces of the scene you just experienced (your emotion from the event). It make is whole at the NOW moment.
3. You are then automatically Collapsing all the dimensional planes that this emotion could possibly exist in into the NOW moment. Like collapsing all the records into one in a diner jukebox.
4. So, here is where you add, permanently, the upgrade to your software coding loop...IF, THEN, ELSE, DELETE.
5. The program that contained the emotion get deleted across the board - these instances are all the same, your mental mind had already been programmed to recognize things, give them labels and define the category where they could be separated and defined. Thus, your "ability" in the mental mind to compare and judge.....the more separation the "better"!
6. You simply the Vision the end result that you want - you need NO details! - in other words, now that the emotion is gone, you are tapping into your Heart where you have answers for everything (even to things that you have not created yet!).
7. Hold that Vision for 10 seconds and then let it go. Do not engage your mental mind.
8. Your answers and solutions will be given to you......all the answers from your Heart work....there is never any woulda-coulda-shoulda or ifs-thans-or-buts in your Heart. Then you put the answers together the way you want to and the end result that you will receive will be even better than you originally visioned! Every single time!
So, you apply this to every time you react and the emotion does not make you feel happy....It is not being OCD about things, use it a tool to help you raise your frequency. Simply being aware, and don't worry, if the program is still running, you will be guaranteed that it will be presented to you as an event to let you know it is still here! Raising your frequency by Visioning will place you into higher levels that the old frequencies don't and can't bother you! You then can shine your LOVE and LIGHT much more brightly! Then you bring everything around you UP to your oscillation frequencies - you will definitely notice that there be a difference in the Ease and a Grace and a Flow in Everything that you do!
Things are not Always What they seem to BE! And Hang onto your Hat!
When you begin to really start being aware that familiar things are really not what they have seemed to be, it can be quite mentally mind-blowing. The changes that have been afoot have simply been staggering because of the sheer magnitude and the incredulousness of the shifts that have occurred. This is all due to the massive energy changes underway from the proverbial 3D density, we have been told that we are in, into the 4D density shifts on the way to what is called the 5D density space. The weird thing is that in our Heart (our Essence), we already oscillate at a 5D Density - which is no form at all. We simply ARE. Our power to create has been usurped and has been separated on purpose to keep us in this perceived 3D density that we are told that we and the Universe is dimensional and physical in structure and nature. Ergo, the need to have a "human" physical body. Our power to create is incredible as there are not any limitations on what we can do. So, it is not so much to try to figure out how or why we gave up our power, which is most likely by being deceived, we are now finding that our ability to shine our Light/Love has now been given a new lease on "Life". These old dark black energies that have been controlling us and what we have been inculcated for thousands of years is being destroyed. Our connection to our Heart Essence is being restored and this Light is beginning to change everything we have thought was true. Our Light is the most powerful "chemical" in the multiverse and it dissolves everything but itself! We are stepping out of this duality world of this "Karmic" realm. We are not of this realm and were placed here simply to be used as an energy source being trapped in "time and limitations and a density" that were created by our power of creation against us to keep us in this Karmic realm. Many of you have been experiencing massive shifts that literally are throwing you off balance more and more often. We are changing rapidly with the restoration of our power. I definitely can assist you in using the tools available to us right now to get you back into your Heart Essence so that the changes that are here and coming will be easier to maneuver and help with the ease, grace and flow that comes with the reconnection with your Heart Essence! Know that you always have help, you never have to do anything by yourself and you will always be taken care of no matter what - this is what is already in your Heart! Believe in your Magic! Believe beyond your current beliefs!
The First Step Out of this Place
Reclaiming your Dominion is the first step of moving out of the Karmic duality that we have been subjugated in. Our Dominion is your Essence/Soul or You. You are a Human – Humans have the ability to do literally anything because your Essence can never be destroyed. This is your Soul. Even if you have no “physical” body, your Essence can never be taken away. You ARE. You are not limited by time, or limitations, you are not 3 or 4 or 5 or any D. You are already complete and whole. You have no density, you have no judgment – you are Unconditional Love/Light and are capable of Unconditional Love and we are capable of creating.
Somewhere along the way, we were tricked of giving away our Dominion. We have been enslaved on this “earth” for thousands of years for one purpose, and that is to be used as an energy source for other non-human beings that are of 2D/3D dimensional planes. We are not of the Earth and never were. The creatures that have enslaved us have used our ability to create against us – forcing their rules upon us that govern them –these are the laws of Karma (which means repeat). Karma is very dense, structured, has duality (as above, so below) and karmic patterns never change. Karma is slow and methodical and the creatures that are governed by the laws of Karma cannot create, as they either have no souls or have sold their souls and are very different than humans. They have been striving to be like humans or to incorporate human traits into their race for very long periods of time. Everything that you have been subjected to on this Earth has been set up for you to “think” that you have a human physical “body”, and you are gated/governed by time – you are told that you have a “life” in which you are born, then live/age and then die. You “reincarnate” over and over and over and Karma incorporates the phases of time, we know it as the past, present and future. All the while you are also told that your “life” is a struggle filled with emotions and mostly despair and you focus most of your energy on trying to figure out how to survive. Each time you get to experience joy and happiness, it is taken away from you so that you can generate energy to be siphoned off from you – it is all about having something and having it taken away….then you repeat it in perpetuity. The greater the emotion, the more energy is siphoned off from you. You have been told over and over again that being human is that you are weak; you have to use your “head/mind” to try to figure things out using reasoning, rationalization and logic. Answers are always on the outside, never on the inside (Heart), and you are always trying to control your outcome because of the duality nature of the emotions – good/bad, right/wrong, black/white and these are based in what we call fear. You are always trying to control the outcome, looking for answers outside of yourself, there is always a separation, and you need labels and need to define those labels so you can hold them into form believing that this is all yours. You believe that you have to give yourself worth and value, you believe that you have identity who you are, you believe that you have to perform to justify your existence, you believe that you have to defend your positions because you are in fear of having things taken away from you, you believe that you have to be somebody…..all not true…..We are not of time, we are not judgment, we are not of density as there is not any of these three things within our “heart/essence”.
Things are not ALWAYS what they seem to be! Again, our ability to create has been used against us to create a world in which we think/believe that what we see is all that there is. You have been inculcated with lies and mistruths from day one. What now is happening is that this black evil force, which uses what we call Black Magic, is being destroyed and eradicated – from externally and internally. We are “waking” up with a new awareness that our Light is indeed being able to shine brightly without being compromised. Reclaiming your Dominion will allow you to be free of any control of these creatures. Once you reclaim your Dominion, remove and unlock the locks that have been placed upon us, going “forward”, you will now have real choices when you experience an emotion. In other words, if you react to an event, and you are aware of your reaction from the event (feeling or emotion), and that feeling/emotion does not make you feel happy, then you KNOW that it is NOT yours! The emotion was the end results of having an event occur for the sole purpose to manipulate you to extract energy from you – you constantly were giving up your power involuntarily. So, now that you know that this is not yours, as you react to an event with an emotion/feeling, it is now peeling off and leaving, and you can easily let it leave. Will you miss it being gone? Never! Now, the other side of this coin, the other choice is that you can keep the old and then give away your power voluntarily.
As you begin to operate from your Heart and not your brain, you begin to see things from a very different perspective. This is about detaching from ALL attachments of every person, place or thing. You have answers right now for everything in your Heart (and you always have had answers), you were purposely separated from your Heart so that you could be controlled. You have answers in your Heart for things that you have not even created yet – but YOU are not comprised of time, destiny or fate. You have everything you need or want right now. This is where we are moving back into – our Heart!
All things are changing and change is the only constant thing in this multi-verse. You never fear change because there is no fear in your Heart. Ever! We are on our way out of this predicament. You now have choices, you can stick around and play in the duality or you can come HOME (heart) and create brand new things that have never been created.
What it means to Reclaim your Dominion and Stand in your Power
No, you do not have to pay a price for ANYTHING! In your head, your choices are between a rock and a hard place. When you play there, this will keep happening over and over and over. This is based in Fear. Fear is the base of the duality. Your fears keep all of these events occurring over and over again. So, in your Heart, you don’t have to worry, defend, give away your power or pay a price. Your head cannot ever see anything other than two choices – 1) Bad and 2) Worse. That is it! The Fear is not yours. So, why would you choose to keep it if it is not yours!
Your heaviness is coming from all the fears that you are hanging onto. You are too afraid to let them go because you fear the unknown. You think that you have to have it all figured out in your head before you can do anything and when your expectations are not met, you in to the your panic mode and it becomes a sh*tshow over and over again. These are all exactly the same thing. Do you see the pattern? These patterns do not exist in your Heart and never will. Ever!
So, Standing in your power means that:
You stop giving away You, you stop settling for less, you stop being the victim, you stop being “woe is me”, you stop trying to measure up, you stop trying to make choices in your head, you stop being angry, you stop being mad, you stop beating yourself up, you stop judging yourself, you stop comparing, your stop trying to defend your position, you stop seeing the world as trying to get you every time you turn around, you stop focusing on things that do not make happy, you stop being disappointed, you stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off you stop trying to figure things out in your head by using logic, reasoning and rationalization, you stop hating yourself and begin to Love yourself, you stop doubting yourself, you stop trying to look through the curtain that is in front of the window, you stop feeling that are not good enough, you stop thinking that you have to a pay a price for everything that you want, you stop being compromised, you stop having your voice shut down you stop being alone…..
So, now, know that you are in your Heart all the time, that you are Love, that you are Light and that your Love and your Light is your Dominion. Your Dominion is Immutable! Your Soul and Unconditional Love (your Essence) can Never be taken away. You have the Power to Create, You believe in the magic in You and you believe in YOU! You simply Are You! You have everything you need and want in your Heart right now. It is waiting for you to come HOME!
Reclaiming Your Dominion - Now You Have a Real Choice
and a word on NDE's
So reclaiming your Dominion is the first step in exiting this Karmic realm. Once you reclaim your Dominion, you are now free from involuntarily giving away your power. Yes, there still will be a Karmic realm, but now you have full control of YOU! You have choices that are not classified as "between a rock and a hard place!" Your solutions/knowing now emanate from your Heart (Love) and all of them work! So, there will be a transition period that we will experience as we leave this Karmic realm and step back fully into our Dominion/Power/Heart/Unconditional Love.
In this transition, we will experience the same types of emotional, mental and physical problems/issues that we experienced in the Karmic Realm. However, the huge difference is now when you experience something that does not make you feel good or happy, you KNOW that it is leaving and it is NOT yours! Look at it like this: I fill up a big truck full of my old stuff and garbage, come to your house, empty everything from the truck into your house, then I say, "Thanks and Goodbye" and I leave! Well, now, are you going to keep it if it is not yours? NO WAY! So, now, when events bring up feelings/emotions/physical pains, you know that these are not yours, never have been and you can now choose to keep them OR you can allow them to leave! You do not have to try to reconcile or ponder how to figure anything out! You have everything that you could possible need or want in your Heart! Right Now! You know that you are not gated by time anymore and that you have no limitations. So what is it that you cannot do? The answer is simple - Nothing! This is your Magic. The visions from your Heart always expand - heart oscillations never repeat pattern. True expansion. There is always an ease and a grace and a flow emanating from your Heart and that has never left you, it had been covered up and hi-jacked so that you could be separated from your Magic. No more! So, I have had some folks ask about NDE's (Near Death Experiences and I want to touch on this subject.
NDE’s are actually folks getting very close to leaving the Karmic realm (label this 3D) and then are yanked back and tricked again to “reincarnate” to "quote unquote" make everything better, only to repeat the cycles of “life”. Who is talking to the people that experience NDE? Angels are certainly in the duality – which is based in FEAR – as above, so below….We go nowhere again…..This still places us in a Karmic situation – life, age and death – duality - loops. Right vs wrong, opposites, etc…..and "humans" are just again, the pawns of someone or something else. We, as humans (and I am attaching that label because I am really not sure we even have a label)….Now even as the “creeps” (great label!) that have tricked “humans” to this “earth” to be energy sources are being decimated and removed, our basic only memories are “karmic”…..That is all we “know” – and all of that was contrived and we believe that it is true - (knowledge) - it has been inculcated into us at the beginning of this contrivance. “Lightworkers” are part of the story - most "lightworkers are mired in the duality as well". So please be aware of that - things are NOT what they seem to be. The "Light" we are told about is akin to the your front doorstep lightbulb. The karmic realm appears to us as duality, fighting for this and fighting for that, good vs evil and so on. We are not of this Karmic realm and never have been. We as “humans” do not need ascension as it is told to us that we are “having” to do that, we have no “life” or “death”…..we just ARE – Does the grid need to fixed? Our reality at the moment (and has been for "years" - you have been told what a year is......believe that anymore?) is based on a “mental” separation – certainly karmic – as we are still trying to figure who we are, where we came from, what it is it that we are here to do, and where are we going – and how do we “survive”? If we just simply BE, then there is no separation as we have been conditioned to believe. So, not that you cannot assist and help, but go within to you as Source as there is no fear, no judgment, no density and only “unconditional Love”, and pure imagination. So, vision what you desire and make it so…..if you believe that there is a problem, it will be given to you. Problems exist only in the mental mind….think of the holodeck on Star Trek…… can stop the program at any time! So, getting your Dominion back is a starting point to shine your Love, then, by remembering, changes the entire scenario of where you place your presence……
A Really Really Way Cool Addition to Phase Shifting!
In this Karma Game, one of the mainstays of the rules is that you are required to hang up your Magic (believing beyond your beliefs) and you then choose to use Logic, Reasoning and Rationalization to try to figure things out and control your outcome. Well, how has that been working for you?! So, I was given, through a meditation, an addition to add to the Phase Shifting technique. Now Phase Shifting is simply placing your hand over your Heart and coming Home (your Heart) after you have experienced a reaction to an event that has happened and leaving the reactions (feeling/emotions = costumes) behind! Now, this addition to the technique goes a bit farther to help unlock the logic!
The Game entails the use of logic because of the "densities" of the vibrational frequencies we are playing in. Now, I will remind you that we are being extricated from this Game and we are not going any further into the density. However, we need labels for reference points so that we can adhere to the rules of the Karma Game whilst in this 3D playground box. So, Fear, as we have created it, holds EVERYTHING into form for us. There is nothing that is not affected by Fear in this Game. So, as the Game plays out, the logic of Fear clamps down on us on how we perceive and experience all thing possible. So, the addition to the Phase Shifting is the following: Once you have placed your hand over your Heart - you have already reacted, and that reaction did not make you feel happy, then realized that you were Acting and you then wound down your performance, took a bow, said Thank You!, stepped off the stage, removed your costumes (feelings/emotions) and left them at the theatre and took a deep breath and placed your hand over your Heart.....Now, simultaneously, you begin a hum sound and continue that sound while you slowly move your eyes back and forth for about 10 seconds. The moment you start to move your eyes, the "clamp of Fear" held into place by your logic is simply unclamped! The seal if broken and the Fear immediately is mitigated! You can use this process for everything! Mental, emotional and physical! Do not do it more than twice for each phase shift.
So, I am changing the description to Really, Really Way Cool Stuff! Just 'cus! Give a whirl! I believe you will be smiling like that proverbial Cheshire Cat all the time whether you are up to something or not!
Acting! Master Thespian! Is This Who You Think You Are?
So, when was the last time you beat yourself up because you "thought" that you had done something wrong? Were you a bad Actor or Actress? NO! You have Never missed a line, EVER! and neither has anyone else in your supporting cast of characters! You are an acculumation of everything you have created. The costumes that you are wearing are the emotions and feelings that support your script that you wrote to experience. Well, in this Game we are playing, we are dressed up in costumes, selling the people in the audience, on the stage, "Acting! Master Thespian!" When you judge yourself, you are really just judging the character on the stage dressed up in costumes - NOT YOU! So, lets go back a bit to see how your movie has been constructed.
You, in effect, are You! NO one else! You are only Love and Light - nothing else! We are here to simply create and experience ALL things possible.....that is it! We created this Game to experience things like loss, being gated by time, giving your power away, having limitations, judging and comparing, setting expectations, experience the duality of right and wrong and creating Fear. All of these examples are attributes that you have gathered along the way in this "box" that do not exist in YOU (let's call that your Heart). In order to experience these scenarios, we created a "box" around within the Game that has the stage/studio ready for you to perform! Is all this real? Yes! We have the ability to create anything we desire! In this Game, like any other Game, there are rules that govern what you can and cannot do within the Game Most of us are not even aware what the rules are! That is also part of the Game! Unknown, Fear, Mistrust and always trying to control the outcome are major pillars in the Game. Fear and Mistrust are the underlying themes of every performance on stage in this Game. The costumes in your performance are just the surface facades that fit into the set and scene as it is presented to you as you experience your events. Things are not always what they seem to BE!
You are an Actor/Actress in this Game. Nothing else. This is not you! An Actor/Actress is simply portraying someone that they are NOT! It is exactly the same thing in this Game. When you judge "yourself" in this Game, you are NOT judging you, you are judging the character in the costumes! You are a master thespian and you have never missed a line! Ever! But it is simply a performance. When you get mad and are upset at yourself, you are believing that you did something wrong (as in right vs. wrong) - not is the Actor/Actress that you are portraying that you are targeting. If you are in costume and you blame the Actor/Actress, does it make any sense that you would judge the Actor/Actress for performing what was in the script? NO! it doesn't! So, knowing this information, it make it much more easy for you to be aware of your costumes. Wearing the costumes is not right, wrong, good or bad. You simply created them so you could experience all things possible (and in this case, you can create infinitely within the "box", but you are still limited by the rules of the Game. We are leaving this "box" and the Game at a very rapid accelerated clip!
So, when you react to an event (you are on stage in costume), and you are aware of your reaction (which is your emotions and feelings - these are your costumes), and that reaction to your emotions and feelings DO NOT make you feel happy, then you are at a choice point, or a tap on your shoulder reminding you that you HAVE costumes on! Now, you can choose to leave the costumes on and continue to act out the scene AGAIN OR you can choose to wind-down your performance, take a bow, say aloud "Thank You", step off the stage, hand me the costumes, and leave the studio and come home into your Heart (Phase Shift). Are you going to miss the costumes and expending all that "time", effort and energy in portraying someone you are NOT and that does not make you Happy? Nope! Not ever! Now, you can focus more and more on things that you know that you DO want! This will make you Smile Big Time!
Within this Game that we are currently playing, we are gated by time, have limitations, you give your power and are subject of having everything you "think" you own (read, "think you have") taken away from you - this is what we define as "death". In the Game, there are conditions for everything because of Fear, based in the duality of the Game. This Game is packed full with "If's, "woulda- shoulda-couldas" and scary "unknowns"!
"If" only happens in your head, "woulda- shoulda-coulda" only happens in your head...meaning that you are trying to control your outcome because you are in FEAR! How is this logic, reasoning and rationalization working for you? Appears that things are not getting any better and you are desperately looking for answers outside of yourself to figure this all out before you run out of time!😉...Feel familiar? Well, until you decide to choose to really believe in yourself and trust in yourself and Love yourself just the way you are....Nothing will change....Ever! You will go in circles, forever. You will not find your answers outside of yourself....Ever! There are NO "IFs" in your Heart (who you really ARE). The answers are all within, waiting for you to come home!
The antithesis is all of this is BEING. Which, by-the-way, is WHO you are anyway! You simply ARE! You can't disappear or go anywhere! The Game is just a Game! That is all it is! Just another creation that we created because we COULD! We are rapidly changing and winding down this Game. Changes of transformation (as we can define it) are going on right now. Change is the only thing that is constant. We are constantly changing and in the Game, we fear change because we have created a Game to experience all things possible with conditions and limitations with duality (as in Right and Wrong) and trying to control the outcome!
Now, place your hand over your Heart and close your eyes, take a deep breath, then say aloud "I need some help please, Thank You!"....Now stay quiet and calm for 5 minutes....and do NOT engage your brain!😇...Then once that is complete, go do something that makes you smile, laugh, giggle and have fun!😄✨✨✨And Enjoy it!...😇
Time to Come Home from the Pinball Arcade!
So, we are rolling into the calendar year 2021 with 2020 in the rear view mirror. 2020 has been characterized by many as "tumultuous" at best! I can compare it to the following scenario: As 2020 began, you asked your parents to drop you off at the Pinball Arcade to have some vicarious and innocuous fun! So, they comply with your wishes and drop you off. You go into the Arcade but something weird happens. You now become the "Pinball"! Yikes! AND there is a plethora of Flippers! Everywhere! Also, there is a post that is in place between the big flippers at the bottom of the pinball machine that can ONLY be released by hitting a small target that is placed way up in the left-hand corner that will take a 1 million to 1 chance of you, the pinball, hitting that target that releases the post between the big flippers at the bottom of the pinball machine! So, you are Always in Play!
So, needless to say, the year of 2020 has ratcheted up the flipper action in the Pinball Machine. The magnitude of the shifts and changes that we have been experiencing have been huge. Just look back, if you dare, and notice how big the changes you went through. These changes all had to happen. These old energies, based in fear, are on the way out or in other words, you are leaving them behind! So, you have been flipped and flung all over the place non-stop! Some have experienced being close or in Defcon 1 mode - shut down, overwhelmed, exhausted, beyond tired and stressed to the max. These changes have affected Everyone! So, you are not alone. This has been the beginning of us step out of the old energy patterns and into the new higher vibrational frequencies. We are leaving ALL of the old behind. This is actually very good! On one hand, it probably was not the most pleasant of experiences! But on the other hand, they won't happen again and will go away!
Well then, let's say you got that perfect carom hit on the target in the Pinball Machine (and of course, it was divinely orchestrated) and the post between the flippers was released AND at that same time, you got a call from your parents saying that they are outside waiting for you to come out so all of you can go to dinner! You go through the flippers and get out of the Arcade! Bon Apetit!
Now going forward will be easier. You are and will be given clarity to "see" things as you want them to be! It will be different than before. There will be more ease and grace and flow in everything you do! It will make you smile because these old things are not coming back!
Moving from Defcon 1 to Defcon 5 or (Smile, it is easier than you "think")
You may have heard of the designations of situations using the phrase of Defcon 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 that represents the current situation status of your surroundings which is usually based on a larger scale - locally, regionally, or globally. So, since you are the center of your Universe, I will now apply this scale to you individually, as you are the most important part of this equation. Remember, the basic bottom line of you being here in this "3D physical" form is ALWAYS being preeminently focused on one thing - Am I still breathing?!! And that is based in fear and the Rules of the Karma Game are governing the parameters of your Movie! Now given the magnitudes of the shifts and changes you have been and are experiencing right now and how much "Space Junk" that your head has been packing around (Also remember that You are an accumulation of everything that you have ever created and all of that Space Junk you have conveniently stuffed in your back pack is waiting for you to play out your next scenes the next morning when you step out of your Heart and onto theater/studio set in a familiar, contemporary fashion with context so you can experience it some more, Again!)
In the Karma game, your are to use your head to "think" (How has that been working for you?!) You are to use reasoning, rationalization, logic and analytics. You "think" you are here to figure things out, make things happen and to try to manifest things. Again, how has that been working out for you? So, you are working with a very limited set of solutions, with limitations and being gated by time and also what is playing is that the Karma game is set up so you will always be giving away your power. You are always trying to control the outcome of everything and at the same time trying to focus on if you are still breathing! Your head can be easily overwhelmed - the odds are always stacked against you! Now, getting back to the Defcon levels.
Being in Defcon 5 is in a state of relaxation and everything is good. Defcon 1, on the other-hand , is EVERYTHING is SHTF! Levels 2, 3 and 4 are describing the severity in between 1 and 5. In this "human" form, in the Karma game, we tend to hover at or around 2.5 to 3 all the time. This is because of how the game is set up: always coming from a position of lack, the duality (right and wrong) of everything, trying to control the outcome and being in fear most of the time.
So the changes that we are experiencing now, just mention the year 2020 to anyone and you will receive almost the same flavor of comments and sentiments from everyone! The magnitude of the shifts are very large - it is all about moving into a higher vibrational frequencies and old energies being moved away. Everyone is being affected one way or the other and to varying degrees of severity! And there are a bunch of folks experiencing releases in an en masse release of old energies simultaneously! This basically is a Defcon 1 moment - and the effect is so great that the "human" body simply shuts down - it gets overwhelmed with the sheer amount of energy releasing all at once. On one hand, it really sucks, because they cannot function in a normal way, presenting very obvious physical aches and discomforts that leaves them pretty much incapacitated for a couple of days. I have experienced these types of symptoms about 10 years ago. It is not a pleasant experience. However, and this is very important, you will get through it - it is a way that the human body shuts down because of the self-preservation mode that we all have within us as we experience this game in the physical sense of the word (and it also effects us emotionally and mentally as well!). If you have experienced something like this, I can assist in helping smooth out, align, balance, attenuate, attune, harmonize and calibrate your biofields. In other words, the old Space Junk is gone and now, a tune up is just what you need! Kinda like a new YOU! Like being in Defcon 5 - in your Heart! with an Ease and a Grace and a Flow! Using the phase shifting techniques will also help in bringing you into a new space and frequency. It will make you smile big time!
Are You Who You Think You Are?
(or Kabuki Theater at its Finest!)
In this Karmic Game that we have created, one of the big questions that most of us have tried to figure out from time to time is, "Who Am I?" Well, that is part of the Game! We think we have to figure out who in the heck we are AND also contemplate the rest of the circular, no right answer questions to fill out the rest of the questions that are postulated in the Game, and these are:
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
What am I supposed be doing?
What is my purpose?
Where am I going?
Found any answers for these yet? Or have you simply compromised and grabbed onto something that you know may not last and settle for less? Thought so! Well, don't beat yourself up! There are no answers to these questions other than contemplating your navel! You can confidently take ALL of those questions and simply toss them in the Dumpster! That's Right! You don't need them, never did and never will! Don't try to figure them out! They don't matter anyway!
In the Game, one of the rules is that you have to try to identify who you think you are, and that is solely based on what you have been doing or thinking about doing. This is part of your drive to feel that you have to perform, the costumes you have been wearing are the emotions and feelings that you express when you step out of your Heart in the morning directly onto the Stage to begin another day of Master Thespian Acting! The definition of an actor is simply one of portraying someone you are NOT! In the Game, you are Acting! And you have never missed a line, Ever! That is how Awesome you ARE! But that is not You! You are playing out your character attributes (based on what you have created) in your Movie or Book! Again, you are the Movie Star or the lead character of your Book! The Game is all about creating and experiencing ALL things possible within the confines of the Karmic Box that we have created. You are an accumulation of everything that you have created - and that is what your head (in this physical form) packs this "stuff" around for you - that is about the extent that it can do anyway! This then "shapes" how you see, hear, feel, smell and think and experience who you "think" you are based on what is in your "backpack" or all your costumes to carry out your performances on stage!
When you take your director's chair up on the hill and view your Movie from a little bit wider perspective you will begin to "see" how everything has been placed and set up for you to do your Acting! You step directly out your Heart every morning into the theater. The scene, set, stage, environment, props and the actors/actresses are already there so you can experience the same emotions/feelings over and over again! Remember, Karma means comeback and it simply repeats (in many different scenarios) until you decide that you are done performing on stage! It will be obvious that what you are watching is Kabuki theater at it's finest! So, performing is all about trying to control the outcome and reduce as many variables as possible, trying to figure things out, using an inordinate amount of energy to stay alive, trying to prove yourself and just hanging up your magic so you can try to justify your existence by thinking that you have assign value and worth to yourself. This is the antithesis to being home in your Heart - your Love, Trust, Belief is already there! It is okay to take the masks off!
One of the biggest fears that we experience in this Game is that it is very hard for us to "let go" of the costumes. A very common question is, "If I let this go, who am I going to be?" Oh, that has an easy answer - YOU! You cannot be anyone else! No one can take You away from You! In your Heart, it does not matter who you think you are! It is simply immaterial! You are Love and Light! You are a Perfect Idea in Divine Mind (this means Heart), Pure Substance, Expressing Perfection! You cannot be anything LESS!
We are rapidly changing and leaving the old frequencies behind! We cannot bring them with us even if we tried! Once you get the hang of allowing all these old energies to leave and KNOW that you will never miss them, you literally come Home where there is an Ease and a Grace and a Flow with Everything that you do! This will make you smile big time!
FOMO is the acronym for Fear of Missing Out! This is not a new phenomenon! It is as old as the ages. In this Karmic Game, you are gated by time. How you define Time governs everything that you do. It is always in place and it is the gatekeeper that keeps you in the constant state of comparing, monitoring and judging.
So, the bottom line of the Karmic Game is that you will lose everything at the end by the so-called "death" that we created to experience. You are still here, just not in the defined physical form that you think that is you! The Game is also all about having things and then having them taken away. This happens very often. So, the FOMO moments are set up by setting Expectations. Expectations is the Law of Karma in which you will always be disappointed because you will never meet your Expectations. These Expectations are en-wrapped in your quest to Perform. In the Karma Game, you have to Perform in everything that you do. In essence, you have to hang up all of your Magic at the saloon door before you can go to the bar to get your warm sarsaparilla! You believe that you have to do everything by yourself to prove that you are worthy and have value and that you are trying to be perfect because you think that by doing things that is who you are! (Not So!) But what transpires is something that happens even though you are trying to control all the variables in the equation of life as best you can. It will not end up where you think you should never will, as long as you are setting Expectations. Time rules the Law of Expectations. You will always have deadlines to make you feel that have to complete something by a certain period of time or else you have not succeeded or somehow you have failed. And what happens, you always are running out of time, there is never enough time to complete what you think you need to accomplish. Then, what occurs, is that you have to settle for less, beat yourself up, go into the woulda-coulda-shoulda's and again, you are disappointed. Which then leads to the anxiety that overwhelms your thoughts because you judge yourself and compare to what you thought that you HAD to accomplish and what you did not accomplish. Your performance simply does not measure up. Only if you had more time or you had less to do, this would make it so much more simple. The FOMO moments come as you define that you can only do certain things once - take age for example. I have to do this before I get to this age, and other conditions you place upon yourself because you too young or too old to do something. Or, maybe you have heard of bucket lists - things that you would like to do or want to do before you end the Game by not being here in a physical body! Ever make a list of things to do? Do you feel pressure to complete them and did you assign a timeline to your lists so you can cross them off to see where you are? Yeah, I thought so! So fear is wrapped up in the FOMO moments based on the need to perform within a certain period of time. So, ready for the secret weapon?
You already have it! It is in your Heart! In your Heart is the Law of Expectancy. This means that whatever you need or want is ALREADY there! Your Magic - your Love, Belief, Trust and Faith in You is already there! It has always been there and it can never be taken away from you! EVER! In your Heart, there is never any FOMO moments. You can never miss out on anything because in your Heart, there is no Time, no limitations and the Law of Attraction does not apply. You simply have everything you need and want as you wish and as much as you want. So, when you employ the Phase Shifting with the Detach Free-fall method, you simply are going into your Magic and becoming your changes before the changes become You! Believe me, when you get a hankering for a cold sarsaparilla on a hot dusty day, you don't have to hang up your Magic at the saloon door and end up settling for the usual warm sarsparilla that typically is waiting for you!
Balancing the Root Chakra of the Root Chakra and Free-Falling Detachment
As in the divine timing of everything and the major shifts and changes going on right now, it was brought to my attention that there is a new twist to an old belief or view of energy hubs in the physical body that we define as chakras. The work is directed to the root chakra of the root chakra. This is the "gyroscope" of the physical body and when it gets out of balance, the rest of the biofields of the body are affected and present what we commonly call physical dis-EASE (or there is something wrong). Now, this concept of each major chakra having a full compliment of a set of chakras is not new, the timing has arrived to allow the attenuation of the root chakra of the root chakra from a very different dimensional other words, it is now accessible! So, I am incorporating this technique with everyone I work with from now on....This gyroscope is like the automatic pilot in a plane or helicopter. Many of may be familiar with making a clay pot on a pottery wheel.....well, you can certainly produce some pretty out-of-balance pots! So, up to now, your head was in charge of making the adjustments/alignments - yeah, how has that been working out for you?!!! Now, your Heart can be directly "hard-wired" so that the attenuation and aligning becomes second nature! This is a good thing! By accessing this root chakra of the root chakra in this manner, it allows everything else in the physical body to align much more easily (that includes emotional and mental aspects as well!). This fits nicely into the Phase Shifting technique!
Now speaking of Phase Shifting, remember this is releasing and going into visioning (active creation), I was given a new guidance to tack onto the Phase Shift. I have given it a label of Free-Fall Detachment. So, to describe this, you may be familiar with the space shuttle and the international space station. Well, when the space shuttle is ready to leave to come back to Earth, the shuttle is release and it detaches to complete its descent. Here, you are the shuttle and the emotion/feeling is the space station. This is where the Free-Fall Detachment comes in to play. So, when you Phase Shift out of any costume (emotion/feeling) and as soon as your hand touches your Heart Chakra (Stargate), you then Meld, Synch, and Go into your Heart. Then after that has happened, vision that as you detach from the emotion/feeling and you simply Free-Fall (now this is not out of control free falling), you simply unhook, detach and you watch the space station (emotion/feeling) disappear over the horizon. The folks that I have already shared this technique with have noticed a big difference in how they feel. This technique and the attuning of the root chakra of the root chakra is very powerful, efficient and effective! This all about the acceleration of US moving to new frequencies where we will be operating "outside" the box and directly from the Heart! This definitely will make you smile!
Things Are Not Always What They Seem To BE!
Many of us have had experiences where we think that we have seen something, swear that it happened and then later find out what actually really happened. And we are stunned! How could that be? For example, if you are to report to your insurance company about details of what may have happened when you witnessed an accident, have you ever reported one thing that you were "sure" about, only to come back later and change what you reported? This happens all the time. Our brain will be looking to piece together things that are not quite familiar and then squeeze it down into something that it has already familiar with trying to make sense of it? Have you ever "seen" faces in rock formations? Same thing! What we "see" is not an illusion, it is part of the Game. We always are wanting to try to control the outcome and to bring things into a familiar form that allows us to "narrow" down the variables. Then they are manageable from a rational/reasoning mental point of view. Well, in the Game, say for example that you come to my office to discuss some things and we go into a meeting room - the meeting room has one wall that has a window in it. I mention that I forgot to bring some things needed for the meeting and I tell you to take a look out the window while I run and get the material. When I return to the room, I find you standing in front of the wall staring at it. I ask, "What are you doing?" and you answer, "The view through this window is terrible!" Then I reply, "Oh, that may be because it is a WALL!" I then suggest that you take a couple of steps to your left that places you in front of the real window! You exclaim, "Wow! This is Awesome! I didn't know it was here!" So, long story short, your head will always get you "stuck" pointing in a direction that gives you a very limited view. It will put you between a rock and a hard space all the time because that is all it can do! Your choices are very narrow and if you do want something, you have to "pay" a price to get what you want. And that price can be pretty steep! That is part of the Game - everything is conditional - always a quid pro quo - AND you will always be on the short end of the deal! In your Heart, nothing is conditional - you don't have to give up anything to have what you desire! I can assist you to getting you "off" stage and back into your Heart! Tap back into your Magic! Let's make it happen!
Contraction, Compression and Expansion
Well, there are massive shifts afoot - and they are not little by any stretch of the imagination! All kinds of folks are experiencing huge emotional and mental releases - most commonly felt via the physical discomforts of the human body. We are an accumulation of everything that you have created and in the character development of your character in your movie or your book, you have created the layers of costumes that have defined who you think you are! Certainly, the performance costume is underneath all of these, but as you developed your character, you have added "layers" of costumes to enhance your performance of acting it all out. The release of these costumes is now coming into full force because of the changes (and the presence of the Sapphire Blue) going on and will continue until all the costumes are completely off. Remember, you are stepping out of the old into the new (out of your head, or Karma game and back into your Heart!) and this process is accelerating! I have been noticing more and more people experiencing at least a quadrupling of the intensity of these releases when triggered by events that they thought they had already cleared. These come about because of the adding of these attributes that they have gathered, assigned and defined as part of their character. These additions cause a contraction of their costumes, and then the costumes become compressed...You really begin to identity who you are by what you do - it is very hard to let go of this. We think (mentally) that we have dealt with these types of the things and they are gone.....Not so! What is happening with the energies now, is the old is leaving - now it is ALL of the costumes, including the underlying performance costumes - things are expanding at a very rapid rate and fast! Expansion - just like a kernel of popcorn popping! So, if you have been experiencing things with this type of intensity, I can assist moving you through these energies. These shifts are truly remarkable!
The Energy behind the CV Situation
and The Real Deal of Phase Shifting
The Energy behind this CV situation that is currently affecting the world is all about the changes that have been on-going and it is really about bringing up the karmic mass collective fears to the surface en masse. The fears are manifesting because we cannot take them with us into the higher dimensional planes - moving out of the Karmic energies and back into our HeartSpace. They are leaving but in a way that we have never experienced. Yes, it is very real and it affects each of us in different ways. I have been working in tandem with my wife on mitigating the ferociousness of the virus with a "nanotechnology" energetic neutralization process and then bringing it down to this 3D level to infuse and render the virus (read fears) incapable of producing a "dis-ease". Also, there was a very large universal shift about two weeks ago and we have been noticing a blue sapphire/lapis color beginning to become much more pronounced in the energies. It is quite amazing. Using the Phase Shifting techniques will help you discover how you can maintain your cool with all of this uproar going on! I am holding Space and Energy for Everyone and I invite all of you to join in sending NOTHING but LOVE and LIGHT from YOUR HEART to Everyone! It will make a big difference!
In last month's Energy Update, I laid out three different usages of Phase Shifting. 1) Phase Shifting 3 times in the morning for no reason; 2) Phase Shifting on the Fly or Retroactively; and 3) Phase Shifting using the Visioning for things that you want. The Real Deal of #3 is the Visioning. This is Active Creation in action! This is your Magic which has ALWAYS been in your Heart! It is your Creativity, Imagination and Inspiration! Your Trust, Belief and Love.....and these can never be taken away from you! EVER! So, when you Vision, you tap into (and out of the Karmic dimensional space) ALL things possible without being gated by time! With the shifts and the acceleration the energies now underway, it is very important to be aware of how you can adjust and align with the shifts simply by operating from your Heart. The Visioning is effortless and works very reliably! It is like the saying, "What would you do, if you knew you could not fail?" Anything you Want! My sessions are incorporating these techniques and to say the least, the power of the energies in the sessions are very high! It will make you smile!
Phase Shifting Update
I have been receiving quite a few "way cool" emails and txts regarding Phase Shifting! And they are overwhelmingly exciting reports at that! As I have mentioned beforehand, I have been doing Phase Shifting for quite some time and just after Christmas of this past year, I was nudged to begin sharing this process with others on a larger scale. One big reason to do this was due to the major shifts in the Universal energies that have been taking place all around us AND the shifts are accelerating at a very rapid pace! Many people are now are in a space, whereby, by using this technique, can really be quite effective and efficient with a little bit of practice. It is very simple and really helps "cut to the chase" of what we would describe as a metaphysical "clearing and releasing" process. Phase Shifting is closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and then place your hand over your Heart Chakra. Your Heart Chakra becomes a "stargate" into your Heart. As soon as your hand touches your chest, you immediately begin to Meld your hand through the "stargate" and then "synch" your dimensional physical body to follow simultaneously into the "stargate", then Go completely into the "stargate"! In other words, you are leaving behind old energies (frequencies) that cannot come with you (or resonate) with the frequencies that are already in your Heart! Remember, everything you would ever possibly need or want is already there! It has never gone anywhere.
We have just created all things possible "outside" of our Heart to experience them in this "Game of Life"!
So, there are three areas that you can apply Phase Shifting to practice:
1) In the morning, as part of your daily routine (or your homework!), simply do the Phase Shifting exercise three times for NO reason at all! It will allow you to connect to your Magic and you will feel the peacefulness within and your chatter in your head will automatically decrease! This is a good thing!
2) If you react to an event, and you are aware of your reaction and the feeling and emotions that you experience do NOT make you smile, then you know where your focus of attention is being placed (emotions = vibrational frequencies) and this is what you are telling the Universe to help support so you can experience them - Again!! So, now, you will want to acknowledge the emotions/feelings, say "Thank You" (don't beat yourself up, regret, rue, or resist the emotions/feelings), then close your eyes, take a deep breath, place your hand over your Heart Chakra and Meld, Synch and Go! into your Heart and leave the event, emotions/feelings (removing your costume for your scene) behind and go to the place where these old programs (frequencies) cannot exist! Your Heart! Now, do a second and sometimes a third pass to make sure you get ALL of the costumes to be left behind1 You can do this technique on the fly or retroactively! Cool Stuff!
3) You also can perform this technique if you desire anything! Simply vision (from your Heart - dreams and imagination) what it is that you would desire (for example, visioning that you are seeing yourself already there) don't need a lot of details...Now you may have asked or wished for something and it never came to fruition because of various extenuating circumstances, so this is like being in a very deep swimming pool with no water in it, you can see out but you can't escape from the pool. Now, we will fill the pool with water and you can now float up to reach the ladder and climb out.....the instant that you pop your head up out of the pool you see that everything you have asked for (plus more!) is surrounding the pool! Vision that you are already where you asked to be - now close your eyes, take a deep breath, place your hand over your Heart Chakra and as soon as your hand touches your chest (stargate), you immediately Meld, Synch and Go into your Heart! The details will then be given to you to fill out your wishes or dreams! Simply holding this vision into form and focusing on already being there (then letting it go - trust), the Universe is obligated to bring it to you (but the cool thing is, it will always be better than what you dreamed of in the first place!) It will make you smile big time! Give these examples a whirl and tap into the Magic of You! Please send me any questions that you may have about Phase Shifting and I would be happy to assist you. I am referencing this Phase Shifting technique as "Really Way Cool Stuff! :)
The Universe Never Tests You and Have you Allowed the Guava Fruit to Drop from the Tree?
I had a question posed to me last month about being tested by the Universe:
Person: Michael, I have to message you because a lady did a free reading on me yesterday. What she said sort of shook me up! To paraphase, here is what I was told: “with the insight view of your picture, I see you rolling in a circle, I see you taking a step like a baby, you take 2 steps forward and 5 step backwards. I see you loosing it when it seems very close. I see you are also desire to get a very special gift from the universe but is not getting to you. I see this as costing you, thinking too much and feeling restless. I see life is giving you opposite of what you are putting into it.”
Person: Now, I did think... Is this the universe testing me?
Nope, the Universe never tests – you are the Universe – it is your movie. The Universe is centric to you You created it! All of it! – Not the other way around. No, there is nothing to be worried about. We create all things possible – that is what we do – you created this person because of the doubts that you have created in the programs that are running within you. She is an actress just mirroring back your fears in the script that you wrote. There is never any healing that needs to be done. There is nothing wrong with any of us and never has been. This experience of “karma” is simply something we created as a “physical” human form to experience limitations and to be gated by time that plays you – in other words, you lose “everything” at the end (“death”). So, what we do within the karma game is to experience the duality – based in fear….there is not, nor has there ever been fear in your heart. You can create anything you desire, you have no limitations and you are not bound by time. So, the special gift that she referred to is simply already in your heart, however, in the karmic game, we will always tend to look outside ourselves for answers and solutions – you will never find them because they are not there. This is why you simply can discard all the costumes and look within first. Love, Trust and Believe in you first. Seeking in this game will just have looking far and wide for answers that will never be found until you discover that your magic, your gift is right there in your Heart. You know where Heaven on Earth is? On Earth as it is in Heaven, it is your Heart!……So, she brought up the doubts, the fears, the questions – these emotions/feelings are on the surface now……if you are aware of your reactions……now you have a choice… can keep them or you can phase shift into the next higher dimensional space that does not contain them….which means, your focus of attention is on things that you know that you do want and not on things that you know that you don’t want, but you do not have to pay a price!……..Your masters will appear when the student is ready…….You are ready and always have been!…… listen to your Heart – it will ALWAYS tell you what is True.
Now, I would like to share an event that really sums up our Magic and how to see the dynamics of how this karmic game is structured! This will allow you to understand how you choose to play the Game! I call it "Have You Allowed the Guava Fruit to Drop from the Tree?" So, let me share this story with you. My client was out on a walk on her property and on her property is a guava tree and the fruit is ripe and ready to eat. She headed on her walk to where the guava tree stands. As she neared the tree, she noticed that the low hanging fruit had already been harvested and enjoyed. And as she looked up in the tree, she could see ripe fruit that she could not reach without having a ladder or not being able to climb the tree to obtain the fruit. She mouthed aloud, "Gee, wouldn't it be awesome if a guava fell out of the tree (so I can enjoy it - as she had already enjoyed some the low hanging fruit that was previously available)?" She then spent a bit of time under the tree just enjoying the space and then it was time to head back to the house. As she took 4 - 5 steps away from the tree, she heard a "thud". She turned around and much to her delight, a guava fruit had fallen from the tree! Oh, yeah, it was ripe and it was delicious AND it made her smile!
So, here is the rest of the story! In the Karmic box/game, we need labels to hold things into form (these are vibrational frequencies, just like everything else in our Universe) because the "mental/mind" part of this experience is very small and limited. You are always trying to control the outcome and trying to figure out the How, Why, When, Where, What, Who questions, never answering all of them because of the inherent limitations based on a very tiny solution set and being gated by Time (BTW - you are always running out of Time in this game) and then you will lose everything at the end of the day! These are the rules of the game. For all intents and purposes, the guava fruit had Already dropped from the tree before she even contemplated taking the walk. But, here is how the labels hold everything into place: As she approached the tree, she already know that the low hanging fruit was already picked and consumed (she helped!), and she also was aware that the fruit higher in the tree would be there because no one provided a ladder and/or the tree was too small to support climbing. So, the metaphor for the fruit that she could see but couldn't reach was a classic karma tenet - You can see it but you can't have it UNLESS you pay a price for this case, she didn't have a ladder to reach the fruit - the ladder represents the effort and energy needed to obtain the fruit. So, she was seeing and experiencing her labels - low hanging fruit is gone, unavailable and the higher fruit can't be had unless she makes an effort and "pays" a price to get them. Also, what I have not mentioned, is all the other labels that were in play here....the tree, by its very nature, in order to bear fruit is subject to a cycle, where it buds, flowers, the flowers are pollinated, the fruit grows, ripens, fruit is ready to consume, the fruit is harvested, then the leaves fall off and the tree goes in a dormancy and then the cycle repeats itself. So, this is just one of the examples what we hold into form with our labels and definitions of what we put in the drawer with the labels. Things are not what they seem to be! Can a ripe guava fruit fall out of a "dormant" guava tree? The answer is yes......if you believe.....To quote Monet again, "To see, one must forget the name of the thing that you are looking at". If you have opened your hands and placed your little fingers together and touched your palms to the your nose and open your eyes, you see a very close up view of your palms and fingers. This is your box, the labels are very limiting. Now there is nothing right, wrong, good or bad here - it just is! A vibrational frequency.....nothing more.
So the next time you feel that you are "stuck", feel resistance to something, feel you have to pay a price to get something you desire, then pay attention to where your focus of attention is being placed. Be aware of the labels, each has a different vibrational frequency that translates into what you "see" and experience. What you believe in will be given to you, the Universe does not judge, it just supports your movie (or where you place your focus). For examples, your fears will be realized just as easily as something that make you happy......Be careful what you ask for in the duality of this karmic game! Now, once you are aware of your reaction to an event as an emotion or a feeling, and you ascertain that these emotions/feelings do not make you feel happy, then you have a choice, a tap on the shoulder from the Universe. Now you have a choice, keep the labels in place (not wrong, right, good or bad) OR you can phase shift through your Heart into the place where you vision that you are in the next dimensional plane where what you just experienced that produced your reactions/feelings do NOT exist! In other words, have you allowed the guava fruit to drop from the tree? Now, simple phase shift, outstretch your hand and allow the guava drop into your literally can have your guava and eat it too! Bon Appetit!
So, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound? AND Phase Shifting.....
I was recently asked this question, "So, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?" Well, this another circular college Philosophy class question......there is never any right or wrong answer - you just end up taking sides and contemplating your navel a bit more - this is just more space junk that your head will latch onto and not let it go! It really does not MATTER! What does matter is what you Believe. If you believe that the tree does make a sound, that is okay. If you believe that the tree does NOT make a sound, that is also okay. The Universe just brings you what you believe in - there is no judging, nudging or advising from the Universe. Beliefs are simply vibrational frequencies, just like everything else that we have created. Your beliefs are simply what you have been carrying around in your backpack! You are an accumulation of everything that you have created and you are playing out your roles in this karma box (and actually the game is playing us!). The Universe is just supporting your movie - it will supply the scene, set, environment, stage and the actors - you write the scripts and produce and direct your movie! So, it is just as easy to realize your fears as it is to realize something that makes you happy! But, we have created all of this simply because we could so we could experience it!
Now, if you don't think that you are a powerful being, simply look out your window or step outside and take in everything that you can see, plus all the things that you don't see but are aware, what most of us don't realize is that YOU created all of are at the center of this world/universe! Then compare what we have been in - the Karmic Box - oh, yeah, we created this as well and as referenced to in last month's energy update, the labels keep us from "seeing" past your fingers! Bend your fingers down so that you can "see" or "believe" beyond your beliefs! The miracles are right in front of your nose, Always have been!
I would like to share a technique that I call "Phase" Shifting......I have been doing this for quite some time now and with the change of the state of the universal energies as they stand right now, it is "time" to share this....It is very simple and actually an aggregation of all the clearing and releasing techniques that I have discussed beforehand. So, here how it is implemented....You react to an event, you are aware of your reaction, and then you decide that emotion/feeling that you just experienced does not make you happy. So, you place your hand over your Heartspace and then take a short breath, hold it for 3 seconds (okay to exhale) and allow your hand to "meld" into your Heart (like touching a stargate veil). Allow yourself to follow your hand through into the next dimensional plane where the vibrations are higher than the one that you just experienced your emotions/feelings. In this higher dimensional plane, what you experienced cannot come with you, in other words, the old "lower" vibrations that contained your reactions stays behind. You phase into the next higher dimension that the old lower vibrations cannot resonate in form. You can't take the old with you! You can apply this technique with ALL mental, emotional and physical reactions (these are essentially all the same). Start practicing this technique and you will find that after a little bit of practice, you will notice bigger shifts and sensations and a "deeper" meld into your Heart. So, give this a whirl!
Trying to Control the Outcome and Removing Labels!
In the Karmic game, the game is playing you. You have chosen to create within a "box" things such as labels with defined limitations and the all important gatekeeper, Time. Imagine all the drawers on the wall with labels and the definitions assigned to the labels and then these are held into form (belief systems, truths or vibrational frequencies) so we can experience them in the movie we have created to experience. We created this game because we could! It is not a why question! This is all about experiencing all the different ways to experience the "separation" between the head (mental awareness) and your Heart! In your Heart, you have no limitations and it is timeless. So, you are an accumulation of everything you have created (which is a bazillions of things) and your bring them with you to play this Karmic game and it plays out as you experience this contemporary lifetime. In this game, you are governed by limitations bounded by Time - these are the rules of the game and at the end of the Karmic game, physical bodies cease to exist (at least that is the illusion) AND you have Lost Everything and you get to start over to "learn" lessons that you already have "learned" that is in your Heart right now. When you "complete" Karmic cycles, (Aha moments), it is about you gathering up all the pieces and parts of you that have been scattered about the Universe to create the illusion that you 'Have' to work on learning your lesson, bringing them back together so that you can move into the next level of the game (called ascension in some circles).
In the game of Karma, you are trying to control the outcome - trying desperately to answers all the how, who, what, where, when, why questions so that you can step forward without any fear....problem is though, you will answer most of those questions but never answer all of them. This creates the doubts and fears of us going forward. It creates what we call risks, nothing is certain....Classic Karma is based in duality - always the opposites have to be defined and held in to form. You find would-coulda-shoulda's all over the place. You find indecisions, such as is this good, is this bad and so on. Such is the nature of this Karmic box experience. This is the land of logic, reasoning, rationalization and analytics (there is nothing of the sort in your Heart). Nothing wrong with any of these - you are doing the best that you can with the limited solutions you have. Also, remember, in the grand scheme of things, you are not here to try to figure things out, make something happen or manifest anything! Not your job! However, in the Karmic Box using your intellect (knowledge) is where you land in the mud - usually face down! When you are in your Heart, you never have to try to control anything....simply vision what it is that you want (what makes you happy), then place your hand over your heart and ask! You already have solutions for everything right now in your Heart and you already have solutions for everything that you Have not even created yet! You have the tools and the knowing of how to use them NOW! There are no doubts in your Heart or any fear. A reminder, we can create anything and we can dissolve anything that we have created...Because we can! In your Heart, where your Magic is and always will be, you are simply a huge big ball of Love and Light! This is who you really are! Quoting Florence Shinn, "You are a perfect Idea in Divine Mind, pure substance, expressing perfection!" You cannot be anything less! (BTW -Divine Mind means Heart). You are not here to be perfect, but everything you create is perfect! You simply are here to create and experience ALL things possible! That's it! So, the Karmic game is something we created to experience! Nothing more!
So, notwithstanding the above, in the Karmic box, we are very used to assigning labels to everything and then defining the labels with our belief systems (vibrational frequencies) of what we have created. These are the drawers on the wall that we fill up with literature (or your database that you fill up your hard drive with). We typically define who we are by what we do or have done. Just ask someone what it is that they do - they will let you know - they will also hand you a card stating that this is who they are! Nothing wrong with this....just the nature of the Karmic box! But is it really who they are? No! We tend to wear all of our costumes at the same time - nothing goes back to wardrobe! So, to quote Claude Monet, "To see, we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at." In other words, once we have placed a label on anything, it is defined by our belief system - it then becomes very hard to change it. In Karma, fear is the very thing that stops change in it tracks. (See controlling the outcome above!). To remove the label is to return to your Heart and that is where we are headed to very quickly. It allows you to see past the label! The Karma game is coming to a close and we can't take these old things with us. Not that this is right or wrong as there is NO duality in your Heart, it simply is happening. The only thing that is constant in this "Universe" is change and when you do not fear the changes, there is NOTHING that you Cannot Do! There is no fear in your Heart! Ever! So, look at the wall and find the drawers with the labels that you have defined for yourself, now contemplate pulling out the drawers, removing the labels and dumping the contents in the drawers into the Dumpster! Folks have a very hard time doing this because they are afraid that if they remove the labels, who would they be? Short answer: Themselves! That does not go away! Ever! Remove the labels and new things come into your sphere, doors opens, opportunity knocks and your imagination and creativity unfolds in ways that will make you smile like the proverbial Cheshire cat whether you are up to something or not! Give it a try (we can help!), it will make a difference!
Packing up the Karmic Game and Putting It Back on the Shelf!
So, we are here to create and experience ALL things possible! That is it! No more contemplating your navel with the ascetics of the 5 college philosophy questions that have been bandied about since the beginning of "Time" as we have created it!! These questions are: 1) Where did we come from? 2) Why are we here? 3) What are we supposed to be doing? 4) What is my purpose? 5) And Where are we going?! Well, as you can see, these have been and are very circular questions with no right or wrong is part of the Karmic loops that keep us in the box of trying to control the outcome - the duality of the Karma is just that. You can toss ALL these questions in the Dumpster AND I just happen to know where one is located! This is part of the mental awareness that the Karma game provides for us. In the Karmic mental awareness, we are constantly trying to control the outcome by asking the how, why, when, where, who, what questions. Trying to figure things out or thinking that you have make things happen or manifest things (not your job by the way) is part and parcel of the Karma game. You will never answer all of these questions and that creates your doubts and risks of wishing that you had all the answers before you go forward, but because Time is now in play as your gatekeeper, you forge ahead and do the best you can with the limited solutions that you have. You essentially set expectations and the law of Karma is governed by the law of expectations - in other words, your expectations will never be met and you will mostly like end up being disappointed and settle for less! Classic Karma! which is ALL about having something and then having it taken away from you. This is the game of Karma - you will die a physical death and you simply lose everything that you thought that was yours bound by the gatekeeper of Time! In your Heart, and we have ALWAYS been there, you have no need to try to figure things out, make things happen or try to manifest anything (these are not and never was or will be your "job"!.) You will Always be taken care of NO matter what when you are in your Heart! There is NO fear whatsoever in your Heart and there never has been! The law of expectancy is in play here - you can never lose anything when you come from your Heart, Ever!
In the Karmic game, we are used to using our mental awareness to "solve" problems implementing reasoning, rationalization, logic and analytics to always control the outcome and take away as many variations as possible. The head (mental awareness) fears change instead of embracing change. Change is the only thing that is constant in this Universe! And there is No fear in your Heart! Right now, you have answers to everything in your Heart and you have answers for things that you have not even created yet! This is all about Believing in your Magic! Trust, Faith and Unconditional Love is in your Heart! You don't have to look outside to find anything! It is already there and always has been and always will be! Believing Beyond your Beliefs is the key!
So, look at the game of Karma as a board game like Monopoly TM - in this example, you have a game board, a finite amount of money, cards, tokens to move around the board, dice and the rules. Karma has a board, it has finite amount of things in the box and rules. What we are in process of experiencing is, that it is "time" to gather up all the pieces and parts of the game, bring them back and place them in the box so that we can complete the game, fold the board up and put the lid on the box and place the box back on the shelf so that we can go "outside" and Play the Game as we want to Play it! In others words, we can't take this game with us as we move into the higher vibrational frequencies! That surely will make you Smile! :) Practice bringing back the pieces and parts of the game to them back into the box - remember the rule of thumb: If you look in your backpack and you find anything that is not your lunch and you can't eat it, it goes into the Dumpster immediately! No need to pack around things that are no longer needed!
A bit of a different perspective on Metaphysical Clearing of Karmic Cycles
So, even if you are not totally aware of it, everything is a metaphysical experience - meta means change - metaphysical = change the physical. Change is the only thing that is constant. There is always change going on. And We create, that is what we do! We are here to create and experience ALL things possible! We are pretty adept at doing this! We literally create things from thin air and we have the ability to dissolve them back into thin air! We create all different things such as belief systems and "truths" out of the vibrational frequencies of the Universe because we can! We essentially have no limitations, never have and never will. We are actively in the process of creating brand new things that have never been created before! However, at this present "moment" we have created a game that we have labeled "Karma" (Karma means comeback in Sanskrit) - things go in circles, repeat themselves and this sets up how we have created experiences bound by limitations and the ever present gatekeeper - Time.
Karma is about having something and then having it taken away. That is the end game of Karma. You are born, you age and then you die. Essentially, you lose everything because you are not "existing" in a physical form. Secret are still here after you "die"! So, to put Karma in this perspective, you are an accumulation of Everything that you have created! And that is saying at the least, A LOT! The Karma is about experiencing limitations and gatekeepers - these don't exist outside of the Karmic box we created. We created the illusion of the limitations because we could, this is not a why question. We can dissolve anything that we have created. You have the Power to do so....remember, you have ALWAYS had the ability to do ANYTHING in your "Heart"! And that cannot ever be taken away from you! So, the metaphysical stories that we are experiencing that we have to learn lessons, we are less than, we are only human, etc., are simply made up to experience. Nothing more! There is nothing right or wrong or good or bad about what we create. We simply create, give the creations forms, define the creations and these become belief systems or truths that we hold on to experience and the Universe just supports your movie. There is no nudging, judging or advising from the allows you to experience whatever you place your focus of attention upon. So, you can just as easily create something that brings you fear as something that makes you happy. So, up to now and ongoing, the premise is that we have to stay within this Karmic box, learn our lessons and then ascend into these higher frequencies. Secret alert - You don't have to ascend to go anywhere, you don't have to look outside of yourself for solutions - you have everything you need in your Heart! You are already there! And Always have been! Now, that being said, the "mass consciousness" that holds this Karmic box into place is very real. Most of us are being played by the game of Karma instead of us playing the game the way that we want to play it. So, knowing that you have answers and solutions to everything already in your Heart and knowing that you have answers in your Heart for things you have not even created yet, this next concept will help you accelerate the removal of all of these karmic creations that have been seemingly piled high all around your and atop of your Heart (this is the illusion of the separation of the Heart from the Head/Mind). I would like for you to contemplate (not too much thinking here!) the following:
Right now, We are being ushered into higher and higher vibrational frequencies - change. We are moving out of the dimensional frequencies of the Karmic is simply going away. We are moving out of the entire Karma, Dharma, Soul, Higher Self paradigms - we are moving rapidly back into our Heart (the Magic of YOU!). So, in reference to the "Clearing and Releasing" protocols that we have been working on, change this to, "I can move out all these old programs of limitations and gatekeepers with ease because the Universe is simply reminding us, we cannot take them with us and we already have the answers and tools in our Hearts to be able to use them as we go into these higher vibrational frequencies". In other words, there is no duality or fear in your Heart! As you step "forward", if you need a tool to use, it will be given to you and you will already know how to use it! Your Magic is within and your Love and your Light can NEVER be taken away from you! Give this a whirl.....You will find it is much more easy than what you have been doing! We like Easy around here!
The Importance of Acknowledging and Thanking your Emotions and Feelings
So, if you have followed this blog for a bit or managed to stumble upon some of the articles and musings on my website, I was guided to insert an addition into the process of tossing old programs into the Dumpster. I believe that this addition really completes the process of releasing and clearing Karmic cycles and accelerates the speed at which the participant (you) will enjoy the shifts back into your Magic of your Heart! You are here to simply create and experience ALL things possible...That is the reason we are here! To Create and Experience! And we are, by golly, very good at what we do! You are an accumulation of everything thing that you have created AND that can be a bazillion of things. So, we have created a world that we can call Karmic - Karma means comeback in Sanskrit ) - a boomerang of sorts. We created this Karmic world to experience limitations or the illusion that there is a separation between our Heart Awareness (Knowing) and our Head (Knowledge and Thinking).
The mental mind process of Karma is like being in a box that is bounded by the gatekeeper of Time. You have heard of it at times as 3D. So, WE created the "human" body, with a physiology based in fear - the biofeedback system of the human physical body is based in fear, which goes hand-in-hand with the limitations that we created to experience limitations. It is constantly monitoring everything to make sure all systems are working. Guess what? Oh, things happen that don't work because we create all of this stuff.....this includes not only the physical, but mental, emotional and spiritual things that can go south because of the duality of Karma - you have to define the opposites in this Game. And this includes Fear.
These creations are in what we describe as our subconscious (and this is the soup that we share with everyone on the planet). When we awake in the morning and open our eyes, we call this consciousness - so the consciousness dips into the subconscious and now we hold into form ALL the things that we have created and are holding onto (this is the backpack that you stuff full of everything that you have created OR the drawers on the walls that are labeled with everything we have created and the drawers contain all the literature you could fine to put into the drawer relating to the label on the drawer). In other words, this is your movie, but usually, you are being played by the Game in your Movie. You are not playing the Game the way that you want to because we created a box to play in that has very limited solutions to solve our problems. Then, the Karma Game is always bounded by TIME. Now everything is held into form and Time is no different. It really does not exist unless we hold it into form. Our movies are supported by the Universe, they support the environment, scenes, stage, props, and actors for our movie.....we supply the direction, production and the writing of our scripts for the actors. The law of attraction states that everything comes to you and the Universe will then bring you what you are focused on - Karma is story and how we relate to others of what happened in our movie. Now the Universe does not judge, nudge or advise of what you have chosen to hold into form and to experience. It is just there to provide the set for your movie. Remember, NOTHING that you have created is either right, wrong, good or bad. You have chosen to define with labels what you wanted to experience based in this duality process - you have to define the opposites - hence, the labels attached to the drawers (and all the literature in the drawers that you are hanging onto!). So, each time you react, there is another opposite of that reaction that exists. So, in Karma, the more you resist or fight against something (labeling right, wrong, good or bad) the more it will be presented to you. Karma is about focusing more on things that you know that you do NOT want. Like: Things are a challenge, life is hard, we are only human, there is something wrong with us, we have to fix this, we have to save that, we are always running out time, life is short, life is hard, we are doing the best we can with the limited solutions, we have to settle for less and we can't have what we want without paying a price, we have to figure this out or make this happen....Sound familiar? These are all old belief systems, truths or vibrational frequencies - these are all the same things. So when you react to an event, you are focused on these and the Universe will provide. They will just as easily bring you fear as easily it will bring you happiness. It is not important to know where these belief systems came from (you created it to experience it) and it is being presented to you in a contemporary familiar form, the only importance is that you reacted to it and you are Aware of it!
Here is the process with the new addition:
1. The Event is created for you to experience AGAIN (karmic cycle),
2. You reacted to the emotions and feelings of that reaction which doesn’t make you feel happy,
3. This on the surface or a tap on your shoulder and you are aware of your emotions and feeling.
4. Bring the emotions up on the table, ACKNOWLEDGE them.
5. Say aloud, "THANK YOU!"
6. Now place your hand over your Heart and ASK for Help! Say aloud, "I need some Help please, Thank You!"
7.Toss the emotions and feelings in the Dumpster (find the drawers with the labels matching the emotions/feelings, pull the drawers out, dump the contents and remove the labels!!!
8. Now, start smiling and let the Universe bring you solutions and focus on how Happy you will be when these emotions and situations simply disappear and you are doing things that make you laugh, smile and be Happy!............ 😊
The Thank You in step 5 is like the Goo-Gone of removing any adhesive of the stickiness of the energetic cording of the karmic program. In other words, karma is all about "having or owning" something and then it is taken away - that is the end game of karma - as in, your are born, age and die (all bound by the gatekeeper of TIME - which you are always running out of!) and at the end of the day, you lose everything because the game ends when you experience the demise of the physical body. Oh, you are still here, the illusion is that you are gone......We are moving out of the karma duality experience very rapidly and back into our Heart Space (your Magic within you!) and the more you can toss in the dumpster all of these old programs we created to experience in the karma game, the easier things will flow! Get up on the hill, observe from that perspective! See the dynamics of what you wrote in your scripts. Then make your choices from that vantage point (your Heart)! This reminds me of a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer - "Change the way you Look at Things and the Things that you Look at will Change!"
Carrying Karmic Burdens AND it is a Good Thing that We don't Have Think to Breath!
So, you may have heard the phrase, "Oh, I am only Human!" If you are being played by your programs in this Karmic game we are experiencing (which most of us are by the way), then this is a saying familiar to you. In the 3D world of your "physical" dimensions, you created experiences that allows you to play out limitations in all possible manners and ways. You changed the narrative of what you can do, which is create all things possible without limitations to one of challenges, limitations, roadblocks, gatekeepers, confinement and time! This includes suffering, hardships, slogging through "life", mistrust, judgment, unworthiness, abandonment, loss, giving away your power and not being able to speaking your truth from your Heart! Karma is all about having something and then having it taken away from you (in many different ways that you can possibly imagine!). At the end of the day, you seemingly lose everything that you "have". Time, Age, Duality, Fear and Death are all part of the Karmic game. In your Heart, these do not exist - they can't! So, the illusion that you have created within the Karmic game, is that you are less than God and that there is something wrong with you and you have challenges and you have to learn lessons and that you have to carry burdens (responsibilities) for yourself, your family, your community and even greater, for Humanity. Karma is about giving away your power, carrying burdens even though you have been created in the likeness of God (you are inseparable by the way) and you have the ability to do anything and more, simply by being here and creating all things possible! So, you have been experiencing the illusion that there is a separation between your Heart and your Head (mind/mental awareness)....Now, it is very real, but it is still just an illusion that can be changed! Your Light has always been here, your Magic has always been here! Again, part of the heaviness of this "physical" life in this "physical" body is what I am seeing in my sessions and are being uncovered by the massive shifts in the energies, is that the enormity of how big carrying burdens for Humanity really is! All of us holographically share in carrying burdens for Humanity. It is the program that You have to be strong - in the physical body, the shoulders represent carrying the loads/burdens or "he ain't heavy, he's my brother" mentality. You have to carry everyone, you have to give up our power, you have help or else you have let everyone around you down - then if you don't make the grade, here comes the emotions and the judgment, the comparing, the not worthy feelings and the woulda-coulda-shoulda's and so on! You are hard on yourself and beat yourself up because you did not meet your expectations. The law of Karma is governed by the law of Expectations. When you set expectations, you will be disappointed! Always! The better method is to come from your Heart where the law of Expectancy is in force - you never ever will be disappointed! So, carrying burdens for humanity is ubiquitous in Karma. Everyone feels it. It is like having a porous cake, like a pound or angel food cake, that when icing is applied, the icing seeps down into the cake making it very difficult to extract. I have increased my focus of removing/extracting these burdens of Humanity (and all other burdens) very regularly in my sessions in the prior month. I have observed that it is making a huge difference in the energy signatures of the folks I am blessed to assist! I have observed noticeable changes in the ease and grace and flow of the energies within the "physical" dimensions that have replaced the old energies! Way Cool Stuff! I liken these burdens as to being a cap on holding down all the other emotions/feelings of hardships and challenges we have created in Karma to experience. You never were meant to carry burdens whatsoever, then, now or in the "future"! Not your job! Never has been! But it came packaged with the Karma game we created to experience! With the removal of these burdens, it makes it much easier to allow old patterns and programs to be released. Energy flows much more freely without the obstructions and the space junk gets cleared out and tossed in the Dumpster! And when these things happen, you feel Alive! You notice that things are easier, you don't have to works so hard and you will be very pleased and Happy when more Awesome things fall into your lap, simply by asking from your Heart!
So, here is a footnote....The Universe did do us a favor when we created the Karmic game.....they gave us a "physical" body with what we call is an autonomic nervous system - which in short means, we don't have to remember to think to take a breath or to breathe! This is a good thing because otherwise, the book of the history of humans would be quite succinctly short! The History of the World of Humans would have been a bit different....something like this: "In the beginning, humans were created and given the ability to "think" and have a mental awareness that had never been done before! Then Everyone forgot to "think" to breath. The End!!" Back to the drawing board, although, this Karma wouldn't had been my second choice at all!
Major Shifts and What Follows if You are Handing the Reins of your Out-of-Control Stagecoach to your Monkeys!
The energies since the last Full Moon in June and in conjunction with the Solstice 4 days later has picked up the pace in the acceleration of major shifts and changes like we have not ever experienced before. I know that I write about this all the time but June has been packed full of folks experiencing emotional, mental and physical symptoms in intensities they have never felt before. Some of these are quite debilitating, for example, I have heard from more than 5 people relating that one moment they felt fine and the next moment, they were in bed for 3 days. Obviously, always get checked out with professional medical assistance if you need it! But, how I "see" this is a massive release of energies (old programs) that have been carried around within our biofields of our "physical" bodies. The volume and quantity of the releases simply overwhelm the mental/mind/brain. So, it shuts down because it cannot process it all at the same time - it goes into a "Defcon 5" situation! Now, along the way, we have defined the make-up/parts of the what we call the physical body. We are very accustomed to "thinking" with our brain and in a physiological sense, we have defined a monitoring or biofeedback system for the physical body (this is based in fear and constantly trying to control the outcome). This constant monitoring is said to allow us to know or be aware of what is going on - is it hot, cold? am I feeling good, bad? am I in danger or not? and so on....Now, normally this is a good thing but it really is telling that when things go outside the monitoring scale (pain levels are a good examples of this 0 = no pain, 10 = on the ceiling) your really feel the intensity and shutdown to recover. However, this system goes hand-in-hand with the limitations that we have created within the Karmic (duality) box that we have chosen to create and experience. With these shifts and changes in the energies, it is reminding us that we are moving out of the Karmic box (represents a lower vibrational frequency) and we cannot take all of these old programs/frequencies with us. It also is a powerful reminder that the mental awareness or thinking from the brain/mind is going the way of the Dodo bird! This is a good thing because, thinking (mentally) is very limited and we are moving back into our heart "think" or "knowing" at a very accelerated pace. My analogy of the difference in using your head or your heart is like this: Your head is like an old Commodore 64K computer with the power unplugged! Commodore actually advertised that 64K was all the memory you would ever need.....turns out that 64K is equivalent to a single keystroke on your keyboard! However, your Heart is like a 1000 super-computers hooked together running at optimum speeds at all times. Guess which one we tend to choose to use!!!
So, when you experience an event and you react with an emotion/feeling and that reaction of that emotion/feeling does not make you feel happy, your head just gave you that mental awareness (which is what we want it to do). However, NOW, the head is done (it does not need to monitor the situation anymore) and unless something changes drastically to what you had just been made aware of, it is to be quiet (NO Thinking! or trying to figure something out!). Then immediately place your hand over your heart and ASK for help! "I need some help Please, Thank You!" Then, let it go and allow the Universe to go to work for you! Do not let your head ask any further questions!
Now, if you don't drop this emotion/feeling into your Heart and you stay in your head and try to figure out or think about how your are going to resolve/fix this particular emotion/feeling reaction, then you have essentially just handed over the reins of your out-of-control stagecoach to your Monkeys! AND you know where they are headed - over the cliff again! Not at good idea! You have been at the bottom of that cliff many times....don't give your Monkeys the reins to your stagecoach...Just Saying! Are ya done playing that game!? With the massive shifts of old energies releasing, it is very important to move into your Heart and stay there as much as you can. Your heart can handle all that you can throw at it AND not miss a beat! Trust and Believe in yourself - your Heart is your Magic! You have solutions for all things right now in your heart and you have solutions to things that you have not even created yet!!! Ask, get your solutions first, then tell the head/mind know your solutions and THEN you can proceed to play it out in this physical dimension! By-the-way, you will find it much easier to do things when you are in a grace, ease and a flow. Know that the Universe has got your back!!
Energy Acceleration and the Speed of Light Changes
I have noticed that ever since the full moon on Easter weekend in April and the full moon occurring on May 18, that the changes and shifts of the universal energies have significantly gotten much more accelerated, I can describe it as almost palpable or tangible! There are mentions in the scientific world that the speed of light has increased - which immediately places into question regarding the meaning of the Theory of Relativity - this is a game changer in holding onto quantum physics theorems. I have been experiencing some quite incredible differences in the flows and volumes of these Universal forces coming through me and my sessions. So simply put, we have shifted into high gear! These higher vibrations are moving us more rapidly into higher frequencies than we have ever experienced. We have been changing from what we tend to describe from a metaphysical definition of Karma (duality - limitations) based vibrational frequencies (lower or mental awareness) and we are returning back to our natural Heartspace awareness (higher frequencies - no limitations). However, now, the jets are being fired up! This is quite evident in how everyone is being affected (it is not just a few, it is everyone!). Sessions are literally flying by, there are tremendous shifts in the releasing of old energies, major biofield and of dimensional planes re-alignments (and misalignments). Many people have been simply overwhelmed by these changes and in our current physical, mental and emotional definition of how we operate in this physical world, it can be very dramatically played out and somewhat disconcerting that there is something happening that is has been held into form that something majorly wrong and we are desperately trying to solve or fix the issue with our very limited solution set (mostly because of the Karmic fear we hold into place). Well, change is the only thing that is constant in this Universe! And the faster we are able to embrace the changes instead of fearing them, the easier everything becomes! The Karmic game that plays us dictates that we are always behind the 8-ball, there is something wrong and we have to fix it, we have to try to control the outcome and life is a struggle filled with limitations. We are now rapidly moving away from the Karmic game back into our Heartspace where there are NO limitations. My work is all about assisting anyone who wants to really embrace the changes, get out of the forest and up on the hill, to see from that "vibrational" frequency point of view that "Things are NOT always what they seem to be"! Your happiness is already (and has been) in your Heartspace. I can assist you in moving into these higher dimensional frequencies - when you are there, it is easier to "release and let go" of old Karmic patterns that you have created to experience. Releasing, Clearing, "Aha" moments, Surrendering your emotions, Cleaning out your backpack, tossing stuff in the Dumpster, leaving your bags at the train station and then getting on the train, are ALL the same thing! As you raise your vibrational frequencies by clearing out the biofields that define you in this physical form, the energies flow much more unobstructed. The freer the flow, the better you feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually! As you remove the clogs in the "pipes", you remove the shackles/chains and allow higher volumes and flows of the universal energies to move through you. Less resistance means a happier you! Remember, this is your Movie and you are the Movie Star! So, set your sights on doing what Movie Stars to best - They Always Get What They Want!!!
A Few Easy Rules of Thumb!
So, we are an accumulation of everything that we have created (that's more than a gazillion of things! or in other words, a lot!!) and we are really good at experiencing our experiences over and over again every single day. Experiencing events over and over is Classic Karma (Karma means comeback in Sanskrit), so the data that fills up each of the labeled drawers on your big wall is the repository of your experiences and how you hold them into form - old programs such as belief systems, truths or vibrational frequencies (these are all the same). So, your database is there in the drawers when you experience an event and then your reaction is defined as to how you have decided to react to that event. The wall is huge and filled with the labeled drawers and You are packing around ALL of this data (mostly from a mental or intellectual perspective - this is in your backpack!). And, Oh! we call this Life and being that we have created a duality system (Karma - created so we can experience "limitations" as there are not any limitations in your Heart - or Unconditional LOVE -- by-the-way, who you really ARE!) and we have also defined a physical world (3D) and a physical body (human) in which to experience these limitations. So somehow along the line, we got it ingrained into our head (data in the drawers) that we are less than perfect and we have to fix or save us, them and everything else because something is NOT Right!
So, now, here is a rule of thumb to put into place:
1) An event happens (I call it a tap on your shoulder to get your attention). This is the Universe reminding you that there
may be something here that you don't need to hang to anymore!
2) You are aware of your reaction....very important!
3) And that reaction does not make you feel Happy.....more important!
3a) SKIP 3a)!!!!! But please read below and then Go to 4)
Now, most commonly, when things don't make you feel Happy, you immediately let the head/mental awareness go to the drawers with the labels that match your emotion/feelings that you experienced from that event. The drawers get opened, the data/literature that is in the drawers are then confirmation that this is how you are supposed to react to based on old programs steeped in logic, reasoning, rationalization and analytics! And you usually beat yourself up because this event usually has happened before (many times) - we get more angry and we still just can't quite figure out how to "fix" this - could it be that we choosing to use a limited solutions set to solve what we have defined as a problem or issue? But, we will use the same answers over and over again until we literally hit the proverbial wall - then we "surrender" or "dump the drawer out and ask for help from the Universe! By relying on the data/literature that is in the drawers, you are simply doing the best you can with the limited answers that are there! Using these solutions is like putting out your gas leak with a hammer, AGAIN!
4) Do NOT let your head pull out the drawers that you have labeled that match your reaction of what emotion/feelings you
just experienced. Your Awareness stops there! The law of attraction says that everything comes to you and when you react and you experience the emotions/feelings of that event, this is what the Universe is telling you where your focus of attention is being placed, and since they don't judge, and are here to support your Movie, then you are essentially telling them, my focus is here, please bring this emotion/feeling to me so I can experience it AGAIN! And they will oblige and and bring it to you! (You can change this at any time!!!). If you let your head try to figure this out - aka, Thinking! Then you just buckled up the belt that harnesses the 20 wild horses, and once it is buckled, you say "Giddy-Up!" and off they go, in 20 different directions....Please unbuckle the belt! Let the horses go - you do not need to go look for them!
5) Now drop this Awareness of your reaction into your Heart! Place you hand over your Heart and ask aloud, "I need some help please, Thank You!" In other words, you are focusing on how Happy you will be when the reactions, situations and events simply are gone! The focus is not on why they are here or if they are coming back or if there is more to come! So, once you ask, your answers are already here. You have answers in your Heart for everything! You have answers for things that you have not even created yet! You will ALWAYS be taken care of and you have never done anything wrong! You do not need to judge yourself! This does not mean that you are being weak by asking for help! It means that you are tapping into ALL the rest of the answers that are NOT in the labeled drawers! Your Heart is your toolbox and it is your Movie!
Now, once you have asked for assistance, find ALL of the drawers that match your initial reaction based on the emotions and feelings you experienced with that particular event and DUMP all of the contents into the Dumpster! And remember, when you do this, you have entered the NO Dumpster Diving Zone! What goes in the Dumpster, Stays in the Dumpster! Remove the labels from the drawers and place the drawers back into the slots in the wall. Now, this is going to start to make you Smile! You got answers, they are here, Now allow yourself to receive the answers from your Heart and then kick the answers up to the head so that you can play them out in this 3D reality! Now your focus is simply on your anticipated excitement of you receiving what you have asked for and how the Universe will deliver it to you! What you will receive will be better than what you asked for in the first place! And it will be delivered to you divinely orchestrated and perfectly timed! You don't even have to do that! Your Movie is getting better and easier! Every time you dump a drawer out and remove the label, you are completing a Karmic cycle/old programs. The database gets smaller and smaller! There is an ease and a grace and a flow to everything you do! Your backpack gets lighter and lighter! This Will make you Smile!
So, another brief rule of thumb is as follows: If you find anything in your backpack that is NOT your lunch (it is not edible), then you can toss it in the Dumpster immediately! No need to carry any more around with you that is simply not needed! This is a good thing!
Almost last rule of thumb: Figure out how old you have defined yourself in earth years (your current age!). Now, add those two numbers together - Now from now on, ACT your Age!!!! In other words, never grow up! This will make you Smile! Let your little girl or little boy dance, sing, play, laugh, giggle, have fun and BE Happy! We think that we have to grow up and become serious....not so!...Focus on what makes you Happy, then Ask, and it will be Coming to You! Believe!
Last rule of thumb: Decide TODAY that you will ALWAYS have a great day NO matter what happens! I know that sound illogical, but there is NO logic in your Heart! There is Only Love!!! Give this one a will start to notice the difference in how you feel....smiles come a lot more easily!
And as Winnie the Pooh says back to Christopher Robin when he asks the following question:
Pooh: "What day is it?"
Christopher Robin: "Today"
Pooh: "That is my Favorite Day!"
Full Super Moon, Equinox and the First Day of Spring AND 20 Wild Horses!
There have been some major energetic waves being felt by almost everyone in the past few months. Last month brought us the 3rd Full Super Moon of the calendar year (with two more on the way) and this was sync'd up with the Equinox (and the First Day of Spring) on March 20. If you have had feelings of being very tired, overwhelmed or at times exhausted for simply doing what you have always been doing, then you are not alone! The energetics in play are moving us into higher energy vibrations, which means that the older, lower energies that we have been hanging onto, are coming to the surface en masse and at an accelerated pace. Emotions and feelings have been described as quite accentuated, sharp and intense....Not to mention, very overwhelming! Well, to help explain this a bit more from an energetic perspective, there is an abnormal amount of old energies being released from our biofields of our "body". These are essentially data that has been stored in the hard drive and memory of your internal computer. It has been compressed, but now it is starting to leave very rapidly. Most of us are accustomed to use our heads (brain/mental awareness) to operate - I call this thinking! It works but thinking has some major drawbacks!! It can get us into some pretty significant predicaments! Have you ever been between a rock and a hard place? I thought so! You were thinking! How did that work out for you! Anyway, as these old energies are leaving, the head/brain will grab on to it and hang on to it for you! It hangs over you like a smog ring and clogs up the works! The head/brain was never meant to be used for thinking - it was something we created to experience because of our creation of the "physical body". Your heart is actually the "brains" of the outfit and has always been. So, when an event occurs, and you react, and you are aware of the reaction, AND that reaction does not make you feel happy....Then, usually the head/brain will go into the "thinking" mode of "there is something wrong and I have to fix it!". Now when you do that, in other words, thinking or tying to figure it out, then this is tantamount of buckling your belt around your waist with 20 wild horses attached to it! And then once that belt is is buckled, someone yells "Giddy UP!" AND the 20 wild horses will indeed start running in 20 different directions! If you sense that happening, unbuckle the belt immediately and let the wild horses go! You don't ever have to try to find them again! Let them run on the range and leave them there! So, when you react to something that makes you not happy, then take your awareness and drop it into your Heart! Yes, this is and always has been, the brains of of the outfit! You have answers for everything plus more in your Heart! You even have answers to things that you have not even created yet! So, simply knowing this, you can start to have the confidence to Trust, Believe and Love Yourself more than you Trust, Believe and Love Anyone else! The more you can drop your awareness into your Heart, it will make your Life a lot more easy! There will be a Grace, Ease and a Flow to everything you will make you smile! Your Heart Awareness is not like 20 wild horses going in 20 different directions but it is like a very well experienced, sure-footed, gentle trail horse with a saddle, stirrups, reins and bit/bridle. And Oh Yeah, the saddle has memory foam! It is an easy and comfortable ride! So, if you are trying to figure something out, trying to make things happen or trying to manifest anything, (these are NOT your jobs!) then unbuckle the belt immediately! Get up on the saddle and know that your answers are awaiting to assist with the Ease, Grace and Flow that comes with your Magic! April is bringing some wonderful shifts and changes!
You Have Just Entered the No Dumpster Diving Zone!
What goes in the Dumpster, Stays in the Dumpster! We specialize in assisting folks to dump all that mental, emotional and physical space junk that they are carrying around in their backpacks (everything that is NOT your Lunch!) into the Dumpster. So here is a visual to show you where this "stuff" is going to end up! No Dumpster Diving Allowed! Your Head - the mental thinking part of your experience here in this 3D body suit - is very good at holding onto things that it doesn't need! It's time to clean out the backpack! Your backpack can get quite heavy and in most cases, is almost immovable! It is like trying to operating your boat in the lake with the trailer AND your vehicle is still attached! With some help of the two eclipses that occurred in January (eclipses energetically dredge old things up to the surface) I have noticed many folks are still in the middle of processing some very intensive feelings and emotions! If you are experiencing an intensity of emotions and it seems that Everything is coming at you all at once, please note, these are actually going away! And you have Help! You just don't want your head to try to figure it out and hang onto it! It is okay to allow these old programs and patterns to be released! Identification and labels are being removed, renamed, relabeled or simply unlabeled!
So, I want you to imagine a very large wall with many drawers. The drawers represent all the things/places/items/emotions that we have identified and we have attached a label to each specific drawer and we have continuously put more and more information into each drawer that pertains to the label. All the information in the drawer shapes and holds our definition of our beliefs, truths or vibrational frequencies we have assigned to each label. The head then holds on to this definition and when events occur that contain beliefs contained within the drawer, then it will dictate how we react to each event! The drawers will be of a myriad of sizes, such as wide, wide and deep, really shallow and incredibly deep and wide, etc.! Now, if an event occurs, and you have an awareness of the emotion that you just experienced, and that reaction did not make you feel happy, then look up at the wall of drawers, find the drawer that has the label of your experience/emotions you just experienced, then pull out the drawer and dump the ENTIRE contents of that drawer into the Dumpster! Caution! These drawers can be extremely full of "crap", so be careful when you pull the drawer out! Remove the label and place the drawer back into its space. Now place your hand over your heart and Ask, " I need some Help Please! Thank You!" Now, NO Dumpster Diving! You have answers for everything in your Heart! Everything! Once you ask, then Know that your answers are on the way! Trust and Allow yourself to Receive your solutions! If you go Dumpster Diving, please realize that you will just be putting back into the drawer all that you just dumped! And you get to experience it again and again! Now, once you receive your solutions you can relabel the drawer and place your solutions in that drawer (or better yet, you can leave it unlabeled and leave it empty!). The Law of Attraction states that everything comes to You. If you know, that when you can clean out and dump the drawers of all the old contents, replace the drawer and remove the labels, in essence, you are no longer going to experience things that make you feel unhappy! This will make you Smile big time! It raises your vibrational frequencies! So, get busy! It will make all the things that you do come with an ease and a grace and a flow! You now know where the Dumpster is! Use it on a daily basis!
Have you put up your Bird Feeder(s) yet?
So, have you put up your Bird Feeder(s) yet? The Law of Attraction states that everything comes to You! When you put up a Bird Feeder where there has not been one before, it does not take very long for the birds to find it! So, the premise is that when you put up the Bird Feeder, you put it up because you want to! It simply makes you Happy to see the birds coming and how many will come and what varieties of birds will show up! You are not putting up the Bird Feeder because you feel sorry for them or because you need to save them from something. Now, when you put up the Bird Feeder, do you send out a blog? Do you notify the government to let them know that you have put up a Bird Feeder and could they notify all the birds in the immediate area that there is a Bird Feeder available? NO! You simply have opened up your Heart and transmitted to the Universe - "Hey, I just put up a Bird Feeder and I Wonder how Happy I will be when the Birds come to visit and enjoy my Bird Feeder!" Now, let's apply this to things that you want to have or attract into your Life! ANYTHING! In the movie "Field of Dreams", the tag line is, "If you build it, they will come!" And Indeed they will! This technique will work with anything you want to attract....but it has to be done from your Heart! Not from your Head! Once you put out any Bird Feeder, you never have to fill it again! It is Always Full!
Here is a real life example of a Bird Feeder in action.....I have assisted a wonderful person in setting up a Bird Feeder. She is in the jewelry business and has experienced what a lot of retail owners have experienced - ups and down, good times, bad times, so-so times, really sloooow times, the economy sucks, and lack of customers (birds!), etc.! So, we put up a Bird Feeder in her store. Now, when she goes out to find jewelry to put into her store, the pieces of jewelry that she selects comes to her with a grace - she picks it up and says "I wonder which bird is going to purchase this!" with excitement in her voice! Then she brings it back to her store and places it on the display and now she is anticipating with the excitement of "Which bird is coming to take this home!" She is experiencing a steady pickup of birds visiting her store despite it being a historic "slow" time of the year. And when the bird comes to her store and picks up the jewelry and says "this is beautiful, this is exactly what I was looking for!", it certainly makes her smile and that makes her Happy! And Oh, the money (or energy exchange) takes place and that makes her smile even more! Now, to remember this point, she is putting up the Bird Feeder because it makes her Happy to see the birds and the variety of birds coming to feed at the feeder. She is not putting up the Bird Feeder to make anyone Happy except for herself! You cannot make anyone Happy but You. But when you focus on what makes you Happy, you raise your vibrational frequencies and you share that with others, bringing them to your level! So, it makes you Happy to see them smile, but you are not making them happy because you think that you have to make them happy! So, apply this technique to anything - put up a Bird Feeder anywhere and then let the birds come! It will simply amaze you! And that will make you Smile!
"Whatcha" got in your Backpack?!"
So, you decide to take an easy hike up your favorite trail to the top of a hill to enjoy the scenery and enjoy your lunch as you admire the view from that perspective. Then you grab your backpack and hit the trail. The hike was good, you worked up a bit of a sweat and you worked up an appetite! You get to the top of the hill, espy a place to sit down, relax and to enjoy your lunch. So, you unzip your backpack and much to your surprise, your lunch is no where to be found. Instead, you packed your kitchen sink! OMG! Well, one thing is certain, you know where your lunch is - sitting on the counter! So, what is your kitchen sink doing in your backpack and did you really need to pack it all the way up to the top of the hill? Short answer, no, you really didn't need to take it - but since it had been in your backpack forever along with a thousand other various sundry items that were extremely "important" to pack around with you, "just in case you needed it!", it was just part of you, and "That's Life!". So, this analogy is all about the space junk we carry around with us all the time - that we hold and define these as emotional, mental mind-benders and physical issues and we think these are important, down to the level of "that's who I am!" Yikes! Well, the good news is that you can completely empty your backpack - this way you have room for your lunch on your next hike - an not miss a thing that was in it. Metaphysically, you can call this clearing and releasing old patterns/programs or you can simply look at this way - Toss it in the Dumpster! Now you are entering the Zone of No Dumpster Diving Allowed! Once it is in the Dumpster, it stays in the Dumpster!
So, here is the rule of thumb when you know that you unload your backpack Toss it in the Dumpster:
1. An event happens (Any Event).
2. You react to what occurred in that event.
3. Your reaction did not make you feel happy.
4. You are aware of how unhappy that emotion/feeling made you feel.
5. This is your tap on your shoulder!
6. Place your hand over your heart.
7. Say out loud "I need some help please, Thank You!" (really important!)
8. Now toss that emotion/feeling in the Dumpster immediately, if not sooner! NO Dumpster Diving Allowed! Let it GO!
9. Flip that unhappy emotion/feeling around to focus on how Happy you are going to be when this is completely gone!
10. Smile and let the Universe go to work for you!!!
11. Know that new solutions from your Heart are on the way! Allow yourself to receive ALL of them!
So, as you practice Tossing all of these various sundry items in the Dumpster, you will feel lighter, less encumbered, experience clarity - you get out of the forest and up on the hill (the view is much better up there!) and you start to "see" things in a different (pardon the pun) Light! Now remember, this is your Movie. The Movie is about You! It is not about anyone else! You are the Movie Star of your Movie! You created the Movie to experience all thing possible and you can Change the Movie anytime you want! You are the writer, director and producer of you Movie - every time you toss something in the Dumpster, you are rewriting your script. You are embracing the changes instead of fearing the changes! You are getting out of your mental awareness and into your Heart Awareness! This is where your Magic has always been - this where your incredible imagination, creativity and inspiration is found! This is You! You have no limitations - the gatekeepers disappear! And you know what the best part of your Movie is?....The Movie Star ALWAYS gets what the Movie Star wants! So, your Movie is beginning to get a lot better! Very Soon! So Believe, Trust and Love yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! Become your Miracles, Be your Magic! Be in your Heart as much as you can and the Magic will become YOU! It will make you Smile!
Energy Fields within the Physical Body and Such
So, any time you feel or notice something amiss in the physical body – such as aches, pain, sensations, your eyesight being off, dizziness, nausea, bloating, vertigo, being tired or exhausted, imbalances in walking and things like that – pay attention to what is going on emotionally and mentally at that time…..also, environment and situational events at that time will also help you clue into your awareness. When these events occur, you experience a distortion in your energy fields, we can call them biofields (or an unseen dimensional field that is in or around your physical body)…there is something in that biofield is being activated and coming to the surface - this would be your awareness of the feeling that is translated by your brain as something is out of alignment. Most likely, these sensations are usually old mental or emotional energies that are being held within the biofields of the physical body (old programs - I like to call them space junk!). Or, simply the changes of energies in the environment and within your physical body are enough to "rock" the boat - this can also present symptoms in the physical body such as nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness, etc. So, when the program is triggered by an event that occurs and causes you to react, based on your reaction - i.e., the sensation presented in the physical body, the old energies are actually trying to leave, but your head (mental awareness) is hanging on to them! So you get to experience these sensations over and over again in a physical/physiological form in your body. So, simply being Aware what is happening to you that doesn’t feel good or happy, then, you can take that mental awareness and drop it down into your Heart awareness and ask to have the specifications of your physical dis-EASE re-calibrated in your Heart space. Now allow the alignments to occur and let the old energies leave (you don’t need to experience them anymore!!!), then send the new calibrated specifications back up to the head (mental awareness). This will help the physical body adjust and balance incrementally instead of having wide swings of being up and then crashing. Biofields are constantly shifting and moving and filling up with space junk and being in-flux. There also can be a latency in how things are triggered….it may take two or three instances of an event to bring it to a tipping point (presenting in a physical form). By re-directing or shifting into a higher vibrational frequency (changing the old specifications), you simply move into a frequency where the physical presentation of physical Dis-Ease cannot exist. Try this technique next time you feel a bit out of balance - you will be surprised what you can do! Believe in your Magic!
Now, here is a reminder: This is your Movie. The Movie is about YOU! You are the Movie Star of your Movie! Not anyone else! You are the writer, producer and director of your Movie! You are in Charge! This is all about taking care of YOU! The bottom line of your Movie is to be Happy! Nothing Else Matters! And the best part of the Movie is that the Movie Star always gets what she or he wants! Now, you start to see that this Movie is starting to get better! So, now focus on your Happiness and that everything that you do from now on is to make you Happy! If it doesn't make you Happy, then you can toss it in the dumpster and ask for assistance and Know that you will be receiving what you asked for very soon! It is already on its way! So, focus on how HAPPY, I (meaning me😎) will be when I am on my vacation in October! And then know, that would make you Happy to see me smiling, but you are not making me Happy by thinking you have to make me simply are making you Happy by seeing me be Happy! And when you are HAPPY then your vibrational frequencies go higher! Then things get easier all the way around!....So, simply try this with someone else! See that person being Happy because that makes you Happy! But you are not making them Happy because you need to make them Happy, you are making you Happy! This will make a big difference in your Life. You will be smiling like the proverbial Cheshire Cat, whether you are up to something or Not!!! This last paragraph was inspired by a sign of a local business which said, "You are not here to make everyone Happy, You are Not a Taco! Remember that! This is all about your Happiness! You have the Magic in your Heart! It has not ever gone away! It is being uncovered! Now, simply Believe, Trust and Love Yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! Believe in your Magic, Believe Beyond your Beliefs!
A Wonderful New Little Technique
I would like to share a technique/tool that I came upon earlier this month. It is attributed to Gregg Braden from his new book, Wired to Thrive. To sum up his book, we have Everything we would ever possibly need and More located in our physical heart! The physical heart has actual specialized cells that make us unique, special and it gives us the abilities to do All things possible! I have modified his technique slightly to align with some of the metaphysical language that I have been using in my sessions. I shared this technique at my workshop at the Sun Valley Wellness Festival in July, (which btw, went very well and made me smile, Big Time!) and with as many of the people I am blessed to work with in my daily practice. The main purpose of the work that I do is to assist you to be Happy! That is, getting you out of your Head (mental mind awareness) and into your Heart (heart awareness)! So, this technique helps to tie together many of the pieces of the puzzle to ease the process!
So, here is how you use this technique:
1. Place your hand over your heart - it can be either hand and does not need to be placed directly over the physical heart...You probably have been doing something similar for a long time...but that is okay, because this has action has been intrinsic to us ever since we have been in this physical experience! It automatically allows us to center and can assist us in calming or relieving stress! So, by simply putting your hand on your heart space (heart chakra) starts to activate the specialized cells!
2. Start a cadence of breathing - 5 second inhale, 5 second exhale and continue this process. Now, the breathing cadence is not really about lowering your heart rate, although that will happen as you have you hand over your heart space.😇
3. Now, begin to move your awareness from a mental awareness to your heart awareness. So, the mental and heart awareness together adds up to 100%....We typically are usually, at any given time, about 90% in our mental awareness and 10% in our heart awareness. You want to "see" the bar of the mental awareness go down and simultaneously see the bar go up on the heart awareness. Do not "try" to do this and figure it out mentally, just observe as you are activating the cells in your heart coinciding with the breathing cadence that the mental awareness automatically starts to lower! And your heart awareness starts to rise!
4. Now start connecting the heart to the brain. In others words, look at your brain/head as a big screen TV. You take the TV and mount it on the wall and plug it in to the electrical outlet. Now, it has power, and the reception is a bit fuzzy, similar to thinking!! But there needs to be other devices connected to the TV in order for it to work properly! From the heart, now connect the antenna, the speakers, the DVD and any other devices you would like to connect. Now see those connections becoming stronger and stronger! Then begin to connect all your physical organs from your heart. Then connect ALL the cells in your physical body. See the connections grow stronger! This helps you to move into your Zone! Your Heart!
5. So, as you are holding your hand over your heart and continuing to breathe in and out in that 5 second rhythm you are activating the cells in your heart (Magic) and moving out of your mental awareness into your heart awareness. Now, allow yourself to focus on the components of Unconditional LOVE!
6. Unconditional LOVE is what you are ALL About! This is the essence of YOU. It is represented by these specialized cells in your physical heart! The components that make up LOVE are Gratitude, Appreciation, Compassion and Caring. So, focus on any events that have allowed you to feel Gratitude, Appreciation, Compassion and Caring - things that have made you well up with emotions of joy, tears of joy, and events that literally flood you with that feeling of total Happiness! This is YOU, this is your Magic and it is being uncovered to be experienced more and more and more!
7. As you are allowing yourself to move into this feeling, now ask yourself silently, this simple question, "Will I Always Be Taken Care Of?" You won't have to wait very long - your answer will be immediate - and your answer will be YES! This is all you ever need to know! There will be a wonderful feeling within you knowing you don't have to worry anymore! You will be taken care of Always! You have Everything you ever need in your Heart plus More! You have answers and solutions to everything. Allow yourself to let go of the outcome, then Believe, Trust and Love yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! When you do this, you will usher in an Ease, Grace and the Flow of your Magic that will blow your socks off! You are Awesome!
The Mental Loop of Karmic Patterns and How to get out of Them!
Well, this may be easy to say! But, as many of us have experienced (over and over again), sometimes getting out of the Mental Loop of Karmic Patterns can be, well, frustrating at the least! Karma means comeback in Sanskrit - so we have created (because we could!) a box to play in based in the illusion of limitations bounded by a duality and a concept of destiny or fate. It appears to end - the physical is taken "away" but then it reappears to continue where you seemingly left off! The basis of Karma is that at the end of the day, it is about having something and then having it taken away from you! Karma is governed by the Law of Expectations - AND when you set Expectations, you will always be disappointed in this Karmic Box. In this box, we still have the ability to create, our Light and Love has not gone anywhere, our Magic has not gone anywhere - it has Always been here, just covered up! However, the rules of Karma experience dictate that returning back to your Magic is somehow very difficult to reach/access because of the "belief systems" we have created. We have artificially imposed upon ourselves all of the emotions tied to the duality of Karma - right, wrong, good, bad, etc. Karma, in other words, is the story of how we describe our experiences and hold them into form. This story wraps around the engine, which is the Law of Attraction - which basically states "Everything come to you!" So, you are an accumulation of everything you have created. This can be called the subconscious soup - it can be incredibly large - it consists of bazillions of things! Now, when you wake up in the morning and open your eyes, you hold all of these "things" into form in what we call the Consciousness. So, the environment you wake up in all through your contemporary life is based on a couple of parameters - everything you are holding into form and a combination of the sharing of the mass consciousness from everyone else! The Big Movie so to speak! Also in the mix, is that Karma is going away....we are rapidly shifting in all areas very quickly to brand new creations that have never created! Things are Not Always what they seem to Be! So, now back to the Mental Loop of the Karmic Cycles....
In Karma, we have created Fear so that we can experience it. Fears can be realized just as easily as something we define as happy! The Universe does not judge nor question, it just holds everything into place so that you have what you asked for (or hold into form of what it is that you created)...So, the movie set is complete - all the props, actors, stages and scenes are literally already there....This is where you come in....Remember, this is YOUR MOVIE! And the Movie is about you and NO ONE else! When we are played by the old programs, we are in the Karmic box bounded by the rules of Karma - limitations, limited answers and at the end of the day, you will have everything taken away from you! The mental aspect of the reasoning mind (remember, there is no reasoning, rationalization, analytics or logic in your Heart!) is that in Karma, you are always trying to control the outcome. If you find yourself asking a who, what, where, how, why, or when question, you know immediately that you are trying control the outcome from your head. These are the questions, doubts and indecisions your head will commonly bring to the surface when you are faced with an issue or problem. Well, it is not your job to try and figure things out! It is not your job to make things happen! Oh, your head will argue til the cows come home about this! But your head is not going to be in charge anymore! Your Heart is! This is being played by the are doing the best you can with the answers/solution set (which is very tiny - in other words, your solution set that your head has access to what consists of the following -1) a hammer to turn off your gas leak AGAIN and of course, 2) a Bigger Hammer for your gas leak!) The Mental Loop is very strong (we have been doing this - "thinking" - for a very long time!) and it will try to keep things as they are! It fears change! It will ALLOW you to settle for less, wait until you have ALL the things to line up for you to proceed (and that doesn't happen very often) and then, after you make a decision, you are then hoping it was the best one, the right one or the wrong one, and since you made this decision from your mental aspect - it is bound by the Law of Expectations - you will be disappointed AGAIN! So, simply by being aware of your emotions/feelings that come up when an event in your life occurs that does not make you feel happy, your awareness is the key! When you react and it does not make you feel happy, your head/mental loop will immediately go into "I have to fix it mode!" and give you the hammer to try to figure out how to fix this issue. Most of us have already experienced these types of events.....and the issues that still make us unhappy are persisting! Trying to solve the issue by applying the same solutions over and over again and expecting change is by Einstein's definition - insanity!! So, once you are aware of your reaction and it does not make you feel happy, then you know you have choices! The first one is that you do not need to use your head/mental loop to try to figure out how to fix this issue! The second one is now you have access to all the rest of the solutions you haven't even used yet in your Heart! Now, bring all your the emotions/feelings that you experienced from that event that occurred to a standstill. Now, take your focus away from your emotion/feelings and place it on anything that makes you smile! This automatically raises your vibrational frequency! Now say aloud and ask for help! "I wonder how Happy I will be when I do not have to deal with emotions and situations like this anymore! Thank you!" Now, let the Universe go to work for you! Allow them to bring you solutions from your Heart. So, by coming from your Heart, you now stop being played by the Game and start playing the Game the way you want to! And you simply focus on the Happiness you will be experiencing when you receive the solutions that you asked for! It is about embracing changes NOT fearing them! This will help you get out of your Mental Loop/Mind (reasoning mind) and operate from your Heart! It will literally change your Life! It just takes a bit of practice, and once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier and easier......You will feel the change of of the ease and the grace and the flow of the energy and you really begin to start the deliberative creation (Law of Attraction) that has always been available to us (but it has been covered up with all the Karma we have created and your Head has held onto). This is your Magic and your Happiness being returned to you! Way Cool Stuff!
Being of Service - The real meaning...
In a Karma definition, Being of Service to your fellow man is the most important thing that you can do - your purpose here is to define your purpose so that you have to meet expectations of helping people on this "planet" Earth.....So, this is a common thread you hear in the metaphysics of Karma (Karma means "comeback" in Sanskrit). Karma is all about giving away your power in many different manners and ways - the duality of things, holding into form right and wrong, good and bad, black and white, etc. Examples of what you may have experienced by being in the Karmic box: You come last, you have to serve, you have save, you have to fix things because they are not "right, you have to judge, compare and measure up, you are told you have to do everything by yourself and if you don't work hard you do not deserve it AND your efforts ALWAYS will fail to meet your expectations! The Universe does not judge, it just brings you what you place your focus of attention upon. The Universe will bring these belief systems/truths/vibrational frequencies to you based on the old programs you are holding into form in your consciousness (when you awake in the morning). The whole premise of Karma, in essence and the bottom line is, whatever you have, it will be taken away from you! It is based in Fear and the law of Karma (which is based on the law of Expectations) will make sure you will be disappointed (Again!). Your best is not good enough, you have to settle for less, your solution set to solve issues is extremely limited, life is unfair and unjust, you have to struggle for what it is that you want and you Have to give away your Power to just to hang on. You have to pay a price, there is always a quid quo pro involved. So being of Service in the way we have been experiencing it is an old program.....Now, let's step into the new Being of Service paradigm....This is about Being YOU First! The old programs of Karma are on the way out and being dissolved back into the nothingness of where they came from. We are moving back into our Heart Space - here, there is nothing but Love and not Limitations! As we let go/release the old Karmic programs, we raise our vibrational frequencies (in other words, we cannot take the old vibrational frequencies with us!). So, you do not have to try to BE, it is and always has been right there in the middle of your Heart Space! Your Love and Light has just been covered up with the "layers" of the Karmic experiences. So, the real meaning of Being is becoming what we know as "Happy" and taking care of you FIRST. You are simply here to create and experience ALL things possible and the bottom line is to be Happy! You do not define yourself of who you are by what you are or have been doing. That is not who you are - you are essentially a big ball of Love and Light! You are here to create and experience all thing possible in this dimensional space we call "Earth"! You are to place your focus of attention on things that make you smile, laugh, giggle and have fun - then you ASK/Create from your Heart Space of what it is that you want/desire. The bottom line is to Shine and Illuminate your Love and your Light as brightly as possible! This takes no effort at all! When you shine your Love and your Light and are "Selfish" enough (not in a Karmic definition of selfish) to take care of you First, then Being of Service is an Ease! You do not have to give away any of your Power because you are not using your personal energy/chi/life-force. You are tapping into the Universal Love which is Unlimited! You simply send everyone and anything Love and Light - it will dissolve anything that is not itself! As you focus on more and more on your happiness, you bring ALL things up to your higher vibrational frequency simply by being Happy! It is not really important of what it is that you ask for OR why you asked for something....It is all about your anticipated excitement of the Happiness you will receive when you are given what you have requested! (and it will always be better than what you ask for in the first place!). So, when you are Happy, you do not focus your attention on things that you do not want and that automatically raises your vibrational frequencies...You do not have to TRY to get to somewhere you think you have to BE! Your Magic is already within You, your answers and solutions are already there! So Ask, it is Given, Now Allow Yourself to Receive the Abundance that is here to be Given to you! It will make you smile and you will remember how to BE! The ease and the grace and the flow of energies will amaze you!
It gets better from here!
The Link between the Law of Attraction and Karma
We are creators. We are here to create and experience ALL things possible. Everything you create (regardless of what it is), comes to you! You never go to it! This includes all the things you experience every single moment of your "life"! This is called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is the engine that applies to all things that we create. It does not matter what it is that you create, the Universe will bring you anything thing you focus your attention upon. You are an accumulation of everything you have ever created! You are playing out your experiences every second of each day - this is your consciousness holding into form the experiences that are in the pool of your subconscious experiences. It is just as easy to created something that make you feel happy as it is to create something makes you feel fear! The Universe does not judge or feel right or wrong or good or bad, it just brings you what you are focusing your attention upon! Or, as I see it, you are being played by the Game! So, how does Karma fit into this scenario? The link between the Law of Attraction and Karma is this: Karma is the story of how you describe what is happening as the events/experiences are being played out in a mental/intellectual manner - think of your ego and how you experience your daily life. Karma and the Soul go hand-in-hand - you can't have one without the other - Karma means comeback in Sanskrit...ergo Karmic Cycles and how we tend to repeat things over and over and over again! Karma is a "box" within which you have created an illusion of being separate from what we call your heart-space (Love). Karma is all about having something and at the end of the day, it is taken away from you, i.e., you are "physically" born, age and then die - your physical body is "taken" away and you have the perception that you are no longer here - at least in the Karma sense of the definition. And Karma plays out as all the "limitations" we experience or have to work through, or "learn" and so on and so forth! (Been there?!!) The Karmic stories get "wrapped" around the engine of the Law of Attraction. For example, if you are awake, your consciousness is holding into form all the things that you have created. Now, events will occur in your life based on what you have created and are keeping in place. Karma (old programs, paradigms, belief systems) are what I refer to as "space-junk" that fills and occupies space in the dimensional biofields of our "human body". This is referring to the Clearing and Releasing work of removing this Karmic "space-junk" that we do in sessions. So, when an event occurs, and then you react to that event (the event will entail the scene, the actors, the program and the emotions/feelings) - if that reaction causes you to feel "not-so-happy", then you know that you are just out of the Flow of the Well-being that is running through you at all times! Now, this is not good or bad or right or wrong! Now, if you are like most of us, your reaction will be predicated on putting old programs into action - these are Karmic - the event is another of the many types of examples of a pattern of experiencing the same type of emotion that you experienced before! Your head/mind will then apply the same solution to "fix" the issue that it has been using forever! That is because, it has a very limited solution set! So, you keep repeating this pattern over and over - and here comes the beating yourself up routine, the whole nine yards of struggle, you are doing the best that you can with what you have - a limited solution set - ALL which will never solve the issue, EVER!.....Classic Karma! So, now You are going to start Playing the Game the way YOU WANT! You must get out of your head/ego, raise your vibrational frequency and ask within your heart-space for assistance! In you heart-space, you have access to ALL the other solutions that the mind/ego does not have! The illusion of the separation from your heart is just that! An illusion! You Created this illusion to experience it! Now, you can dissolve anything you created as you desire! So, once you are aware of your reaction to an event, and it does not make you feel happy, then bring that feeling/emotion to a standstill. Then, place your focus of attention away from what you just reacted to (you de-emphasize your focus on what it is that you know that you DO NOT want!) and place your attention on something that makes you feels happy! Anything! This automatically raises your vibrational frequency! Yeah! Then, just say aloud "I wonder how happy I will be when ______(what made you react) is completely gone! Thank you!" Now, you have asked, your answer given and it is already been delivered! Open your front door and receive your answer (whether it is visible or not!). Receive as if you have already received it - become your Change before the Change becomes you! So, your focus now is not on why you had to ask or what you asked for, your focus is simply on the anticipation of your happiness of receiving what you asked for! The Universe will deliver it to you with perfectly Divine timing! You don't have to do anything! Allow yourself to Receive the Abundance that is here to be Given to YOU! You can't run out of it! Ever! And the Universe will Always bring you More than what you asked for! Stop trying to figure things out from your mental/intellectual ego - it is not your job! Never has been! You have already been there, done that!!! Now, Believe, Trust and Love Yourself more that you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else!
"So, when I am feeling happy things are going well, why do things happen to take that away?"
So, as long as you are playing within the duality of Karma, the opposite of what you point your attention to has to exist. Karma is all based on having something and then having it taken away from you! So, the fears that you experience of the happiness being taken away is telling where your focus of attention is being placed. In essence, everything comes to you. If your attention is focused on fear, then you will attract that vibrational frequency and the fears will be realized. In this holodeck, you need to know that you can say “Stop program” at any time and change the program(s). But first you have to Believe, Trust and Love Yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! Every time that you react, ask a “How or Why” question, you are trying figure out a solution from your mental/intellectual mind – it won’t work, as you are only being able to choose from a very limited solution set. You are in the "box". And if you try to solve a problem from a mental/intellectual perspective, it doesn't work very well. Also, you are not here to try to figure things out or to make things happen (NOT your Job!). You may have tried and you may have noticed that you tend to be right back in the same position that you started in (karmic loop). Once you are aware of your reaction to any event that occurs, and that reaction does not make you feel happy, then you know that this is a tap/reminder from Spirit that this is an old Karmic program being raised to the surface and Spirit is letting you know it is something that you can remove and release. The mental aspect of the mind is resisting change – it is fearing the change and trying to control the outcome (Asking the How, Why, Who, What, Where questions) and it literally puts you in the Karmic conundrum of Woulda-Shoulda-Coulda. When you are award of your reactions and you do not feel good about it, you do not beat yourself up (as you have never done anything wrong, EVER!), and you do not let your head/mind try to solve the issue (been there, done that). You need to gather up all the feelings and emotions, players, scenarios etc., that have made up the Karmic event that you reacted to, then bring all that to a standstill, then take your focus of attention AWAY from that feeling and focus on something that makes you Happy! Then ask aloud “I wonder how Happy I will be when ________ is completely gone! Thank you!” Now, let it go! Let Spirit work for you! That is their JOB! Now focus solely on your Happiness of what you asked for! Now, your attention is NOT on the “old, is it coming back, will it happen again, how am I going to figure this out, when will this go away”. Your attention is now squarely placed on your happiness of what you asked for! In your heart space, there are solutions to everything! This is your tool box – the tools in the tool box belong to you – this is your movie, you are movie star of your movie and the movie always gets what the movie star wants! So, reach down in that typewriter and take out that old script and put a new piece of paper in and start rewriting your script – and it is focused solely on your Happiness! Nothing Else. Karma is all about having things and having it taken away from you. In your heart space, nothing can be taken away from you, Ever! Remember, you do not have to do this all alone, you have lots of help, all you need to do is ask, then it is given and Now allow your self to receive! Once you decide that you can let go of these old programs and you KNOW in your heart that you will Always be taken care of NO MATTER WHAT, you have returned to the Magic within you that has never gone away (it has always been there!) and now you can see from the perspective of being up on the hill instead of being in the forest! Now you can make your decisions from your heart space because all your answers/solutions that are given to you Work! You allow yourself to let go of trying to control the outcome and focus solely on your Happiness! So, it is embracing the changes instead of fearing them. Your head can only give you back information that you put into it. Your Heart has ALL the rest of the Solutions! So, Love, Trust, and Believe in YOU! Allow your Magic to Unfold! Now, take my hand and come with me out of these dimensional frequencies! Sit up on the hill, observe, see the game-board, now make your decisions from your heart – Become your Miracles! All the things that you are experiencing that are coming to the surface now, this is the old energies leaving, it is okay to let go of these old programs! Get on the train, leave the baggage behind as the train is NOT coming back to the station! On the train, you are headed to higher vibrational frequencies and Everything that you could possibly want is on that train waiting to be given to you! Believe in your Magic! Believe in YOU!
What does it mean, that I need to detach myself emotionally from other people or things?"
So, pay attention as to how your are asking the question. If you look closer, you will see that you are asking from a mental/intellectual point of view – this uses reasoning, rationalization, analytics and logic. This is the illusion of Karma. For when you try to figure things out by using your reasoning mind, you have a very limited solution set to access. Karma is all about duality – the bottom line is, if you have something (or think that it is yours or you “own” it), then it will be taken away – this is why almost all of us have the fear of death or dying. This is the ultimate take-away in Karma, the loss of the physical body. We “think” from the mental aspect that once we are gone, that is it and we have, to our great pain, everything that we thought was important to us, taken away from us! Then, only to return and play out these programs that we have created over again. We never really go anywhere when our physical body is gone, we are still here. Now, these fears of dying (and all fears) are very real because we have created them to experience them! However, just like Everything that we create, we can change anything we desire. So, when I would say to you that you need to detach yourself emotionally, this essentially means that you are in fear of having something or someone taken away from you – and by this using logic, this is what the outcome that the mental mind will allow you to experience. So, everything in Karma has an emotional, mental or physical attachment. When you detach from something, you remove ALL of the “energetics” that ties you to any situation. For example, a family member, say a daughter, is representing the actress in your script, that you have a fear of losing, or she could be somehow taken away from you and you then you “feel” all the emotions that were created as a belief system or a vibrational frequency, of loss. But,now, you have the opportunity to choose from many different choices when you allow yourself to have the awareness of a reaction to an event, then allow yourself to get out of your reasoning mind, and having the knowing, faith, trust, love and belief in yourself, that you have the power to change anything you desire. When you allow these old beliefs to be dissolved and you ask for help within your heart, you will be given answers that you have not had access to beforehand. Then, is no need to try to mentally figure anything out, your answers are already there and there are answers for everything for every question you may have! We are all perfect ideas in Divine Mind, pure substance expressing perfection! We can’t be anything less! So, the premise for all of this “clearing and releasing” (raising your vibrational frequencies) is detaching from the all of the “emotional, mental and physical” energetics we have created and stepping into the higher frequencies (this is happening to everyone whether or not you are actively working on clearing)….When you detach, you KNOW in your heart that nothing can ever be taken away from you because there is nothing but Unconditional LOVE! 😊…
Zero Points and Deliberative Creation
So, you are trying to get to Zero point? Well, you have been signed up with the program EVER since you have been here! This is where creation is created – at the Zero point! So, you are doing it every single micro-millisecond that you are here! This is what holds everything into form – your belief, your truth or a vibrational frequency. LOVE is the base for all of this. We are here to create and experience ALL things possible! Nothing is right or wrong, good or bad. So, you ALWAYS come from LOVE – that is the essence of ALL things. So, if you put out LOVE, you get it back. If you put out any other emotion (as you created it at a zero point), you will get that emotion right back to you! So, when you wake up in the morning, everything looks about the same as it did before you turned off the lights to go to sleep. All the things that you have created are still in form UNTIL you Change them! The Change happens, at what is described for science books, at the Zero Point. Zero Point is the same as Deliberative Creation! You can create Anything! Change can be anything – it can go in any direction – You have the power/ability to change ANYTHING you desire simply by focusing your attention on a thought. The universe does not judge, it just brings you what and where your attention is being placed! So, if you desire to change, you don’t have to go anywhere – the LOVE has ALWAYS been right there in the middle of your Heartspace! That is you! This is why you want to LOVE yourself FIRST with all your might and know that you have NEVER EVER done anything wrong!!! So, if you focus your attention on things that make you smile, this is what you will be given – Happy! If you focus on things that don’t make you smile, then you will given things that allow you to “struggle” and life is defined as “hard”. Embracing the changes instead of Fearing them (this is classic Karma – or the duality that we have created to experience) is a key to allowing you to “see” things from a different perspective. So, remember, everything comes to you. You never go to it. When you understand the knowing in your heart space, then you start to realize that it is very easy use the Zero point to create WITH EASE anything that you desire! Your Belief, Trust, Faith and LOVE is your Zero Point! When you are at Peace in your Heart, you never have to struggle or fight, there is no right or wrong – things just ARE. You are the creator, now what is it that you want to create! Imagine it, dream it, then just ask (that is your zero point). You do not have to try to figure anything out! When you ask (create) for anything, it will be given to you – let the universe work for you. You do not need to try to do anything (that is not your job) and this is also part of the Karmic things we have created (a lot being in the mental/intellectual aspect). Once you KNOW in your Heart that you can do anything with an ease, grace and flow, you will have brought your magic to the surface! Imagine what is possible when you really pay attention to Deliberate Creation - AND DOING IT! Believe in the Magic of YOU!
The Origami Effect, The Law of Attraction and Time Loops
I have written about a process I call the Origami Effect. In other words, the Karmic cycles that we keep experiencing over and over again, have an Origamic "construct" or belief (vibrational frequency). Since the construct (belief) was created from nothing (flat piece of paper), it can be deconstructed (de-convoluted) back to nothing! Now another piece of the puzzle has surfaced and is it the integration with the Law of Attraction. So, a belief is anything that you have held your focus of attention on for any length of "time". Beliefs are the origamic folded constructs that are in your subconscious (old programs that you have created). There is a "time loop" latch that holds these constructs into place. The time loop allows the same type of event to occur over and over and over - ergo, the Karmic cycle. We tend to repeat things because we are trying to solve the problem instead of dissolving the problem! The following outline will help you understanding the relationship of the Law of Attraction and how it effects the Well-Being of YOU!
Things are not what they seem to BE!
Most of the time, we are quite busy being played by what is in our subconscious - as in old programs of limitations we created to experience outside of our heart space! The big three limitations are mistrust, not feeling deserving and being alone/loss of any kind. All of us deal with one, two or all three of these limitations! This is what I describe as being in the forest, where all you can see are the same trees over and over again! Your subconscious runs 24x7 and when you awake in the morning and open your eyes, your consciousness dips into your subconscious and holds into form whatever is playing in the subconscious (karmic cycles). So if there are any old programs of limitations still in your subconscious, you are essentially telling the universe to create another event for you to react emotionally to fit the criteria of the limiting program(s). So, many times, our mind/head will hold onto something that we think is true, only to find out that we have been playing out a "false" illusion! And when that does happen, we react emotionally and are quite distressed and disappointed! However, you can do a very simple process to help take you out of playing these "false" illusions. If you find yourself reacting emotionally to any event (and all events are neutral), then be aware that spirit is tapping you on the shoulder and asking you, "this is on the surface now", "what is it that you want to do with this emotion?". You then have a couple of choices: 1) do nothing and and the karmic cycle will keep being presented to you over and over and over again until you "hit the wall". Then, and only then, do you release the old program because you have essentially told spirit, "I cannot do this anymore, please take it and allow me to be released of this limitation!" (this can take a long time!!) or 2) You then 'hand' the emotion you just reacted to and give it to spirit, then take three deep breaths (which puts you into touch with spirit (heart) immediately), and then ask from your heart, "I need a solution please, thank you!" Now, when you do this, spirit will immediately begin to bring you solutions made in Love to replace the limitation that you had been experiencing (this all about the law of attraction - everything comes to you, you never go to it! If you remove the limitation, then that old program will not play for you to experience Again!). This simple process will change your script, raise your vibrational frequency, scrub the subconscious, complete karmic cycles and that will allow your to take a bit more of the mud and muck that has covered up your light and love in your heart so that you can shine and illuminate a bit more brightly!.....This process then gives you back your clarity and freedom and allows your inspiration to be unfolded to assist you in creating things that you desire instead of focusing your energy on things that you know that you do not want! So next time, if you react emotionally to any event, pay attention to the tap on the shoulder from spirit, then give spirit the emotion (they will throw it in the dumpster for you!), take three deep breaths, get in touch with your spirit and then ask from your heart for solutions! New Solutions are then on the way! Let spirit put you up on the hill so that you can observe what is really going on and then allow yourself to make the choice of either, 1)"Do I really need to go back down into the forest Again?" or 2) "Stay up on the Hill! I would recommend that staying up on the hill will make you smile! Big time!
Facing your Fears
You may have heard something similar to this saying, “The more you resist, the more the problem will persist”. In other word, the more that you try to push something away, the more that it will present itself to you. We all have been in this position – we think (using your head and logic) that just when we have gotten rid of the issue, its raises its ugly head again. It is because we have been trying to solve the problem by logic, reasoning, rationalization or analytics. There is no logic or reasoning or rationalization or analytics in your heart space. NONE! Only Unconditional Love is found there and this is the only way you can solve any of the problems that you are facing. Remember, you are playing out old separation (from the heart) programs still running in your subconscious – this is all about NOT being able to have and enjoy the Total Abundance that the universe has been trying to give you! These programs of not being able to have and enjoy the abundance are found in the big three limitations that we have created so that we could experience them (mistrust, not being deserving and being alone/loss) - and they are ONLY experiences that you have created. Now, you have go into your heart space (three deep breaths) and ask from that space. This is the only place that you can dissolve and dissipate these old programs and scrub them from the subconscious. Your head (consciousness) will hold these programs into form if it is in your subconscious. So when you open your eyes and you wake up in the morning, if the programs have not been scrubbed from the subconscious, the programs will be held into form and the universe will give you what is playing in the subconscious AGAIN! So, the more that you push back, resist, get annoyed, angry, frustrated about these programs that have created any limitations for yourself, the Universe will give exactly what you Are asking for. You must TRULY and UNEQUIVOCALLY have unwavering faith and trust in your heart space knowing that when you ask from your heart, it is already on the way! When we ask from the head/mental/ego perspective, it is just wishful thinking and you will continue to push the dead horse and the cart with no wheels up the hill AGAIN! If you observe all the same types of instances that have appeared to you that you have experienced being denied the abundance of the Universe, you will notice that the underlying theme is the same: most everyone you interact with are just mirroring the belief within you - they are just actors reading your script, nothing more. They know not what they do! So, every time you seek out a solution that is outside of you, you will get the same answer! Your head will them confirm it to you that you are stuck with the problem, you can't change it AND you settle for less AGAIN. This all about facing your fears - stare the lion directly in the eyes, and the lion disappears! The old programs running in the subconscious are based on fear and more likely than not, based on the big three limitations, that have compromised your clarity and freedom. The only place you can change these old programs is within your heart. You cannot change it in your head, that is just wishful thinking and will leave you frustrated and you will continue to struggle playing the same programs over and over. Remember, everything comes to you, that is the Law of Attraction. You must begin by loving yourself unconditionally with no strings, conditions or attachments. You must affirm to yourself that you are rich, wealthy and affluent on ALL levels. The energy work is all about releasing and letting go, loving yourself unconditionally and know that when ask within your heart space, it is already done. You have allow yourself to Receive! The solutions are already awaiting you right now and have been all along! So, when you truly believe in yourself and love yourself unconditionally, the universe will provide, merely by asking from your heart space! The solutions are looking for you, not the other way around! The more you push, try to force, become frustrated, you will only attract that which at you are putting out to the universe. The universe doesn't judge, it just gives you what you ask for. Remember, in your heart space three is no reasoning, rationalization, logic or analytics. There is only unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and abundance in your heart. Go there and be there and let your magic and inspiration unfold. Allow yourself to receive the abundance and these old programs too shall pass. Change your Energy, Change your Light! Keep smilin’!.....Namaste....Dake it Easy......Michael
Which side of Enlightenment are you on?
I will paraphrase a saying from the philosophy of Buddism: "Before Enlightenment you chop wood and carry water; After Enlightenment you chop wood and carry water!" Now this may seem like a conundrum that is quite puzzling - isn't this saying the same thing? Enlightenment allows you to be in your heart, come from your heart and be in the flow and grace of your inspiration. It means that you do not have to struggle with life. It allows you to become your miracles. It allows you to shine and illuminate your love and your light. It allows you to walk in peace within. It allows you to have clarity, freedom and the unfolding of your inspiration of your heart's desires! It allows all of your possibilities to be endless. We, as human beings, usually are striving to try and rid ourselves of burdens and limitations (Karma) - things that we struggle with in this physical experience. The big three limitations that we struggle with are: Mistrust Issues, Not Feeling Deserving and Being Alone/Loss. We all have had experiences dealing with all of these issues in some form or manner. These experiences occur within ourselves "before" enlightenment - in other words, these are the burdens and struggles that we deal with on a daily basis. We can call these Karmic - we are operating on old programs that are in our subconscious. We let our subconscious run the show as we are very busy reacting emotionally to events that happen to us. So, as we clear and release old programs from the subconscious, we give ourselves back our freedom, clarity and inspiration that we have given away! Leading and being in your heart is "after" Enlightenment. You observe events from a different perspective, up on the hill, so to speak - you don't react the way you used to react when events would occur. You gain your trust back and you stand in your power. You notice it is okay to receive and when you receive, it is fun! So, next time you go to chop wood or carry water, is it a burden or an Ease? And which side do you choose to be on?! When you change your energy, you change your life!
Is the Light Bulb really stuck?
I have shared this story with folks along the way since the beginning of this last February - this really happened to me and it was so powerful in that it seemed so inoculous but at the same time, it really represents the essence of realizing that everything in not ALWAYS what it seems to Be! It goes like this....We have a light fixture in our main bathroom that has 5 sockets with 40 watt globe bulbs. My wife, Isabelle, let me know that one of the end bulbs was not working - it would flicker, go on, go off (mostly off). When she tried to change the bulb out, she discovered that the bulb was stuck in the socket and then informed me that the bulb was stuck in the socket. Since I don't use that bathroom much, it wasn't too much of a priority for me and I told her that I would see what I could do. Then, I promptly forgot about the bulb that needed to be changed! About a week later, she reminded me that bulb was still not working. So, that Saturday I was doing all other kinds of things around the house and I managed to remember that I needed to check the bulb. So, in passing the bathroom, I thought I would be able to sneak up on the light bulb and surprise it! I went in and reached up to remove the bulb from the socket - and by golly, the light bulb was stuck! I tried to twist it gently so as not to put too much torque on it lest it break off in my hand. To no avail, I let it go because I was busy doing other more "important" things and besides that, the other 4 bulbs were working! So, off I went, completely forgetting about changing the light bulb again! Well, about a week had passed and I awoke on a Monday morning and got into the shower to get ready for the day and I heard a voice saying, "Are you going to change the light bulb?" Well, of course, it dawned on me that I still needed to change the light bulb in the other bathroom! So, I acknowledged the voice, nodded yes and then promptly forgot about it as I was too busy just waking up! So, I got myself ready and went to fix breakfast and such. When I finished breakfast, I went into my office to start sessions for the day and I no more than sat down in my chair when I heard the voice again, "Are you going to change that light bulb?". Well, since the bathroom was just around the corner and I had a few minutes before my first session started, I got up and went into the bathroom to change the light bulb. I reached up like I did before and began to give a twist - there was a slight resistance and then it just unscrewed with very little effort! I changed the bulb and everything was right with the world again! So, anyway, my story is all about paying attention and being aware that things are not ALWAYS what they seem to be. Your mind will always present you with what you hold into form. It will allow things to appear as you think they are. In my case, since Isabelle told me that light bulb was stuck, my mind took that thought and belief that the bulb was indeed stuck. Also playing in the back ground, you can call it the subconscious/mass consciousness, all the things related to light fixtures and light bulbs! Since we are here to create all things possible, here are some of the things that my mind was holding into form: we have collectively created the light fixture, the light bulbs, the sockets, the electricity, the danger of torquing the bulb that could break off and cut you with the glass shards, the light bulb end getting stuck or fused in the light fixture socket, the danger of being electrocuted or shocked, the hassle of having to go turn off the electricity and everything else related to problems surrounding light fixtures and electricity. So, when I originally went in to change the bulb, in my mind, it was stuck. Then when I literally let the problem go - as in, this was not a big deal, there were four other lights working so the bathroom was still functioning and I let go of the outcome - I didn't care if the light bulb was replaced or not. In other words, when I released what I thought was going on - the bulb was stuck - then I changed all the parameters that allowed the bulb to be seemingly stuck when it wasn't stuck in the first place! Always pay attention to what you "see" with your mind - you may be very surprised that things are now ALWAYS what they seem to be! So, always look behind the storefront/facade and notice what is really going on behind the scenes! This will allow you to make a choice to change old programs and patterns that have been in the way of you receiving the abundance that the universe is giving to you! Apply this with everything and you will be amazed at how things shift from being difficult or being an obstacle to being something that will be an ease and make you smile! I can assist you with the "stuck" light bulb(s)! Remember this work is all about you - to shine and illuminate your love and your light!
A Perspective
When we elected to don bodysuits and a physical form here on good ol’ planet earth– there were some very basic rules that we were given........Create and Experience all things possible! This meant that we could begin creating from outside of our heart space. Creating outside of our heart space has allowed us to experience limitations of all kinds (separation from our heart space) – emotions, intellectual and mental constructs – which are dual in nature i.e., good/bad, right/wrong, black/white and so on! This allows us to judge ourselves and others and so to experience these emotions and to give away our power in many different manners, shapes and forms. So, the big three things that all of us work on are Mistrust issues, Not Being Worthy/Not Deserving issues and Abandonment/Alone issues. The duality and separation are Karmic (karma means comeback in Sanskrit) – you can also give them the connotation of “sin” in a religious definition. They are not wrong or right/ good or bad – they are something that you created to experience limitations/suffering – because in your heart, there is none of this – in your heart, you just ARE, being Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, Abundance and Non-resistance! Non-resistance is not reacting emotionally to events that happen! The head/mind/brain is very good at holding onto (like the proverbial bear-trap with a live bear in the trap) all kinds of things that do not serve our highest interest. It is afraid of letting go of anything because it “FEARS” the unknown. It is very tiny, small and not very powerful! So, when we began the game, we all wrote a script for ourselves and then handed it to the universe. Then the universe took your script and went to central casting and and central casting has provided the actors. So ANYONE, regardless of how you define them, in the past, present or future are all just actors and actresses playing the role of the script that YOU wrote to experience. Nothing more! The actors Know NOT what they do!! So if you react emotionally to an event (and all events are neutral), the first thing is to be aware that you just reacted emotionally. Then DO NOT beat yourself up or be hard on yourself! Remember, you created this emotion (limitation). Since you created it, you can dissolve and dissipate it back into your heart space. Remember, everything comes to you! You do not go to it! This the all about the law of attraction. If there is an old program/limitation still running within you, it will attract the actors to play out that part of the program that you created so that you can "re-live" the experience that you created! So the main thing is to become aware that you just reacted emotionally, as spirit is telling you that this is on the surface (AGAIN!) and you now can choose to release it or keep it. If you keep it, it will play over and over and over again (karmic cycle) until you put your foot down and demand that you will not play this game or keep on choosing the same old solution! Once you are aware that this emotion is on the surface and you decide to choose a new solution, you then take three deep breaths (which gets you into your heart space immediately), then cast the burden of that emotion – for example, “ I cast this burden of anger into my Christ Consciousness (higher self) within and I now will be freed and released forever!” , then in the same breath, you say to your team/spirit, “I need a solution, Thank you!”. Then once you ask within your heartspace/spirit, your job is to be still, quiet and listen and let your team/spirit bring you a divinely orchestrated solution (do NOT use your head/mind for a solution – you will get a plate of catfood!) and once you receive the solution, then you bring it forward into this left brain world and make it visible! In other words, you chose different solution which then completes the old karmic cycle, which in essence, you have scrubbed your subconscious and then when you awake in the morning, that program is not available in the subconscious to run in your projection that you are consciously experiencing each day! You get a banquet and a feast when you ask from your heart/spirit! When you ask from your heart/spirit, you shall receive AND you will always receive more that you ask for! You cannot lose anything that you have created in your heart/spirit and it can’t be taken away as opposed if you created outside your heart where you come from a position of lack (you are under the Law of Expectations) and you tell the universe that you have a fear of loss – the universe will oblige you with realizing your fears! In your heart/spirit, you are now under the Grace and the Law of Expectancy is in place. Vision with your heart/spirit and allow your magic to become you! You have now brought more of YOU back into your heart/spirit (and you don’t give away yourself!) to create what it is that you desire! Since you are a creator and that means that you are part of God – you would not be here if that was not the case! Your job is to create and experience – it is not your job to manifest anything! That is your teams/spirits' job – they do the hows and whys! If you try to do the hows and whys, you will struggle AND if that is what you choose, then the universe will give you what you ask for! So be careful what you ask for! Remember to always be in your heart/spirit! Unconditionally forgive yourself and all others, then release them and allow yourself to receive and accept the love and light of the universe
Clearing – Clearing – Clearing!
Most of you that have been delving into the metaphysical side of the universe have probably heard of the word or process of clearing. Clearing is the course of action that describes the method of releasing or letting go of old patterns, paradigms and programs that we have accumulated. These programs reside in our subconscious. Our subconscious stores these programs in our many different dimensional layers and fields that we define as our earthly physical body. Most of these programs have been created by us and then after we have experienced them, we don’t release them, but we hang on to them because we “think” (read ego mind) they are important. This is where it becomes a bit problematic. We are creators. We are here to create, experience our creation and then release the experience so that we can create anew! However, we hang on to all of this “important” stuff that just clogs up the energy flows within our bodies. I liken it to “space junk” – not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. The space is filled with emotional and mental constructs that do not serve our highest interests, blocks the flow of energies and creates a physical dis-ease in the body. Clearing work involves removing “stuck” energy patterns/programs in a way that your energy channels get a good clean out. Old energy is removed and replaced by new, high vibrational energy. Raising your vibrational energy by clearing old patterns is the key to feeling better and gives you clarity on all levels. Clearing allows us to remove karmic and ancestral burdens that we have been carrying for a long time. In effect, we are clearing the subconscious of karmic cycles and that allows us to refocus the energies tied to these cycles back to our heart space. It allows us to stand in our power. This in turn, raises our vibrational frequency. The more clearing that you do on all levels will allow you to reach higher and higher vibrations. This means that you are not being so affected by lower level frequencies, such as mass consciousness. When you raise your frequencies, life, in this left brained world we have created, becomes easier! The more often you do clearing work, the better you will feel and it allows you to accelerate your “healing” from old patterns and programs. You then feel the difference of being in the flow and you are aware if you try to “force” something, you can feel the lower vibrational frequencies around you! Keeping your vibrational frequencies at the highest level possible will enable you to shine and illuminate your love and light from your heart. This puts you in the flow and under grace! So do clearings on a regular basis and start changing your life! Change your Energy, Change your Life!...............Namaste………Dake it Easy…….Michael
Your Magic within
Looking for that magic answer to life? Well, most everyone is! But it is elusive! So here is the riddle: It has always existed and it is has never gone anywhere, but why is it so hard to find? So, what is the answer to this riddle? It is in your heart space as it is a sum total of your higher self, consciousness and your soul or subconscious)! It is the key part of you that has been covered up/neglected because we have been told over and over that everything that is worth anything lies outside of us! We have allowed ourselves to delve, play and exist in what can be loosely defined as the fourth dimensional astral plane. This is the realm where duality or Karma resides! Everyone contributes to it – so when you play out here in this space – you always come from a position of lack, because fear is the underlying lynchpin – in other words, you really have very little control of what happens when you draw from this “pool” of emotions and constructs. And, it is all too real! It fills up our subconscious and it you don’t “scrub” out this part of you, you are subject to not only your thoughts, but all of the others that contribute to mass consciousness’ thoughts as well! So don’t complain next time that you ran out of something because you had a fear of losing it! This is often a common result of being under the law of Karma! Within you though, is your heart space – it is the essence of you and your divinity! You always come from a position of abundance in your heart because there is NO Fear – it can’t exist here! The only thing you can have in your heart is Love! This is not an emotion. This is You! This is you as a creator! When you stay in your heart and give out love, the only thing you can get back is love! Conversely, if you want to play in Karma land, then, be aware, any result can occur – from good to bad to horrible to so-so! You are always at risk of losing it all! Be careful what you ask for, because the universe will provide it – and I might add, with the new energies that are here now, it occurs very, very quickly! Instantaneous Karma! Yikes! Within your heart, it is impossible to lose anything! Can’t happen! When you dissolve and dissipate karmic cycles back into your heart space, you scrub your subconscious of these emotions and scenarios, which means, you can’t draw these cycles or events back into your life (consciousness)! You become non-resistant, meaning that you don’t emotionally react to events that earlier would have triggered a tired and worn out response that you have been repeating over and over for many lifetimes! So make a choice to ACT and then choose to apply a new solution to an old issue – scrub your subconscious and when you wake up in the morning and open your eyes, you will notice that the DVD that is projecting your reality has now been re-scripted! You don’t have to apply or direct any energy to things that are not in your highest interest! You now have more power to create within your heart and create the magic that YOU are! Become your miracles, be your magic! Be in your heart as much as you can and the magic will become YOU!.............Namaste………….Dake it Easy…………..Michael
January Blog 2013
There is a saying “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” Well, if you create from your heart (and not your head), you cannot fail! Can’t happen! There is no fear in your heart! For everything you create within your heart is perfect! Since you are a creator, then ergo, it is perfect! For in your heart there is only Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, Non- Resistance and Abundance! When you send out Love from your heart, the only thing you can receive back is Love! Many people “think” that they are praying with their heart, when in reality, they are praying with their heads – under the law of duality or Karma! This is wishful thinking at its best! Most of the time nothing happens or we are mightily disappointed because we have set expectations outside of our heart. Within your heart, you are not subject to the dualities of the law of Karma, i.e., good and bad or right and wrong. It is the unwavering faith in your heart that is called the law of expectancy. This means that you create within your heart, your desire with unconditional love. Then you see yourself as the end result of your creation (it has already happened!). Never mind trying to manifest what you think you want – manifesting is the universe’s job (always has been!). When you create or ask within your heart, you shall be given what you have asked for – Always! Ask and you shall receive and when you receive, you will receive more than you asked for! For this is being under the Grace of God! If you try creating using your head, you fall under the law of Karma – in other words, you set expectations – AND so what happens when you set expectations instead of expectancy? This is like pulling the rhinoceros out of the hat instead of the rabbit! Yikes! In other words, you don’t really know what you are going to get! It could run the gambit of everything from what we define as good to horrible and everything else in between! This scenario happens to us every day all the time! So, next time you ask for something, ask fearlessly with unwavering faith, and KNOW whatever you requested is on its way! Change your Energy, Change your Life! Life should be fun! Get into the Flow! ……………Namaste…………Dake it Easy………Michael Dake
New Frequencies, Expanded Time and Way Cool Stuff!
Changes? What Changes?!!! Change is the only constant thing in this Universe(s). When you do not fear the change, then there is not ANYTHING you CANNOT do! The new energies being ushered in are allowing everyone to realize that if whatever you are doing that is NOT making you HAPPY, then you are being reminded that YOU can choose to CHANGE IT! It is not about anyone else, IT is all about YOU! And it is not being selfish! Remember, we are creators and we are here to create and experience, then let go of the experience! It has been inculcated, for a very long time, into us that we have to hold on to experiences because they are important – (well, at least at the time we choose to create the experience they seemed important!). But as long as we hold onto old experiences (read Karma), we get in the way of ourselves (mental and emotional constructs!). In other words, we have been told that once we create something, our mind has to take a hold of the idea and then we have to manifest (i.e., the how’s and why’s) the thing that we have created! So, since it was never man’s “job” to manifest anything (that is the universe’s job), we have gotten the notion that it is really hard to get what we want – it is soooo hard! It is really important to get out of your head as these are mental and emotional constructs that have been created outside your heart – or duality of Karma! Releasing the old – or surrendering it to the divine (an emotion or mental construct) is imperative. And we wonder why things don’t get better! There is an old Chinese saying, “When you find yourself in a hole, STOP digging”! It is the duality that is now going away with the advent of these new energies coming at us at warp speed! When you start to understand that you can complete Karmic cycles and dissolve and dissipate them back into their native nothingness, then you begin to create solely in your heart! There is no duality in your heart – there is only love! You focus on the end result of your creation (in other words, you see yourself there at the end result)! Also realize, that within your heart is NO reasoning, rationalization or logic! You just are! Learn to be in your heart at all times and just BE! You can only have abundance when you create from your heart! Try it, you will find yourself amazed at how easy things can be – you will find it easier to do things, create things that have not been yet created and do more and more by doing less and less! Sign me up for this is good Way Cool Stuff! I have seen and felt incredible changes in the people I have been blessed to work with either in the office or long distance! It is time to shine and illuminate your light from within! I can assist you to get you to the next levels! Accelerate your healing! Get out of your Head and into your Heart! This is Way Cool Stuff and if you want to be on the cutting edge of this transformation, I can help you on your journey to bring out the unique gift that each and every one of you has to share with the rest of the universe! 2013 will be a wondrous year! Look with Wonder at that which is before You! I do want to also share that many of you will be experiencing “expanded” time – in other words, you will begin to really understand the real constraints of linear time that we have induced upon ourselves and you will realize that you don’t have to be restricted by time anymore! This is Good Stuff! One last thing that I need to share in this article – I have been told many times over in recent sessions that it is time to stop being so serious about everything and I have been instructed to tell everyone the following: “Let your hair down, sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching and above all, Laugh and Giggle, Laugh and Giggle – THEN, Laugh and Giggle some More!” Life should be fun so get into the flow!
December 2012
Welcome to December 2012! On our collective calendar is a date of 12/21/2012 – and according to the folks in the know, there is a big shift that is supposed to occur on this date. Well, I don’t mean to disappoint you but we have already been experiencing this transformative for quite awhile now! Everything will look the same the following day. You may not notice much difference in the “storefront” appearances of people but there have been and we are continuing to experience major shifts and changes within us! The old energy is being brought to the surface – what we are experiencing as “chaos or havoc” in our lives – and this is being accentuated even more so than ever! Old emotions/mental patterns are being released at an accelerated rate and there is a heightened sense within us and that there is something “more within you” but you just can’t seem to place a finger on it! This energy change is somewhat like the process of creating a piece of petrified wood – i.e., the old is being replaced with the new on all levels! It is a replacement of old energies with the new higher vibrational frequencies. I have been working with many folks to help smooth out the bumps on this process. It really is helping you really embrace the feeling of freedom that has always been in your heart space! Your light and love is being uncovered and the burdens you have been carrying around are being released and this is literally setting you free! You also may have observed that your sense of linear time is changing as well! Time flies when it doesn’t exist! I have been assisting in aligning, attenuating and calibrating the changes taking place within the physical body to help these major changes and shifts to continue to develop within your bodysuits! I have seen and felt wonderful changes within the people I work with on a daily basis! If you have been experiencing more ups and downs lately, schedule a session! You will be glad you did! Life should be Fun! Change your Energy, Change your Life! Get into the Flow!.............Namaste………Dake it Easy………..Michael
October 2012
With this last full moon of this weekend, there has been a culmination of intense energy of the past three months, the energies in my sessions have certainly been heightened – more and more people are experiencing very large shifts in their awareness. Many people are being given the message that it is okay to get out of the minutia and they are really listening to that message! In other words, leave the details to the universe (how’s and why’s) and just focus on the end result of whatever they have asked for within their heart. So, instead of doing the same old thing or procedure and such, the awareness is being awakened and permission has been granted to let go of everything old! Also, there has been a much more rapid acceleration in old patterns/programs being removed/dissolved and dissipated within the last couple of months. It is extremely interesting to see people experience very incredible “spiritual” instances that would not normally be defined as being spiritual! These changes are setting us up to be ready to pleasantly expect the unexpected – which comes from the Law of Expectancy, which therein lies within everyone’s heart. This meaning, that what you ask for in within your heart, you shall receive because you have aligned your desires with your request. This is totally different than the Law of Expectations, which is under Karmic Law. This means that it has been created outside of the heart (read mental/ego construct) and is therefore fraught with the emotional gamut that we experience as disappointment, fear and disillusionment, etc. When you allow yourself to create and experience with unconditional love from your heart, you can have anything and as much of whatever you desire – there is no limit. You come from a position of abundance. This is being in the flow or under the grace of God. If you create outside of your heart, then you are under the Law of Karma, subject to limitations, constraints and restrictions – not to mention fear, mistrust and other not so wonderful emotional states we have created. You come from a position of lack! When you allow yourself to be in your heart as much as possible, then there are no limits and nothing is too small to ask for. So always be in your heart, ask for assistance from your team (they can’t help if you don’t ask because they have to respect your choice of free will) and you will notice that things start to flow much more easily into your life. Nothing is forced or coerced from your heart space. So, if you are experiencing some ups and downs, get centered, grounded and get into your heart space. Then ask your team for help, then sit, wait (remember, this has NO time or space element, listen for your answer, and then act on the answer you have received. You will notice that things will become much more spiritual without you trying to do so much. In fact, you will be able to do more and more by doing less and less! We are here to create and experience all things possible. We have forgotten that is is OKAY to let go of the experiences that we have created so we can create new things to be created (and I have been told that there are a gadzillion things that have not yet been created or experienced!). So, as it is said, “Let go, Let God!” They certainly were not kidding around with this! Forgive yourself Unconditionally for Everything! Life should be fun! Get into the Flow! Change Your Energy, Change your Life! Let me assist you with your journey
..............Peace-Love-Light…….…………Dake it Easy……………….Michael
August 2012
I have been using the Re-Calibrate, Re-Align and Rejuvenate action sequence to allow an integration of the changes that occur during each individual healing session.So when I invoke the Release-Remove-Repair-Restore-ReSoul sequence to assist in clearing old energy patterns/paradigms/programs, I follow up with the Re-Calibrate, Re-Align and Rejuvenate sequence.Re-Calibration is a crucial step in making sure that all the new energies that have been brought in to replace the old energies are vibrating at the correct frequency with the client’s dimensional bodies and that the new energies are compatible and stable. Re-Align comesinto play as the energies that have been properly calibrated can now be aligned on all dimensional levels – at least a 6 dimensional alignment is done (some folks can handle an 8 D alignment – but not too many yet at this point in linear time!).Re-Alignment helps to connect, integrate and create a new system of new matrices that support the new energies and the higher flows in all dimensional levels.Re-Alignment allows a higher flow (volume and frequency) of energies to assist the client to become who they really are!Rejuvenate is the action that follows the Re-Calibration and Re-Alignment.As you are being adjusted to the new energies and flows, you will start to feel changes in all your dimensions.The clearing work that you have done helps slow down the chronological aging process and you feel lighter! And just recently, within the last 6 weeks, I have added Re-Set and Activate to the sequence.Re-Set and Activate is in linewith the accelerated changes in the energies that we have been recently been experiencing in the past 3 months. We are literally “pressing” the Re-Set button and Activating the new energies to provide seamless cohesion with the structural changes of our physical bodies we currently are experiencing!Sessions are taking on much more profound dimensional configurations at a consistently accelerated pace!This is Way Cool Stuff!Remember, Life should be Fun!
Change your Energy, Change your Life!
July 2012
Release! Remove! Repair! Restore! Re-Soul!
After the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, I was asked by a number of people of “What do you mean by the term Re-Soul" (this alliteration is on my cards and my website). Re-Soul was given to me after I had been working with the original words – Release, Remove, Repair, Restore – while doing clearing work for my clients. It may be easier to understand this process by using an analogy of individual cells in the physical body. The individual cells define our “shape” of our physical body. With the clearing process (clearing Karmic events that we have created outside of our heart space that are “stuck”) in the physical body, here are the steps:
1) we ask to Release the “stuck” energy pattern, program or paradigm
that we are targeting;
2) then, we ask to have the pattern, program or paradigm to be Removed;
3) then we ask to Repair the “hole/damage” that was caused by the
pattern,program or paradigm;
4) then we ask to Restore the “hole/damage” to its perfect template form.
With the rapidly changing energies events (starting about 3 years ago), I was guided to add Re-Soul to the string. Re-Soul means that as we clear the stuck energy (steps 1 to 4), we step up in our vibrational frequencies for each individual cell in the physical body. Each individual cell has a “Soul” – all of these individual cells make up your composite “Soul”. So when you take out old “stuck” energy of the cells, you have to replace it with new energy – this is the kind of the very high frequency energy that little kids have (energy cannot be destroyed, just transmuted and once transmuted it is available for use after it has been ”scrubbed” and sent back into the universal energy grid). The new energy literally “Re-Souls” you! In other words, you have removed the “space junk” from your cells and then you literally become who you really are! This is why you feel better after clearing “dis-eases” from your physical body. So also be aware that clearing also simultaneously occurs on many different levels when you do a session. So that leads to the Re-Calibrate, Re-Align, Rejuvenate string that applies after you have done a clearing. This second part of the process helps hold the new energy frequencies so that you can expand “within” to new and higher vibrational dimensions.
The energies since the Solstice (June 20) have been amazing! I have observed many different cloud formations that I have never seen before! I have also noticed a very subtle difference in the “brightness and clarity” to the light (colors) of the sun and all things (especially people, animals and plants) than I have experienced before the Solstice. My sessions have been very much enhanced as the energy has taken on new and higher vibrations. This has allowed folks to be taken to a deeper level of expansion! This is Way Cool Stuff! July promises to bring many changes that were “staged” for take-off in May and June! Let me assist you on your journey! Remember, Life should be Fun! Get into the Flow! Change your Energy, Change your Life!
May 2012 Year of the Dragon?......Think Again!
Many of you have heard that this is the Chinese Year of the Dragon and that is true. However, what is much more really important, it has been officially replaced by what I have designated as “The Year of the Dumpster!” With all the major changes in the energies that have taken place within the last eight or so months, I am seeing numerous folks that are experiencing an overload of emotions being presented to them ALL at once! Old energies and paradigms are coming to us at a more rapid pace to the surface than before and they are certainly ready to be released – but that can be daunting. Yes, it can be quite overwhelming to try to choose which emotional situation to deal with first! It is like you are setting your table to sit down to eat and then plate after plate of “stuff” keeps being placed on your table. Pretty soon, it full and there is not enough room on the table and plates keep on coming! It is much like the situation that happened in Fantasia’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice with the water and brooms getting way out of hand! What to do? This is akin to the darkness before the dawn. You now have permission to allow yourself to take as many of the plates of “stuff” on your table and put them in the Dumpster (this is not your ordinary garbage can – it is the 40 foot blue monster Dumpster!) Dump Plate and ALL into the Dumpster! By dumping all these old energies, patterns and paradigms, it helps you get out from under all the weight of these burdens – literally, giving you a new lease on life! I was given a wonderful vision on how to get these plates off your table in a very satisfying manner: You get yourself a handy-dandy 5th century catapult, then load up then pull the release rope and launch your “stuff” (or turn the “stuff” into pumpkins!) and let ‘er fly to yon distant dumpster! That should make you smile! As your table begins to be cleared, you feel lighter and freer and in essence, you Change your Energy, you Change your Life! Make this your “Year of the Dumpster! I can assist you on getting your table cleared and it is a lot of fun to launch the catapult knowing that this “stuff” can be flung into the dumpster! Life should be fun! Get into the Flow! Go in the Grace of God and Change your Energy, Change your Life!
April 2012 Are you being bothered by the barking dog?
Now suppose that it is a nice sunny summer day and you have the opportunity to go out to your back yard, grab the big foldout lawn chair to take time to sit back and relax and possibly get forty winks in the process! You have just sat down and leaned your head back in the chair and you start to drift as you begin to relax. “This is good”, you say to yourself. Then, all of a sudden, the neighbor’s dog starts to bark! What you do next, is very important. Typically, you REACT like you always have reacted! That is, you get upset! You let the barking get under your skin! You ask, “Why does the stupid dog have to bark and interfere with your relaxation time?” You become annoyed and now you are looking at ways to get the dog to shut up! So you consider some of your old standby options like: 1) Yelling at the dog - which just makes the dog bark more and it seems louder! and it doesn’t make any difference at all, but hey, you rationalize, it made me “even” with the dog!; 2) You march into your house and make a phone call to the neighbor and leave a not-so-nice message (there, that will teach him a thing or two AND it makes you feel better because if his stupid dog can interrupt my relaxation time, then I can get back at the neighbor by insulting and threatening him! So There!); 3) Fold up the lawn chair and stomp into the house and fume for hours about the barking of the dog and how it ruined your afternoon and thus everything else you had planned for the rest of the day! Now suppose that you changed the way you reacted or in this case, ACTED. You do something different – what a novel concept! You change the energy of the situation. This time, you allow the dog to bark. The dog has every right to bark as much and as long as it desires. Now, what you are doing is becoming Non-Resistant to the barking. You become undisturbed – you don’t let it bother you. When you resist something, more of what you resist or become upset/disturbed by will be coming your way. You have to let go of the resistant! When you let go of the resistant, then there is nothing to draw something that annoys you to you! When you become non-resistant, you are operating in your heart space. In your heart space, there is no resistance to anything! In the case of the barking dog, if you become non-resistant to the barking, then invariably what happens is that the dog stops barking a very short time later (Because one of the following occurs: the owner quiets the dog/takes the dog inside/the dog falls asleep/or just simply stops barking!). You then can rest and enjoy your afternoon in the back yard. Find out how many barking dogs you have and then being aware of them, start to become non-resistant and undisturbed by whatever is creating your barking dog (remember, you have created ALL your barking dogs all by yourself! AND you can dissolve and dissipate all of them by yourself!). ACT instead of REACTING to your barking dog incidents – this changes your energy and puts you into your heart space within you. In your heart space, there is only Non-Resistance! You don’t attract the barking dog to you! I can assist you in releasing your barking dogs! Change your Energy, Change your Life. Life Should be Fun, so BE in the flow and go in the grace of God!
March 2012 Are You “In Your Zone”?
There is a wonderful feeling when you are in a flow or state of grace – you can call it being “In the Zone”. Many of us are familiar with hearing stories or watching athletes perform astonishing feats while being “In the Zone”. Spirit was kind enough to provide me with an excellent example of how to get “Into Your Zone”! I recently had a session with a client who came to see me to help de-stress his incredibly stressful life, much of which was being influenced by his high maintenance job. He works in a fast paced computer IT environment – which he described as being busy 36/7! His head was and has been very BUSY with mind-chatter and it was overwhelming him (and that was an understatement!). Anyway, before the session began, I did ask if had tried to do something to decrease his stress level and he mentioned that he rides competitively in bike races – and he is very good at it as well! I asked him if he feels the mental chatter when he is riding his bike. The answer, which was not surprising to me, was NO! He somehow tunes out the mental chatter and was really unaware that he did so until I pointed it out to him. Then I saw the “light bulb” come on! This was really a good thing! In other words, when he is on his bike, whether he is racing or not, the mental chatter disappears. This is because he is “In His Zone”. He is creating from his heart and it is his passion to be on his bike. He BECOMES his passion! He does not have “think” – he just does! There is not ANY mental chatter in your heart – only love! When you create from your heart, you are “In the Zone” automatically! You are in the flow and in a state of grace. In his case, there are (pardon the pun) NO roadblocks or obstacles in his path when he is riding his bike! I told him the focus of his session was to get on his bike and then, after the race was over – STAY ON THE BIKE! In other words, expand your zone so that everything you do becomes your passion. You operate from the heart space instead of the head (ego mind). Magic happens when you are in your heart space! You have all that you need within yourself! You are never left wanting for anything when you are in your heart space. Every time you get out of your heart space, things tend to go awry – your ego mind wants to take over for everything and then you get asked, “So how’s that workin’ for ya? HUH?” It makes living your life that much more difficult in this physical left-brained conscious world that we live. So, you really do have a choice – Stay on Your “Bike”! Become your passion so that the passion becomes you! Expand your Zone and Stay there always! Be in Your Zone! Change your Energy, Change your Life!
Coming to a Theatre Near You!.....New Film at Eleven!
Is it time to check the message on your theatre marquee? In another, yet, wonderful session, I was given a clear vision on how important it is to change the message on your very own theatre marquee on a regular basis. You should be asking yourself each day, “What’s playing today?” What is on your theatre marquee? Do you get the feeling that after every day ends and you have experienced the MOVIE of your daily projected reality, the story didn’t get any better than the day before? And then the next day, you managed to play the same MOVIE as yesterday AND that you had wanted and expected changes in your MOVIE script but nothing happened! Then you complain that you are watching the same old thing over and over! Well, you need to check the message on the marquee and see what it is saying! What are you asking for and are you really allowing yourself to receive it? Or, are you standing in the way of yourself – blocking your manifestations such as in engaging the ego (mind) first?! In other words, you are not in the flow or aligned with your desires. You try to force things to happen. This is akin to asking for something (as in manifesting your desires) and then putting barriers in the way for you to receive it. You know what you asked for, but somehow you have placed something in the way of yourself preventing you from receiving what you asked for. Take for example the following scenario: You decide to order something from a catalog and pick up the phone and place your order (ask for something that you desire), then you hang up the phone and then anxiously await for it to arrive at your doorstep. So upon hearing the delivery man ring your doorbell with the delivery of your desired item, you start to run to the front door BUT before you get to the front door, you inexplicably move your refrigerator into your hallway blocking your way to the front door and then complain that you can’t get through to the front door! So now what!!? The pathway to the front door is blocked by the refrigerator as you somehow have forgotten that you put the refrigerator in your way. You know that there is the package that you ordered on the front doorstep but you can’t get through hallway to the front door, so, you, try to make the best of this “bad” situation! You seem to think the only option have is one that you have been conditioned to react (read old programming!), i.e., I will have to settle for less, because that is how I have always dealt with situations like this and besides the refrigerator is in the way and it is big and heavy! And I really didn’t deserve what I asked for when I placed my order anyway! So, in settling for less (AGAIN) and allowing yourself to be confined within another ego (mind) creation, you don't get out of the box! So, get out of your head! And into your Heart! You can move the refrigerator back in its place (because you can!!) and now you can get to the door and open it and receive your package! Ask within for assistance and help! And know that it is already here! Believe in your Magic!
In the Game, everything is constructed with logic, time and contrasts/opposites. It cannot operate without these components. Logic does not allow you to "observe" or see, instead, what we call wisdom is simply an accumulation of logical validated results based on a premise that you somehow have experienced something and then by defining those experiences with a label, you would be able to sequence a story together to have something to relate it to - as in past, present, future - so that comparisons/judgments could be made. This consists of databases of variables plugged into a software algorithm based on probabilities and the use of logic to arrive at a consensus agreement. It literally can be a moving target. Or better said, "Things are not Always what they seem to Be!".
Logic is the operating system of this computer Game....Everything is mental. The ego mind is mental. Logic is mental. The Matrix/Black Cube is mental. YOU are NOT. The logic in the Game forces you to immediately react so that the contrasts or opposites are put into play. Duality as we call it. Wisdom is mental. Wisdom is simply a winnowing down of "past" experiences leading to a "better" than that over there conclusion. You have to reach logical conclusions in this Game in order to make a "decision". You Always have to make decisions in this Game, back and forth or cause and effect, trying to make the best "decision" for everything you do. This is the repetitive cycle of "life" and "death" in every situation no matter what level you are at or in. Now zoom out, you can now see the same fractal patterns repeating on all levels, a hologram! The Game always has resets...start overs...repeats...Rise and Fall....Does this feel familiar? Logic inherently repeats because it requires feedback of validation. This is why Observing with your Heart/Essence is all but precluded and prevented in the Game. If you are Observing, you are coming from your Heart/Essence or Knowing, not from the mental ego mind. The Game forces you to "knee jerk" with an immediate response to an event because it needs the validation of sequencing feedback of the event presented to you. It is predictable in all cases. The Game simply cannot be still. You CAN!
Observing is awareness. Observing comes from your Heart/Essence. When you innerstand that your inner world is your real world, you will see that nothing outside can affect you unless you let it. <===Read that sentence a couple times again and allow it to sink in. You have the power to do anything. If you have fear, then that simply means that you have consented to giving away your power. Taking your power back is easily that simple. This is not difficult in this Game. The Game is designed to keep you in it. Ready to step out of the Game? You are closer than you think! Lead with your Heart! Come with me!
A Logical Feedback Loop - Validation
Clue: You Don't Need It
Ever wonder why we believe we need to validate our outcomes? Logic, duality, and feedback loops might be a good place to start and end....Logic is a "science" that deals with the formal principles of reason. For example, if a person walks into the house with a wet umbrella, it is logical for someone that is already inside the house to assume that it is raining outside by seeing the person holding a wet umbrella. But is this what really is going on? Maybe, maybe not. Things are NOT always what they seem to be! Logic is reasoning - basically a feedback loop using "time". Simply put, it is cause and effect based on expectations (hmmm..... there is also a convenient universal law of cause and effect in place in this Game - interesting). Logic is patterning - think matrix. Logic needs validation - computer language using 0's and 1's needs validation because of the requirement to sequence logic (using "time") by a forcing a choice. Press the yes button and the system takes you to a certain screen on a computer (choice). If you choose not to press the yes button and press the no button, the system follows the command, "if the yes button is not pressed", then, the no button has been pressed, the sequencing takes you to a different screen (choice), else, it will return you to the original screen. It has to validate the choices. In this Game , You are forced to make a choice or decision for everything, and those choices are literally made every second in this Game, because it is based in duality, contrast/opposites, time, cause and effect - logic and reasoning. EVERYTHING in this Game is logical. Except YOU. You (Not the character in the costume on stage acting) or your Essence is illogical. The costume just hides/covers up your "magic". That is why you have to capitulate all your power by giving away your consent to be in a participant in this Game. The Game cannot use anything but logic. Logic needs validation to prove either the "true" or "false" nature of the choices that are selected. This would be interpreted as definitions with the associated labels so things can be categorized and put into a hierarchical system. Databases (information), algorithms (stories) and probabilities (simulations) are integral parts of Logic. Everything has to be validated or it "falls" outside of the cannot be used in the Game. So, being that YOU are not logic, but simply find that you are inside a box with rules and constructs bounded by logic and reasoning that require validation to operate, You can now begin to game the Game by using logic against the Game. Logic is linear and can be reversed....reverse engineering. You use the tools of the Game to flip the tables of the logic with one twist. You have an Essence or Heart....the Game does not. You use all these tools to your advantage instead of to your disadvantage and you get to insert variables into the Game forcing the game to reset the simulation. The Game has to comply for it is simply a matrix based in validation. You, then, have the Game on its heels, not the other way around. You force the Game to play its hand first! You don't need validation are already whole and complete. The Game needs and requires validation to operate. If you innerstand (which means you already have all the answers or KNOW) how the Game is constructed, then to reverse how you got here and give you the ability to either step out completely, or stay in the Game, play the Game in your costume but not be of it - very similar to the holodeck on Star Trek - or do both, YOU got this! In essence, Stop Program, take your costume off and come HOME!
The Game Has Rules - You Don't!
What do ALL games have in common? Rules, Logic, Sequencing (Time), Conditions and Opposites (Duality)! It is not a game if any of these components are missing. And it is impossible for them to be missing in this game. Because, illogical things cannot exist in a logical world - even though it is the opposite of logic by logical definition and labeling. Ever hear of the 12 Universal Laws? If you have, then you know that this is a GAME!
Rules = Laws.
Here is the list of the 12 Universal Laws (there are other variations of the is list as well):
1. The Law of Oneness
2. The Law of Energy or Vibration
3. The Law of Action
4. The Law of Correspondence
5. The Law of Cause and Effect
6. The Law of Compensation
7. The Law of Attraction
8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
9. The Law of Relativity
10. The Law of Polarity
11. The Law of Rhythm
12. The Law of Gender
If you have been following me for any length of time, you see that these laws apply to everything that occurs in the Game. AND only in the GAME. These laws do not apply to YOU outside of the Game. Why are there laws or rules? It is because the (all) Game(s) needs limits/boundaries, logic, contrasts/opposites/duality, constructs and time in order function. It is a closed system. An algorithm is a precise step-by-step plan for a computational procedure that begins with an input value and yields an output value in a finite number of steps. (inputs come from databases and outputs are what are presented). A matrix is a collection of connected algorithms.....This is what is behind the scenes - patterns. Patterns are logically repeated linear functions of time. In the Game that we are in, it is the Story. For a story to exist, it needs rules, logic, sequencing (time), conditions and opposites (duality). Binary 0s and1s computer software language translated and projected to a screen. Hmmmm?......something feels very familiar here. Oh, maybe like these Laws that pertain to how the Game is played - whether or not you are the player or being played. Innerstanding the rules can give you a distinct advantage on turning the tables (switching the duality) on Game. The Game is designed to keep you within it - it has to follow the rules with NO deviation. The Game is a software program that has to use logic, time, contrasts, rules and and conditions in order to function.
So, whatever the reason, how "we" have entered into this Game is superfluous. It simply does not matter. We are in it and we are therefore subject to the "Universal Laws" within the Game. However, remember it is a Game. We really are simply being conditioned to becoming a character in the Game that fits into a logical construct with a label, definition and attributes - as in "human", characteristics of a "human" with emotions, strengths and weaknesses gated by time (or we have a life, which then infers a death as this Game is based in duality or 0's or 1's). It has algorithms, probabilities, logic and is linear in nature. Artificial Intelligence! Computers use information, stored in databases to operate with the programming sequence command string, "if, then, else", to translate 0's and 1's onto the screen you are currently "experiencing". Databases are simply a collection of collated/categorized information and it is garbage in, garbage out. The information really has no meaning and the definitions are simply held together by a consensus.....hmmm.....something similar again is coming to mind! So the point of all this's a Game! AND You are in it and as long as you are in the Game, you will be subject to the rules. However, innerstanding the rules of the Game will allow you to play the Game from your advantage instead of having the Game play You! I have a process to share. Time to flip the tables! It will make you smile!
Game Changer! I Know!.....Reset Simulation
Remember, words are spells in this Game. Always use them to your advantage. We have been conditioned to use the “I AM” wording in this Game. By saying this, and this is a spell, you are always placed in a position of always defending you character on stage in costume because it is based in fear….it is NOT of your Heart. Hmmm?….Things are not always what they seem to be! Why would that be? Now, this Game of duality has opposites (literally everything has opposites, except for You) or has a mirror image. When you look into a mirror, you may believe that you are seeing a reflection of you….it is NOT you! Surprised?! This is the Game’s attempt to subsume you – the end game – the thing in the mirror is slowly taking over your soul or your ability to create. It is experiencing all things humanly possible through you because of the mirror image of the reflection and the repetitive cycling of the infinity loop. The more you experience, as through the regimen of what is called past lives, you are subjected to have to have literally experienced ALL the timelines with All the algorithms with ALL of the probabilities within the limits of the Game – 15% of our content creation – or simply a video simulation game. So, what is it that you can do? First of all, there is a curse to be reversed that holds this condition into place. I can assist with this. Once that is reversed, then you would step back into your power and use the following words “I Know” to simple come home into your Heart/Essence. Then you say aloud, “Reset Simulation!”
Where we are right now is literally in a simulation! Simulations are AI – logical, duality, computer coded as in 0’s and 1’s, based in time, algorithms and probabilities. If you are familiar with the scene in the first Matrix movie, the character Neo stops the bullets in the air by doing something that the Matrix did not consider in the algorithm that was simply coded for removing Neo because he was classified as a threat to the homeostasis of the system.....So, what he did was to force the Matrix to reset the simulation because it did not have the logical solution to the action he presented….He acted instead of reacting. He essentially reset the simulation....This forced the Matrix to logically reconsider its next move in order to play its new simulation. At that point, after the Matrix re-ran the simulation, it played its hand. Neo was now at an advantage. Just like holding serve all the time! He now knew (from his Heart – “I Know) what was coming from the Matrix instead of being of always in a defensive position.
When you say “Reset Simulation, you utilize the mechanics of the Game to your advantage. It allows you to see what is coming……AND you already have answers to everything in this Game in your Heart. When you say “I Know!”, it stops the Game in its tracks. You get to run the Matrix….It will make you smile!!!
You Never Have to Figure Anything Out! Really!
Say What?! Yep! How many times have you been told to think it through? That you have find your solution using your head (or logic)? That you need to set goals or set your sights on things that you want or desire? That you have to work hard to receive what you believe that you do not have? How about if this place we find ourselves in is simply a Game? Games have rules. Games use logic. Games come with conditions. Games come with duality or opposites. Games have winners and losers. Games need participants whether you are playing alone or with others. Participants in the Game are governed by the element of time. Games are linear and sequenced. Games have a beginning, middle and an end. Games can be played over and over again. Games require "thinking" or strategy. Games require the participants to play a role. Games are stories. Stories are logical. Games have dependencies. Games make you consider questions such as how, why, when, where, who and what to complete every aspect of the story. Games require the participant to use logic to figure everything out. Games require you to try to control the outcome by reducing the number of variables presented in each situation. So, if you have been affected by any ONE of the items above, then you are in a Game. How come universes are not square? Why is the root entomology of the words true and trust, a lie? Use your imagination - where do you end up? In a logical Game, that's where. It just might be commonly be called a Matrix. So needless to say, you are always trying to logically figure out answers and solutions for Everything in the Game! Everything is logical - conditions and opposites. So, we are led to believe that there is nothing illogical in this Game. But, oh, wait! Yes there is! That would be YOU! The Game uses "the emotion of Fear" as a placeholder to make you believe (belief system) that Fear is the opposite/contrast of YOU in order to fill the Game's requirement to have a full complement of duality across the board so it can operate. YOU are not logical, nor of time, nor of contrast nor of time. Which gives you the advantage! And YOU would say, what?! Your current defense of your character has been conditioned by always acknowledging that in this Game that this "life" is hard and challenging, we struggle, we are in fear of the unknown trying to control the unknown, time is against us and then we "die"....A belief system...This is the character you are portraying on stage in a costume acting and performing that you now have identified who you believe you are. It is NOT who you think you are! The Game is simply a pre-planned compendium of stories that you don the costumes to act out the scripts over and over again because of the never-ending cycles that the Game is comprised. You consent to give your power away in this Game (and nothing happens unless you consent). Fear is simply you giving your consent to allow the story to play out. Your character is deliberately set up to take on "karmic debt" that is added from the story (experiences) to the costume to keep the programs sticking to you. You have been separated from your Heart or Essence on purpose. The Game is designed to keep you out of your Heart. Why? Because if you are in your Heart, you are in charge…..This is exactly what you will be doing as you do the process to reverse what has gotten you to where you are currently in this Game – coming Home!
Now, back to do you really have to figure anything out? NO! If you come Home into your Heart (it has not gone anywhere, as it has just been covered up so you purportedly cannot find it – like the barn door is shut and things are piled up against the outside of the door), then you already have all the answers and solutions available for anything. The Game operates on logic, time and duality – it needs all three to function. You, on the otherhand, do NOT need any of these and in addition, you can create! So, the Game is designed to make you react to an event (pre-programmed), and then manipulates your character to engage the ego mental mind (part of the costume you are wearing) to present you with a problem that does not have a solution and the ego mental mind then tries to solve the problem with logic WITH an emotion! And then the cycle continues…..over and over and over….ad infinitum (and ad nauseum to boot!). Nothing changes…..until, you react to an event, and you are aware of your reaction, then you STOP your ego mental mind, place your hand over your Heart and say “Center”, then say Detach! Then say, I do not Consent! Then say, Time Be Gone! Then say, I Know! You go into your Heart. You become your Change. Your answers and solutions (ALL of them) are now available to use. You NEVER make a choice in your Heart (it is not logical). In the Game, logic rules and you have to make choices for everything. So, once you have your answer/solution, you KNOW. It unfolds. There is never any doubt, question, second guessing or hesitancy. This is a very easy way to know where you are – either in your ego mental mind or in your Heart. You Already Know! Then apply this answer/solution to the Game. Every answer/solution that comes from your Heart works. Know that! So, use this to your advantage. The Game cannot stop you. This is why you listen to that voice that uses no words (You). It is not an audible listen….it is a knowing. You already have it. It is time to turn the tables and play with the advantage instead of the disadvantage. This will make you smile and you may as well have some fun on your way out this place! Keep Smiling!
Mastering the Frequencies
Taking Advantage
Frequency is the name of the Game.....Everything is Frequency and Vibration = Energy. Mastering the Frequencies is something that has been inherently and purposely kept out our reach in this Game. In this Game, we have always been on the "other" side of the duality - the Game has had the upper hand because of the rules that we have agreed to in order to "play" in this simulation that stipulated that we had to capitulate all of our "power". As in a game of cards, we have agreed to tip our hand - the Game knows what cards you are holding. It is easy to manipulate the Game when you can run both sides. Well, since there is not a chance or coincidence in this Game, the opportunity is now presenting that it is time to flip the table and take advantage of the duality nature of the Game by Mastering the Frequencies.
In the recent months, there have been what is called timeline jumps or major shifts into higher frequency timelines. You have been directly affected as these shifts indicate that older and lower frequencies no longer are in resonance with you and your "physical" body. Been feeling a bit out of alignment? Like a lot out of alignment!? Well, these changes have been coming in with an intensity that will literally knock you off your feet. You are becoming less "dense" in a physical definition as the story is experienced, and this is where we are in the point of the swinging pendulum cycle as it is moving through now. This is commonly referred to as an ascension process, ergo 3D to 5D. Now mind you, this is simply repeating a cycle in the finite infinity loop that contains everything in this Game - You have been before, just without the memory of experiencing it - AGAIN!
So, being aware of how the Game is structured and how it operates is crucial to innerstanding on how to Master the Frequencies and take advantage of the Game. The Game is static, it does not change, it is simply a logic software program that repeats in an infinite if-then-else loop. It has rules. It is of logic, which is gated by time - as you need time to sequence logic. Logic is dualistic and predictable. Logic is algorithmic and is used to provide probabilities. Logic needs a story and conditions to exist - as in labels and definitions - like a database. Everything in the Game is based in logic. Logic requires opposites or contrasts and the geometric shapes mathematically creates the element of time. If you do not have time, logic sequencing does not happen. Cycles do not happen without time. And time is linear and it can be reversed - as in past, present, future. In fact, you can scalar jump (time line jump) forward, go the the future and see the past! Taking advantage of the Game involves turning the tables on the Game.
Using these aspects of the Game as tools, such as logic, contrast, time and words, on the opposite side of that the Game uses them to manipulate the frequencies, we can then use these frequencies to our advantage because of the simple rule of the law of attraction. The Game cannot stop this as it requires a full complement of opposites in order to function! The process that I have shared has and will turn the tables on the Game within the Game. You can raise your frequencies, the Game has to support you at the level of frequency you hold. The law of attraction then is working in your favor. Everything comes to you based on frequency. You start changing the frequencies of the reflections of the "physical" realm we perform in. Taking advantage of the different outcomes of higher level timelines allows you to change from within (Essence or Heart Consciousness) and let go of the outcome of any situation. You begin to operate more and more from your Heart and not from the ego mental mind, allowing the unfolding of your Magic (Essence) to take over the Game. You begin to run the show and change is possible by the change in your Heart. You take advantage of the Game and it becomes yours. You get to influence everything without trying to use logic from the ego mental mind and not trying to change the "physical". The Game is not sentient nor can it think nor create. It simply can be reversed engineered....So, you can be in the Game but NOT of it.....on your way out of the Game! Yes, there is an Exit point. But, once you Master the Frequencies, it does not matter if you stay or not....You have the ability to create and do anything.....this is all about coming Home.......Keep smiling! You may as well have some fun whilst you are here!
Major Changes are Upon Us
Holograms, Sacred Geometry, Dimensions, Planes, and Time make up everything in this illusion that we have defined as our physical reality. They are logical constructs based on shape, form and patterns. These make up the duality of the back and forth Story of this reality. The Game is logical. It cannot do anything outside of logic. The Game always requires a balance of 100% composition of opposites - no partials are permitted....for example it can be 80/20 or 50/50 or any combination adding up to 100. This so-called reality is really a reflection and not a reality. The Game conforms us to be governed by rules that cannot be changed. It is programming based on probabilities and algorithms with the element of Time, which only occurs in this Game. Time is produced within the Game by the geometric shapes or the so-called Sacred Geometries - this entails things like magnetism, dimensions, space and planes. The Game is predictable and repeatable in all cases. Nothing changes. We are here because our ability to create content. The Game is centric around this content. The Game cannot create anything nor is it sentient. The Game is just a template to house our creative content that has to conform to the logical duality programming. Everything in this Game is limited to the "box", which contains 15% of your entire Creative Content. The other 85% is outside of this box and that is why you cannot create anything new in this Game - it just gets recycled - in other words, it is limited....Just exactly how this "life" is designed - this is NOT a coincidence. You cannot create or discreate anything in this Game. It is static. Nothing is new. You may only transmute the balance of energy into different "forms" - for example, sunlight into electricity. There is however, something that has changed that has never occurred before, EVER! We are leaving the Game!
Innerstanding (listening to the voice that uses no words) from your Heart (YOU), is where this change is emanating. You or your Essence cannot be touched. It is indestructible and inexhaustible. Even in this Game, this tenet applies. In other words, "Time's Up!".....It is like the board game is wrapping up and coming to a close. The Game board will be folded up and placed back into the game box to go back on the shelf never to be opened again. Now, you may initially react to this concept with fear and OMG what are we going to do? Well, ALL of this Story is simply a reflection or a hologram of our creative ability. It all comes from YOU! Inside...The Game is just the computer hardware that converts your Creative Content (software) into a "physical" reflection. Just like you use a computer to convert software coding into "visible" pictures or forms on the computer screen. You are the Creator of all of these - content, software coding and hardware. When you innerstand that you have the Power to do anything, the illusion of this Game will simply be an illusion. And you won't Ever miss a thing! I have some techniques to game the will make you smile! You Magic will Unfold!
Consent and Karma
In this Game, NOTHING happens without your consent. And that means Everything! If you have been keeping up with my monthly blogs, last month's blog was regarding stepping into your Mastery. This is being able to simply Observe, without Judgment and be Non-attached to what you are observing. In other words, you are in your "Heart or Essence" and not in the Ego Mental Mind of the character in the costume acting and performing on the "stage". Now, when we stepped in to this Game, we exchanged our Essence for Ego. Literally, consenting and giving away ALL of our power to the rules and constructs of this "physical" and logical realm that has what we define or call as "Time". This Game is simply AI or logic patterned is in a containment box and is limited both by size and content within the definitions of logic. So, once inside the Game, you now are subject to the rules and conformation conditions of the logic of the software - sequenced events using Time to "move" in a physical manner. We have all heard about Karma - Karma just a word that means something repeats, or comes around. You may be familiar with the phrase, every action has a reaction. This is the cause and effect, back and forth, ebb and flow....0's and 1's binary software coding of a computer - or what is called duality. As we traded in our Essence for our Pre-programmed costumes so that we could conform to the rules of the Game, in effect, capitulating all our abilities to step down into a "3D" physical frequency world or universe, we had no Karma whatsoever. Karma is another binder that is designed to keep us from leaving the Game. You acquire Karma from another character that is portrayed in the performance as coming from the "Dark" side of the duality. Karma and like constructs that we have been subjected to by the programming of our character only occur in this Game and no where else. The Karma is part of the pattern of frequencies that we usually cannot perceive or see - they are hidden on purpose to keep you on stage as the character performing in your costume.
Now, every time you react to an event, you are given the opportunity to keep it – engage your mental ego mind, which allow the program to stick around so you can experience again…OR you place your hand over your Heart, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and say the aloud, “Center”. Then be quiet for two seconds and listen to the voice within that uses NO words. (That would be you!😉) So, using this following technique will assist in moving into higher frequency timelines, remove karmic debts (completing karmic cycles) and resulting into stepping into your mastery – Observe, without judgment and have a non-attachment…
Technique: You react to Anything……Stop your ego mind, then step into the theatre like you are going to watch a movie or play for the first time, pick a seat, then put that event on screen or the stage and start the event that you just reacted to…..Then, Observe…be with NO judgment…..then allow your Heart to “see” the pattern hidden within the costumes….(this is not a mental visual “see” nor are you mentally looking for something), once your Heart has the awareness of the pattern, then say aloud “Detach!”….Then say aloud, “I do not consent!” “Time, Be Gone!” The story, narrative, scene, stage, script, actors, and set are designed to keep you in costumes of the character you are portraying in your movie. Time to lose the costumes! Take a bow, say Thank You!, Step off the stage, hand me your costumes and leave them at the theater and step out the door of the theater and COME home!
What are you Focused on?
Observe, No Judgment, Non-Attached
In this game, one of the tenets is you receive what you are focused on. And that applies to EVERYTHING! The Law of Attraction is also in play along with the duality construct of the game - there is an opposite for everything immediately available now! Logic is based on duality - computer programing is based on 0's and 1's. The programs that have been pre-loaded into you are based on logic. The matrix is logic. You are set up by the system to react to situations that set up in logic - in fact, the entire game is logic. The only thing that is not logic, wait for it, would be you! You are illogical - meaning that you do not need time, contract or logic to create. Your illogical creation ability has been wrapped up in logical wrappers so things can sequence because of the element of time required to be inserted by this game in order to process flow of what we define as energy - like if-then-else....When you react to an event, the game is betting the farm that you will be engaging the ego mental mind (which is not yours by the way) and that will keep you in a timeline with a lower frequency trying to figure out logically the problem that has no solution with an emotion (not yours either). The game is designed to keep you in the logic, keep you here for one reason only, that is, to siphon off energy from you 24/7 because it has one energy source, and that would be you! You are made to focus on the story or the narrative of the events with the ego mental mind. You are deliberately debilitated so that you cannot recognize patterns and invariably trip on the trip-wire even though you can see the trip wire. All to harvest energy from you. So, as you reverse curses like the curse of not being able to recognize patterns (pattern recognition), you will be able to be 12 steps ahead of the game. This means you will not be caught off guard or blindsided by the game because you can see the cards that the game is going to play next and you can force the game to play its hand! The game cannot do anything about it! It has to support you in the frequencies you are vibrating at regardless of where you are in the game. As you scalar jump, you continually raise your frequencies, reside in higher frequency timelines with much different outcomes, change the ego slides into essence slides and basically the game becomes all yours without you giving away your power on your way outta here!
So, as you are raising your frequency within the game, you begin to see the big picture with more can see up on the hill and you start to simply Observe events that happen around you WITHOUT the judgment and the attachment (meaning that you don't go down in frequency into the story or narrative the game is trying to pull you back into - think Karma.....all based in the "past" and repeats. You begin to step into your mastery - you Observe without a reaction (judgment) - once you have the awareness by Observation and because of the duality nature of the game, you now act on your awareness because you can see both sides of the coin that the game presents to you. Your choice will be obvious and you simply are not attached to the outcome! You are in the game but not of it.....on your way out of the box. Everything outside of you (Heart/Essence) in this game is Noise to constantly draw you in and manipulate your focus. So stop giving away your Power and Step into your Magic....Now "Play" the game if you know what I mean!
Pattern Recognition
There is one thing that is constant in this never changes.....The "pattern" never changes....Nothing is new in this just repeats over and over ad infinitum. There is that finite infinity loop again! Like a figure 8? Seems like you have been here before....Yep, you never left! You just "thought" you left! This the quintessential patterning of the Game. The more it changes, the more it stays the same. The matrix. And all of it is predictable, logical and based in "time" (sequenced). In fact, it is just the opposite of what we call "Being". Imagine that! is the duality again. See a pattern? Familiar? Yep! This game is of duality - as above, so below.....yin/yang....good vs. evil...and the idea of the Game is to unite into the center....with both halves becoming one. Do you ever get there in the Game? Not if you using the Ego Mind to try to figure out that problem you have been presented that has no answer with logic....If there is the element of time, then there is duality, and duality will always require opposites and if there is an opposite, there is Always a method of solving a dilemma in this Game with the opposite. For example, if you get sick, there is simply the opposite already in place happening simultaneously. Interesting that it works that way isn't? Sound like an opportunity to Scalar Jump! Do you get anywhere? never leave the duality because of the element of time. If you have not time in this Game, NOTHING sequencing, no past, present or future....if, then, else....beginning, middle, end.... All things have to have an opposite in this Game....and time gives you that construct. There is only one thing that does not have an opposite in this Game and that would be us. Oh, but you say, that is not true! Fear is the opposite of Us (Love). Nope, fear is an opposition not an is a place holder so that the Game can have a whole complement of duality in order to operate or sequence because the Game is logical....Cause and Effect, every action has a reaction and so forth....Ego Minds exclusively use logic - anything that is "illogical" cannot be sequenced. And what is that Being represents - there is NO time, logic or words in "Being/You". An important point to remember here in this Game, your Heart/Essence/Being CANNOT be touched...You are already whole and complete (you cannot be destroyed and your source of energy is inexhaustible - AND Oh yeah, you can create). So, the Game is relegated to cover up, hide, obfuscate your Being and keep you in the Story and Narrative of Time, Logic and Words.....and because of the element of time, to keep you here....going in circles, gated by time. Nothing is cannot destroy energy here, however you can transmute (like changing light into heat or Ego into Essence) but you cannot add or subtract from this Game. This box represents the 15% of your total 100% of your "Light Quotient and that is the limitation of the Game. Wonder why everything looks the same? Wonder why your Imagination in this Game is limited? Why does "history" repeat itself? So by using the Scalar Jumping technique within the Game, Scalar (means non-directional without time constraints) Jumping gives you the ability to time travel without the time and NO mental ego mind middling back and forth trying to figure things out logically. This Game is all about constructs, frequencies, vibrations, patterns and dimensions - all logical. You Ain't Logic!
And remember, the root word entomology of the word true and trust is "a lie". Isn't that convenient! So, which is it, a truth or a lie? Your ego mind is always trying to ascertain that - and belief systems change.....or do they? There is that "lie" in belief....words are spells....Scalar Jumping allows you to game the Game - using logic, time and words in the inverse direction that the Game plays is linear....even though there are circles and spirals and vortexes and all things with fields of frequencies - they all have don't....You are much "smarter" than this can only play at the level of 3D checkers whereas you are playing at a "12D Chess" level. So, when you reach the 15% level of the Game limitation of your Light Quotient - or in other words, you max out the Game by raising your frequency levels to higher level timeline frequencies and replace the Ego slides being reflected back to you with your Essence slides, then you are no longer in the Game. In the meantime, as you continue to Scalar Jump, you use the Law of Attraction to your advantage to stay in the higher frequency timeline end of the time probability algorithm and the Game has to support you in those higher can't say no....You use the tools of the Game, logic, time and words, to force the Game to show it hand to you - pattern recognition - this is what is restored when you get all your intuition/deja vu/gut feeling/dream memories turned back on (I can help you with that)....Now you can see what is coming way ahead of time! No more going through the Bridge out sign and into the river again, or being blindsided or surprised by being set up by the Game. AND the Game can't do anything except support you at the frequencies you hold. In other words, you let go of the time, relax, be in the Game but not of it! On your way Outta Here!
It's Time to Step Off the Stage
Alchemy of Ego to Essence
Is your Gig becoming tiring? With incessant and constant performances on a 24/7 basis and matinees every Saturday and Sunday that are booked out to ad infinitum and mostly ad nauseum....Acting! Master Thespian! Where you have never missed a line and you have taken on the BELIEF that you are the character dressed up in the costumes YOU are wearing on the stage. I got some good news for ya! So, when you chose to enter this Game and soon after you dropped your quarters in the money slot, the very first thing you were asked was, "What is your Name?" The Game will not operate if You don't have a Name, Avatar, Identity, or an Identification. It is necessary for you to have an Identity or Ego (I am) so that you (and the Game) can keep score (judge and compare), level up (aging process) and develop (physical flesh-out) your Character with attributes to define who you think you are. The conflation is that you believe that you are the Character in the costumes acting and performing on the stage. The story and narrative is the fabric that is woven to simply make it almost impossible to separate You from the costume. So, for example, you see an advertisement in the local paper wanting folks to try out to be in a play that is scheduled to take place in the near future. You are interested and you go to the venue and try out for the the lead character in the play. And you get the role! So, now you are going to the rehearsals to practice your lines and study up on what makes the character tick so you can fully embody the "life" of this character when it comes time to perform. You try on the costumes in each different scene, you interact with all the other characters in the play making sure that you understand the roles and that conform to your interpretation to the theme and message of the play so that you can Wow! the audience with your acting prowess! So, the day arrives and the play is to be performed - You really Wow! the crowd, and the play ends with a standing ovation! You and the cast take bows and then go and mingle with the audience receiving the Kudos being given to you. Then as the crowd disperses, what is it that You do? Oh, you back to the dressing room, take off your costume, leave the costume at the theater and you GO HOME! Do you wear the costume home? NO. Are you the character in the play? NO. The analogy is that this Game is outside of YOU - it is a manifestation of the opposite of YOU - think north and south ends of a magnet. They oppose each other - a duality - opposites....In the Game, you are given an "Ego" - think "physical" that is a reflection of the polar opposite of YOU - or your Essence. Everything in the Game is a frequency, vibration in a dimensional logical form bound by the element of time. You are the exact opposite. In the Game, the Ego keeps your costume on to the point of literally no return. It constantly returns You to the stage to perform endlessly in the infinite finite loop. You are conditioned to believe belief systems that are not yours that your Ego will argue to the nth degree defending your character in that costume with logic of the duality system keeps you mentally occupied so that you cannot come Home into your Heart. And there seemingly appears to be no way out of this Game. That is not so! You are the Alchemist in Charge. Your are being given an opportunity to change - this is alchemy - to change and transform from the Ego (Costume) to YOU or Essence. This is NOW the time for you to choose between keeping the Ego or allowing it be changed and absorbed into your Essence. Remember, you are holding ALL of this in form, not anyone else. This is your ability to create and you simply ARE. Being. You need nothing yet you are everything NOW. You do not need time, contrasts or logic or anything else! You can change anything and create anything. You have no limitations, boundaries or rules. You can not be destroyed or discreated. Time to take a bow in mid-performance, say Thank you, You are not mad, resentful or angry, then step off the stage, hand in your costume(s), and leave the theater and not come back. You will never miss any of this. It is a Game and that is all it is. Nothing more. You are not the character on stage performing - you never were anyway. Use the tools and techniques I have shared. Game the Game. I can help....Get off the Stage and Come Home!
Now What? Lean into your Imagination!
If this last 30 days has not rocked your boat with intensely intense crazy-mon energies, then I will sign up with you! Everyone has been effected. It has been all about experiencing multiple timeline releases simultaneously. The current construct of the ego mind in this Game is not geared or equipped to handle these types of energy events at the levels being experienced. So, on one hand, it has been very tumultuous and "intense" on all levels of our perceived separation of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects, however, on the otherhand, it provides us with a golden opportunity to take advantage of the changes - remember the duality of this Game - to Scalar Jump and be done with these distractions. So, once you Center and Listen to that Voice that uses no words, that would be your Heart/Imagination, and you will know "how" to proceed. I am calling it "Leaning into your Imagination"!
In this Game, You have capitulated all of your power to "experience" what is literally a sci-fi imaginary movie that uses our ability to create content and thus have become a voluntary captive of the Game. It takes our imagination, albeit only 15% of it, and places it in infinite finite loop of logical constructs and parameters that has rules and includes the construct of time. Mind you, we make this up, not the Game itself. The Game is of duality - opposites - contrasts and time. It repetitively repeats or cycles. Nothing is ever new. Content is just swapped out as seemingly different costumes and situations. And separation is the bottom line. One does not need to go very far into this game to have the Stockholm Syndrome latch into place (this is where you begin to sympathize with your "captors" and begin to defend your imaginary positions of being captured and logically come to the conclusion that this is the way it is!). So, the Game is set up to keep you in the loop by developing belief (see the "lie" in belief) systems and lock you down into logical circular patterns that repeat - think algorithms - oh, just like a computer if-then-else software program?! And you are trying to find answers for problems that have no solutions using logic for what purpose? And the defense of justifying your existence keeps you yearning for more - more of what? So, yes, it is Time to step out of this DC Marvel Comic Book Never-ending Clown Show! Somehow we got here, went through the En-TRANCE and have been trying to contemplate the our navels with the meaning of "Life" ever since. On another note, it is also good to know that there is an Exit - even though you may never have been told that - it exists. This is where you use all the tools of the Game to your advantage.
These tools are Time, Logic and Words. Oh, that is what the Game uses - yes, it is a duality Game. And at this level of "checkers", You use these tools in reverse, just the opposite of how the Game uses them against you. So, your Imagination (You/Heart/Essence) cannot be touched or damaged. In the Game, your Imagination is designed to be covered up, obscured and perceived mentally to be compromised. Your Imagination represents the "present" or "zero point" and the Game will keep you out of this space at all costs. That is because you are "Home" - no time, no opposites/contrasts - You simply BE! So, scalar jumping is timeline jumping without the time and no mental ego engagement. It allows you to replace the mitigated content of your Imagination (ability to create) with untouched Pure Imagination! In other words, you begin to come Home - leaving the Game. Use the tools to your advantage and change your focus to Easy, Fun and Wonder and allow yourself to game the Game. Have some Fun on your way out instead of repeating all of this "stuff" one more time! So, lean into your Imagination! It will make you smile! and to quote a satisfied experienced user of the tools: "Living in state of I wonder how much fun this is going to be, has a lingering seemingly permanent smile plastered at all the in-between places at the cellular level!" Oh, yeah, it gets "better" and doesn't stop! And when you lean into your Imagination, it will lead you Beyond Your Imagination! And where may that might be, you ask? Well, it is in the same place it has Always been! And you don't have to figure out how to find it! It is You!
Imagine your Imagination - Getting past the Logic
Your Imagination has no constructs, boundaries, limitations, opposites, conditions, rules, time, fear or logic. It also it does NOT have a "mental ego mind". Nor does it "think". Does it have any concerns of controlling the outcome? NO! So, we have been "experiencing" what we believe is "real", when this "reality" is actually a reflection. In this Game, we are trying to use logic to figure out something that is illogical. It may appear that logic is the opposite of illogic.....that is NOT the case....Yeah, try to figure that out to come to a logical conclusion! Your Heart(Essence) is infinitely more powerful than the ego mental mind that we rely in this Game (it is not even yours by the way). Because we have been literally pounded with logic 24/7 (and the Game is simply one of logic), transitioning from a "life" with the head in the ego versus the Heart, presents a huge shift (almost insurmountable), and is very scary at first, because there's no logic or "reference" points of duality/time in your Heart. And it seems that there is no "help" or guidance of trying to figure it out - trying to navigate the perceived and logically defined impossible - this is because you can't use logic to figure out an illogic context. These become part of what we call belief systems. These belief systems keep you in the Game. Our reference point, for all of us in this Game, is that we think we "know" where our Heart is and we "feel" Love with it, but we have very little experience of it being the dominant pattern setter and to utilize your Heart by directing "life" outside of the mental ego mind trap that is contrived by the Game is presented as very challenging. The Game is designed for you to become the name of one Pink Floyd's songs, "Comfortably Numb". As you scalar jump, remember, this is time travel without the time and also since it is non-directional and out of time, there is NO mental thinking....Scalar jumping is all done from your Heart. Scalar jumping allows you to raise your vibrational frequencies to game the Game and REPLACE the coded imagination content slides (these are the reflections that you "see" in this "physical realm"), and when you first entered the En-Trance (entrance) of the Game, with unmitigated content slides from your Heart (Vision/Imagination). Since everything is based on duality in this Game, if there is an Entrance, there has to be an Exit. Scalar jumping starts you on your way to the Exit. As you scalar jump to higher frequency timelines in the Game, more and more of your unmitigated blank slides (which you are filling in with your content) are populating the reflection that you "see" in this "physical realm" when you scalar jump. Remember, you only need to increase your total Light Quotient from 4% to 15% within the Game and you are outta here! You don't have wait for anything or anyone.
Now, there is a lot of consternation - worry and anxiousness in your ego mental mind - that arises as we get closer to reaching the 15% level and leaving the Game (the Game can only capture 15% of our creative content - the other 85% of you (magic) is outside of the Game awaiting your return). So, as you are making your way to the Exit, the thought (which is always based in fear and triggered by the Game) that comes to the surface as another tap on your shoulder is to produce a reaction (this is part of the predictive programming of the Game that is designed to keep you asking questions, second-guessing, doubting and being hesitant, that enables the ego mental mind to engage putting you in a position of trying to figure out a problem that has no solution with logic - ergo, you just go in circles and nothing changes) that stops you in your tracks because you logically engage your mental ego mind on trying to figure out how to control the outcome of when you reach the Exit and step out. In other words, questions such as: how is that going to look?, what are going to do?, what are we supposed to do?, where is it? - another good example of the buckling up the 20 wild horses around your waist and saying "Giddy-Up!" and away you go in 20 different mental directions...This problem that is presented is seemingly a blank slate - ergo, everything that you have every known (at least in this "lifetime) is gone! And it is another failsafe mechanism designed into the Game to keep you here. The Game can't expand the content of the Game, all it can do is to repeat the content by giving you the perceived life and death scenario with you coming back again and again repeating the same things without any remembrance of anything. So, it appears everything in this "life" you are currently experiencing is "new" to you! The fear of the unknown kicks in bigly! Notwithstanding that we create the unknown, as this has been conveniently hidden and sidelined, we are logically taught to fear the in we are only "human", weak and we are gated by time (life-aging-death cycle). We are desperately trying to control the outcome of our "lives" before we "die". Which is certainly logical! Oh, yeah, it is Game! So, as you get nearer to the Exit, fear raises it head and prompts you to have second thoughts on leaving because it is almost impossible for us to believe beyond the logic of the Game by Believing Beyond your Imagination and then Becoming your Imagination! By the way, you already are your Imagination - You have not gone anywhere nor will you. You cannot be destroyed and you are an inexhaustible source of Imagination. You are not an Emotion, nor is there any such thing as Fear, you are the creator and that means Everything you could ever Imagine is here. So, have some fun on your way out of the Game, Everything is awaiting! Go Create something that has not been created!
Illogical Thinking.......psst! Its your Imagination!
Is your imagination logical? No. Imagination does not require anything - it creates without any of the following: it does not require time, structure, constructs, duality, logic, conditions, opposites, contrasts, dimension, vibrations, frequencies, rules, karma or limits. This Game, that we currently find ourselves "experiencing" has been using our ability to create content, is based in logic. The Game has attempted to merge logic with imagination. They are not opposites. When imagination is wrapped in logic, it is like a carbonated beverage. If you never open the container, the illusion stays intact....when you remove the lid, the bubbles (of carbon dioxide) are now exposed and start to rise to the top and disappear into thin air. The bubbles represent the logical vibrational frequency constructs that hold the "liquid imagination" into form. If you leave the container open for an extended period, all the bubbles leave. What is left? That would be your imagination. Has the imagination ever gone anywhere? Nope! It has always been here. That is you - in words, your Essence. You are the Magic. You Are!
What is transpiring right now, is not Ascension that all of the Game controlled AI Gurus are spouting (this is the logical story that is keeping you in the Infinity Loop - and remember, it is a LOOP!) and it just repeats because it simply is an algorithmic logical program. This shift in the energies are simply part of the pattern that the Game has to follow - ebb and flow. There is a natural thinning of the "veil". This is where we can take "advantage" of the rules and use the tools of the Game against the Game....So, by using logic, time and words and the knowledge of how the Game is constructed and knowing that it cannot go outside of the logically programmed rules, you can use these tools to step out of the Game. The pendulum shifts back and forth in this duality Game, it has strengths and weaknesses. Now is the time to take the lid off! Your Essence, or You, can begin to override the Game by using Scalar Jumping. What happens when you use this technique, is that you replace the coded mitigated programmed reflected slides that the Game has hi-jacked and holds into place as the reflection that you see as this physical "world", with your unmitigated imagination slides! In other words, not only do you raise your vibrational frequencies within the Game, you start to run the matrix! You essentially are rewriting the programming codes.....the Game can only run the programs that are loaded into the "computer". It cannot think or change anything! You can! So, you are now writing the code, then what is the outcome of this Game? Yeah, SEE YA! The more you Scalar Jump, the more you are tapping into your Imagination (Vision) - it is right here and has always been here! Anything is possible and you might as well have some fun on your way out of the Game! By, leaning into your Imagination by using illogical "thinking", you will instantly see the simplicity of your Magic - you have everything already! Your imagination is the key - you can change anything without trying to control the outcome! Place your hand over your Heart and say "Center"......Come Home! It will make you Smile!
Things Are Not Always What They Seem To Be - How the Game Works
This Game has rules. Do you know what they are? You may think you do, but if you are thinking logically, you will find yourself stuck very design. Knowing what the rules are will give you a decided advantage to "play the Game".....
Here are the rules in no particular order:
So, to begin:
You have the ability to Create ANYTHING. The Game cannot.
You Create the Unknown. The Game cannot.
You can do the Impossible. The Game cannot.
You do not require an opposite or contrast to create.
You are not logic, reasoning or rationalization.
You are not an emotion, nor are you sentient, have belief systems or think logically
You are not "human".
You have no strengths or weaknesses.
You are not duality, karmic or gated by time.
You have NO FEAR.
You simply ARE. No explanation required. You Already KNOW!
Now, the Game is constructed of logic and is binary - duality. It is predictable and easily reversed if you know the construct and the rules- in the Game you give away your power, capitulate everything and made to believe that you have to follow the rules....The Game cannot do anything else other than how it is programmed - it repeats itself - if, then, else. You are the power source and the content creator for the Game - it is simply a construct that uses your ability to create. The "dark side" of the Game does not have a power source and the light side has a power source (opposites). The dark side has to take power continuously from the light side 24/7 (as the day is defined). The dark side does not have a battery for storage.
The Rules:
1. You willingly or unwillingly gave your power away by consenting to "be in this game".
2. The Game consists of constructs and rules. You are given no prior knowledge of how the game works or given the rules to understand anything, you are tasked to use logical mental thinking to try to figure things out in a logical manner. The Game is limited to playing "3D checkers" level and we play at a "12D Chess" level.
3. The problems posed in this Game have no answer or solution, however, you are then tasked expected to try to figure out a logical answer. You are always looking for answers outside of You, which conveniently do not exist.
4. Here are the components of the Game that are not Yours:
a. Pre-scripted programming
b. belief systems ("lie" in belief)
c. the mental ego mind
d. logical thought processes
e. words/language (words are spells)
f. emotions.
5. You are the sole power source for the Game to exist. Your ability to create is called a focus. Your focus is the source of the content for the Game. Your focus is constantly being manipulated, usurped, adulterated, mitigated and used by the Game to keep you within the constructs of the Game.
6. The "physical" in this Game is a Reflection - or green screen filled - The physical is not a reality. You are always tasked on trying to change the physical, which is an impossibility. The only reality is within your "Heart" or YOU.
7. The Game is set up logical, using binary (0s and 1s) programming - or duality. Everything in the Game has to have an opposite or contrast, i.e., Light vs. Dark.
8. The concept of time (linear) is introduced to produce the illusion of past, present and future (beginning, middle and end/if, then, else) and the system needs it for sequencing of the software programs. This is is the presentation of the Cause and Effect (back and forth - rhythm and motion) we all experience.
9. The duality of the game represents the binary computer programming. Everything has an opposite - except for You! The Game inserts an opposition, not an opposite, called Fear. Fear is NOT the opposite of You (commonly referred to as Love, Essence, Light). Fear is then attached to ALL "emotions".
10. Things are NOT always what they seem to BE!
11. Fear is NOT the opposite of Love - it is an opposition or a placeholder. There is no opposite to YOU in the Game.
12. Your belief systems are not Yours. You believe that all the things that you have "experienced" is what you have accumulated and "learned" and this becomes your wisdom as you age.
13. The Game is based on frequency, dimension and vibrations and logic, reasoning and rationalization.
14. The Game has to conform to the constructs and rules that it cannot breach or change and by giving your consent away, you then comply with these constructs and rules.
15. Time is a requirement to the Game to allow binary programming to operate - as in sequencing of linear processes - if, then, else...past, present, future....beginning, middle, end. It cannot change. Time creates the Cause and Effect (or back and forth) in the Game.
16. The Game is an infinite loop. In other words, it is a finite loop - a figure is already limited in possibilities and probabilities. And it is has already been maxed out, the hard drive in the computer is full. All timelines and time happen simultaneously. All timelines have opposite timelines (mirror images) that exist simultaneously.
17. Words are Spells (Curses, hexes, jinxes are all the same in severity) and will be used to your disadvantage in the Game to extract energy from you. They act as caps to keep you from moving into higher frequencies and all are done surreptitiously to you without your knowledge.
18. You always have two choices when making a decision because of the duality of the Game. Each time you react to an pre-scripted event, you have already been set up to have your energy to be siphoned away from you.
19. The Game needs a full complement of duality in order to exist.
20. The Law of Attraction applies - everything comes to You via your focus (and this is the pre-scripted programs already programmed into you - the content)
21. You believe that you have a "Life" - you are born, age and die....You are given things and then they are taken away, promulgating the fear of loss throughout every stage of your Life.
22. Everything is a consensus - things may seem opposite, but they are exactly the same. True is False and False is True, Dark is the same as Light, Past is the Future, Future is the Past. Consensus is the basis of this Game. There is no such thing as True or Lie...They are both the same thing and can change based on the current definition of what you "believe" and hold into to form. These are fluid and can change at any time.
23. You are set up in the Game to be given something and then have it taken away. Ultimate takeaway is the illusion of "death" when you have everything taken away from you.
24. You are always trying to control the outcome by using the logical ego mind to ask the logical how, where, who, when, why questions to figure out the problems you are tasks with. This places you squarely in the fear of the unknown. You are always trying to reduce as much of the variables as you can to obtain stability and to be in control. Changes are constantly happening and this keeps you distracted in the ego mind. These are your reactions, be it mental, emotional, physical or spiritual (all the same thing, just presented and defined/labeled differently), and this is where the Game harvests your energy on a 24/7 basis.
If you believe that this is the best that "life" can offer, then you are in for a very pleasant surprise. The analogy I will use to compare us to the system - we are 85 inch OLED 8K Flat Screen Smart Television and the Game is a 1940's black and white CRT tube television with horizontal and vertical knobs to adjust the picture....The system does not have the bandwidth to include even less than 15% of what we are capable of creating. If you are here in the Game, it means it has an entrance. Because of the duality nature of the Game, there is an exit. Now, that you KNOW the rules, this gives you have a decided advantage within the Game......You begin to "play" the Game and the Game cannot stop you from leaving - the exit is very near! Keep Smiling! Now, see below and read up on how to Scalar Jump!
Scalar Jumping, Consenting your Power Away and Belief Systems
Here is something almost all of us wish we could is called Time Travel. Oh, wait! We already know how to do this! What you say?! There are a whole slew of things that we can do but we have been subterfuged, sabotaged and deceived in believing in the logical ego minded belief systems built into of the duality of the game. Remember, you will receive what you focus on whether your focus comes from your ego mind or your Heartspace (You). The Game is designed to funnel your creative ability by manipulating it into the constructs of this duality based logical physical "world" that we "see and experience". This Game is controlled and gated by what we define as "Time". Time allows space, constructs and parameters, comparison, judgment, contrast, logic, opposites, duality and linearity to "exist". And remember, we are holding all of these into form. And all these are the result of consenting your power away. This is what keeps you in this game. In order for the game to function, we have to give our consent. No one is holding a gun to your head. You voluntarily chose to give away your power, albeit by deceit. But nonetheless, you are what powers (energy source) the game and the game uses your ability to create (by manipulating your focus) to fill in the parameters of this logical computer programmed game. Then, as you go forward into the game - you acquire "experience" that aggregates and accumulates into what is defined as belief systems....In other words, you hold these into form and the game then builds the narrative of who you believe and think you are - identity - and solidifies you into the matrix and the mental ego mind will then clamp down on these frequencies and keep you in the game assuring that you are not going anywhere. Remember, almost everything in this game, you have given your consent away to conform to the game's requirements. The analogy of the comparison is this game has the capacity to operate at logical level of Checkers, you on the otherhand, can easily play 12D while you are asleep. You are way smarter than this game. So, what is not yours in this game includes: the initial programming that is inculcated into you, subject to time, you are using a mental ego "mind", the logical thought processes are not yours, the language and syntax of communications are not yours, the "emotions" are not yours. In other words, the system has to bring you down to its level in order to exist, and in exchange, you are given a "life" as so called sentient spiritual being having a physical experience. So, now, you then busy trying to level up in a game that is designed to always place you in predicaments and situations because of the belief systems that you are stuck in have NO solutions and then you are tasked in trying to figure out an answer to the problem by using logic. And you can now see how well that has been working out for you. Seems kind of circular doesn't? So, if you are done with the circus, then I can lend some assistance. The above experiences involve reversing curses and spells (words are spells) that act as a cap to hold these belief systems in place. I can help you do that. There is a method of stepping completely out of the game - I have the cheat sheet. Next time you use your mental ego mind to try to logically figure anything out and you come up with no answers....schedule a session....I have a dumpster that is waiting to go the dump!
The following is how to use the scalar (non-directional time travel) technology:
Scalar Jumping:
event happens
reaction to event (emotion)
Stop brain, put hand over Heart, say
"Center" (Point A)
Get ready to Scalar Jump from Point A to Point B
Point B is where you to go back to tweak/change the event outcome (you already know where Point B is automatically and you already know what to change automatically - NO mental thinking involved)
Take a Breath
Then say "I agree with ALL of this!"
Then say "Scalar Jump" (this includes a silent "Dis-create! Detach" "I Do Not Consent!" "I Will Not Comply!")
Then say "Ridiculous!" - and observe those time bubbles pop!
Then go from Point A to Point B (make your change) and then back to Point A in two snaps of your fingers. When you come back to Point A, you actually land in the direct opposite higher frequency timeline of the original Point A. Which means that you become your change within and not trying to change the physical. You override the system's slide projection reflection with your Vision. Your Vision is from your Heart/Essence and belongs to you....not the game. You have now become your change😉 and you begin to be in charge and operate at higher frequencies within the game. You then can be in the game but not of it until you reach the vibrational level that you can literally step out of the game. Use this technique for everything you react to whether it is mental, emotional or physical!😉
Then simply focus on "I wonder how easy this is all going to be and I wonder how much fun I am going to have!" And the game has to give you what you are focused on - which in this case is Fun, Easy and Wonder! It is obligated to bring this to you - it has to follow the rules - you don't! This opens up your Imagination/Magic within. It will make you smile!
Singularity and Staggered Timelines
Just when you have become comfortable with notions and ideas like the term Karmic cycles to explain how the universe works, it is now apparent that this too is NOT always what it seems to BE! We are told, inculcated and pounded about the head, meaning the ego mental mind, with programs that we have in turn, constructed into "Beliefs" systems that become the reference points of our "Existence" in this Game. So, something shifted the other day and this situation presented itself.....All this circular cycle stuff is not circular at all....this is all linear and staggered in linear "timelines". Time in this game is linear....the loops we experience are not loop - even though we call them loops - similar to the computer programming basic coding - "if, then, else" logic....Logic is linear - past, present, future or beginning, middle, end. Karmic cycles are linear even though it has the word simply repeats in staggered timelines of different frequencies with slightly different outcomes. Thinking is linear as is reasoning and rationalizing. Another, look over there, not here situation....Staggered timelines are similar to watching a 400 meter race on an oval track. The lanes all have staggered starting lines. Each lane is staggered and each lane then represents the different outcomes of the race at different frequencies and have different outcomes in the same race - you are always racing/competing with yourself....and then it is commonly placed on an oval, continuous loop, giving it the illusion that it is a loop and not linear. Even thinking abstractly and randomly in this Game is linear....
Now, on to a thing I call a singularity....And of course, this can have a couple of being the concept of this Game (duality) in which the dark side of the Game is trying to obtain the Singularity of the light side using the element of time to merge both sides into one - or a Singularity. Well, this is an impossibility as time is simply a mechanism to allow sequencing of linear patterns or computer (AI) programs. This is just probabilities mapped out by what we call mathematics or "science". Somehow, all these things come back to the same thing....your starting point is the same as the ending point. In other words, you have never moved anywhere physically. Singularity would then represent us in this Game as your character of who you believe you are. The Game can then place your full singularity into multiple timelines with each having different frequencies and different outcomes that happen simultaneously. Are you innerstanding now how easy it is to become mentally overwhelmed using logic trying to figure out problems that simply have no solution? I can assist you in converging multiple singularities back into one singularity and also merge the above staggered timelines into one timeline. This will bring you back into You! Then your focus simply becomes one with ease!
Duality is Everything in this Game
I had a question posed to me the other day regarding prayers. So this was my reply: prayers, just like all the rest of these attributes/mechanisms of the game are all designed logically to keep you in the box...prayers are meant to be repeated - chants, rites, rituals etc., are the same places or directs your focus on everything outside of you....even Abraham-Hicks...Wayne Dyer...Angels, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, and 99% of all these other "metaphysical" forms, vehicles and mechanisms that are woven into this game for the purpose of keeping you in your "human physical" form - read mental ego logical mind - which is not even remotely close to "who" you are and is a tool of the game to be used to anchor you here. You are given attributes such as: you are weak, only human, here to learn lessons, evolving and ascending and gated by time (aging). So, there are abundant clues in each on of these "teachings" with every event we experience (over and over again, I might add) and that is to do one thing, and one thing only, it is to keep you in the game and separate YOU (Essence) to be scattered and enmeshed into the matrix. Now, because of the duality component of the game...duality has two sides...duality cannot happen without logic...the game is a program, binary, 0's and 1's, and logic comes with inherent conditions...logic cannot happen without time...time gives the illusion of space for judging and comparing...we need contrasts or opposites in this game to be able to "create"...YOU however, do not need contrasts or opposites to create...we create the unknown and we not subject to conditions. So, all the clues are "hidden" right in front of us, as we see them but they appear to us logically disconnected...Since the game hinges on duality, the Law of Attraction applies - like attracts like - Everything comes to you, which means, you have been preloaded with programs that set you up to react by using your mental ego mind (which is not yours) and the reaction is presented as an emotion, a mental dilemma or a physical dis-ease. Prayers are simply a duality construct. When you pray, you are focusing on the are actually focusing on what you don't want more than you do want. This game is all based in Fear - and Fear is not the opposite of Love (YOU), it is a placeholder, and opposition and then we are inculcated/programmed to think that it is the opposite. Fear is actually your Love that has been separated from you and attached to all of the emotions we get to experience in this game - and emotions are not ours, YOU are NOT an emotion! We are told that we are sentient beings and we are a spiritual being experiencing a physical experience and this concept is locked in by the game to again, keep you here....the "dark" side of this game - as above, so below - does NOT have an energy source. It has to use YOU as its energy source - You are indestructible and you are an inexhaustible source of energy. You now can see that this IS a game with made up rules based in computer logic as the "dark" side does not have a method of storing energy or have a battery. This means that it has to constantly 24/7 make you to react to events that have been pre-programmed with in you to engage your mental ego mind to engage in a logically derived limited answer.... The mental ego mind is designed to lock you into a lower frequency timeline so that the emotions that are evoked can now be used to derive and take your energy to fuel the "dark" side - all the while YOU are trying to figure out if you are still breathing and trying to live your "life"! And you are none the wiser because the programmed are designed to mindfook the mental ego mind and keep you in fear of the unknown because you are trying control all the variables and the outcome - which you ultimately been programmed to believe that your "life" will be coming to an end very soon....And the game sets you up to bring you what you are focused on....then here is comes and is presented to you....The game is set up to manipulate your focus (ability to create), usurp your focus and fool you by making you believe that the "physical" world is a reality when it is simply a reflection - a greensceen. Try changing the weather map behind the weather person on the can't, it just a reflection. You can only change the only reality within YOU first. This is why when you begin to jump timelines, you will start to become your changes and that vision is your reflection back out into this game - you become your change and the change becomes YOU! You raise your vibrational frequency and you play the game until you reach the limits of the game, not your limits, and you can step out.
So, what you see on my website is a compendium of disparate findings (clues) and piecing the puzzle together...using the logic and time (tools) of the game to dismantle and reverse engineer the game to literally step out of the game...YOU ARE...there are no needs or wants, you are only pure imagination with the capability of the impossible....YOU are the Creator, you are not co-creating with anyone else. Your movie so to speak. So once you innerstand what the rules are of this game we find ourselves in, then you can begin to use the tools available at all the levels that you find yourself in, within the game and begin to use them to defeat the game by gaming the game - a sting operation!...and that means stepping completely back into to your magic!
Conditioning of the Event - The Distraction
We have been conditioned by the logical nature of this duality Game. The Game comes with rules, restrictions, constructs (beliefs), time, logic, sequencing and structure that artificially conforms us to this box. We believe (see the "lie" in the word believe) that this physical environment is a reality when it is not. It is a reflection - think greenscreens filled with projections filled in holographically. Your only reality is within YOU or your Essence. We are conditioned to use what is called the mental ego mind - this is often construed as your thinking brain...and thinking involves what is labelled as logic. Logic is binary or duality - 0's and 1's - and this fits nicely with the programs that are used to run the computer. You cannot have logic without time. Time is a concept that allows space and sequencing such beginning, middle and an end. Time allows comparison and judgment and is used to serve as reference points to form logical constructs. Without time, the computer systems cannot sequence the "if, then, else" as logic needs time and space to exist and function. A reminder, you do NOT need nor are You of the following: Time, Space, Duality, Logic, Conditions, Limitations, Karma, Contrasts or Opposites. You do not need Time, Contrast or Opposites to Create. These are all requirements of the Game.
So, in the Game, the conditioning of the distraction is set up by the creation of an "event" in order to engage your Ego mental mind (which is not yours) that is called a reaction. The events are all pre-scripted and pre-programmed - nothing in this Game is new - it and all the rules and parameters of the Game are pre-existing before you entered the Game. The premise is that you are weak and only human, gated by time and are trying to control the outcome because of the concept of fear of the unknown. And the unknown is scary. (Reminder: We create the unknown...we have no fear). Now throw in the duality of logic (opposites such as good and bad) and Voila! you have instant mistrust, confusion, consternation, indecision and anxiety (to name a few)....sounds familiar doesn't it? The Ego mental mind, along with the pre-loaded programs and emotions are all part of the Game - meaning that these are not yours! These are designed to make you conform to the constructs of the Game. The Game exists and functions by taking your energy - you are indestructible and you energy is inexhaustible and you have the ability to create. The Game is set up in a dualistic manner, (logical binary computer program) - ergo, the "light" side and the "dark" side and the concept of time is inherent as this is the sequencing of the timelines functionality. The dark side of the Game has no energy source, it has to extract it from the light side - you are a holding all of this into form - so in essence, the Game is within you.
In order for the Game to continue, it needs a full complement of duality or opposites to operate. The Ego mental mind is Always on the alert to make sure you are still breathing and are as safe as you possibly can get by constantly monitoring your "life" situation on a 24/7 basis. Remember, in this Game, you believe that you have a very short lifespan and fear is always lurking around every corner. In order to extract energy from the light side, the dark side will then use a pre-existing program to set up an event so that you will react with an emotion (emotions can be presented as emotions, mental constructs and physical distortions/pain). So, you are always being set up to "step on the next landmine" no matter how you hard you try to avoid the landmines. We have been conditioned by the Game to react to events - events include EVERYTHING that you do - from small to humongous! So the event is already pre-scripted and set up for you, these are the programs that are pre-loaded ready to use - and the programs include all of the following: scene, set, stage, actors, actresses, script, story and narrative - you just walk right into it, then the emotions (which are not yours) are inserted into the programs so that your Ego mental mind can now clamp down on the frequency of what timeline frequency it resides in and hold it into a vise grip not letting it go - then, the Ego mind will immediately engage you in a logical thinking pattern designed to keep you going back and forth - as a pendulum - with judging and comparing and trying to logically figure out what to do next gated by the variable of time. This back and forth (duality) is the conditioning effect of the event....this is the distraction....the Game wants you be in a constant influx of fear trying to control the variables of the unknown - time gives you the variable of past, present and future - reference points in time and space - or sequencing the flow of the event. This is the indecision, questioning and second guessing....all a distraction and in the meantime, you are funneling energy to the dark side without having any idea that this is what keeps it going. This distraction applies to all things we react to (mentally, emotionally and physically) - it keeps your Ego mental mind busy in the duality (which is its primary purpose) and it obfuscates what really is at the core of the event. The story and narrative take precedence and as long as the Ego mental mind is engaged, you stay in the frequency and timeline that just repeats the programs. So, by being aware of your reaction of any event will give you the opportunity to stop your Ego mental mind, place your hand over your Heart and then use the Jumping Timelines technique to jump to a higher frequency timeline where what you just experienced does not occur (and that is change is available to you immediately NOW! in that higher frequency timeline!). And then, you simply become your change and the distraction and the old program is not accessible anymore! It will make you smile!
Zeroing out Time from the Equation
Taking advantage of the Game is crucial into stepping out of it. Using your reaction, (emotions) to events that occur to you 24/7 give you the choice of engaging your ego mental mind to continue to play out karmic cycles again and again, OR you can stop that process, take a breath, and jump timelines to a higher timeline that has a different frequency, higher frequency, different outcome and access to choices that were previously inaccessible to you. So, within the process of jumping timelines, this is what you are really doing to game the Game: See this process this as an equation X +Y = Z, where
X is the event...that includes everything, scene, set, stage, actors, script, narrative, and story plus the emotions.
Y is the time variable 0 to 100 (where you are in the timelines - highest to the lowest frequencies)
Z is the outcome
So, in this equation above for example, 1) the event happens, then You react with an emotion, so this would equal the variable X...Now parse out the emotions you reacted to and put them aside...2) Now zero out the time variable Y (turning the dial to off)...then say aloud. "Jump timelines, dispel all these spells, cloak!" and leave the emotions in that current timeline....once you zero out the time, the system cannot sequence the flow, it is a freeze frame, static or a picture on the wall. It stops - it can't come with you and you have completed any associated karmic cycles and are no longer in that lower frequency timeline. Which means it goes away and you no longer experience it. Dispel all these spells allows you to use spells to your advantage and the cloak protects you as a shield from the Game (cloak = a shield of hexagons or hexes are gone!).
Jumping timelines allows you to accept the "fears" associated with the emotions and integrate them back into You! This gives you the opportunity to jump to a higher frequency timeline that is available to you immediately NOW. This raises your frequency within the Game and your vision now becomes your slide that is projected as the the reflection that you see in what we call the physical. This slide overrides the Game's mechanism to hijack your focus and you become the your change within (Essence) before the change becomes you! Using these tools, You will notice a huge difference in what you don't feel anymore and everything becomes easier as the Law of Attraction applies to your new level of vibrational frequency!
Timelines and the Matrix
So, not long ago, I have been shown how timelines have been implemented/used within the system to keep us in this matrix. This system is nothing if "time" is not held into a concept. Time gives "life" a sequence, it is the "glue" that holds space into form giving us the illusion of dimensions all based in what we define as frequencies and dimensions. Time gives you "past, present and future". It provides a method to provide linear occurrences and experiences by allowing a contrast or opposite to be held into to place. This would be described as logic. Logic is boiled down to a system of duality - commonly presented by good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, up vs down and so on. Computer programming is based on 0's and 1's or binary. We are constantly put into positions where we have to (or believe or think) make a decision between two choices. And these choices then come with a time constraint - or gatekeeper - seemingly forcing you to make the choice because "time" is running out....for example, trying to meet expectations before a self-imposed deadline is due comes to the forefront. The system will always place you in a situation where the choices are all about you trying to control the outcome of everything because of the fear of the unknown and your constant attention (angst) of trying to control all the variables (questions like How, Why, Where, What, Who, and When) as much as possible - and which is impossible to do within the system. So, most of us are familiar with what we call or label as a timeline - past, present and future. We are told that we create in the Now or present, the past is what happened before the present and is "old" and the future is what may happen after the present (which never happens). In this system, our timeline is defined by birth, aging and death. Linear time is sequenced because of this concept. What else uses sequenced time? Computer systems or AI programming. Duality - binary - 0's and 1's - before, now, future.
Timelines in the system are used in different ways, most being part and parcel of the entire infrastructure of the system. Timeline can be categorized into 3 types: superimposed timelines, entangled and twisted timelines, and coupled (inlaid or nesting) timelines. All these timelines are held into place by curses/spells, and curses/spells act like caps to prevent the timelines to be freely accessed. Reversing the curses/spells is the first step in addressing these kinds of timelines in the system or matrix. Once this is completed, then the timeline types can be dealt with in each of their particular attributes. Superimposed timelines are somewhat 'zipper" like, as it is melding of two or more timelines superimposed upon each other. If you have some of these, and yes, all of us do, the timelines are in alternating order, as in Timeline 1, Timeline 2, then repeat the sequence. We cannot separate them without the curse/spell being reversed. These types can be of any two timelines, which can cause a lot of confusion in the long term logical thought processes required by the system. Entangled and twisted timelines are numerous and common - most are short term, i.e., day-to-day stress related emotions. Coupled timelines are probably the most insidious. These are can be contiguous, continuous or segmented. I have observed up to 7 separate segments with these types of timeline configurations. Usually, the segments are all invoked with time latent curses and when they happen can drastically change or alter a person's "life". So, the reversal of the curses of these upper tiered timeline structures can be a game changer as it gives us another tool to utilize within the system to help raise our vibrational frequencies. The energies have accelerated to an unprecedented level with no sign of slowing down and just observing how "crazy" it is out here in this green-screened physical illusion we are experiencing, if you are feeling a bit out of sorts, I would definitely recommend a session to help smooth out the jet lag!
Big Changes and Interdimensional Timelines
You made it through the month of March! Craziness in the energies have been unprecedented! Massive shifts into higher frequency vibrations was the name of the game this past month. This has set the table of what will be unfolding in April! So, a bit about April coming up, but first I would like to give a brief synopsis of what took place in March.
Amongst the craziness of the shifts and changes that has effected everyone was the exposure of what I will call Interdimensional timeline vortexes or portals. These have usually been virtually hidden by the system using frequencies that we (at that point) have been unavailable to be able to be perceived. These have been hidden, yet have been in plain "sight" from the frequencies we find ourselves in at the moment. Because of the magnitude of the shifts and changes, the system's energy source is being reduced significantly. These interdimensional timelines are the size of the width of a credit card but open into a realm that we, in this current 3D construct, cannot enter or exist. This duality system has been built "above" it. However, there is an attachment to each of us with an individual interdimensional timeline vortex. This is the real energy drain. We hold the duality game in place by our ability to create and we are the inexhaustible source of energy used to perpetuate this game or system. This interdimensional timeline realm is beyond most of our comprehension. For example, in this duality system, we have good and the opposite, called evil. If you can conjure up the worst nightmare of evil that you could imagine, this would have the appearance of "joy and happy" compared to what lies beneath this duality game. Now, one good thing with these vortexes being exposed is that they can now be located, closed, sealed and permanently collapsed - never to be opened or used again. And the ability of the system to recreate new interdimensional vortexes is being rendered impossible. So, the dismantling of the system is continuing at a rapid pace. I have been collapsing these timelines with everyone that books sessions and also in my Stargate Session each month. With these interdimensional timeline vortexes being removed, folks are able to accelerate clearing using the jumping timelines technique and they are finding it being very beneficial in raising their frequencies to higher levels much more quickly.
Also, a new tool has appeared with the last month is what I call is a "fabric" or a uses the technology that the system uses against us to obfuscate dimensions, vibrations and frequencies (think geometric shapes). In essence, it allows us to reflect back the frequencies back to the sending game source thus rendering us "invisible" to the system. This is an advanced tool that can be used in many new different ways to defeat this duality system. The changes that you will experience by using these tools will make you smile big time!
Recapping for the Acceleration of the Changes
Remember, it is NOT about the event, the story or the narrative, the actors, the set, stage or is ALL about your Reaction - emotions and the current timeline you are in, you are experiencing simply what is reflected back to you...this is the slide (focus) that you have in the projector and your mind cannot see anything are now given the opportunity to, a higher frequency timeline exists IMMEDIATELY NOW and that does not include any of what you are focused (or experienced) on at the, change the slide (your focus is that everything you desire is already done), then Jump timelines and allow you to become the change you just became...then relax.
Also remember, the programs are NOT yours, the System runs you by mindfooking you onto believing that you have a life and you die...ALL you have been experiencing, simply is to keep the System running...the System has NO power of its own, so you have been tricked/deceived with illusions using frequencies and dimensional planes into giving away your power - this is a logical duality - software, AI that has been within programmed us. You believe you are here to do something, and "life" is who you never die and you don't is the System that sets you up with an ego mental mind that runs the programs, and you are provided with emotions and feelings that are NOT is part and parcel integrated into the programming. You have been programmed...there is NOTHING to heal, save or fix here...we don't belong here and we are in the process of reverse engineering the System by using the tools that are readily available in the System...The System uses your energy to exist....that is the ONLY reason that you are here...The System keys on emotions which are not yours to keep you in the System at all costs....the more you are in your head (ego mental mind), the more energy you give to the System to keep you within the your reactions are all about mirroring back (reflected) to you what has already been inculcated into your "database" is not about the event (see above), it is all about to get you to react with an emotion so that you can give your power away, and it just repeats.... What you focus on - what you experience, is what the System has already scripted for is set up to keep you in a state of mental, emotional and physical distress, ALL THE TIME.
So here is the technique...
So, when you react to an event with an emotion or feeling, these are now on the surface and you have an awareness....all these are based in fear (fear is the System's supposed opposite of us (us - Essence/LOVE) ....In the System, LOVE and Fear are really the same thing (just like forms of water: ice, water and steam). Fear is an opposition not an opposite. The System relies on a full complement of duality. It uses deceit/illusion to make us believe that Fear is the opposite. The ego uses Fear to hold the karma together to repeat the programs...everything has opposites except LOVE. LOVE only has opposition and that is with each of these events that happen to you, you stop your mental ego mind and acknowledge the reaction which is based in Fear and validate it by saying "It is okay to feel this emotion or feeling," then Accept the Fear by saying " I accept this Fear!", then integrate the Fear into your LOVE...this then raises your frequency and allows you to jump to a higher frequency timeline to make a different choice than what you just experienced....then say, "Jump timelines! I now dispel all these spells!"... This creates a glitch in the System that cannot be repaired. The dismantling then begins. You also are then stepping outside of the System to create within YOU - with no time, duality, need for contrast or opposites, conditions or limitations. Then you bypass the Systems process of hijacking your ability to create, which is then run through a blueprint, then codified with software codes, projected and screenshotted out and reflected back to you in what we call the physical. The physical is not real. It is simply a reflection. Like a weather map behind the weather person on the TV. Greenscreen. Not Real! You are then inculcated by the System that you have to change the physical to change your reality - this then presents a problem for us - because it is impossible to do in this System! The physical is not real, it is simply a reflection! The only reality is within us, OUTSIDE of the game. This is where you are able to override the System with YOUR slide that can now be projected into the physical. You become your Change from within before the change becomes You in the Physical. The System cannot stop this. So, your focus now is on Jumping Timelines - changing your frequencies to higher vibrations that place you in a higher level timeline that has a higher frequency, different outcome and different choices - and the jump is to these these higher frequency timelines takes advantage that all timelines occur simultaneously now within the System! So, use this technique to game the System - your LOVE becomes more expanded dissolving everything around you that is not at your frequency and each time you jump, you step outside the system and you begin replacing the slides of the System with your slides! With the massive changes happening and underway, using this technique will greatly help you in stepping out of this System!
Re-Examining Balance and Rhythm
Remember that things are NOT always what they seem to BE? Well, here is a perfect example of the absolute mind-whitewashing we have been subjected to since "time" began. Let's re-examine our "need and requirement" to feel and to be Balanced. And along with the Balance, we are told that Balance comes with a rhythm and we have to keep in motion.....heard of frequencies and vibrations before? Use it or lose it sound familiar? Hmmm, there may be a theme that infuses us into the matrix....
Maybe, just maybe, we don't need to be balanced or need to have a rhythm (like a biorhythm) because we are "a physical" being - or more commonly described as a spiritual being in a physical body to experience all things physical that include "dimensions" and "frequencies". I will remind you that YOU (Big C Consciousness) are already whole and complete and you do not need to be aligned or have to have a rhythm or a vibration, frequency or need to be balanced. This game we are currently in consists of duality, a "physical" world that is Not a reality, and is but a reflection of a screenshots of the slides being held into place by the little c/s consciousness/subconsciousness duality (as above, so below) of the game that has subjugated our big C Consciousness for the purpose of hijacking and manipulating it to hold this duality system/game into form. This system/game is based in logic (binary 0s and 1s) and is literally a software program (if, then, else) that has us confined to realm of vibrations, frequencies and dimensional planes all gated by time (which only exists in this realm). Does having a heartbeat keep make you believe that you have to have balance and rhythm in to live or survive? How about ALL of the different kinds of frequencies of what we call "music" have a beat or rhythm? Even the music of say the solfeggio sounds?....Why is there a need to believe that you have to meditate - to become still and be centered - only to be immediately thrown off "balance" when you stop your meditation? Well, it is quite simple......The system/game needs the movement, it needs the metronome, it needs the rhythm in order to operate....remember the duality requirement of the system/game? The swinging back and forth of the pendulum of the grandfather clock is an example of the movement requirement of the system/game. If you are not moving, being off-balance, out of alignment, then the system/game does not derive any energy from you. The system/game requires you to be sync'd to it. Not the other way around. I can assist in removing this system/game requirement as well as its close cousin, the myth of the "I AM" statements. These are major anchors that keep us in this system/game....
Where is your Reality Really is Hangin' out?
Reality or Greenscreens? Well, it is mostly greenscreens....your only reality is in your Consciousness (Mind). Now, DO NOT conflate this Consciousness with the definitions of consciousness and subconsciousness of this duality ego mind GAME that we are and have been experiencing. Consciousness is YOU, your Essence, Love, Light, Soul. This is your Magic (and not of the duality black or white magic in the GAME). This gives us the ability to create the UNKNOWN in the Now....without contrasts, opposites, duality, conditions, or time. This GAME is set up logically, a software program (binary and literally 0s and 1s) and is finite - i.e., everything has an opposite, or a duality. Everything that has ever existed in this GAME is all there in this GAME. Nothing is new. That is why there is never a chance or coincidence. Everything is entirely scripted and then played out constantly repeating and looping in "karmic" cycles and gated by time. All time happens simultaneously (timelines) in computers, and this computer needs a timeclock to function. Unplug the timeclock and the GAME ceases to play. And that energy that powers the timeclock of this GAME is supplied by our ability to Create (Consciousness). This ability to Create has been usurped and manipulated and we are kept inside this GAME simply to keep it running. We are not of this GAME. Somehow, we are within this GAME, however, we are actively in the process of dismantling it and leaving, i.e., unplugging the us from the GAME.
So, we have been led to believe (see the "lie" in the word believe) that our reality exists in the so-called physical world. And yes, indeed, that is what the GAME is designed to do, so that we believe that this is Life and we are creating and holding the physical world into form. Only problem is that the physical world really does not exist! It is simply a reflection back to us from the only Reality we have - that would be our Consciousness. Then the GAME deliberately points us to the Outside or physical world and we are told in order to change anything, you have to change the physical world. This is an impossibility. Have you ever tried to change the weather map on your TV? You can't, because it is a greenscreen or a reflection back to you. The same applies to EVERYTHING else you experience in this physical world. We try to change the physical world. How's that been working for you? Where you have to change first, is in the Consciousness (NOT the mental ego consciousness) and Become your change first. Then it is projected out and reflected back to us. Visioning is the same process as Becoming. So if you desire change, You Become your Change before the Change Becomes YOU! Visioning is not mental (Visualizing is mental), and Visioning goes hand in hand with the process of jumping timelines! This, then, changes what is projected out and reflected back to you! Now, one important note.....this only occurs in this GAME. We are simply using the tools that are available to us in the GAME to dismantle, end and step completely out of this duality GAME. Each time you jump timelines, you create a glitch in the matrix that cannot be repaired, the GAME exists on a full complement of duality. The GAME begins to fall apart from the bottom up and we reclaim our power that has been stripped from us. We begin to operate outside of the GAME. Once we are completely out, all bets are off - as we can create ANYTHING without a contrast, opposite, duality, or time. The GAME goes away because we have completely unplugged. The GAME ceases to exist because the power supply simply is never connected ever again. Come Home!
New Way Cool Stuff
In November, there was a convergence of timelines. This represents and releases ALL old patterns and what is playing out is access to new energies and creating from the Unknown. Remember, we get what we focus on...timelines within this duality Game have different frequencies and outcomes AND they all exist simultaneously...that means you can jump into a higher frequency timeline NOW! where what you just experienced cannot happen! So, below is the technique to continue to use to dismantle this logical based Game...When you get stuck in a timeline - events and emotions repeating.......the story or narrative is only there to keep your mental mind distracted and the void programs running.....Now you can employ the jumping timelines technique:
So, when you react to an event with an emotion or feeling (mentally, emotionally or physically), these emotions are now on the surface....all these are based in Fear and conditions (logic)....LOVE (which is the very existence of YOU) and Fear are the same (just like forms of water have different structures at different temperatures: ice, water and steam). Emotions (which do not belong to you, nor does ANY of the mental programs belong to you) are tagged with a piece of your Love that has been taken from you and it is falsely redefined as Fear. The ego uses Fear to hold the karma (repeat story) together to repeat the programs...everything has opposites except LOVE (You or your essence/soul). LOVE only has opposition and that is Fear (again, Fear is actually LOVE just turned around) with each of these events, acknowledge the reaction which is based in fear, silently call in all the associated timelines that made up the event you just reacted to and validate it by saying "It is okay to feel this emotion or feeling!," then Accept the Fear by saying " I accept all of these Fears!", then scoop up the Fears, and integrate the Fear into your LOVE!...this then automatically raises your frequency and allows you to jump to a higher frequency timeline to make a different choice than you just experienced...then say "JUMP TIMELINES!"...This places you in a higher frequency timeline with a different outcome with new choices!...then focus on things that are positive without the opposites with the magic of your imagination! The glitch in the matrix occurs, this cannot be repaired and the system needs a full complement of opposites to operate....this begins to dismantle the duality Game from the inside out! And this allows your calm space (the hole within the your dreamcatcher) to expand and you have the ability to create in the NOW moment THE UNKNOWN without any mitigation, opposite/contrast, condition, time, limitation or duality! This is OUTSIDE of the GAME! 😇Use this technique for everything...this technique is exponentially more accelerated than what we have been using before and simultaneously dismantles the system as you reclaim your Power! You unplug the system from YOU! It will make you smile!
When a Red Light means GO!
A WAY Cool thing happened to me coming home from my vacation last week. A not so subtle "AHA" moment happened! So, on the subject of jumping timelines, the following event unfolded. We were driving back home and stopped to fill the gas tank and get a bite to eat for lunch. Well, the highway route went through the city center with all the stop lights - lots of stop lights!!! So, I have previously had stop light change from red to green simply by say "Jump Timelines" and the light turn green in the middle of the traffic light cycle. Way Cool and so far so good. I was then provided the opportunity to see the red stop light as I approached the intersection. I said aloud, "Jump Timelines!", totally expecting the light to turn green so I did not have to slow down or stop as my previous examples had set me up! And now, you guessed what happened! I arrived at the intersection and the stop light was still red. What!? Nothing changed OR did it!
Once I had come to a complete stop at the intersection, the "AHA" moment was very clear. Everything looked the same, same stoplight, same cars and trucks around me, stoplight was red, and then it flashed that I HAD jumped timelines and there was a unique calmness that I was sensing and feeling. I no longer had the impulse, compulsion or impetus to change the light color (and the corresponding script that I had change it - this was certainly within the old timeline frequency "swimlane"). It did not matter whether the stop light was green or red. So, when you jump timelines, be aware and pay attention to how your expectations (old script) is changed in the higher frequencies of you. It was very clear that I had jumped "timelines" within the calm space of the glitch in the matrix (the hole in the dream catcher) where I was outside of the duality of the game! Remember, when you are there, you are not bound by duality, not having opposites or contrasts and NO time, limitations or conditions! Every time you jump timelines, you essentially come home, the calm space becomes larger and you begin to operate more and more from your "heart/magic/imagination. And since I have been home, there is a calmness that has permeated everything that I do! This is how you make a red light a GO! It is wonderful! So, I can assist you in the process of jumping timelines! It will make you smile!
Imagination Magic
We are the center of the "Universe". That is, what ultimately happens to us affects
Everything else. No, that is not bragging or being self-centered. We have the ability to create and that means anything. We create in the "now" and we create the Unknown (not from the Unknown) - which is limitless. It is our Imagination and essentially can be called the Unimaginable! We hold all things into form, and in the situation we find ourselves in currently, we can call it kind of a "soft technology" - ergo, a "human" physical form with rules to fit into a logical duality loop - a "software" program that never ends. This consists of a denseness of physicality and contains material labeled as DNA and it is has parameters of time, duality, logic, reasoning, rationalization, limits, and conditions - in a box or simulation. Our ability to use our imagination has been curtailed and limited and in the box, what is labelled as our "spirituality" has been created to make it the crux of the duality matrix where we are currently residing. We essentially do not belong here. We are inherently energy and we are not of labels, conditions, limitations, contrast, time, mental thinking, emotions, patterns, imprints, frequencies or duality. WE ARE ESSENCE. Creating is what we do - we create the Unknown and we belong in the Unimaginable. Our Imagination is our Magic. We do not need contrasts or opposites to create nor is there any destiny or fate - no time.
Your Imagination is "within" you because it is YOU! Our ability to "Know" is the difference. Currently, everything is predicated by imprints, patterns and logic - Knowledge is completely artificial and our imagination has been usurped into creating within these parameters, boundaries and rules of this matrix system. You are required to create within a system of opposites - duality. For this system to exist, everything requires an opposite or contrast. When we reclaim and accept our fears (fear is love and not an opposite) and integrate the fears into our Love, we instantly create a "short" in the system. This short cannot be fixed, and this leads to the entire system to begin to break down. The miracle happens when you jump to higher frequency timelines. The calm space (glitch in the matrix) is formed and this calm space allows us to create in the now moment and the unknown with no exceptions. There is a very massive difference in creating without mitigation than the one we are currently in. We are extremely powerful and as a reminder, just look around you realize you are holding all of what you see, feel and experience into form? Do not tell me that you are not powerful! When you use your Magic of your Imagination, you simply can create anything! The philosopher Rumi has an adage, "Your Heart knows the way, Run in that direction!" Listen to your Heart! That is your Imagination - Your Magic is ready and waiting for YOU! I can assist you in getting back into your Magic!
Programmed patterns and spiral twisted timelines
Notwithstanding everything else that keeps us in this game, one of the basic building blocks of this logic duality system is programmed patterns. Familiar with sacred geometry? How about your "learning" style or type? Patterns are imprinted first, then embedded in the structures, so the system is connected or wired from the ground up for everything. A common example is ducklings or chicks being imprinted to their "mother" after hatching. Even the holographs and "illusions" of what we perceive to "see" individually are programmed to keep us in the box. These tie directly into everything we "do" that has captured our ability to create and then the creation is what is used manipulate and control the desired logically outcome where we are maneuvered deliberately into empowering the mental mind to operate in this dualistic system. How we "learn" and "see" things are limited to the patterns that are imprinted. It is very difficult to step out of these patterns because if you do, you are trying to look for reference points that you created to "prove" your surroundings. In other words, we are always trying to control the outcome because of the fear that is inculcated into just trying to stay "alive and breathing" in this "human" body suit. Try playing a game of chess without the board....Your logical mental mind gets blown away with this type of situation. Even trying to think outside the box is still well within the box! The only thing that is outside of the box is you/essence. We are purposely wrapped up in the creation and believe (notice the "lie" inside the word believe) that the creation is defining everything about us and who we are.
Recently, with all of the massive shifts and changes that have been taking place, there are more and more glitches in the matrix showing up. For some reason, I am being shown how to devolve and reverse engineer the structures of the logical patterns and the convergences of timelines. Then by taking advantage of the how the system is structured, I am utilizing the tools available in this duality structure realm to literally dismantle this system by creating a calm space (think of the hole in a dreamer catcher) within the matrix so that you can create in the NOW moment, create the UNKNOWN, without mitigation, conditions or limitations. This is your Light/Love/Essence or You. This type of creating (what we do) does not require a contrast or opposite. There is a massively huge difference between what we currently believe and how we believe we create in this box. It is about converging timelines and removing/reversing failsafe curses that cause spiral twisting of timelines so it is impossible to leave the box or dismantle patterns and imprints. Know that you have lots of help available and do not hesitate to receive help. This is not about trying to do everything by yourself! We can get you on top of the surfboard instead of standing on the beach watching the tsunami ready to hit!
The Unimaginable
We have the ability to create and we create the Unknown at the present or NOW (sometimes referred to as the zero point). This ability to create all things possible is not gated by time or contrast or opposites. We are not limited by duality or karma. You are not Source and Source is NOT you....this is a function of the programming that we call duality. We simply ARE - you can call this LOVE, Essence, Soul, Light - these are all the same. Within this simulation or game we have been placed into, there is duality, time and conditions/limitations/rules. Our ability to create has been hi-jacked and manipulated to keep this simulation intact - the game goes on without US being aware that it is us being used to keep this game in play. There is a big clue that has always been right in front of us in this game of duality. There is only one thing that does not have an opposite - that is YOU or LOVE. We are programmed to believe that Fear is an opposite of LOVE. It is not, it is an opposition and for all intents and purposes it is actually LOVE but it has been turned around to make us believe that it truly is the opposite - this keeps the duality game intact. Since LOVE does not have an opposite, this means we can create without having a contrast/opposite. This means NO time, NO timelines, NO need for reference points, NO duality, NO karma, NO comparison or judgment, NO mistrust, NO lack, NO being alone, NO unworthiness, NO doubts, NO expectations, NO life or death, NO looking, NO trying, NO logic....This is where we are returning to - the Unimaginable. And this is already within our LOVE or Being. This game is being dismantled from the bottom up by US. We are creating glitches in the matrix which we call miracles and this house of cards is currently imploding. We are doing this by simply innerstanding the rules and unplugging from the simulation. It does not take much more shifting up in frequency within this game for US to reach a space where everything will change. The Unimaginable may indeed not have frequency or anything that we can relate to this current state of this simulation. So, it really does not matter.....we are shifting rapidly and this can be quite a disconcerting experience in our current state of conditions and limitations. Always know that you cannot be destroyed or eliminated - you ARE. That is all you need to Know. The Unimaginable is waiting!
Frequency Cancellations
Everything is energy. Energy is frequency. Frequency can be defined as a wave (wavelength depending on how short or long the wave is between crests). Go to the ocean and watch the waves. Observe and you will see a low point or trough and a high point or crest in each wave no matter how large or small the wave. We are constantly being bombarded with all kinds of frequencies. We are effected by frequency. We carry and are frequency. The law of attraction is all about attracting like kind of frequencies. Emotions are based on frequency. You have reactions filled with emotions that are frequencies. Events that happen to you are directly tied to your emotions (frequencies) and these emotions are triggered by frequencies that are constantly being broadcast non-stop to you to keep your mental ego mind busy - in constant state of stress. This keeps you in the mental logic loop of the karmic cycle (repeats) of the programs that are activated by frequencies. Our ability to create is premised on duality, in order to create, there has to be a contrast or an opposite. Opposites lend to the "balance" that we are all trying to constantly achieve....ever do a meditation? and why do you believe you think you have to do the meditation? In the meditation you are trying to cancel out the "noise" or the opposite by trying to achieve a still point - or zero point within the electro - magnetic field - which is not only a point where you create but also a calmness.
So, with the duality structure of the current "universe", innerstanding how these frequencies, along created by the electro - magnetic phenomena we find ourselves immersed in, we can utilize the cancelling frequencies to create a space of calmness. simply when you react, you have already detected the frequencies being sent, then with no fighting or resisting, generate the same frequencies from your core and send them back out. This works exactly like noise cancelling earphones. Now, you can use this technique alone or you can supercharge it with employing it with the validation of the emotions, accepting the fears and the integration of the fears into your Love technique. These tools will allow you to accelerate exponentially the releases of old programs into higher frequencies!
FEAR is not the opposite of LOVE
In this place that we currently find ourselves, it is a matrix of constructs, paradigms, conditions, limitations and duality (Karma) that keep us in a continuous mental artificial intelligent logical loop. Our mental mind Ego is predominately in charge. Thinking and logically trying to figure out and control the outcomes of everything we do is paramount. The Ego, the left part of the brain which uses about 94% our brain capacity and has been used to separate us from our Heart, uses Fear to "protect" us and that leaves the 6% remainder for the right brain connection directly to the Heart. Heart meaning Soul/Essence/You - who you really ARE! In this universe of opposites, we are commonly taught Fear. We have been inculcated with the belief that the "Unknown" is scary and that we have to or try to get answers to everything, (how, why, when, where, who, what) before we do anything. The concept of time as our gatekeeper is also in play....This is because we have been made to believe that time is short and limited and life is challenging and scary and the Unknown always lurks as we try to control the outcome and narrow down the variabilities so that we can achieve some stability. This is always a moving target. You fear changes. Changes are the only thing that is constant. Your Heart embraces changes as it has No fear and it is never trying to control the outcome. We create the Unknown and when we join that with our LOVE, this equals Miracles! This is what has been shut down inside this logical matrix we find ourselves in.
In the karmic game, there are opposites. We have been led to believe that Fear is the opposite of LOVE. Not so! LOVE is not an emotion. LOVE is YOU/Essence/Heart/Soul and is Unconditional and cannot be destroyed. There is NO opposite for LOVE only opposition. Fear fills this void as opposition. Fear is a part of LOVE that has been separated. Just like water which has three forms - gas, liquid, solid or steam, water and ice - different forms but the same thing with different properties in each form. Fear is what all our emotions that we experience in this 3D density are based in. Again, the Ego uses fear to try to protect us in this environment - this is based in logic. There is no logic in your Heart.
So, to expand and refine on the technique of releasing old programs and emotions that I have shared previously, here is the upgraded procedure:
Events will always be occurring to keep us in a mental logical mind thinking loop to repeat the programs we are constantly experiencing.....
1. The Event happens.
2. You have a reaction, which is a(n) emotion(s)/feeling(s) (not yours) that gets inserted into the programs assigned to each event. These are emotions from A to Z, from abject horrific to ecstatic and everything else in between!
3. Once you have experienced the emotions/feelings, DO NOT beat yourself up, rather allow yourself to validate them by saying aloud, "It is okay to feel these feelings!"
4. Then once you have acknowledged these feelings, then you want to Accept the Fears that the feelings are based in. Say aloud, "I Accept all these Fears".
5. Then INTEGRATE the Fears into your LOVE! This raises your frequency.
6. As you raise your frequencies, then you are able to jump timelines into a higher frequency timeline and choose a different, new choice - as in the choice that whatever you just experienced is simply gone!
7. Then open your LOVE and engage your Imagination with positive thoughts (not logical thinking) that you are always focusing on the highest frequencies of being!
This technique is exponentially more accelerated and powerful than what we have been using before and effects EVERYTHING in the universe (mandala effect).
Your Essence + Unknown = Miracles
We are taught to believe to fear the Unknown. It is scary. Don't go off somewhere that you are not familiar without being prepared and get all your ducks in a row before you set out. We are taught fear. We are taught to use our mental thinking mental MIND to use logic, reasoning and rationalization to figure out everything BEFORE we do anything. How's that process been working for you? A bit stressful? And considering that you are also gated by TIME and you are only Human? "Life" is hard, short and challenging. Fear of the unknown and fear of trying to control the outcome/future are the biggest factors we surround ourselves with labels, reference points, conditions and limitations. We have been trying to answer ALL the How, What, Where, When, Why, Who questions BEFORE we do anything! This is all about the separation.
There is a huge separation between our Heart (Essence=You) and your Mental logical thinking Mind. The logical mind is in essence, Artificial Intelligence. This is knowledge....knowledge is quite meaningless....although, don't let your brain know that! Knowing is in your Heart. To Know replaces "truth or true or trust" of the mental MIND game. The etymology (word root) of truth is "a consensus - not of fact" but a lie to put is more succinctly. So when you speak the Truth, there are many different Truths at every single separate frequency. So, to Know is already intrinsically in your Heart/Essence. For example, if I ask you to define what Unconditional Love means in words, can you do it? No. There are not any words (remember, words are spells in this 3D dimension that we have found ourselves in) to describe it. However, you already KNOW what it is - YOU! No one has to tell you anything! You already KNOW! You already have everything you could possibly have in your Essence. This Essence is your Light and Love! It has been covered up! We have been only able to shine about 5% of our Light. This is changing big time with the timeline convergences acceleration.
We have been told that TIME is our gatekeeper, you are born, age and die and then it repeats, as in a karmic cycle, over and over and over. We are in the midst of closing this cycle out. We have never been of time. We have been told to focus on the past and the future, and we find it extremely difficult to stay in the present. This is on purpose to keep us always off-balance as in the duality nature of the Karmic realm - opposites + fear + time = instability and use of the logical thinking mental Mind as you are constantly giving away your power. If you experience what we commonly call a miracle, then there is has been a glitch in the system - in other words, you have managed to create enough space to make a hole in the matrix. This will be short-lived and shut down very quickly. We are miracles and this is what we do - this is what has been "hidden" from us.
When we combine our Essence and our ability to create the Unknown (we do not create from the Unknown!) this is what equals Miracles! This is the major reason we have been purposely steered into the direction that the Unknown is scary and to be feared. There is NOTHING scary or to be in fear of that we naturally do! This is the unlimited possibilities that we can create and have manifest. Anything is possible! We create the Unknown in what would be referenced to as the "present". This is why we are knocked out of the present state (like being quiet of MIND and in a meditative state) very easily. Well, things are changing rapidly and change is the only thing that is constant. Within your Essence, NEVER are you concerned with fear, time, limitation, conditions, judgment or density. You just right now, you just ARE! That has not changed and your Essence/Love can never be destroyed. We are moving out of situation that has captured us, hijacked and manipulated our ability to shine our Light/Love and inculcated us with belief systems, words, duality, karma, time, mental mind logic (AI), density and judgment. We are stepping back into who we really ARE......Being with the ability to Create!
So hang in there, changes in the energies are massive and we are experiencing things that we have never ever experienced before, but with your Love, you have the ability to do anything. Returning to our Essence will make you Smile!
Collapsing and Reversing Timelines and Expansion at the same Time!
Observe without Judgment
Within the last month, there has been an acceleration of the shifts and changes that has affected everyone in one way or the other. We are moving rapidly in Elevated Energies. Frequency creates Vibration and Vibration creates Frequency.....a word to describe it is Cymatics. It is the science describing the study of visible effects of sound and vibration. Mental thinking is a vibration and in this 3D density frequency range, words are spells, hence the term spelling when using words in speaking and writing. Thinking allows you to utilize things that are already done. Elevated energy allows you to create the unknown. We can visibly see how we can effect and are effected by vibrations and frequencies. This connects everything as frequency creates vibrations.
The phenomena occurring now akin to having timelines reversing (coming back to the origination point) and at the same time, an expansion of to the elevated energy (as in completely opening up a fold-up Japanese fan) it taking place. The timeline reversals are consolidating all instances of Karmic "past" lives and bringing literally through the physical body to what we could describe as the "Now". This creates many physical symptoms that are presented as aches, pains, discomforts, tiredness, distortions and we experience them with our already defined definitions. This is also processing in the dream state as well. In other words, lots of old energies are being consolidated ready to be left behind! Elevated energies are now available to leap into new "activations". Just like pulling the curtain away from the window and discovering what is waiting for us when we "look" through the window! And as this is occurring, simultaneously, there is the "unfolding" of the fan pleats and what was beforehand hidden, it is now being exposed and coming to the surface. This is being aggregated with the shifts in the timeline reversals and the mental thinking head can be very easily overwhelmed! Not to Fear!
We are moving into these elevated energies - something that really as never been done before! However, within you, or YOU is your Essence. This Essence cannot not be destroyed - it is described as Unconditional Love. This is not an emotion. It is YOU! We typically refer this as your Heart or Heartspace. It is why you have a difficult time trying to describe in words what Unconditional Love means....that is because there are NO words to describe it. You Know. And this is what the philosopher, Rumi, reminds us with his adage - "There is a voice that uses no words......Listen!" Here and Now, you are already Complete and Whole! Always has been. Our Essences have just been covered up. It is emerging big time now! Remember, there is NO Fear, Time, Conditions, Limitations, Healing, Karma or Duality, Density, or Judgment in your Essence. It allows you to Observe without Judgment. You do not need to do anything except just BE. Then, you have the unique ability to Create. Anything! As you wish, with NO stipulations as described above. Never does your Essence ever ask "How you are doing? What are you feeling? Who are You? There is no need to do this at all. Everything thing you could ever possibly need or want is within your Essence. You already have answers and solutions to everything now AND you already have answers and solutions there when we step back into the Elevated energies to create from the Unknown! There is no fate or destiny here...ever....because there is no time and no judgment.
We are quickly moving out the "mental" mind situation and back into our Heart or Essence and operating completely and directly from this Essence. This Essence is your Magic. Observe the Magic of the cymatics going on around YOU that you are effecting. Creating is relaxing back into the Laz-i-boy, notching it back a couple notches and Enjoy the Show! You are Amazing! And within YOU is an endless unfolding of Inspiration, Imagination and Creativity! Allow your Heart to Shine! You will be Smiling like that Cheshire Cat All the Time!
Innerstanding Choices
Question: So Freedom is then the ability to choose your perspective and happiness is to choose it as close to your heart as possible?
Answer: Take it a couple steps are already whole and complete....choices are still within the duality of the predictive programming. There is no concept of happiness in your Heart. LOVE is not an is BEING, your ESSENCE...or YOU! You have the ability to create anything you place your focus on. Your Heart does not care in what emotional state you choose to be is Innerstanding what you are placing your focus on. And it will be given to you instantly!
Choices are the mainstays of this game of duality we have found ourselves being played by. These are bracketed by opposites, contrasts, logic, fear and gated by what is called and defined as time. Constructs, programs and paradigms that are and have been intentionally structured to be confining, limiting and conditioned. These we hold into form because we have been conditioned to believe that this is how things are, this is the way it is....and as our Power has been usurped our ability to create has been hijacked and manipulated. Our unique ability to create anything has been used against us to "think" logically with our mental mind - we are reminded over and over again, that you have to figure things out, use your head to think things through and try to control the outcome of things because of the "uncertainty" of the future (time). This constantly keeps us in a state of fear of simply surviving/breathing to have a "life". Read this next sentence carefully.....I have news for you, we are not of time, fear, conditions, limitations, judgment or density. When you place your hand over your Heart, you are already HOME! It is that incredibly simple. You are already whole and complete. To quote Florence Shinn, "You are a perfect idea in Divine Mind (this means Heart), pure substance, expressing perfection!" You cannot be anything less! There is nothing wrong with you EVER! You just "think" you have issues and problems and that you are only "human", weak, scared, being in constant fear of trying to control the outcome of the "future" because you are taught believe you are of time and "life" is short, hard and difficult. You don't really Live or Die, you just believe it and your ability to create what you are focusing on will be held into form simply by your ability to create. Your Essence can never be destroyed or compromised (it has been covered up and we are in the process of of uncovering it right now!) Your Mental mind is not yours, neither are your emotions that you have been told you have. You believe that you have to give up things in order to have something. You believe that you have to perform, be perfect, have to have an identity/ego, you have fight for everything, "life is unfair and unjust and you have to live in constant fear. Fear is what keeps these programs, constructs and beliefs in place. You have been taught Fear so that you can now believe that you have choices - these choices are funneled down to the same thing for every situation - between a rock and a hard place - or which choice creates the least amount of pain. Does this sound familiar? If it does, do not beat yourself up, simply be aware of when you react to an event, and you experience an emotion or feeling that does not make you happy, then you are then being given an opportunity to STOP and DELETE the program/construct that you just experienced. So, you can continue to keep the old program running (karmic cycle) by doing nothing and allowing the head to try to keep logically figuring it out OR can take a breath, then you place your hand over your Heart, which takes you HOME immediately! You delete the program and emotions, then you Vision (from your Heart) that what you just experienced is completely gone and you do not need to try to figure anything out (you already have all the answers and solutions in your Heart right now!), then take another breath and sweep your hand out in front of you (like stopping traffic) and emphatically state, without Fear or emotion, NO! This is now out of the way, it does not play anymore - exactly like an "aha" moment! New clarity will be given to you immediately - just like pulling the curtain away from the window. It allows you to "see" what has already been in front of your nose! This will make you smile!
So, when you are confronted by thinking that you have to make a choice about ANYTHING, Stop and be aware that choices are only within the box/construct of time, fear, judgment, limitations, conditions and density of the mental mind. Now, as the quote from Rumi informs, "There is a Voice that uses no words. Listen!" Pay attention to your Voice within.....It has everything you could possibly ever need or want! It is waiting for you to come Home!
Reminder......"There is a voice that doesn't use words....Listen" (Rumi)
Just a reminder that you are Awesome! Not only that, but You have the unique ability to create Anything you focus your attention upon. With the old energies leaving, there is no looking back in the rear view mirror as the past has Never defined you! New opportunities are now popping up everywhere! This means that as we move out of the old dimensional spaces that contain fear and duality are going away. So, as we go through this rapid shift and transition, here are a couple of points to be aware of as you experience the changes:
What are you focused on? Remember, you create what you are focused this case, the system of events will always happen and your reaction will always tell you what the bottom line of your focus is...the story or narrative is the mental mind holding the stage, set, scene, props and the characters that are familiar to you, so that you selling the crowd with your acting....this is all leaving......your choice to keep it or not...however, the more you fight, the tighter the finger trap becomes (the more you resists, the more it persists)....the mental mind can only repeat the loop and it is based in are not of fear. But, is you feed the Fear and give it your power, it will be manifested for toss this in the dumpster and stop trying to mentally control the outcome (which is inculcated into us because we are told that time is of the essence).....these events are coming up so you can be aware that you still have some leftover lime Jello in your pockets that are not yours!...once you dispatch with this Jello, You will see with a new clarity....your head knows Jack squat... vision what it is that you want and come home into your Heart (Magic)!
So, this is all coming up to, like any contract, you have to be able to WALK away energetically and say NO....these programs are all held in place by FEAR...and KNOW that you will not miss fact, when you do walk away, what will be uncovered will be much better than what you were looking at in the first place....see the pattern....your head has no idea, NONE, of what is waiting for you in your Heart. Right now, yours fears will be realized and you will settle for less, AGAIN...If you place your focus on it, your focus will be realized. The instant that you engage your mental mind, you have locked yourself into the drama that will give you the same experience that just happened....And it will repeat....see the pattern?...The Universe already KNOWS what you desire and it is waiting for you to decide when and if you are going to take a bow, step off the stage, stop acting, remove your costumes and come are being given the opportunity to stop giving away your Power as this is not a new scenario....remove the resistance and clarity will unfold and this becomes a piece of place your hand over your Heart and ask, "I need some help now, Thank You"! Now let it go! It is your movie😉✨
Listening with your Heart is the key.....we don't need any words to hear the voice within us. When you Know, you Know! Listen! It will make you smile!
Words are a double-edged Sword......
An anagram for the word "words" is sword. In this we find ourselves in realm that seemingly is not what it appears to be. Mirrors are everywhere. Swords are double-edged, representing duality. Cognitive dissonance is quite rampant but also quite hidden from view, although it is in plain sight. From a quote that is attributed to martial arts master Bruce Lee, "Don't speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn't know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells, that 's why it's called spelling. Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life. What you're not changing, you're also choosing." So, speaking of spells, curses and incantations.....there is a mighty good chance, like 100%, that you are affected by a myriad of these perturbations we find this 3D "physical" space! It affects us in many ways without our knowledge. We simply and easily have been led to believe things (belief systems are spells) that have been very carefully planned, coordinated and manipulated in a matrix that simply is here to mindfook your mental-mind/brain. One that we are not of! We have been in a web and kept there by the illusion of time. We are not of time! We are not of duality or karma. We have come to believe that what we have been experiencing is called "life". And then there is "death", "aging" and we are our "emotions". Now, something is holding the Fear into all of what we have been experiencing. We are not of Fear either! Spells to have something to do with all of this!
So, the other morning awhile back, I woke up with what I call the "yellow sticky note" stuck to my forehead, I reached up and peeled it off and read the note.....If words are spells, spells can be reversed by words, things are always mirrored or backwards. Use the word "NO"! And specifically the word "NO" is very powerful. We "live" in a world where we are constantly and continually giving away our power. There are always conditions framed in logic and gated by time. Conundrums are presented everywhere, begging for you to figure them out with a logical process (mental mind brain) and of course, 'How has that been working for you?!' This was another wonderful 'AHA!' moment! The word "NO" can be used to reverse all spells! So, I contemplated my naval for a bit and then a very simple exercise came to the moment!
Here is the exercise:
1. Sit comfortably in a chair
2. Place you hand over your Heart, close your eyes and take a deep breath
3. Imagine that you are facing the cardinal direction East.
4. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud. Say it with firmness with any emotion whatsoever...i.e., Stand in your POWER!
5. Then imagine that you have turned and are facing the cardinal direction South. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud
6. Then imagine that you have turned and are facing the cardinal direction West. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud
7. Then imagine that you have turned and are facing the cardinal direction North. Keep your eyes closed and keep your hand over your Heart.....then, take a breath and say "NO"! aloud
8. Then take a nice big slow cleansing breath!
Now, repeat the above process going backwards (the mirror image), however you will start in the West cardinal direction. Once you have done this, if there had been ANY resistance (events or emotions) that came to the surface along this process, go back to those events and bring them in front of you - close your eyes, take a breath, "see" them, then say "NO"! aloud only once. You will find that they disappear! Which means that they are gone and you have, in effect, raised your frequency so that spells cannot be attached to you (and they do not come back) - the difference is that spells can only be placed upon you if you are resonating with the same frequency that the spell is cast in. There is a limit to frequency range where the spells can go or can be applied. This allows you to "step" up and out of that frequency range, remove any old programs and emotions and dissolves the Fear that holds all of these things into form! So, going forward, you only have to do the Directional NO! Exercise once. Then, when you react to something, you just place your hand over your Heart, which deletes the old program, the vision (or AHA moment) happens and then you say NO!...So, when you "shine" your Light, in effect, you are playing in the bread aisle that Always has the shelves loaded with bread! Now, one other thing to share. If you are familiar with certain types of large feed bags or flour bags, some of these have a sewed on string stitching to seal them. To open the bag, you find the loose string and give it a pull and the stitching unravels and you are able to open the bag. So, keep that concept in mind and now imagine a giant mosaic on your wall that is a woven matrix of patterned material. Now, go to the bottom of the mosaic and find that loose string. Once you have found it, grab on and give it a good yank! Now watch the entire mosaic completely unravel and fall to the floor! This is a wonderful metaphor to see this matrix no longer form and it is releasing you from all of the old programs and patterns that represent for constructs and structure of this "physical" dimensional space. You come HOME to your Heart! It will make you Smile!
The Bread Effect or Where are you Playing?
This is an account of a real event that happened in August of 2021. I have a good friend that lives just across the river from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Hurricane Ida (the second most powerful hurricane to hit Louisiana) was taking a direct line (eye of the storm) toward her house. They had decided to stay to be with her husband's home-bound parents. So, in preparation of the storm hitting, she went to the big supermarket to stock up on food and supplies a couple of days ahead. She got everything that she needed at the store except for bread. So, she left and headed for a smaller store closer to her house to get the bread. She arrived at the store and went into the bread aisle to get some bread. She was surprised to find that the shelf were empty! So, she went back up to the cashier and asked if they had any bread and the cashier said yes and pointed her back to the bread aisle. With a quizzical look at the cashier, she turned around and went back to the bread aisle knowing that she had just been there and found that all the shelves were empty. Well, when she got back into the aisle, sitting on the shelf was 8 or 9 long loaves of bread in an unfamiliar brand package. Obviously, this surprised and delighted her! So, she grabbed two loaves and headed back to the checkout counter. As she was standing in the checkout line, with the bread in hands, another person comes in the door and asks the cashier if they had any bread, and the cashier pointed her back to the the bread aisle. That person proceeded to the bread aisle and then returned empty handed - no bread, on any shelf the person exclaimed as she was headed out the door. And my friend was still standing in line holding onto two loaves of bread! So, she paid for the bread and got in the car and was headed home when the thought popped in, "Oh, I should probably fill up my gas tank while I am out". So, she headed over to the convenience store/gas station that she always uses to gas up her car which about 3 blocks away from her house. So, when she arrived at the convenience store/gas station there was yellow DO NOT ENTER caution tape around the pumps. So, disappointed she pulled over to search for the next closest gas station on her phone. As she was searching, someone came up to her car and tapped on the window. She looked up, rolled her window down and the person began to take down the caution tape and pointed for her to go to pump number 8. Now, delighted, she went to pump number 8, fueled up, paid at the pump and then pulled away from the pump. The person put the caution tape back up and then she noticed a line of cars in the street that were not there before. So, she was a bit confused but happy that she got what she needed. She headed home and told everyone about the bread story and her husband asked her if she remembered to get gas in the car. And she said, "Yes! I did!" Then her husband asked, "Where did you fill up?" and she replied, "Oh, at the convenience store/gas station that we always fill up at!" He then look perplexed and said, " How can that be? That convenience store/gas station is closed!"
So, two days pass and back to the rest of the story! Her house is now directly in the path of Ida. Not usually the best of situations was upon her and her family. Yes, she called out for assistance and everyone responded, but not in Fear, but in Love. The storm took a turn away from her house and neighbor hood, they had the lights flicker 7 to 8 times during the night, she never lost power and in the morning there was minimal wind damage and the rain was nothing out of the ordinary. Needless to say, it was a major relief but it sure did make her smile and give out a great big Thank YOU!
I call this the "Bread Effect"! In other words, where are you playing, what frequency are you playing in? Are you playing in the frequency where the bread aisle may or may not have bread on the shelves OR are you playing in the frequency where there is ALWAYS bread on the shelves NO Matter What? As you step up into the higher frequencies by detaching from literally everything, you enter back into your Heart/Essence - You! You are not of TIME, FEAR, DENSITY, LIMITATIONS or JUDGMENT! There are NO conditions, attachments, quid pro quo's or strings in your Heart/Essence. You have the Power to do anything you desire and it is in your Heart/Essence already. There is ALWAYS a First Class Seat Ticket awaiting for you, so don't settle for the Economy Class any more! My work allows you to step out of the old frequencies and back into your Magic! Guaranteed to make you Smile Big Time!
Things are NOT what they ALWAYS Seem to BE, part II
In addition to all the things we are finding out that Things are Not Always What they seem to BE!
Now Part II! Expanding on the subject of timeline convergences, I would like to share some very important insights that have come into my purview. So, follow with me with this process.
We are currently in a situation that is rapidly changing - massive shifts in the energies are effecting the magnetic fields of the Earth to diminish and these fields are being replaced by the opening of our Heart (Love) oscillations. So, this transition is really bringing to the surface the severity of the suppression of our Light in our Heartspace that we have been experiencing. We are shifting out of the duality of the karmic realm and time. This is where the manipulation and usurpation of the structure of the timelines and the splitting of the timelines to siphon our Power of our Essence away from us comes into play.
So, it goes something like this: You have a Light or an Essence that cannot be destroyed - this, I will define as your Heartspace. You have the ability to create anything that you desire, as you wish. However, you have been in a "place" where you have been trapped and then inculcated with information that simply has no truth, for example, you believe are of time and space, you are weak and only human, you are of duality (right vs. wrong), you have to use logic and reasoning to "think" and "figure" things out (mind), and you have been taught Fear. You have been used as a source of energy, giving it away under the guise of living a life with challenges, emotions and hardships that are not yours only to "die" at the end of your "life". Well, just so that you know, you just ARE! You have to realize that you are a Perfect Idea in Divine Mind, Pure Substance Expressing Perfection! You cannot be ANYTHING else!
In order to keep you mindfooked and in a state of confusion and fear all the time, my analogy is that when you initially joined the gang on Earth under the guise of deceit, you were "issued" a computer (loaded to the gills with bloatware!) - all of it is artificial intelligence (AI) consisting of your head (the CPU and very slow and tiny it is!), your body (an emotional software database - the emotions are not yours by the way) and in order to logically quantify emotions, you have been given a "physical" shell (hardware)to be able to compare and measure on a scale, say 0 to 10 of a level of pain, so your head can keep you constantly informed of your status - for example, you are using an exorbitant amount of energy every day just trying to figure out if you are still breathing! Our ability to create (essence) has been also usurped to keep us in the duality box. We have been deliberately separated from our Magic, our Heartspace. Every time you experience joy or happiness, it is short lived as if you have a dog bark collar on and when you enjoy something, someone pushes the button and you are then deprived of the joy in a mental state of trying to figure out why you can't stay in that energy. The more that you are in an emotional state (uproar, anxiousness, fear), you generate more energy to be siphoned off. It is exactly the opposite of who we really are!
So, with the software comes with the typical 'IF, THEN, ELSE' logic (AI) and it just loops, repeating the same patterns over and over that you experience each day. Events happen and then you have an emotional reaction. Once your head is aware of the emotional reaction, then it tries to figure out a solution by looking at the logic in the database. Ever notice that solving issues can be quite tedious and very possibly impossible, as the answers are not there.....bloatware that simply goes in circles - the epitome of a karmic cycle. Changing things is very difficult - on will make you disappointed and OH, you are providing a quality stream of energy to be siphoned off from you. No wonder you feel tired after you think too hard of trying to figure things out in you head!
And to add to our "destiny" of being human in this situation, when the computer was issued to us, we also were given a unique initial "timeline" - logic of time is that it has to have a beginning, middle and an end, or past, present and future. Now, to add to the mindfooking, this initial timeline as been cloned many times and split many times. Familiar with "past" or "parallel" lives or past life regressions? Timelines are intentionally split so that it produces a lot of mental/mind confusion - read Fear! Well, once the timelines are split, your head, which is the very tiny and slow CPU of your computer, is totally incapable of crunching anything past 1+1=2 and is easily overwhelmed because logically, it cannot see or calculate how it has been constructed. So, not only that happens, but now, each individual time sequence on the initial timeline can now be manipulated either separately or in chunks, either backward or forward or replaced by any size of time on a cloned, when an event happens, and events will always happen because of the nature of the cyclical nature of the programs to keep you in a constant mindfooked condition (remember the IF, THEN, ELSE logic sequence), you will react, however, in that now moment that you have reacted, you have no idea if that now moment is from the initial timeline or a cloned one. Then on top of that, the now moment reaction, which is an emotion or feeling, is just a segment of the whole. In other words, see the now moment segment as part of an orange slice. The rest of the orange slices could be located anywhere in the other timelines or even in the original timeline! Each segment, and there can be many segments of the "orange" scattered all through the timelines, is like a scale of 0 to 10. So, in the next event, the now moment, your reaction could be a 1 on the scale, meaning that the rest of the "emotions" within that scale of 0 to 10 is still out residing in other timelines (and these timelines are exhibiting the severity, in this case all except 1 and also they can be in the future or the past in these other timelines - and then none of the timelines are lined up or synchronized with the other timelines!) You were issued a very tiny computer and an associated original timeline when you first landed in this lime green jello. Computer logic needs the aspect of time in order to function. So, there has to be a beginning, middle and an ending. Remember, You are not of Time, we have just been mindfooked believing that we are gated by Time. Your original timeline has been compromised big time and your Head does not have the capacity to figure out or how to reverse engineer the logic of the bloatware on purpose! Now, as you are bringing back the segments of the orange into one point on your original timeline, you are actually locating the original "plug-in fuse" time socket that was separated into the split timelines. This will automatically be shown to you and re-installed back into your original timeline. This restores the continuity of your original timeline - which cannot be removed ever again. So, the more you do this technique, the easier things become. Now you may have an inkling why you have the belief that "Life" is challenging?!! Well, there is some good news afoot!
Now, you might be wondering, how do we extricate ourselves out of this place? I fondly refer to this karmic realm 3D reality to the mahvelous lime green jello with the mandarin oranges, carrots and cottage cheese that we have swimming around in for a very, very long "time"! In the past 9 months, there have been massive energy shifts occurring, affecting and effecting everyone as the magnetic fields of the earth are being diminished, our Heart energy (Love) is replacing it (this is your Essence or Light and this is the most powerful chemical in the Universe and it will dissolve anything but itself!). It is also an end to a karmic realm cycle that cannot be stopped. This means, this dark energy that has trapped us in this jello is simply eating itself alive - it has no options as this karmic cycle comes a completion. Also, remember, we are not of the karma realm - as we have been led to believe that is the case. So, when we step back into our Heartspace, we are simply LOVE and LIGHT - and we have the ability to create. We are beginning to get back to creating brand new things that have never been created before - our Heart is our unlimited inspiration, imagination and creativity that has been suppressed.
So, here is what the process of stepping out this jello:
1. An Event Happens - and events will always happen.
2. You React to the said Event (this is an emotion or feeling) which can be classified as either a separate or a combination of physical, emotional or mental components.
3. You are aware of your reaction and this reaction does not make you feel happy. NOW yourHead is completely done.
4. This is your tap on the shoulder and now you have a choice. Either engage the computer (Head) to logically run the old program again OR
5. Place your hand over your Heart and Vision that this is completely gone!
In other words, when you place your hand over your Heart, you are already home....Emotions do not happen in your Heart/Essence. There is no woulda-coulda-shouldas or ifs-thens-or buts, no questioning, hesitations. There is no Fear, Time, Limitations, Density or Judgment in your Heart/Essence - you are already Home when you do this!
6. Your Vision consists of the End Result (you do not need details!) What is it that you WANT?! That is your Vision. Details will be given to you if they are needed and you can choose to use them as you wish.
All of this happens AUTOMATICALLY when you place your Hand over your Heart after you react to an event:
a) Your Logical Head/Mind is Done!
b) You Say "Thank YOU"! Take a bow! Step off the Stage! Remove ALL your costumes! Leave the Theater! Come Home!
c) You have already Arranged Aligned, Converged Timelines and Collapsed the Dimensional Spaces of where these timelines may have the propensity to occur. The Delete command is invoked! The program is deleted and uninstalled!
d) The original "plug-in fuse" is restored to the original timeline - re-establishes the continuity of the original timeline (this prepares us to fully step away from the jello)
e) This will work for EVERY event....Remember, there is NO Logic, Reasoning or Rationalization in your Heart/Essence! You will Always be taken care of NO matter What!
You have everything thing you could possibly ever need or want right now!
The culmination of all of these processes by simply placing your Hand over your Heart and Visioning is instantaneous! Many of the people I am blessed to work with have already noticed this change. Things are changing rapidly so if you need some assistance, please reach out!...We can Help! Remember, Things are Not Always What they Seem to BE!
Timeline Convergences, Dimensional Collapses and a Software Upgrade
There is a "time" for everything.....With all the massive changes taking place, timeline convergences are happening very quickly. With a little assistance, these convergences will be instrumental in allowing an easier transition from this Karmic Realm. In metaphysical terms, time is the gatekeeper. In this duality of Karma, time is linear.....time is required because of the density and structure and non-changing patterns are essential.
Labels, definitions of the labels and categories of the things representing where that label belongs is all part of the logic. In karma, you are always forced to the end conclusion of choosing between two choices, between a rock and a hard place. This has been programed into your mental mind (Artificial Intelligence or AI) Time holds the AI logic into place - this by the way is not yours!). You have to have a beginning, middle and an end for the logic to repeat. IF, THEN, ELSE, this is a programming logic loop. You always have the opposites going on that play against each other. There is always an ebb and flow - duality. Karma is based in Fear. We have been inculcated with the concepts of Time, Fear, Density, Judgments and Limitations and what we define and hold into form as Emotions. Your brain is simply a computer, a CPU (and a very slow and tiny one at that). Your body acts a data base to house emotions. But, in a logic point of view, emotions are intangible, meaning that it is very hard to quantity emotions, so the physical body encapsulates the emotional body and Voila! Now we can quantify emotions by having them present in a physical form! So, pain levels can be measured and tracked by the brain, then compared and the brain then can be easily overwhelmed by pain and discomfort - I call it being mentalled! Your head will allow you to get to levels of pain and discomfort where you cannot function. Been there? The brain is the ultimate separation from your Magic - your Heart, your Essence or YOU! We believe that things are finite, that time (and space) exists and then we hold it into form. The programmed logic keeps us in a loop that simply repeats - the scenes may be different, but the bottom line is still the same and nothing changes because of the repeated patterned logic.
So, there is an acceleration of the energy shifts affecting everyone right now. These are major and more intense even from last month. Once you are aware of your reaction (which are feelings and emotions - and remember that these are not yours!) to an event (events happen all the time and you react all the time, so it should be fairly easy for you to be aware of your feelings and emotions when they appear!), your head/brain/mental mind is done! It has done its job. The trick is to stop your thinking process dead in it tracks! Do not allow your mind to go any further by trying to figure out what, how and why the event happened! That just repeats the logic of the software program of IF, THEN, ELSE loop. Nothing changes.....Mindfooking at its finest!
So once you have stopped the thinking process by being aware of your emotion, you then place your hand over your Heart and now the following happens:
1. When you place your hand over your Heart, you are instantly in your Heartspace - it is that simple. In your Heartspace, there is NO Time, NO Limitations, NO Density, NO Judgment and NO FEAR!
2. You are then automatically Converging Timelines that were split off of you - as in past, present and future timelines that exist in the duality of this Karmic Realm. Converging the timelines brings back together into the NOW all the splintered pieces of the scene you just experienced (your emotion from the event). It make is whole at the NOW moment.
3. You are then automatically Collapsing all the dimensional planes that this emotion could possibly exist in into the NOW moment. Like collapsing all the records into one in a diner jukebox.
4. So, here is where you add, permanently, the upgrade to your software coding loop...IF, THEN, ELSE, DELETE.
5. The program that contained the emotion get deleted across the board - these instances are all the same, your mental mind had already been programmed to recognize things, give them labels and define the category where they could be separated and defined. Thus, your "ability" in the mental mind to compare and judge.....the more separation the "better"!
6. You simply the Vision the end result that you want - you need NO details! - in other words, now that the emotion is gone, you are tapping into your Heart where you have answers for everything (even to things that you have not created yet!).
7. Hold that Vision for 10 seconds and then let it go. Do not engage your mental mind.
8. Your answers and solutions will be given to you......all the answers from your Heart work....there is never any woulda-coulda-shoulda or ifs-thans-or-buts in your Heart. Then you put the answers together the way you want to and the end result that you will receive will be even better than you originally visioned! Every single time!
So, you apply this to every time you react and the emotion does not make you feel happy....It is not being OCD about things, use it a tool to help you raise your frequency. Simply being aware, and don't worry, if the program is still running, you will be guaranteed that it will be presented to you as an event to let you know it is still here! Raising your frequency by Visioning will place you into higher levels that the old frequencies don't and can't bother you! You then can shine your LOVE and LIGHT much more brightly! Then you bring everything around you UP to your oscillation frequencies - you will definitely notice that there be a difference in the Ease and a Grace and a Flow in Everything that you do!
Things are not Always What they seem to BE! And Hang onto your Hat!
When you begin to really start being aware that familiar things are really not what they have seemed to be, it can be quite mentally mind-blowing. The changes that have been afoot have simply been staggering because of the sheer magnitude and the incredulousness of the shifts that have occurred. This is all due to the massive energy changes underway from the proverbial 3D density, we have been told that we are in, into the 4D density shifts on the way to what is called the 5D density space. The weird thing is that in our Heart (our Essence), we already oscillate at a 5D Density - which is no form at all. We simply ARE. Our power to create has been usurped and has been separated on purpose to keep us in this perceived 3D density that we are told that we and the Universe is dimensional and physical in structure and nature. Ergo, the need to have a "human" physical body. Our power to create is incredible as there are not any limitations on what we can do. So, it is not so much to try to figure out how or why we gave up our power, which is most likely by being deceived, we are now finding that our ability to shine our Light/Love has now been given a new lease on "Life". These old dark black energies that have been controlling us and what we have been inculcated for thousands of years is being destroyed. Our connection to our Heart Essence is being restored and this Light is beginning to change everything we have thought was true. Our Light is the most powerful "chemical" in the multiverse and it dissolves everything but itself! We are stepping out of this duality world of this "Karmic" realm. We are not of this realm and were placed here simply to be used as an energy source being trapped in "time and limitations and a density" that were created by our power of creation against us to keep us in this Karmic realm. Many of you have been experiencing massive shifts that literally are throwing you off balance more and more often. We are changing rapidly with the restoration of our power. I definitely can assist you in using the tools available to us right now to get you back into your Heart Essence so that the changes that are here and coming will be easier to maneuver and help with the ease, grace and flow that comes with the reconnection with your Heart Essence! Know that you always have help, you never have to do anything by yourself and you will always be taken care of no matter what - this is what is already in your Heart! Believe in your Magic! Believe beyond your current beliefs!
The First Step Out of this Place
Reclaiming your Dominion is the first step of moving out of the Karmic duality that we have been subjugated in. Our Dominion is your Essence/Soul or You. You are a Human – Humans have the ability to do literally anything because your Essence can never be destroyed. This is your Soul. Even if you have no “physical” body, your Essence can never be taken away. You ARE. You are not limited by time, or limitations, you are not 3 or 4 or 5 or any D. You are already complete and whole. You have no density, you have no judgment – you are Unconditional Love/Light and are capable of Unconditional Love and we are capable of creating.
Somewhere along the way, we were tricked of giving away our Dominion. We have been enslaved on this “earth” for thousands of years for one purpose, and that is to be used as an energy source for other non-human beings that are of 2D/3D dimensional planes. We are not of the Earth and never were. The creatures that have enslaved us have used our ability to create against us – forcing their rules upon us that govern them –these are the laws of Karma (which means repeat). Karma is very dense, structured, has duality (as above, so below) and karmic patterns never change. Karma is slow and methodical and the creatures that are governed by the laws of Karma cannot create, as they either have no souls or have sold their souls and are very different than humans. They have been striving to be like humans or to incorporate human traits into their race for very long periods of time. Everything that you have been subjected to on this Earth has been set up for you to “think” that you have a human physical “body”, and you are gated/governed by time – you are told that you have a “life” in which you are born, then live/age and then die. You “reincarnate” over and over and over and Karma incorporates the phases of time, we know it as the past, present and future. All the while you are also told that your “life” is a struggle filled with emotions and mostly despair and you focus most of your energy on trying to figure out how to survive. Each time you get to experience joy and happiness, it is taken away from you so that you can generate energy to be siphoned off from you – it is all about having something and having it taken away….then you repeat it in perpetuity. The greater the emotion, the more energy is siphoned off from you. You have been told over and over again that being human is that you are weak; you have to use your “head/mind” to try to figure things out using reasoning, rationalization and logic. Answers are always on the outside, never on the inside (Heart), and you are always trying to control your outcome because of the duality nature of the emotions – good/bad, right/wrong, black/white and these are based in what we call fear. You are always trying to control the outcome, looking for answers outside of yourself, there is always a separation, and you need labels and need to define those labels so you can hold them into form believing that this is all yours. You believe that you have to give yourself worth and value, you believe that you have identity who you are, you believe that you have to perform to justify your existence, you believe that you have to defend your positions because you are in fear of having things taken away from you, you believe that you have to be somebody…..all not true…..We are not of time, we are not judgment, we are not of density as there is not any of these three things within our “heart/essence”.
Things are not ALWAYS what they seem to be! Again, our ability to create has been used against us to create a world in which we think/believe that what we see is all that there is. You have been inculcated with lies and mistruths from day one. What now is happening is that this black evil force, which uses what we call Black Magic, is being destroyed and eradicated – from externally and internally. We are “waking” up with a new awareness that our Light is indeed being able to shine brightly without being compromised. Reclaiming your Dominion will allow you to be free of any control of these creatures. Once you reclaim your Dominion, remove and unlock the locks that have been placed upon us, going “forward”, you will now have real choices when you experience an emotion. In other words, if you react to an event, and you are aware of your reaction from the event (feeling or emotion), and that feeling/emotion does not make you feel happy, then you KNOW that it is NOT yours! The emotion was the end results of having an event occur for the sole purpose to manipulate you to extract energy from you – you constantly were giving up your power involuntarily. So, now that you know that this is not yours, as you react to an event with an emotion/feeling, it is now peeling off and leaving, and you can easily let it leave. Will you miss it being gone? Never! Now, the other side of this coin, the other choice is that you can keep the old and then give away your power voluntarily.
As you begin to operate from your Heart and not your brain, you begin to see things from a very different perspective. This is about detaching from ALL attachments of every person, place or thing. You have answers right now for everything in your Heart (and you always have had answers), you were purposely separated from your Heart so that you could be controlled. You have answers in your Heart for things that you have not even created yet – but YOU are not comprised of time, destiny or fate. You have everything you need or want right now. This is where we are moving back into – our Heart!
All things are changing and change is the only constant thing in this multi-verse. You never fear change because there is no fear in your Heart. Ever! We are on our way out of this predicament. You now have choices, you can stick around and play in the duality or you can come HOME (heart) and create brand new things that have never been created.
What it means to Reclaim your Dominion and Stand in your Power
No, you do not have to pay a price for ANYTHING! In your head, your choices are between a rock and a hard place. When you play there, this will keep happening over and over and over. This is based in Fear. Fear is the base of the duality. Your fears keep all of these events occurring over and over again. So, in your Heart, you don’t have to worry, defend, give away your power or pay a price. Your head cannot ever see anything other than two choices – 1) Bad and 2) Worse. That is it! The Fear is not yours. So, why would you choose to keep it if it is not yours!
Your heaviness is coming from all the fears that you are hanging onto. You are too afraid to let them go because you fear the unknown. You think that you have to have it all figured out in your head before you can do anything and when your expectations are not met, you in to the your panic mode and it becomes a sh*tshow over and over again. These are all exactly the same thing. Do you see the pattern? These patterns do not exist in your Heart and never will. Ever!
So, Standing in your power means that:
You stop giving away You, you stop settling for less, you stop being the victim, you stop being “woe is me”, you stop trying to measure up, you stop trying to make choices in your head, you stop being angry, you stop being mad, you stop beating yourself up, you stop judging yourself, you stop comparing, your stop trying to defend your position, you stop seeing the world as trying to get you every time you turn around, you stop focusing on things that do not make happy, you stop being disappointed, you stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off you stop trying to figure things out in your head by using logic, reasoning and rationalization, you stop hating yourself and begin to Love yourself, you stop doubting yourself, you stop trying to look through the curtain that is in front of the window, you stop feeling that are not good enough, you stop thinking that you have to a pay a price for everything that you want, you stop being compromised, you stop having your voice shut down you stop being alone…..
So, now, know that you are in your Heart all the time, that you are Love, that you are Light and that your Love and your Light is your Dominion. Your Dominion is Immutable! Your Soul and Unconditional Love (your Essence) can Never be taken away. You have the Power to Create, You believe in the magic in You and you believe in YOU! You simply Are You! You have everything you need and want in your Heart right now. It is waiting for you to come HOME!
Reclaiming Your Dominion - Now You Have a Real Choice
and a word on NDE's
So reclaiming your Dominion is the first step in exiting this Karmic realm. Once you reclaim your Dominion, you are now free from involuntarily giving away your power. Yes, there still will be a Karmic realm, but now you have full control of YOU! You have choices that are not classified as "between a rock and a hard place!" Your solutions/knowing now emanate from your Heart (Love) and all of them work! So, there will be a transition period that we will experience as we leave this Karmic realm and step back fully into our Dominion/Power/Heart/Unconditional Love.
In this transition, we will experience the same types of emotional, mental and physical problems/issues that we experienced in the Karmic Realm. However, the huge difference is now when you experience something that does not make you feel good or happy, you KNOW that it is leaving and it is NOT yours! Look at it like this: I fill up a big truck full of my old stuff and garbage, come to your house, empty everything from the truck into your house, then I say, "Thanks and Goodbye" and I leave! Well, now, are you going to keep it if it is not yours? NO WAY! So, now, when events bring up feelings/emotions/physical pains, you know that these are not yours, never have been and you can now choose to keep them OR you can allow them to leave! You do not have to try to reconcile or ponder how to figure anything out! You have everything that you could possible need or want in your Heart! Right Now! You know that you are not gated by time anymore and that you have no limitations. So what is it that you cannot do? The answer is simple - Nothing! This is your Magic. The visions from your Heart always expand - heart oscillations never repeat pattern. True expansion. There is always an ease and a grace and a flow emanating from your Heart and that has never left you, it had been covered up and hi-jacked so that you could be separated from your Magic. No more! So, I have had some folks ask about NDE's (Near Death Experiences and I want to touch on this subject.
NDE’s are actually folks getting very close to leaving the Karmic realm (label this 3D) and then are yanked back and tricked again to “reincarnate” to "quote unquote" make everything better, only to repeat the cycles of “life”. Who is talking to the people that experience NDE? Angels are certainly in the duality – which is based in FEAR – as above, so below….We go nowhere again…..This still places us in a Karmic situation – life, age and death – duality - loops. Right vs wrong, opposites, etc…..and "humans" are just again, the pawns of someone or something else. We, as humans (and I am attaching that label because I am really not sure we even have a label)….Now even as the “creeps” (great label!) that have tricked “humans” to this “earth” to be energy sources are being decimated and removed, our basic only memories are “karmic”…..That is all we “know” – and all of that was contrived and we believe that it is true - (knowledge) - it has been inculcated into us at the beginning of this contrivance. “Lightworkers” are part of the story - most "lightworkers are mired in the duality as well". So please be aware of that - things are NOT what they seem to be. The "Light" we are told about is akin to the your front doorstep lightbulb. The karmic realm appears to us as duality, fighting for this and fighting for that, good vs evil and so on. We are not of this Karmic realm and never have been. We as “humans” do not need ascension as it is told to us that we are “having” to do that, we have no “life” or “death”…..we just ARE – Does the grid need to fixed? Our reality at the moment (and has been for "years" - you have been told what a year is......believe that anymore?) is based on a “mental” separation – certainly karmic – as we are still trying to figure who we are, where we came from, what it is it that we are here to do, and where are we going – and how do we “survive”? If we just simply BE, then there is no separation as we have been conditioned to believe. So, not that you cannot assist and help, but go within to you as Source as there is no fear, no judgment, no density and only “unconditional Love”, and pure imagination. So, vision what you desire and make it so…..if you believe that there is a problem, it will be given to you. Problems exist only in the mental mind….think of the holodeck on Star Trek…… can stop the program at any time! So, getting your Dominion back is a starting point to shine your Love, then, by remembering, changes the entire scenario of where you place your presence……
A Really Really Way Cool Addition to Phase Shifting!
In this Karma Game, one of the mainstays of the rules is that you are required to hang up your Magic (believing beyond your beliefs) and you then choose to use Logic, Reasoning and Rationalization to try to figure things out and control your outcome. Well, how has that been working for you?! So, I was given, through a meditation, an addition to add to the Phase Shifting technique. Now Phase Shifting is simply placing your hand over your Heart and coming Home (your Heart) after you have experienced a reaction to an event that has happened and leaving the reactions (feeling/emotions = costumes) behind! Now, this addition to the technique goes a bit farther to help unlock the logic!
The Game entails the use of logic because of the "densities" of the vibrational frequencies we are playing in. Now, I will remind you that we are being extricated from this Game and we are not going any further into the density. However, we need labels for reference points so that we can adhere to the rules of the Karma Game whilst in this 3D playground box. So, Fear, as we have created it, holds EVERYTHING into form for us. There is nothing that is not affected by Fear in this Game. So, as the Game plays out, the logic of Fear clamps down on us on how we perceive and experience all thing possible. So, the addition to the Phase Shifting is the following: Once you have placed your hand over your Heart - you have already reacted, and that reaction did not make you feel happy, then realized that you were Acting and you then wound down your performance, took a bow, said Thank You!, stepped off the stage, removed your costumes (feelings/emotions) and left them at the theatre and took a deep breath and placed your hand over your Heart.....Now, simultaneously, you begin a hum sound and continue that sound while you slowly move your eyes back and forth for about 10 seconds. The moment you start to move your eyes, the "clamp of Fear" held into place by your logic is simply unclamped! The seal if broken and the Fear immediately is mitigated! You can use this process for everything! Mental, emotional and physical! Do not do it more than twice for each phase shift.
So, I am changing the description to Really, Really Way Cool Stuff! Just 'cus! Give a whirl! I believe you will be smiling like that proverbial Cheshire Cat all the time whether you are up to something or not!
Acting! Master Thespian! Is This Who You Think You Are?
So, when was the last time you beat yourself up because you "thought" that you had done something wrong? Were you a bad Actor or Actress? NO! You have Never missed a line, EVER! and neither has anyone else in your supporting cast of characters! You are an acculumation of everything you have created. The costumes that you are wearing are the emotions and feelings that support your script that you wrote to experience. Well, in this Game we are playing, we are dressed up in costumes, selling the people in the audience, on the stage, "Acting! Master Thespian!" When you judge yourself, you are really just judging the character on the stage dressed up in costumes - NOT YOU! So, lets go back a bit to see how your movie has been constructed.
You, in effect, are You! NO one else! You are only Love and Light - nothing else! We are here to simply create and experience ALL things possible.....that is it! We created this Game to experience things like loss, being gated by time, giving your power away, having limitations, judging and comparing, setting expectations, experience the duality of right and wrong and creating Fear. All of these examples are attributes that you have gathered along the way in this "box" that do not exist in YOU (let's call that your Heart). In order to experience these scenarios, we created a "box" around within the Game that has the stage/studio ready for you to perform! Is all this real? Yes! We have the ability to create anything we desire! In this Game, like any other Game, there are rules that govern what you can and cannot do within the Game Most of us are not even aware what the rules are! That is also part of the Game! Unknown, Fear, Mistrust and always trying to control the outcome are major pillars in the Game. Fear and Mistrust are the underlying themes of every performance on stage in this Game. The costumes in your performance are just the surface facades that fit into the set and scene as it is presented to you as you experience your events. Things are not always what they seem to BE!
You are an Actor/Actress in this Game. Nothing else. This is not you! An Actor/Actress is simply portraying someone that they are NOT! It is exactly the same thing in this Game. When you judge "yourself" in this Game, you are NOT judging you, you are judging the character in the costumes! You are a master thespian and you have never missed a line! Ever! But it is simply a performance. When you get mad and are upset at yourself, you are believing that you did something wrong (as in right vs. wrong) - not is the Actor/Actress that you are portraying that you are targeting. If you are in costume and you blame the Actor/Actress, does it make any sense that you would judge the Actor/Actress for performing what was in the script? NO! it doesn't! So, knowing this information, it make it much more easy for you to be aware of your costumes. Wearing the costumes is not right, wrong, good or bad. You simply created them so you could experience all things possible (and in this case, you can create infinitely within the "box", but you are still limited by the rules of the Game. We are leaving this "box" and the Game at a very rapid accelerated clip!
So, when you react to an event (you are on stage in costume), and you are aware of your reaction (which is your emotions and feelings - these are your costumes), and that reaction to your emotions and feelings DO NOT make you feel happy, then you are at a choice point, or a tap on your shoulder reminding you that you HAVE costumes on! Now, you can choose to leave the costumes on and continue to act out the scene AGAIN OR you can choose to wind-down your performance, take a bow, say aloud "Thank You", step off the stage, hand me the costumes, and leave the studio and come home into your Heart (Phase Shift). Are you going to miss the costumes and expending all that "time", effort and energy in portraying someone you are NOT and that does not make you Happy? Nope! Not ever! Now, you can focus more and more on things that you know that you DO want! This will make you Smile Big Time!
Within this Game that we are currently playing, we are gated by time, have limitations, you give your power and are subject of having everything you "think" you own (read, "think you have") taken away from you - this is what we define as "death". In the Game, there are conditions for everything because of Fear, based in the duality of the Game. This Game is packed full with "If's, "woulda- shoulda-couldas" and scary "unknowns"!
"If" only happens in your head, "woulda- shoulda-coulda" only happens in your head...meaning that you are trying to control your outcome because you are in FEAR! How is this logic, reasoning and rationalization working for you? Appears that things are not getting any better and you are desperately looking for answers outside of yourself to figure this all out before you run out of time!😉...Feel familiar? Well, until you decide to choose to really believe in yourself and trust in yourself and Love yourself just the way you are....Nothing will change....Ever! You will go in circles, forever. You will not find your answers outside of yourself....Ever! There are NO "IFs" in your Heart (who you really ARE). The answers are all within, waiting for you to come home!
The antithesis is all of this is BEING. Which, by-the-way, is WHO you are anyway! You simply ARE! You can't disappear or go anywhere! The Game is just a Game! That is all it is! Just another creation that we created because we COULD! We are rapidly changing and winding down this Game. Changes of transformation (as we can define it) are going on right now. Change is the only thing that is constant. We are constantly changing and in the Game, we fear change because we have created a Game to experience all things possible with conditions and limitations with duality (as in Right and Wrong) and trying to control the outcome!
Now, place your hand over your Heart and close your eyes, take a deep breath, then say aloud "I need some help please, Thank You!"....Now stay quiet and calm for 5 minutes....and do NOT engage your brain!😇...Then once that is complete, go do something that makes you smile, laugh, giggle and have fun!😄✨✨✨And Enjoy it!...😇
Time to Come Home from the Pinball Arcade!
So, we are rolling into the calendar year 2021 with 2020 in the rear view mirror. 2020 has been characterized by many as "tumultuous" at best! I can compare it to the following scenario: As 2020 began, you asked your parents to drop you off at the Pinball Arcade to have some vicarious and innocuous fun! So, they comply with your wishes and drop you off. You go into the Arcade but something weird happens. You now become the "Pinball"! Yikes! AND there is a plethora of Flippers! Everywhere! Also, there is a post that is in place between the big flippers at the bottom of the pinball machine that can ONLY be released by hitting a small target that is placed way up in the left-hand corner that will take a 1 million to 1 chance of you, the pinball, hitting that target that releases the post between the big flippers at the bottom of the pinball machine! So, you are Always in Play!
So, needless to say, the year of 2020 has ratcheted up the flipper action in the Pinball Machine. The magnitude of the shifts and changes that we have been experiencing have been huge. Just look back, if you dare, and notice how big the changes you went through. These changes all had to happen. These old energies, based in fear, are on the way out or in other words, you are leaving them behind! So, you have been flipped and flung all over the place non-stop! Some have experienced being close or in Defcon 1 mode - shut down, overwhelmed, exhausted, beyond tired and stressed to the max. These changes have affected Everyone! So, you are not alone. This has been the beginning of us step out of the old energy patterns and into the new higher vibrational frequencies. We are leaving ALL of the old behind. This is actually very good! On one hand, it probably was not the most pleasant of experiences! But on the other hand, they won't happen again and will go away!
Well then, let's say you got that perfect carom hit on the target in the Pinball Machine (and of course, it was divinely orchestrated) and the post between the flippers was released AND at that same time, you got a call from your parents saying that they are outside waiting for you to come out so all of you can go to dinner! You go through the flippers and get out of the Arcade! Bon Apetit!
Now going forward will be easier. You are and will be given clarity to "see" things as you want them to be! It will be different than before. There will be more ease and grace and flow in everything you do! It will make you smile because these old things are not coming back!
Moving from Defcon 1 to Defcon 5 or (Smile, it is easier than you "think")
You may have heard of the designations of situations using the phrase of Defcon 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 that represents the current situation status of your surroundings which is usually based on a larger scale - locally, regionally, or globally. So, since you are the center of your Universe, I will now apply this scale to you individually, as you are the most important part of this equation. Remember, the basic bottom line of you being here in this "3D physical" form is ALWAYS being preeminently focused on one thing - Am I still breathing?!! And that is based in fear and the Rules of the Karma Game are governing the parameters of your Movie! Now given the magnitudes of the shifts and changes you have been and are experiencing right now and how much "Space Junk" that your head has been packing around (Also remember that You are an accumulation of everything that you have ever created and all of that Space Junk you have conveniently stuffed in your back pack is waiting for you to play out your next scenes the next morning when you step out of your Heart and onto theater/studio set in a familiar, contemporary fashion with context so you can experience it some more, Again!)
In the Karma game, your are to use your head to "think" (How has that been working for you?!) You are to use reasoning, rationalization, logic and analytics. You "think" you are here to figure things out, make things happen and to try to manifest things. Again, how has that been working out for you? So, you are working with a very limited set of solutions, with limitations and being gated by time and also what is playing is that the Karma game is set up so you will always be giving away your power. You are always trying to control the outcome of everything and at the same time trying to focus on if you are still breathing! Your head can be easily overwhelmed - the odds are always stacked against you! Now, getting back to the Defcon levels.
Being in Defcon 5 is in a state of relaxation and everything is good. Defcon 1, on the other-hand , is EVERYTHING is SHTF! Levels 2, 3 and 4 are describing the severity in between 1 and 5. In this "human" form, in the Karma game, we tend to hover at or around 2.5 to 3 all the time. This is because of how the game is set up: always coming from a position of lack, the duality (right and wrong) of everything, trying to control the outcome and being in fear most of the time.
So the changes that we are experiencing now, just mention the year 2020 to anyone and you will receive almost the same flavor of comments and sentiments from everyone! The magnitude of the shifts are very large - it is all about moving into a higher vibrational frequencies and old energies being moved away. Everyone is being affected one way or the other and to varying degrees of severity! And there are a bunch of folks experiencing releases in an en masse release of old energies simultaneously! This basically is a Defcon 1 moment - and the effect is so great that the "human" body simply shuts down - it gets overwhelmed with the sheer amount of energy releasing all at once. On one hand, it really sucks, because they cannot function in a normal way, presenting very obvious physical aches and discomforts that leaves them pretty much incapacitated for a couple of days. I have experienced these types of symptoms about 10 years ago. It is not a pleasant experience. However, and this is very important, you will get through it - it is a way that the human body shuts down because of the self-preservation mode that we all have within us as we experience this game in the physical sense of the word (and it also effects us emotionally and mentally as well!). If you have experienced something like this, I can assist in helping smooth out, align, balance, attenuate, attune, harmonize and calibrate your biofields. In other words, the old Space Junk is gone and now, a tune up is just what you need! Kinda like a new YOU! Like being in Defcon 5 - in your Heart! with an Ease and a Grace and a Flow! Using the phase shifting techniques will also help in bringing you into a new space and frequency. It will make you smile big time!
Are You Who You Think You Are?
(or Kabuki Theater at its Finest!)
In this Karmic Game that we have created, one of the big questions that most of us have tried to figure out from time to time is, "Who Am I?" Well, that is part of the Game! We think we have to figure out who in the heck we are AND also contemplate the rest of the circular, no right answer questions to fill out the rest of the questions that are postulated in the Game, and these are:
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
What am I supposed be doing?
What is my purpose?
Where am I going?
Found any answers for these yet? Or have you simply compromised and grabbed onto something that you know may not last and settle for less? Thought so! Well, don't beat yourself up! There are no answers to these questions other than contemplating your navel! You can confidently take ALL of those questions and simply toss them in the Dumpster! That's Right! You don't need them, never did and never will! Don't try to figure them out! They don't matter anyway!
In the Game, one of the rules is that you have to try to identify who you think you are, and that is solely based on what you have been doing or thinking about doing. This is part of your drive to feel that you have to perform, the costumes you have been wearing are the emotions and feelings that you express when you step out of your Heart in the morning directly onto the Stage to begin another day of Master Thespian Acting! The definition of an actor is simply one of portraying someone you are NOT! In the Game, you are Acting! And you have never missed a line, Ever! That is how Awesome you ARE! But that is not You! You are playing out your character attributes (based on what you have created) in your Movie or Book! Again, you are the Movie Star or the lead character of your Book! The Game is all about creating and experiencing ALL things possible within the confines of the Karmic Box that we have created. You are an accumulation of everything that you have created - and that is what your head (in this physical form) packs this "stuff" around for you - that is about the extent that it can do anyway! This then "shapes" how you see, hear, feel, smell and think and experience who you "think" you are based on what is in your "backpack" or all your costumes to carry out your performances on stage!
When you take your director's chair up on the hill and view your Movie from a little bit wider perspective you will begin to "see" how everything has been placed and set up for you to do your Acting! You step directly out your Heart every morning into the theater. The scene, set, stage, environment, props and the actors/actresses are already there so you can experience the same emotions/feelings over and over again! Remember, Karma means comeback and it simply repeats (in many different scenarios) until you decide that you are done performing on stage! It will be obvious that what you are watching is Kabuki theater at it's finest! So, performing is all about trying to control the outcome and reduce as many variables as possible, trying to figure things out, using an inordinate amount of energy to stay alive, trying to prove yourself and just hanging up your magic so you can try to justify your existence by thinking that you have assign value and worth to yourself. This is the antithesis to being home in your Heart - your Love, Trust, Belief is already there! It is okay to take the masks off!
One of the biggest fears that we experience in this Game is that it is very hard for us to "let go" of the costumes. A very common question is, "If I let this go, who am I going to be?" Oh, that has an easy answer - YOU! You cannot be anyone else! No one can take You away from You! In your Heart, it does not matter who you think you are! It is simply immaterial! You are Love and Light! You are a Perfect Idea in Divine Mind (this means Heart), Pure Substance, Expressing Perfection! You cannot be anything LESS!
We are rapidly changing and leaving the old frequencies behind! We cannot bring them with us even if we tried! Once you get the hang of allowing all these old energies to leave and KNOW that you will never miss them, you literally come Home where there is an Ease and a Grace and a Flow with Everything that you do! This will make you smile big time!
FOMO is the acronym for Fear of Missing Out! This is not a new phenomenon! It is as old as the ages. In this Karmic Game, you are gated by time. How you define Time governs everything that you do. It is always in place and it is the gatekeeper that keeps you in the constant state of comparing, monitoring and judging.
So, the bottom line of the Karmic Game is that you will lose everything at the end by the so-called "death" that we created to experience. You are still here, just not in the defined physical form that you think that is you! The Game is also all about having things and then having them taken away. This happens very often. So, the FOMO moments are set up by setting Expectations. Expectations is the Law of Karma in which you will always be disappointed because you will never meet your Expectations. These Expectations are en-wrapped in your quest to Perform. In the Karma Game, you have to Perform in everything that you do. In essence, you have to hang up all of your Magic at the saloon door before you can go to the bar to get your warm sarsaparilla! You believe that you have to do everything by yourself to prove that you are worthy and have value and that you are trying to be perfect because you think that by doing things that is who you are! (Not So!) But what transpires is something that happens even though you are trying to control all the variables in the equation of life as best you can. It will not end up where you think you should never will, as long as you are setting Expectations. Time rules the Law of Expectations. You will always have deadlines to make you feel that have to complete something by a certain period of time or else you have not succeeded or somehow you have failed. And what happens, you always are running out of time, there is never enough time to complete what you think you need to accomplish. Then, what occurs, is that you have to settle for less, beat yourself up, go into the woulda-coulda-shoulda's and again, you are disappointed. Which then leads to the anxiety that overwhelms your thoughts because you judge yourself and compare to what you thought that you HAD to accomplish and what you did not accomplish. Your performance simply does not measure up. Only if you had more time or you had less to do, this would make it so much more simple. The FOMO moments come as you define that you can only do certain things once - take age for example. I have to do this before I get to this age, and other conditions you place upon yourself because you too young or too old to do something. Or, maybe you have heard of bucket lists - things that you would like to do or want to do before you end the Game by not being here in a physical body! Ever make a list of things to do? Do you feel pressure to complete them and did you assign a timeline to your lists so you can cross them off to see where you are? Yeah, I thought so! So fear is wrapped up in the FOMO moments based on the need to perform within a certain period of time. So, ready for the secret weapon?
You already have it! It is in your Heart! In your Heart is the Law of Expectancy. This means that whatever you need or want is ALREADY there! Your Magic - your Love, Belief, Trust and Faith in You is already there! It has always been there and it can never be taken away from you! EVER! In your Heart, there is never any FOMO moments. You can never miss out on anything because in your Heart, there is no Time, no limitations and the Law of Attraction does not apply. You simply have everything you need and want as you wish and as much as you want. So, when you employ the Phase Shifting with the Detach Free-fall method, you simply are going into your Magic and becoming your changes before the changes become You! Believe me, when you get a hankering for a cold sarsaparilla on a hot dusty day, you don't have to hang up your Magic at the saloon door and end up settling for the usual warm sarsparilla that typically is waiting for you!
Balancing the Root Chakra of the Root Chakra and Free-Falling Detachment
As in the divine timing of everything and the major shifts and changes going on right now, it was brought to my attention that there is a new twist to an old belief or view of energy hubs in the physical body that we define as chakras. The work is directed to the root chakra of the root chakra. This is the "gyroscope" of the physical body and when it gets out of balance, the rest of the biofields of the body are affected and present what we commonly call physical dis-EASE (or there is something wrong). Now, this concept of each major chakra having a full compliment of a set of chakras is not new, the timing has arrived to allow the attenuation of the root chakra of the root chakra from a very different dimensional other words, it is now accessible! So, I am incorporating this technique with everyone I work with from now on....This gyroscope is like the automatic pilot in a plane or helicopter. Many of may be familiar with making a clay pot on a pottery wheel.....well, you can certainly produce some pretty out-of-balance pots! So, up to now, your head was in charge of making the adjustments/alignments - yeah, how has that been working out for you?!!! Now, your Heart can be directly "hard-wired" so that the attenuation and aligning becomes second nature! This is a good thing! By accessing this root chakra of the root chakra in this manner, it allows everything else in the physical body to align much more easily (that includes emotional and mental aspects as well!). This fits nicely into the Phase Shifting technique!
Now speaking of Phase Shifting, remember this is releasing and going into visioning (active creation), I was given a new guidance to tack onto the Phase Shift. I have given it a label of Free-Fall Detachment. So, to describe this, you may be familiar with the space shuttle and the international space station. Well, when the space shuttle is ready to leave to come back to Earth, the shuttle is release and it detaches to complete its descent. Here, you are the shuttle and the emotion/feeling is the space station. This is where the Free-Fall Detachment comes in to play. So, when you Phase Shift out of any costume (emotion/feeling) and as soon as your hand touches your Heart Chakra (Stargate), you then Meld, Synch, and Go into your Heart. Then after that has happened, vision that as you detach from the emotion/feeling and you simply Free-Fall (now this is not out of control free falling), you simply unhook, detach and you watch the space station (emotion/feeling) disappear over the horizon. The folks that I have already shared this technique with have noticed a big difference in how they feel. This technique and the attuning of the root chakra of the root chakra is very powerful, efficient and effective! This all about the acceleration of US moving to new frequencies where we will be operating "outside" the box and directly from the Heart! This definitely will make you smile!
Things Are Not Always What They Seem To BE!
Many of us have had experiences where we think that we have seen something, swear that it happened and then later find out what actually really happened. And we are stunned! How could that be? For example, if you are to report to your insurance company about details of what may have happened when you witnessed an accident, have you ever reported one thing that you were "sure" about, only to come back later and change what you reported? This happens all the time. Our brain will be looking to piece together things that are not quite familiar and then squeeze it down into something that it has already familiar with trying to make sense of it? Have you ever "seen" faces in rock formations? Same thing! What we "see" is not an illusion, it is part of the Game. We always are wanting to try to control the outcome and to bring things into a familiar form that allows us to "narrow" down the variables. Then they are manageable from a rational/reasoning mental point of view. Well, in the Game, say for example that you come to my office to discuss some things and we go into a meeting room - the meeting room has one wall that has a window in it. I mention that I forgot to bring some things needed for the meeting and I tell you to take a look out the window while I run and get the material. When I return to the room, I find you standing in front of the wall staring at it. I ask, "What are you doing?" and you answer, "The view through this window is terrible!" Then I reply, "Oh, that may be because it is a WALL!" I then suggest that you take a couple of steps to your left that places you in front of the real window! You exclaim, "Wow! This is Awesome! I didn't know it was here!" So, long story short, your head will always get you "stuck" pointing in a direction that gives you a very limited view. It will put you between a rock and a hard space all the time because that is all it can do! Your choices are very narrow and if you do want something, you have to "pay" a price to get what you want. And that price can be pretty steep! That is part of the Game - everything is conditional - always a quid pro quo - AND you will always be on the short end of the deal! In your Heart, nothing is conditional - you don't have to give up anything to have what you desire! I can assist you to getting you "off" stage and back into your Heart! Tap back into your Magic! Let's make it happen!
Contraction, Compression and Expansion
Well, there are massive shifts afoot - and they are not little by any stretch of the imagination! All kinds of folks are experiencing huge emotional and mental releases - most commonly felt via the physical discomforts of the human body. We are an accumulation of everything that you have created and in the character development of your character in your movie or your book, you have created the layers of costumes that have defined who you think you are! Certainly, the performance costume is underneath all of these, but as you developed your character, you have added "layers" of costumes to enhance your performance of acting it all out. The release of these costumes is now coming into full force because of the changes (and the presence of the Sapphire Blue) going on and will continue until all the costumes are completely off. Remember, you are stepping out of the old into the new (out of your head, or Karma game and back into your Heart!) and this process is accelerating! I have been noticing more and more people experiencing at least a quadrupling of the intensity of these releases when triggered by events that they thought they had already cleared. These come about because of the adding of these attributes that they have gathered, assigned and defined as part of their character. These additions cause a contraction of their costumes, and then the costumes become compressed...You really begin to identity who you are by what you do - it is very hard to let go of this. We think (mentally) that we have dealt with these types of the things and they are gone.....Not so! What is happening with the energies now, is the old is leaving - now it is ALL of the costumes, including the underlying performance costumes - things are expanding at a very rapid rate and fast! Expansion - just like a kernel of popcorn popping! So, if you have been experiencing things with this type of intensity, I can assist moving you through these energies. These shifts are truly remarkable!
The Energy behind the CV Situation
and The Real Deal of Phase Shifting
The Energy behind this CV situation that is currently affecting the world is all about the changes that have been on-going and it is really about bringing up the karmic mass collective fears to the surface en masse. The fears are manifesting because we cannot take them with us into the higher dimensional planes - moving out of the Karmic energies and back into our HeartSpace. They are leaving but in a way that we have never experienced. Yes, it is very real and it affects each of us in different ways. I have been working in tandem with my wife on mitigating the ferociousness of the virus with a "nanotechnology" energetic neutralization process and then bringing it down to this 3D level to infuse and render the virus (read fears) incapable of producing a "dis-ease". Also, there was a very large universal shift about two weeks ago and we have been noticing a blue sapphire/lapis color beginning to become much more pronounced in the energies. It is quite amazing. Using the Phase Shifting techniques will help you discover how you can maintain your cool with all of this uproar going on! I am holding Space and Energy for Everyone and I invite all of you to join in sending NOTHING but LOVE and LIGHT from YOUR HEART to Everyone! It will make a big difference!
In last month's Energy Update, I laid out three different usages of Phase Shifting. 1) Phase Shifting 3 times in the morning for no reason; 2) Phase Shifting on the Fly or Retroactively; and 3) Phase Shifting using the Visioning for things that you want. The Real Deal of #3 is the Visioning. This is Active Creation in action! This is your Magic which has ALWAYS been in your Heart! It is your Creativity, Imagination and Inspiration! Your Trust, Belief and Love.....and these can never be taken away from you! EVER! So, when you Vision, you tap into (and out of the Karmic dimensional space) ALL things possible without being gated by time! With the shifts and the acceleration the energies now underway, it is very important to be aware of how you can adjust and align with the shifts simply by operating from your Heart. The Visioning is effortless and works very reliably! It is like the saying, "What would you do, if you knew you could not fail?" Anything you Want! My sessions are incorporating these techniques and to say the least, the power of the energies in the sessions are very high! It will make you smile!
Phase Shifting Update
I have been receiving quite a few "way cool" emails and txts regarding Phase Shifting! And they are overwhelmingly exciting reports at that! As I have mentioned beforehand, I have been doing Phase Shifting for quite some time and just after Christmas of this past year, I was nudged to begin sharing this process with others on a larger scale. One big reason to do this was due to the major shifts in the Universal energies that have been taking place all around us AND the shifts are accelerating at a very rapid pace! Many people are now are in a space, whereby, by using this technique, can really be quite effective and efficient with a little bit of practice. It is very simple and really helps "cut to the chase" of what we would describe as a metaphysical "clearing and releasing" process. Phase Shifting is closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and then place your hand over your Heart Chakra. Your Heart Chakra becomes a "stargate" into your Heart. As soon as your hand touches your chest, you immediately begin to Meld your hand through the "stargate" and then "synch" your dimensional physical body to follow simultaneously into the "stargate", then Go completely into the "stargate"! In other words, you are leaving behind old energies (frequencies) that cannot come with you (or resonate) with the frequencies that are already in your Heart! Remember, everything you would ever possibly need or want is already there! It has never gone anywhere.
We have just created all things possible "outside" of our Heart to experience them in this "Game of Life"!
So, there are three areas that you can apply Phase Shifting to practice:
1) In the morning, as part of your daily routine (or your homework!), simply do the Phase Shifting exercise three times for NO reason at all! It will allow you to connect to your Magic and you will feel the peacefulness within and your chatter in your head will automatically decrease! This is a good thing!
2) If you react to an event, and you are aware of your reaction and the feeling and emotions that you experience do NOT make you smile, then you know where your focus of attention is being placed (emotions = vibrational frequencies) and this is what you are telling the Universe to help support so you can experience them - Again!! So, now, you will want to acknowledge the emotions/feelings, say "Thank You" (don't beat yourself up, regret, rue, or resist the emotions/feelings), then close your eyes, take a deep breath, place your hand over your Heart Chakra and Meld, Synch and Go! into your Heart and leave the event, emotions/feelings (removing your costume for your scene) behind and go to the place where these old programs (frequencies) cannot exist! Your Heart! Now, do a second and sometimes a third pass to make sure you get ALL of the costumes to be left behind1 You can do this technique on the fly or retroactively! Cool Stuff!
3) You also can perform this technique if you desire anything! Simply vision (from your Heart - dreams and imagination) what it is that you would desire (for example, visioning that you are seeing yourself already there) don't need a lot of details...Now you may have asked or wished for something and it never came to fruition because of various extenuating circumstances, so this is like being in a very deep swimming pool with no water in it, you can see out but you can't escape from the pool. Now, we will fill the pool with water and you can now float up to reach the ladder and climb out.....the instant that you pop your head up out of the pool you see that everything you have asked for (plus more!) is surrounding the pool! Vision that you are already where you asked to be - now close your eyes, take a deep breath, place your hand over your Heart Chakra and as soon as your hand touches your chest (stargate), you immediately Meld, Synch and Go into your Heart! The details will then be given to you to fill out your wishes or dreams! Simply holding this vision into form and focusing on already being there (then letting it go - trust), the Universe is obligated to bring it to you (but the cool thing is, it will always be better than what you dreamed of in the first place!) It will make you smile big time! Give these examples a whirl and tap into the Magic of You! Please send me any questions that you may have about Phase Shifting and I would be happy to assist you. I am referencing this Phase Shifting technique as "Really Way Cool Stuff! :)
The Universe Never Tests You and Have you Allowed the Guava Fruit to Drop from the Tree?
I had a question posed to me last month about being tested by the Universe:
Person: Michael, I have to message you because a lady did a free reading on me yesterday. What she said sort of shook me up! To paraphase, here is what I was told: “with the insight view of your picture, I see you rolling in a circle, I see you taking a step like a baby, you take 2 steps forward and 5 step backwards. I see you loosing it when it seems very close. I see you are also desire to get a very special gift from the universe but is not getting to you. I see this as costing you, thinking too much and feeling restless. I see life is giving you opposite of what you are putting into it.”
Person: Now, I did think... Is this the universe testing me?
Nope, the Universe never tests – you are the Universe – it is your movie. The Universe is centric to you You created it! All of it! – Not the other way around. No, there is nothing to be worried about. We create all things possible – that is what we do – you created this person because of the doubts that you have created in the programs that are running within you. She is an actress just mirroring back your fears in the script that you wrote. There is never any healing that needs to be done. There is nothing wrong with any of us and never has been. This experience of “karma” is simply something we created as a “physical” human form to experience limitations and to be gated by time that plays you – in other words, you lose “everything” at the end (“death”). So, what we do within the karma game is to experience the duality – based in fear….there is not, nor has there ever been fear in your heart. You can create anything you desire, you have no limitations and you are not bound by time. So, the special gift that she referred to is simply already in your heart, however, in the karmic game, we will always tend to look outside ourselves for answers and solutions – you will never find them because they are not there. This is why you simply can discard all the costumes and look within first. Love, Trust and Believe in you first. Seeking in this game will just have looking far and wide for answers that will never be found until you discover that your magic, your gift is right there in your Heart. You know where Heaven on Earth is? On Earth as it is in Heaven, it is your Heart!……So, she brought up the doubts, the fears, the questions – these emotions/feelings are on the surface now……if you are aware of your reactions……now you have a choice… can keep them or you can phase shift into the next higher dimensional space that does not contain them….which means, your focus of attention is on things that you know that you do want and not on things that you know that you don’t want, but you do not have to pay a price!……..Your masters will appear when the student is ready…….You are ready and always have been!…… listen to your Heart – it will ALWAYS tell you what is True.
Now, I would like to share an event that really sums up our Magic and how to see the dynamics of how this karmic game is structured! This will allow you to understand how you choose to play the Game! I call it "Have You Allowed the Guava Fruit to Drop from the Tree?" So, let me share this story with you. My client was out on a walk on her property and on her property is a guava tree and the fruit is ripe and ready to eat. She headed on her walk to where the guava tree stands. As she neared the tree, she noticed that the low hanging fruit had already been harvested and enjoyed. And as she looked up in the tree, she could see ripe fruit that she could not reach without having a ladder or not being able to climb the tree to obtain the fruit. She mouthed aloud, "Gee, wouldn't it be awesome if a guava fell out of the tree (so I can enjoy it - as she had already enjoyed some the low hanging fruit that was previously available)?" She then spent a bit of time under the tree just enjoying the space and then it was time to head back to the house. As she took 4 - 5 steps away from the tree, she heard a "thud". She turned around and much to her delight, a guava fruit had fallen from the tree! Oh, yeah, it was ripe and it was delicious AND it made her smile!
So, here is the rest of the story! In the Karmic box/game, we need labels to hold things into form (these are vibrational frequencies, just like everything else in our Universe) because the "mental/mind" part of this experience is very small and limited. You are always trying to control the outcome and trying to figure out the How, Why, When, Where, What, Who questions, never answering all of them because of the inherent limitations based on a very tiny solution set and being gated by Time (BTW - you are always running out of Time in this game) and then you will lose everything at the end of the day! These are the rules of the game. For all intents and purposes, the guava fruit had Already dropped from the tree before she even contemplated taking the walk. But, here is how the labels hold everything into place: As she approached the tree, she already know that the low hanging fruit was already picked and consumed (she helped!), and she also was aware that the fruit higher in the tree would be there because no one provided a ladder and/or the tree was too small to support climbing. So, the metaphor for the fruit that she could see but couldn't reach was a classic karma tenet - You can see it but you can't have it UNLESS you pay a price for this case, she didn't have a ladder to reach the fruit - the ladder represents the effort and energy needed to obtain the fruit. So, she was seeing and experiencing her labels - low hanging fruit is gone, unavailable and the higher fruit can't be had unless she makes an effort and "pays" a price to get them. Also, what I have not mentioned, is all the other labels that were in play here....the tree, by its very nature, in order to bear fruit is subject to a cycle, where it buds, flowers, the flowers are pollinated, the fruit grows, ripens, fruit is ready to consume, the fruit is harvested, then the leaves fall off and the tree goes in a dormancy and then the cycle repeats itself. So, this is just one of the examples what we hold into form with our labels and definitions of what we put in the drawer with the labels. Things are not what they seem to be! Can a ripe guava fruit fall out of a "dormant" guava tree? The answer is yes......if you believe.....To quote Monet again, "To see, one must forget the name of the thing that you are looking at". If you have opened your hands and placed your little fingers together and touched your palms to the your nose and open your eyes, you see a very close up view of your palms and fingers. This is your box, the labels are very limiting. Now there is nothing right, wrong, good or bad here - it just is! A vibrational frequency.....nothing more.
So the next time you feel that you are "stuck", feel resistance to something, feel you have to pay a price to get something you desire, then pay attention to where your focus of attention is being placed. Be aware of the labels, each has a different vibrational frequency that translates into what you "see" and experience. What you believe in will be given to you, the Universe does not judge, it just supports your movie (or where you place your focus). For examples, your fears will be realized just as easily as something that make you happy......Be careful what you ask for in the duality of this karmic game! Now, once you are aware of your reaction to an event as an emotion or a feeling, and you ascertain that these emotions/feelings do not make you feel happy, then you have a choice, a tap on the shoulder from the Universe. Now you have a choice, keep the labels in place (not wrong, right, good or bad) OR you can phase shift through your Heart into the place where you vision that you are in the next dimensional plane where what you just experienced that produced your reactions/feelings do NOT exist! In other words, have you allowed the guava fruit to drop from the tree? Now, simple phase shift, outstretch your hand and allow the guava drop into your literally can have your guava and eat it too! Bon Appetit!
So, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound? AND Phase Shifting.....
I was recently asked this question, "So, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?" Well, this another circular college Philosophy class question......there is never any right or wrong answer - you just end up taking sides and contemplating your navel a bit more - this is just more space junk that your head will latch onto and not let it go! It really does not MATTER! What does matter is what you Believe. If you believe that the tree does make a sound, that is okay. If you believe that the tree does NOT make a sound, that is also okay. The Universe just brings you what you believe in - there is no judging, nudging or advising from the Universe. Beliefs are simply vibrational frequencies, just like everything else that we have created. Your beliefs are simply what you have been carrying around in your backpack! You are an accumulation of everything that you have created and you are playing out your roles in this karma box (and actually the game is playing us!). The Universe is just supporting your movie - it will supply the scene, set, environment, stage and the actors - you write the scripts and produce and direct your movie! So, it is just as easy to realize your fears as it is to realize something that makes you happy! But, we have created all of this simply because we could so we could experience it!
Now, if you don't think that you are a powerful being, simply look out your window or step outside and take in everything that you can see, plus all the things that you don't see but are aware, what most of us don't realize is that YOU created all of are at the center of this world/universe! Then compare what we have been in - the Karmic Box - oh, yeah, we created this as well and as referenced to in last month's energy update, the labels keep us from "seeing" past your fingers! Bend your fingers down so that you can "see" or "believe" beyond your beliefs! The miracles are right in front of your nose, Always have been!
I would like to share a technique that I call "Phase" Shifting......I have been doing this for quite some time now and with the change of the state of the universal energies as they stand right now, it is "time" to share this....It is very simple and actually an aggregation of all the clearing and releasing techniques that I have discussed beforehand. So, here how it is implemented....You react to an event, you are aware of your reaction, and then you decide that emotion/feeling that you just experienced does not make you happy. So, you place your hand over your Heartspace and then take a short breath, hold it for 3 seconds (okay to exhale) and allow your hand to "meld" into your Heart (like touching a stargate veil). Allow yourself to follow your hand through into the next dimensional plane where the vibrations are higher than the one that you just experienced your emotions/feelings. In this higher dimensional plane, what you experienced cannot come with you, in other words, the old "lower" vibrations that contained your reactions stays behind. You phase into the next higher dimension that the old lower vibrations cannot resonate in form. You can't take the old with you! You can apply this technique with ALL mental, emotional and physical reactions (these are essentially all the same). Start practicing this technique and you will find that after a little bit of practice, you will notice bigger shifts and sensations and a "deeper" meld into your Heart. So, give this a whirl!
Trying to Control the Outcome and Removing Labels!
In the Karmic game, the game is playing you. You have chosen to create within a "box" things such as labels with defined limitations and the all important gatekeeper, Time. Imagine all the drawers on the wall with labels and the definitions assigned to the labels and then these are held into form (belief systems, truths or vibrational frequencies) so we can experience them in the movie we have created to experience. We created this game because we could! It is not a why question! This is all about experiencing all the different ways to experience the "separation" between the head (mental awareness) and your Heart! In your Heart, you have no limitations and it is timeless. So, you are an accumulation of everything you have created (which is a bazillions of things) and your bring them with you to play this Karmic game and it plays out as you experience this contemporary lifetime. In this game, you are governed by limitations bounded by Time - these are the rules of the game and at the end of the Karmic game, physical bodies cease to exist (at least that is the illusion) AND you have Lost Everything and you get to start over to "learn" lessons that you already have "learned" that is in your Heart right now. When you "complete" Karmic cycles, (Aha moments), it is about you gathering up all the pieces and parts of you that have been scattered about the Universe to create the illusion that you 'Have' to work on learning your lesson, bringing them back together so that you can move into the next level of the game (called ascension in some circles).
In the game of Karma, you are trying to control the outcome - trying desperately to answers all the how, who, what, where, when, why questions so that you can step forward without any fear....problem is though, you will answer most of those questions but never answer all of them. This creates the doubts and fears of us going forward. It creates what we call risks, nothing is certain....Classic Karma is based in duality - always the opposites have to be defined and held in to form. You find would-coulda-shoulda's all over the place. You find indecisions, such as is this good, is this bad and so on. Such is the nature of this Karmic box experience. This is the land of logic, reasoning, rationalization and analytics (there is nothing of the sort in your Heart). Nothing wrong with any of these - you are doing the best that you can with the limited solutions you have. Also, remember, in the grand scheme of things, you are not here to try to figure things out, make something happen or manifest anything! Not your job! However, in the Karmic Box using your intellect (knowledge) is where you land in the mud - usually face down! When you are in your Heart, you never have to try to control anything....simply vision what it is that you want (what makes you happy), then place your hand over your heart and ask! You already have solutions for everything right now in your Heart and you already have solutions for everything that you Have not even created yet! You have the tools and the knowing of how to use them NOW! There are no doubts in your Heart or any fear. A reminder, we can create anything and we can dissolve anything that we have created...Because we can! In your Heart, where your Magic is and always will be, you are simply a huge big ball of Love and Light! This is who you really are! Quoting Florence Shinn, "You are a perfect Idea in Divine Mind, pure substance, expressing perfection!" You cannot be anything less! (BTW -Divine Mind means Heart). You are not here to be perfect, but everything you create is perfect! You simply are here to create and experience ALL things possible! That's it! So, the Karmic game is something we created to experience! Nothing more!
So, notwithstanding the above, in the Karmic box, we are very used to assigning labels to everything and then defining the labels with our belief systems (vibrational frequencies) of what we have created. These are the drawers on the wall that we fill up with literature (or your database that you fill up your hard drive with). We typically define who we are by what we do or have done. Just ask someone what it is that they do - they will let you know - they will also hand you a card stating that this is who they are! Nothing wrong with this....just the nature of the Karmic box! But is it really who they are? No! We tend to wear all of our costumes at the same time - nothing goes back to wardrobe! So, to quote Claude Monet, "To see, we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at." In other words, once we have placed a label on anything, it is defined by our belief system - it then becomes very hard to change it. In Karma, fear is the very thing that stops change in it tracks. (See controlling the outcome above!). To remove the label is to return to your Heart and that is where we are headed to very quickly. It allows you to see past the label! The Karma game is coming to a close and we can't take these old things with us. Not that this is right or wrong as there is NO duality in your Heart, it simply is happening. The only thing that is constant in this "Universe" is change and when you do not fear the changes, there is NOTHING that you Cannot Do! There is no fear in your Heart! Ever! So, look at the wall and find the drawers with the labels that you have defined for yourself, now contemplate pulling out the drawers, removing the labels and dumping the contents in the drawers into the Dumpster! Folks have a very hard time doing this because they are afraid that if they remove the labels, who would they be? Short answer: Themselves! That does not go away! Ever! Remove the labels and new things come into your sphere, doors opens, opportunity knocks and your imagination and creativity unfolds in ways that will make you smile like the proverbial Cheshire cat whether you are up to something or not! Give it a try (we can help!), it will make a difference!
Packing up the Karmic Game and Putting It Back on the Shelf!
So, we are here to create and experience ALL things possible! That is it! No more contemplating your navel with the ascetics of the 5 college philosophy questions that have been bandied about since the beginning of "Time" as we have created it!! These questions are: 1) Where did we come from? 2) Why are we here? 3) What are we supposed to be doing? 4) What is my purpose? 5) And Where are we going?! Well, as you can see, these have been and are very circular questions with no right or wrong is part of the Karmic loops that keep us in the box of trying to control the outcome - the duality of the Karma is just that. You can toss ALL these questions in the Dumpster AND I just happen to know where one is located! This is part of the mental awareness that the Karma game provides for us. In the Karmic mental awareness, we are constantly trying to control the outcome by asking the how, why, when, where, who, what questions. Trying to figure things out or thinking that you have make things happen or manifest things (not your job by the way) is part and parcel of the Karma game. You will never answer all of these questions and that creates your doubts and risks of wishing that you had all the answers before you go forward, but because Time is now in play as your gatekeeper, you forge ahead and do the best you can with the limited solutions that you have. You essentially set expectations and the law of Karma is governed by the law of expectations - in other words, your expectations will never be met and you will mostly like end up being disappointed and settle for less! Classic Karma! which is ALL about having something and then having it taken away from you. This is the game of Karma - you will die a physical death and you simply lose everything that you thought that was yours bound by the gatekeeper of Time! In your Heart, and we have ALWAYS been there, you have no need to try to figure things out, make things happen or try to manifest anything (these are not and never was or will be your "job"!.) You will Always be taken care of NO matter what when you are in your Heart! There is NO fear whatsoever in your Heart and there never has been! The law of expectancy is in play here - you can never lose anything when you come from your Heart, Ever!
In the Karmic game, we are used to using our mental awareness to "solve" problems implementing reasoning, rationalization, logic and analytics to always control the outcome and take away as many variations as possible. The head (mental awareness) fears change instead of embracing change. Change is the only thing that is constant in this Universe! And there is No fear in your Heart! Right now, you have answers to everything in your Heart and you have answers for things that you have not even created yet! This is all about Believing in your Magic! Trust, Faith and Unconditional Love is in your Heart! You don't have to look outside to find anything! It is already there and always has been and always will be! Believing Beyond your Beliefs is the key!
So, look at the game of Karma as a board game like Monopoly TM - in this example, you have a game board, a finite amount of money, cards, tokens to move around the board, dice and the rules. Karma has a board, it has finite amount of things in the box and rules. What we are in process of experiencing is, that it is "time" to gather up all the pieces and parts of the game, bring them back and place them in the box so that we can complete the game, fold the board up and put the lid on the box and place the box back on the shelf so that we can go "outside" and Play the Game as we want to Play it! In others words, we can't take this game with us as we move into the higher vibrational frequencies! That surely will make you Smile! :) Practice bringing back the pieces and parts of the game to them back into the box - remember the rule of thumb: If you look in your backpack and you find anything that is not your lunch and you can't eat it, it goes into the Dumpster immediately! No need to pack around things that are no longer needed!
A bit of a different perspective on Metaphysical Clearing of Karmic Cycles
So, even if you are not totally aware of it, everything is a metaphysical experience - meta means change - metaphysical = change the physical. Change is the only thing that is constant. There is always change going on. And We create, that is what we do! We are here to create and experience ALL things possible! We are pretty adept at doing this! We literally create things from thin air and we have the ability to dissolve them back into thin air! We create all different things such as belief systems and "truths" out of the vibrational frequencies of the Universe because we can! We essentially have no limitations, never have and never will. We are actively in the process of creating brand new things that have never been created before! However, at this present "moment" we have created a game that we have labeled "Karma" (Karma means comeback in Sanskrit) - things go in circles, repeat themselves and this sets up how we have created experiences bound by limitations and the ever present gatekeeper - Time.
Karma is about having something and then having it taken away. That is the end game of Karma. You are born, you age and then you die. Essentially, you lose everything because you are not "existing" in a physical form. Secret are still here after you "die"! So, to put Karma in this perspective, you are an accumulation of Everything that you have created! And that is saying at the least, A LOT! The Karma is about experiencing limitations and gatekeepers - these don't exist outside of the Karmic box we created. We created the illusion of the limitations because we could, this is not a why question. We can dissolve anything that we have created. You have the Power to do so....remember, you have ALWAYS had the ability to do ANYTHING in your "Heart"! And that cannot ever be taken away from you! So, the metaphysical stories that we are experiencing that we have to learn lessons, we are less than, we are only human, etc., are simply made up to experience. Nothing more! There is nothing right or wrong or good or bad about what we create. We simply create, give the creations forms, define the creations and these become belief systems or truths that we hold on to experience and the Universe just supports your movie. There is no nudging, judging or advising from the allows you to experience whatever you place your focus of attention upon. So, you can just as easily create something that brings you fear as something that makes you happy. So, up to now and ongoing, the premise is that we have to stay within this Karmic box, learn our lessons and then ascend into these higher frequencies. Secret alert - You don't have to ascend to go anywhere, you don't have to look outside of yourself for solutions - you have everything you need in your Heart! You are already there! And Always have been! Now, that being said, the "mass consciousness" that holds this Karmic box into place is very real. Most of us are being played by the game of Karma instead of us playing the game the way that we want to play it. So, knowing that you have answers and solutions to everything already in your Heart and knowing that you have answers in your Heart for things you have not even created yet, this next concept will help you accelerate the removal of all of these karmic creations that have been seemingly piled high all around your and atop of your Heart (this is the illusion of the separation of the Heart from the Head/Mind). I would like for you to contemplate (not too much thinking here!) the following:
Right now, We are being ushered into higher and higher vibrational frequencies - change. We are moving out of the dimensional frequencies of the Karmic is simply going away. We are moving out of the entire Karma, Dharma, Soul, Higher Self paradigms - we are moving rapidly back into our Heart (the Magic of YOU!). So, in reference to the "Clearing and Releasing" protocols that we have been working on, change this to, "I can move out all these old programs of limitations and gatekeepers with ease because the Universe is simply reminding us, we cannot take them with us and we already have the answers and tools in our Hearts to be able to use them as we go into these higher vibrational frequencies". In other words, there is no duality or fear in your Heart! As you step "forward", if you need a tool to use, it will be given to you and you will already know how to use it! Your Magic is within and your Love and your Light can NEVER be taken away from you! Give this a whirl.....You will find it is much more easy than what you have been doing! We like Easy around here!
The Importance of Acknowledging and Thanking your Emotions and Feelings
So, if you have followed this blog for a bit or managed to stumble upon some of the articles and musings on my website, I was guided to insert an addition into the process of tossing old programs into the Dumpster. I believe that this addition really completes the process of releasing and clearing Karmic cycles and accelerates the speed at which the participant (you) will enjoy the shifts back into your Magic of your Heart! You are here to simply create and experience ALL things possible...That is the reason we are here! To Create and Experience! And we are, by golly, very good at what we do! You are an accumulation of everything thing that you have created AND that can be a bazillion of things. So, we have created a world that we can call Karmic - Karma means comeback in Sanskrit ) - a boomerang of sorts. We created this Karmic world to experience limitations or the illusion that there is a separation between our Heart Awareness (Knowing) and our Head (Knowledge and Thinking).
The mental mind process of Karma is like being in a box that is bounded by the gatekeeper of Time. You have heard of it at times as 3D. So, WE created the "human" body, with a physiology based in fear - the biofeedback system of the human physical body is based in fear, which goes hand-in-hand with the limitations that we created to experience limitations. It is constantly monitoring everything to make sure all systems are working. Guess what? Oh, things happen that don't work because we create all of this stuff.....this includes not only the physical, but mental, emotional and spiritual things that can go south because of the duality of Karma - you have to define the opposites in this Game. And this includes Fear.
These creations are in what we describe as our subconscious (and this is the soup that we share with everyone on the planet). When we awake in the morning and open our eyes, we call this consciousness - so the consciousness dips into the subconscious and now we hold into form ALL the things that we have created and are holding onto (this is the backpack that you stuff full of everything that you have created OR the drawers on the walls that are labeled with everything we have created and the drawers contain all the literature you could fine to put into the drawer relating to the label on the drawer). In other words, this is your movie, but usually, you are being played by the Game in your Movie. You are not playing the Game the way that you want to because we created a box to play in that has very limited solutions to solve our problems. Then, the Karma Game is always bounded by TIME. Now everything is held into form and Time is no different. It really does not exist unless we hold it into form. Our movies are supported by the Universe, they support the environment, scenes, stage, props, and actors for our movie.....we supply the direction, production and the writing of our scripts for the actors. The law of attraction states that everything comes to you and the Universe will then bring you what you are focused on - Karma is story and how we relate to others of what happened in our movie. Now the Universe does not judge, nudge or advise of what you have chosen to hold into form and to experience. It is just there to provide the set for your movie. Remember, NOTHING that you have created is either right, wrong, good or bad. You have chosen to define with labels what you wanted to experience based in this duality process - you have to define the opposites - hence, the labels attached to the drawers (and all the literature in the drawers that you are hanging onto!). So, each time you react, there is another opposite of that reaction that exists. So, in Karma, the more you resist or fight against something (labeling right, wrong, good or bad) the more it will be presented to you. Karma is about focusing more on things that you know that you do NOT want. Like: Things are a challenge, life is hard, we are only human, there is something wrong with us, we have to fix this, we have to save that, we are always running out time, life is short, life is hard, we are doing the best we can with the limited solutions, we have to settle for less and we can't have what we want without paying a price, we have to figure this out or make this happen....Sound familiar? These are all old belief systems, truths or vibrational frequencies - these are all the same things. So when you react to an event, you are focused on these and the Universe will provide. They will just as easily bring you fear as easily it will bring you happiness. It is not important to know where these belief systems came from (you created it to experience it) and it is being presented to you in a contemporary familiar form, the only importance is that you reacted to it and you are Aware of it!
Here is the process with the new addition:
1. The Event is created for you to experience AGAIN (karmic cycle),
2. You reacted to the emotions and feelings of that reaction which doesn’t make you feel happy,
3. This on the surface or a tap on your shoulder and you are aware of your emotions and feeling.
4. Bring the emotions up on the table, ACKNOWLEDGE them.
5. Say aloud, "THANK YOU!"
6. Now place your hand over your Heart and ASK for Help! Say aloud, "I need some Help please, Thank You!"
7.Toss the emotions and feelings in the Dumpster (find the drawers with the labels matching the emotions/feelings, pull the drawers out, dump the contents and remove the labels!!!
8. Now, start smiling and let the Universe bring you solutions and focus on how Happy you will be when these emotions and situations simply disappear and you are doing things that make you laugh, smile and be Happy!............ 😊
The Thank You in step 5 is like the Goo-Gone of removing any adhesive of the stickiness of the energetic cording of the karmic program. In other words, karma is all about "having or owning" something and then it is taken away - that is the end game of karma - as in, your are born, age and die (all bound by the gatekeeper of TIME - which you are always running out of!) and at the end of the day, you lose everything because the game ends when you experience the demise of the physical body. Oh, you are still here, the illusion is that you are gone......We are moving out of the karma duality experience very rapidly and back into our Heart Space (your Magic within you!) and the more you can toss in the dumpster all of these old programs we created to experience in the karma game, the easier things will flow! Get up on the hill, observe from that perspective! See the dynamics of what you wrote in your scripts. Then make your choices from that vantage point (your Heart)! This reminds me of a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer - "Change the way you Look at Things and the Things that you Look at will Change!"
Carrying Karmic Burdens AND it is a Good Thing that We don't Have Think to Breath!
So, you may have heard the phrase, "Oh, I am only Human!" If you are being played by your programs in this Karmic game we are experiencing (which most of us are by the way), then this is a saying familiar to you. In the 3D world of your "physical" dimensions, you created experiences that allows you to play out limitations in all possible manners and ways. You changed the narrative of what you can do, which is create all things possible without limitations to one of challenges, limitations, roadblocks, gatekeepers, confinement and time! This includes suffering, hardships, slogging through "life", mistrust, judgment, unworthiness, abandonment, loss, giving away your power and not being able to speaking your truth from your Heart! Karma is all about having something and then having it taken away from you (in many different ways that you can possibly imagine!). At the end of the day, you seemingly lose everything that you "have". Time, Age, Duality, Fear and Death are all part of the Karmic game. In your Heart, these do not exist - they can't! So, the illusion that you have created within the Karmic game, is that you are less than God and that there is something wrong with you and you have challenges and you have to learn lessons and that you have to carry burdens (responsibilities) for yourself, your family, your community and even greater, for Humanity. Karma is about giving away your power, carrying burdens even though you have been created in the likeness of God (you are inseparable by the way) and you have the ability to do anything and more, simply by being here and creating all things possible! So, you have been experiencing the illusion that there is a separation between your Heart and your Head (mind/mental awareness)....Now, it is very real, but it is still just an illusion that can be changed! Your Light has always been here, your Magic has always been here! Again, part of the heaviness of this "physical" life in this "physical" body is what I am seeing in my sessions and are being uncovered by the massive shifts in the energies, is that the enormity of how big carrying burdens for Humanity really is! All of us holographically share in carrying burdens for Humanity. It is the program that You have to be strong - in the physical body, the shoulders represent carrying the loads/burdens or "he ain't heavy, he's my brother" mentality. You have to carry everyone, you have to give up our power, you have help or else you have let everyone around you down - then if you don't make the grade, here comes the emotions and the judgment, the comparing, the not worthy feelings and the woulda-coulda-shoulda's and so on! You are hard on yourself and beat yourself up because you did not meet your expectations. The law of Karma is governed by the law of Expectations. When you set expectations, you will be disappointed! Always! The better method is to come from your Heart where the law of Expectancy is in force - you never ever will be disappointed! So, carrying burdens for humanity is ubiquitous in Karma. Everyone feels it. It is like having a porous cake, like a pound or angel food cake, that when icing is applied, the icing seeps down into the cake making it very difficult to extract. I have increased my focus of removing/extracting these burdens of Humanity (and all other burdens) very regularly in my sessions in the prior month. I have observed that it is making a huge difference in the energy signatures of the folks I am blessed to assist! I have observed noticeable changes in the ease and grace and flow of the energies within the "physical" dimensions that have replaced the old energies! Way Cool Stuff! I liken these burdens as to being a cap on holding down all the other emotions/feelings of hardships and challenges we have created in Karma to experience. You never were meant to carry burdens whatsoever, then, now or in the "future"! Not your job! Never has been! But it came packaged with the Karma game we created to experience! With the removal of these burdens, it makes it much easier to allow old patterns and programs to be released. Energy flows much more freely without the obstructions and the space junk gets cleared out and tossed in the Dumpster! And when these things happen, you feel Alive! You notice that things are easier, you don't have to works so hard and you will be very pleased and Happy when more Awesome things fall into your lap, simply by asking from your Heart!
So, here is a footnote....The Universe did do us a favor when we created the Karmic game.....they gave us a "physical" body with what we call is an autonomic nervous system - which in short means, we don't have to remember to think to take a breath or to breathe! This is a good thing because otherwise, the book of the history of humans would be quite succinctly short! The History of the World of Humans would have been a bit different....something like this: "In the beginning, humans were created and given the ability to "think" and have a mental awareness that had never been done before! Then Everyone forgot to "think" to breath. The End!!" Back to the drawing board, although, this Karma wouldn't had been my second choice at all!
Major Shifts and What Follows if You are Handing the Reins of your Out-of-Control Stagecoach to your Monkeys!
The energies since the last Full Moon in June and in conjunction with the Solstice 4 days later has picked up the pace in the acceleration of major shifts and changes like we have not ever experienced before. I know that I write about this all the time but June has been packed full of folks experiencing emotional, mental and physical symptoms in intensities they have never felt before. Some of these are quite debilitating, for example, I have heard from more than 5 people relating that one moment they felt fine and the next moment, they were in bed for 3 days. Obviously, always get checked out with professional medical assistance if you need it! But, how I "see" this is a massive release of energies (old programs) that have been carried around within our biofields of our "physical" bodies. The volume and quantity of the releases simply overwhelm the mental/mind/brain. So, it shuts down because it cannot process it all at the same time - it goes into a "Defcon 5" situation! Now, along the way, we have defined the make-up/parts of the what we call the physical body. We are very accustomed to "thinking" with our brain and in a physiological sense, we have defined a monitoring or biofeedback system for the physical body (this is based in fear and constantly trying to control the outcome). This constant monitoring is said to allow us to know or be aware of what is going on - is it hot, cold? am I feeling good, bad? am I in danger or not? and so on....Now, normally this is a good thing but it really is telling that when things go outside the monitoring scale (pain levels are a good examples of this 0 = no pain, 10 = on the ceiling) your really feel the intensity and shutdown to recover. However, this system goes hand-in-hand with the limitations that we have created within the Karmic (duality) box that we have chosen to create and experience. With these shifts and changes in the energies, it is reminding us that we are moving out of the Karmic box (represents a lower vibrational frequency) and we cannot take all of these old programs/frequencies with us. It also is a powerful reminder that the mental awareness or thinking from the brain/mind is going the way of the Dodo bird! This is a good thing because, thinking (mentally) is very limited and we are moving back into our heart "think" or "knowing" at a very accelerated pace. My analogy of the difference in using your head or your heart is like this: Your head is like an old Commodore 64K computer with the power unplugged! Commodore actually advertised that 64K was all the memory you would ever need.....turns out that 64K is equivalent to a single keystroke on your keyboard! However, your Heart is like a 1000 super-computers hooked together running at optimum speeds at all times. Guess which one we tend to choose to use!!!
So, when you experience an event and you react with an emotion/feeling and that reaction of that emotion/feeling does not make you feel happy, your head just gave you that mental awareness (which is what we want it to do). However, NOW, the head is done (it does not need to monitor the situation anymore) and unless something changes drastically to what you had just been made aware of, it is to be quiet (NO Thinking! or trying to figure something out!). Then immediately place your hand over your heart and ASK for help! "I need some help Please, Thank You!" Then, let it go and allow the Universe to go to work for you! Do not let your head ask any further questions!
Now, if you don't drop this emotion/feeling into your Heart and you stay in your head and try to figure out or think about how your are going to resolve/fix this particular emotion/feeling reaction, then you have essentially just handed over the reins of your out-of-control stagecoach to your Monkeys! AND you know where they are headed - over the cliff again! Not at good idea! You have been at the bottom of that cliff many times....don't give your Monkeys the reins to your stagecoach...Just Saying! Are ya done playing that game!? With the massive shifts of old energies releasing, it is very important to move into your Heart and stay there as much as you can. Your heart can handle all that you can throw at it AND not miss a beat! Trust and Believe in yourself - your Heart is your Magic! You have solutions for all things right now in your heart and you have solutions to things that you have not even created yet!!! Ask, get your solutions first, then tell the head/mind know your solutions and THEN you can proceed to play it out in this physical dimension! By-the-way, you will find it much easier to do things when you are in a grace, ease and a flow. Know that the Universe has got your back!!
Energy Acceleration and the Speed of Light Changes
I have noticed that ever since the full moon on Easter weekend in April and the full moon occurring on May 18, that the changes and shifts of the universal energies have significantly gotten much more accelerated, I can describe it as almost palpable or tangible! There are mentions in the scientific world that the speed of light has increased - which immediately places into question regarding the meaning of the Theory of Relativity - this is a game changer in holding onto quantum physics theorems. I have been experiencing some quite incredible differences in the flows and volumes of these Universal forces coming through me and my sessions. So simply put, we have shifted into high gear! These higher vibrations are moving us more rapidly into higher frequencies than we have ever experienced. We have been changing from what we tend to describe from a metaphysical definition of Karma (duality - limitations) based vibrational frequencies (lower or mental awareness) and we are returning back to our natural Heartspace awareness (higher frequencies - no limitations). However, now, the jets are being fired up! This is quite evident in how everyone is being affected (it is not just a few, it is everyone!). Sessions are literally flying by, there are tremendous shifts in the releasing of old energies, major biofield and of dimensional planes re-alignments (and misalignments). Many people have been simply overwhelmed by these changes and in our current physical, mental and emotional definition of how we operate in this physical world, it can be very dramatically played out and somewhat disconcerting that there is something happening that is has been held into form that something majorly wrong and we are desperately trying to solve or fix the issue with our very limited solution set (mostly because of the Karmic fear we hold into place). Well, change is the only thing that is constant in this Universe! And the faster we are able to embrace the changes instead of fearing them, the easier everything becomes! The Karmic game that plays us dictates that we are always behind the 8-ball, there is something wrong and we have to fix it, we have to try to control the outcome and life is a struggle filled with limitations. We are now rapidly moving away from the Karmic game back into our Heartspace where there are NO limitations. My work is all about assisting anyone who wants to really embrace the changes, get out of the forest and up on the hill, to see from that "vibrational" frequency point of view that "Things are NOT always what they seem to be"! Your happiness is already (and has been) in your Heartspace. I can assist you in moving into these higher dimensional frequencies - when you are there, it is easier to "release and let go" of old Karmic patterns that you have created to experience. Releasing, Clearing, "Aha" moments, Surrendering your emotions, Cleaning out your backpack, tossing stuff in the Dumpster, leaving your bags at the train station and then getting on the train, are ALL the same thing! As you raise your vibrational frequencies by clearing out the biofields that define you in this physical form, the energies flow much more unobstructed. The freer the flow, the better you feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually! As you remove the clogs in the "pipes", you remove the shackles/chains and allow higher volumes and flows of the universal energies to move through you. Less resistance means a happier you! Remember, this is your Movie and you are the Movie Star! So, set your sights on doing what Movie Stars to best - They Always Get What They Want!!!
A Few Easy Rules of Thumb!
So, we are an accumulation of everything that we have created (that's more than a gazillion of things! or in other words, a lot!!) and we are really good at experiencing our experiences over and over again every single day. Experiencing events over and over is Classic Karma (Karma means comeback in Sanskrit), so the data that fills up each of the labeled drawers on your big wall is the repository of your experiences and how you hold them into form - old programs such as belief systems, truths or vibrational frequencies (these are all the same). So, your database is there in the drawers when you experience an event and then your reaction is defined as to how you have decided to react to that event. The wall is huge and filled with the labeled drawers and You are packing around ALL of this data (mostly from a mental or intellectual perspective - this is in your backpack!). And, Oh! we call this Life and being that we have created a duality system (Karma - created so we can experience "limitations" as there are not any limitations in your Heart - or Unconditional LOVE -- by-the-way, who you really ARE!) and we have also defined a physical world (3D) and a physical body (human) in which to experience these limitations. So somehow along the line, we got it ingrained into our head (data in the drawers) that we are less than perfect and we have to fix or save us, them and everything else because something is NOT Right!
So, now, here is a rule of thumb to put into place:
1) An event happens (I call it a tap on your shoulder to get your attention). This is the Universe reminding you that there
may be something here that you don't need to hang to anymore!
2) You are aware of your reaction....very important!
3) And that reaction does not make you feel Happy.....more important!
3a) SKIP 3a)!!!!! But please read below and then Go to 4)
Now, most commonly, when things don't make you feel Happy, you immediately let the head/mental awareness go to the drawers with the labels that match your emotion/feelings that you experienced from that event. The drawers get opened, the data/literature that is in the drawers are then confirmation that this is how you are supposed to react to based on old programs steeped in logic, reasoning, rationalization and analytics! And you usually beat yourself up because this event usually has happened before (many times) - we get more angry and we still just can't quite figure out how to "fix" this - could it be that we choosing to use a limited solutions set to solve what we have defined as a problem or issue? But, we will use the same answers over and over again until we literally hit the proverbial wall - then we "surrender" or "dump the drawer out and ask for help from the Universe! By relying on the data/literature that is in the drawers, you are simply doing the best you can with the limited answers that are there! Using these solutions is like putting out your gas leak with a hammer, AGAIN!
4) Do NOT let your head pull out the drawers that you have labeled that match your reaction of what emotion/feelings you
just experienced. Your Awareness stops there! The law of attraction says that everything comes to you and when you react and you experience the emotions/feelings of that event, this is what the Universe is telling you where your focus of attention is being placed, and since they don't judge, and are here to support your Movie, then you are essentially telling them, my focus is here, please bring this emotion/feeling to me so I can experience it AGAIN! And they will oblige and and bring it to you! (You can change this at any time!!!). If you let your head try to figure this out - aka, Thinking! Then you just buckled up the belt that harnesses the 20 wild horses, and once it is buckled, you say "Giddy-Up!" and off they go, in 20 different directions....Please unbuckle the belt! Let the horses go - you do not need to go look for them!
5) Now drop this Awareness of your reaction into your Heart! Place you hand over your Heart and ask aloud, "I need some help please, Thank You!" In other words, you are focusing on how Happy you will be when the reactions, situations and events simply are gone! The focus is not on why they are here or if they are coming back or if there is more to come! So, once you ask, your answers are already here. You have answers in your Heart for everything! You have answers for things that you have not even created yet! You will ALWAYS be taken care of and you have never done anything wrong! You do not need to judge yourself! This does not mean that you are being weak by asking for help! It means that you are tapping into ALL the rest of the answers that are NOT in the labeled drawers! Your Heart is your toolbox and it is your Movie!
Now, once you have asked for assistance, find ALL of the drawers that match your initial reaction based on the emotions and feelings you experienced with that particular event and DUMP all of the contents into the Dumpster! And remember, when you do this, you have entered the NO Dumpster Diving Zone! What goes in the Dumpster, Stays in the Dumpster! Remove the labels from the drawers and place the drawers back into the slots in the wall. Now, this is going to start to make you Smile! You got answers, they are here, Now allow yourself to receive the answers from your Heart and then kick the answers up to the head so that you can play them out in this 3D reality! Now your focus is simply on your anticipated excitement of you receiving what you have asked for and how the Universe will deliver it to you! What you will receive will be better than what you asked for in the first place! And it will be delivered to you divinely orchestrated and perfectly timed! You don't even have to do that! Your Movie is getting better and easier! Every time you dump a drawer out and remove the label, you are completing a Karmic cycle/old programs. The database gets smaller and smaller! There is an ease and a grace and a flow to everything you do! Your backpack gets lighter and lighter! This Will make you Smile!
So, another brief rule of thumb is as follows: If you find anything in your backpack that is NOT your lunch (it is not edible), then you can toss it in the Dumpster immediately! No need to carry any more around with you that is simply not needed! This is a good thing!
Almost last rule of thumb: Figure out how old you have defined yourself in earth years (your current age!). Now, add those two numbers together - Now from now on, ACT your Age!!!! In other words, never grow up! This will make you Smile! Let your little girl or little boy dance, sing, play, laugh, giggle, have fun and BE Happy! We think that we have to grow up and become serious....not so!...Focus on what makes you Happy, then Ask, and it will be Coming to You! Believe!
Last rule of thumb: Decide TODAY that you will ALWAYS have a great day NO matter what happens! I know that sound illogical, but there is NO logic in your Heart! There is Only Love!!! Give this one a will start to notice the difference in how you feel....smiles come a lot more easily!
And as Winnie the Pooh says back to Christopher Robin when he asks the following question:
Pooh: "What day is it?"
Christopher Robin: "Today"
Pooh: "That is my Favorite Day!"
Full Super Moon, Equinox and the First Day of Spring AND 20 Wild Horses!
There have been some major energetic waves being felt by almost everyone in the past few months. Last month brought us the 3rd Full Super Moon of the calendar year (with two more on the way) and this was sync'd up with the Equinox (and the First Day of Spring) on March 20. If you have had feelings of being very tired, overwhelmed or at times exhausted for simply doing what you have always been doing, then you are not alone! The energetics in play are moving us into higher energy vibrations, which means that the older, lower energies that we have been hanging onto, are coming to the surface en masse and at an accelerated pace. Emotions and feelings have been described as quite accentuated, sharp and intense....Not to mention, very overwhelming! Well, to help explain this a bit more from an energetic perspective, there is an abnormal amount of old energies being released from our biofields of our "body". These are essentially data that has been stored in the hard drive and memory of your internal computer. It has been compressed, but now it is starting to leave very rapidly. Most of us are accustomed to use our heads (brain/mental awareness) to operate - I call this thinking! It works but thinking has some major drawbacks!! It can get us into some pretty significant predicaments! Have you ever been between a rock and a hard place? I thought so! You were thinking! How did that work out for you! Anyway, as these old energies are leaving, the head/brain will grab on to it and hang on to it for you! It hangs over you like a smog ring and clogs up the works! The head/brain was never meant to be used for thinking - it was something we created to experience because of our creation of the "physical body". Your heart is actually the "brains" of the outfit and has always been. So, when an event occurs, and you react, and you are aware of the reaction, AND that reaction does not make you feel happy....Then, usually the head/brain will go into the "thinking" mode of "there is something wrong and I have to fix it!". Now when you do that, in other words, thinking or tying to figure it out, then this is tantamount of buckling your belt around your waist with 20 wild horses attached to it! And then once that belt is is buckled, someone yells "Giddy UP!" AND the 20 wild horses will indeed start running in 20 different directions! If you sense that happening, unbuckle the belt immediately and let the wild horses go! You don't ever have to try to find them again! Let them run on the range and leave them there! So, when you react to something that makes you not happy, then take your awareness and drop it into your Heart! Yes, this is and always has been, the brains of of the outfit! You have answers for everything plus more in your Heart! You even have answers to things that you have not even created yet! So, simply knowing this, you can start to have the confidence to Trust, Believe and Love Yourself more than you Trust, Believe and Love Anyone else! The more you can drop your awareness into your Heart, it will make your Life a lot more easy! There will be a Grace, Ease and a Flow to everything you will make you smile! Your Heart Awareness is not like 20 wild horses going in 20 different directions but it is like a very well experienced, sure-footed, gentle trail horse with a saddle, stirrups, reins and bit/bridle. And Oh Yeah, the saddle has memory foam! It is an easy and comfortable ride! So, if you are trying to figure something out, trying to make things happen or trying to manifest anything, (these are NOT your jobs!) then unbuckle the belt immediately! Get up on the saddle and know that your answers are awaiting to assist with the Ease, Grace and Flow that comes with your Magic! April is bringing some wonderful shifts and changes!
You Have Just Entered the No Dumpster Diving Zone!
What goes in the Dumpster, Stays in the Dumpster! We specialize in assisting folks to dump all that mental, emotional and physical space junk that they are carrying around in their backpacks (everything that is NOT your Lunch!) into the Dumpster. So here is a visual to show you where this "stuff" is going to end up! No Dumpster Diving Allowed! Your Head - the mental thinking part of your experience here in this 3D body suit - is very good at holding onto things that it doesn't need! It's time to clean out the backpack! Your backpack can get quite heavy and in most cases, is almost immovable! It is like trying to operating your boat in the lake with the trailer AND your vehicle is still attached! With some help of the two eclipses that occurred in January (eclipses energetically dredge old things up to the surface) I have noticed many folks are still in the middle of processing some very intensive feelings and emotions! If you are experiencing an intensity of emotions and it seems that Everything is coming at you all at once, please note, these are actually going away! And you have Help! You just don't want your head to try to figure it out and hang onto it! It is okay to allow these old programs and patterns to be released! Identification and labels are being removed, renamed, relabeled or simply unlabeled!
So, I want you to imagine a very large wall with many drawers. The drawers represent all the things/places/items/emotions that we have identified and we have attached a label to each specific drawer and we have continuously put more and more information into each drawer that pertains to the label. All the information in the drawer shapes and holds our definition of our beliefs, truths or vibrational frequencies we have assigned to each label. The head then holds on to this definition and when events occur that contain beliefs contained within the drawer, then it will dictate how we react to each event! The drawers will be of a myriad of sizes, such as wide, wide and deep, really shallow and incredibly deep and wide, etc.! Now, if an event occurs, and you have an awareness of the emotion that you just experienced, and that reaction did not make you feel happy, then look up at the wall of drawers, find the drawer that has the label of your experience/emotions you just experienced, then pull out the drawer and dump the ENTIRE contents of that drawer into the Dumpster! Caution! These drawers can be extremely full of "crap", so be careful when you pull the drawer out! Remove the label and place the drawer back into its space. Now place your hand over your heart and Ask, " I need some Help Please! Thank You!" Now, NO Dumpster Diving! You have answers for everything in your Heart! Everything! Once you ask, then Know that your answers are on the way! Trust and Allow yourself to Receive your solutions! If you go Dumpster Diving, please realize that you will just be putting back into the drawer all that you just dumped! And you get to experience it again and again! Now, once you receive your solutions you can relabel the drawer and place your solutions in that drawer (or better yet, you can leave it unlabeled and leave it empty!). The Law of Attraction states that everything comes to You. If you know, that when you can clean out and dump the drawers of all the old contents, replace the drawer and remove the labels, in essence, you are no longer going to experience things that make you feel unhappy! This will make you Smile big time! It raises your vibrational frequencies! So, get busy! It will make all the things that you do come with an ease and a grace and a flow! You now know where the Dumpster is! Use it on a daily basis!
Have you put up your Bird Feeder(s) yet?
So, have you put up your Bird Feeder(s) yet? The Law of Attraction states that everything comes to You! When you put up a Bird Feeder where there has not been one before, it does not take very long for the birds to find it! So, the premise is that when you put up the Bird Feeder, you put it up because you want to! It simply makes you Happy to see the birds coming and how many will come and what varieties of birds will show up! You are not putting up the Bird Feeder because you feel sorry for them or because you need to save them from something. Now, when you put up the Bird Feeder, do you send out a blog? Do you notify the government to let them know that you have put up a Bird Feeder and could they notify all the birds in the immediate area that there is a Bird Feeder available? NO! You simply have opened up your Heart and transmitted to the Universe - "Hey, I just put up a Bird Feeder and I Wonder how Happy I will be when the Birds come to visit and enjoy my Bird Feeder!" Now, let's apply this to things that you want to have or attract into your Life! ANYTHING! In the movie "Field of Dreams", the tag line is, "If you build it, they will come!" And Indeed they will! This technique will work with anything you want to attract....but it has to be done from your Heart! Not from your Head! Once you put out any Bird Feeder, you never have to fill it again! It is Always Full!
Here is a real life example of a Bird Feeder in action.....I have assisted a wonderful person in setting up a Bird Feeder. She is in the jewelry business and has experienced what a lot of retail owners have experienced - ups and down, good times, bad times, so-so times, really sloooow times, the economy sucks, and lack of customers (birds!), etc.! So, we put up a Bird Feeder in her store. Now, when she goes out to find jewelry to put into her store, the pieces of jewelry that she selects comes to her with a grace - she picks it up and says "I wonder which bird is going to purchase this!" with excitement in her voice! Then she brings it back to her store and places it on the display and now she is anticipating with the excitement of "Which bird is coming to take this home!" She is experiencing a steady pickup of birds visiting her store despite it being a historic "slow" time of the year. And when the bird comes to her store and picks up the jewelry and says "this is beautiful, this is exactly what I was looking for!", it certainly makes her smile and that makes her Happy! And Oh, the money (or energy exchange) takes place and that makes her smile even more! Now, to remember this point, she is putting up the Bird Feeder because it makes her Happy to see the birds and the variety of birds coming to feed at the feeder. She is not putting up the Bird Feeder to make anyone Happy except for herself! You cannot make anyone Happy but You. But when you focus on what makes you Happy, you raise your vibrational frequencies and you share that with others, bringing them to your level! So, it makes you Happy to see them smile, but you are not making them happy because you think that you have to make them happy! So, apply this technique to anything - put up a Bird Feeder anywhere and then let the birds come! It will simply amaze you! And that will make you Smile!
"Whatcha" got in your Backpack?!"
So, you decide to take an easy hike up your favorite trail to the top of a hill to enjoy the scenery and enjoy your lunch as you admire the view from that perspective. Then you grab your backpack and hit the trail. The hike was good, you worked up a bit of a sweat and you worked up an appetite! You get to the top of the hill, espy a place to sit down, relax and to enjoy your lunch. So, you unzip your backpack and much to your surprise, your lunch is no where to be found. Instead, you packed your kitchen sink! OMG! Well, one thing is certain, you know where your lunch is - sitting on the counter! So, what is your kitchen sink doing in your backpack and did you really need to pack it all the way up to the top of the hill? Short answer, no, you really didn't need to take it - but since it had been in your backpack forever along with a thousand other various sundry items that were extremely "important" to pack around with you, "just in case you needed it!", it was just part of you, and "That's Life!". So, this analogy is all about the space junk we carry around with us all the time - that we hold and define these as emotional, mental mind-benders and physical issues and we think these are important, down to the level of "that's who I am!" Yikes! Well, the good news is that you can completely empty your backpack - this way you have room for your lunch on your next hike - an not miss a thing that was in it. Metaphysically, you can call this clearing and releasing old patterns/programs or you can simply look at this way - Toss it in the Dumpster! Now you are entering the Zone of No Dumpster Diving Allowed! Once it is in the Dumpster, it stays in the Dumpster!
So, here is the rule of thumb when you know that you unload your backpack Toss it in the Dumpster:
1. An event happens (Any Event).
2. You react to what occurred in that event.
3. Your reaction did not make you feel happy.
4. You are aware of how unhappy that emotion/feeling made you feel.
5. This is your tap on your shoulder!
6. Place your hand over your heart.
7. Say out loud "I need some help please, Thank You!" (really important!)
8. Now toss that emotion/feeling in the Dumpster immediately, if not sooner! NO Dumpster Diving Allowed! Let it GO!
9. Flip that unhappy emotion/feeling around to focus on how Happy you are going to be when this is completely gone!
10. Smile and let the Universe go to work for you!!!
11. Know that new solutions from your Heart are on the way! Allow yourself to receive ALL of them!
So, as you practice Tossing all of these various sundry items in the Dumpster, you will feel lighter, less encumbered, experience clarity - you get out of the forest and up on the hill (the view is much better up there!) and you start to "see" things in a different (pardon the pun) Light! Now remember, this is your Movie. The Movie is about You! It is not about anyone else! You are the Movie Star of your Movie! You created the Movie to experience all thing possible and you can Change the Movie anytime you want! You are the writer, director and producer of you Movie - every time you toss something in the Dumpster, you are rewriting your script. You are embracing the changes instead of fearing the changes! You are getting out of your mental awareness and into your Heart Awareness! This is where your Magic has always been - this where your incredible imagination, creativity and inspiration is found! This is You! You have no limitations - the gatekeepers disappear! And you know what the best part of your Movie is?....The Movie Star ALWAYS gets what the Movie Star wants! So, your Movie is beginning to get a lot better! Very Soon! So Believe, Trust and Love yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! Become your Miracles, Be your Magic! Be in your Heart as much as you can and the Magic will become YOU! It will make you Smile!
Energy Fields within the Physical Body and Such
So, any time you feel or notice something amiss in the physical body – such as aches, pain, sensations, your eyesight being off, dizziness, nausea, bloating, vertigo, being tired or exhausted, imbalances in walking and things like that – pay attention to what is going on emotionally and mentally at that time…..also, environment and situational events at that time will also help you clue into your awareness. When these events occur, you experience a distortion in your energy fields, we can call them biofields (or an unseen dimensional field that is in or around your physical body)…there is something in that biofield is being activated and coming to the surface - this would be your awareness of the feeling that is translated by your brain as something is out of alignment. Most likely, these sensations are usually old mental or emotional energies that are being held within the biofields of the physical body (old programs - I like to call them space junk!). Or, simply the changes of energies in the environment and within your physical body are enough to "rock" the boat - this can also present symptoms in the physical body such as nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness, etc. So, when the program is triggered by an event that occurs and causes you to react, based on your reaction - i.e., the sensation presented in the physical body, the old energies are actually trying to leave, but your head (mental awareness) is hanging on to them! So you get to experience these sensations over and over again in a physical/physiological form in your body. So, simply being Aware what is happening to you that doesn’t feel good or happy, then, you can take that mental awareness and drop it down into your Heart awareness and ask to have the specifications of your physical dis-EASE re-calibrated in your Heart space. Now allow the alignments to occur and let the old energies leave (you don’t need to experience them anymore!!!), then send the new calibrated specifications back up to the head (mental awareness). This will help the physical body adjust and balance incrementally instead of having wide swings of being up and then crashing. Biofields are constantly shifting and moving and filling up with space junk and being in-flux. There also can be a latency in how things are triggered….it may take two or three instances of an event to bring it to a tipping point (presenting in a physical form). By re-directing or shifting into a higher vibrational frequency (changing the old specifications), you simply move into a frequency where the physical presentation of physical Dis-Ease cannot exist. Try this technique next time you feel a bit out of balance - you will be surprised what you can do! Believe in your Magic!
Now, here is a reminder: This is your Movie. The Movie is about YOU! You are the Movie Star of your Movie! Not anyone else! You are the writer, producer and director of your Movie! You are in Charge! This is all about taking care of YOU! The bottom line of your Movie is to be Happy! Nothing Else Matters! And the best part of the Movie is that the Movie Star always gets what she or he wants! Now, you start to see that this Movie is starting to get better! So, now focus on your Happiness and that everything that you do from now on is to make you Happy! If it doesn't make you Happy, then you can toss it in the dumpster and ask for assistance and Know that you will be receiving what you asked for very soon! It is already on its way! So, focus on how HAPPY, I (meaning me😎) will be when I am on my vacation in October! And then know, that would make you Happy to see me smiling, but you are not making me Happy by thinking you have to make me simply are making you Happy by seeing me be Happy! And when you are HAPPY then your vibrational frequencies go higher! Then things get easier all the way around!....So, simply try this with someone else! See that person being Happy because that makes you Happy! But you are not making them Happy because you need to make them Happy, you are making you Happy! This will make a big difference in your Life. You will be smiling like the proverbial Cheshire Cat, whether you are up to something or Not!!! This last paragraph was inspired by a sign of a local business which said, "You are not here to make everyone Happy, You are Not a Taco! Remember that! This is all about your Happiness! You have the Magic in your Heart! It has not ever gone away! It is being uncovered! Now, simply Believe, Trust and Love Yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! Believe in your Magic, Believe Beyond your Beliefs!
A Wonderful New Little Technique
I would like to share a technique/tool that I came upon earlier this month. It is attributed to Gregg Braden from his new book, Wired to Thrive. To sum up his book, we have Everything we would ever possibly need and More located in our physical heart! The physical heart has actual specialized cells that make us unique, special and it gives us the abilities to do All things possible! I have modified his technique slightly to align with some of the metaphysical language that I have been using in my sessions. I shared this technique at my workshop at the Sun Valley Wellness Festival in July, (which btw, went very well and made me smile, Big Time!) and with as many of the people I am blessed to work with in my daily practice. The main purpose of the work that I do is to assist you to be Happy! That is, getting you out of your Head (mental mind awareness) and into your Heart (heart awareness)! So, this technique helps to tie together many of the pieces of the puzzle to ease the process!
So, here is how you use this technique:
1. Place your hand over your heart - it can be either hand and does not need to be placed directly over the physical heart...You probably have been doing something similar for a long time...but that is okay, because this has action has been intrinsic to us ever since we have been in this physical experience! It automatically allows us to center and can assist us in calming or relieving stress! So, by simply putting your hand on your heart space (heart chakra) starts to activate the specialized cells!
2. Start a cadence of breathing - 5 second inhale, 5 second exhale and continue this process. Now, the breathing cadence is not really about lowering your heart rate, although that will happen as you have you hand over your heart space.😇
3. Now, begin to move your awareness from a mental awareness to your heart awareness. So, the mental and heart awareness together adds up to 100%....We typically are usually, at any given time, about 90% in our mental awareness and 10% in our heart awareness. You want to "see" the bar of the mental awareness go down and simultaneously see the bar go up on the heart awareness. Do not "try" to do this and figure it out mentally, just observe as you are activating the cells in your heart coinciding with the breathing cadence that the mental awareness automatically starts to lower! And your heart awareness starts to rise!
4. Now start connecting the heart to the brain. In others words, look at your brain/head as a big screen TV. You take the TV and mount it on the wall and plug it in to the electrical outlet. Now, it has power, and the reception is a bit fuzzy, similar to thinking!! But there needs to be other devices connected to the TV in order for it to work properly! From the heart, now connect the antenna, the speakers, the DVD and any other devices you would like to connect. Now see those connections becoming stronger and stronger! Then begin to connect all your physical organs from your heart. Then connect ALL the cells in your physical body. See the connections grow stronger! This helps you to move into your Zone! Your Heart!
5. So, as you are holding your hand over your heart and continuing to breathe in and out in that 5 second rhythm you are activating the cells in your heart (Magic) and moving out of your mental awareness into your heart awareness. Now, allow yourself to focus on the components of Unconditional LOVE!
6. Unconditional LOVE is what you are ALL About! This is the essence of YOU. It is represented by these specialized cells in your physical heart! The components that make up LOVE are Gratitude, Appreciation, Compassion and Caring. So, focus on any events that have allowed you to feel Gratitude, Appreciation, Compassion and Caring - things that have made you well up with emotions of joy, tears of joy, and events that literally flood you with that feeling of total Happiness! This is YOU, this is your Magic and it is being uncovered to be experienced more and more and more!
7. As you are allowing yourself to move into this feeling, now ask yourself silently, this simple question, "Will I Always Be Taken Care Of?" You won't have to wait very long - your answer will be immediate - and your answer will be YES! This is all you ever need to know! There will be a wonderful feeling within you knowing you don't have to worry anymore! You will be taken care of Always! You have Everything you ever need in your Heart plus More! You have answers and solutions to everything. Allow yourself to let go of the outcome, then Believe, Trust and Love yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! When you do this, you will usher in an Ease, Grace and the Flow of your Magic that will blow your socks off! You are Awesome!
The Mental Loop of Karmic Patterns and How to get out of Them!
Well, this may be easy to say! But, as many of us have experienced (over and over again), sometimes getting out of the Mental Loop of Karmic Patterns can be, well, frustrating at the least! Karma means comeback in Sanskrit - so we have created (because we could!) a box to play in based in the illusion of limitations bounded by a duality and a concept of destiny or fate. It appears to end - the physical is taken "away" but then it reappears to continue where you seemingly left off! The basis of Karma is that at the end of the day, it is about having something and then having it taken away from you! Karma is governed by the Law of Expectations - AND when you set Expectations, you will always be disappointed in this Karmic Box. In this box, we still have the ability to create, our Light and Love has not gone anywhere, our Magic has not gone anywhere - it has Always been here, just covered up! However, the rules of Karma experience dictate that returning back to your Magic is somehow very difficult to reach/access because of the "belief systems" we have created. We have artificially imposed upon ourselves all of the emotions tied to the duality of Karma - right, wrong, good, bad, etc. Karma, in other words, is the story of how we describe our experiences and hold them into form. This story wraps around the engine, which is the Law of Attraction - which basically states "Everything come to you!" So, you are an accumulation of everything you have created. This can be called the subconscious soup - it can be incredibly large - it consists of bazillions of things! Now, when you wake up in the morning and open your eyes, you hold all of these "things" into form in what we call the Consciousness. So, the environment you wake up in all through your contemporary life is based on a couple of parameters - everything you are holding into form and a combination of the sharing of the mass consciousness from everyone else! The Big Movie so to speak! Also in the mix, is that Karma is going away....we are rapidly shifting in all areas very quickly to brand new creations that have never created! Things are Not Always what they seem to Be! So, now back to the Mental Loop of the Karmic Cycles....
In Karma, we have created Fear so that we can experience it. Fears can be realized just as easily as something we define as happy! The Universe does not judge nor question, it just holds everything into place so that you have what you asked for (or hold into form of what it is that you created)...So, the movie set is complete - all the props, actors, stages and scenes are literally already there....This is where you come in....Remember, this is YOUR MOVIE! And the Movie is about you and NO ONE else! When we are played by the old programs, we are in the Karmic box bounded by the rules of Karma - limitations, limited answers and at the end of the day, you will have everything taken away from you! The mental aspect of the reasoning mind (remember, there is no reasoning, rationalization, analytics or logic in your Heart!) is that in Karma, you are always trying to control the outcome. If you find yourself asking a who, what, where, how, why, or when question, you know immediately that you are trying control the outcome from your head. These are the questions, doubts and indecisions your head will commonly bring to the surface when you are faced with an issue or problem. Well, it is not your job to try and figure things out! It is not your job to make things happen! Oh, your head will argue til the cows come home about this! But your head is not going to be in charge anymore! Your Heart is! This is being played by the are doing the best you can with the answers/solution set (which is very tiny - in other words, your solution set that your head has access to what consists of the following -1) a hammer to turn off your gas leak AGAIN and of course, 2) a Bigger Hammer for your gas leak!) The Mental Loop is very strong (we have been doing this - "thinking" - for a very long time!) and it will try to keep things as they are! It fears change! It will ALLOW you to settle for less, wait until you have ALL the things to line up for you to proceed (and that doesn't happen very often) and then, after you make a decision, you are then hoping it was the best one, the right one or the wrong one, and since you made this decision from your mental aspect - it is bound by the Law of Expectations - you will be disappointed AGAIN! So, simply by being aware of your emotions/feelings that come up when an event in your life occurs that does not make you feel happy, your awareness is the key! When you react and it does not make you feel happy, your head/mental loop will immediately go into "I have to fix it mode!" and give you the hammer to try to figure out how to fix this issue. Most of us have already experienced these types of events.....and the issues that still make us unhappy are persisting! Trying to solve the issue by applying the same solutions over and over again and expecting change is by Einstein's definition - insanity!! So, once you are aware of your reaction and it does not make you feel happy, then you know you have choices! The first one is that you do not need to use your head/mental loop to try to figure out how to fix this issue! The second one is now you have access to all the rest of the solutions you haven't even used yet in your Heart! Now, bring all your the emotions/feelings that you experienced from that event that occurred to a standstill. Now, take your focus away from your emotion/feelings and place it on anything that makes you smile! This automatically raises your vibrational frequency! Now say aloud and ask for help! "I wonder how Happy I will be when I do not have to deal with emotions and situations like this anymore! Thank you!" Now, let the Universe go to work for you! Allow them to bring you solutions from your Heart. So, by coming from your Heart, you now stop being played by the Game and start playing the Game the way you want to! And you simply focus on the Happiness you will be experiencing when you receive the solutions that you asked for! It is about embracing changes NOT fearing them! This will help you get out of your Mental Loop/Mind (reasoning mind) and operate from your Heart! It will literally change your Life! It just takes a bit of practice, and once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier and easier......You will feel the change of of the ease and the grace and the flow of the energy and you really begin to start the deliberative creation (Law of Attraction) that has always been available to us (but it has been covered up with all the Karma we have created and your Head has held onto). This is your Magic and your Happiness being returned to you! Way Cool Stuff!
Being of Service - The real meaning...
In a Karma definition, Being of Service to your fellow man is the most important thing that you can do - your purpose here is to define your purpose so that you have to meet expectations of helping people on this "planet" Earth.....So, this is a common thread you hear in the metaphysics of Karma (Karma means "comeback" in Sanskrit). Karma is all about giving away your power in many different manners and ways - the duality of things, holding into form right and wrong, good and bad, black and white, etc. Examples of what you may have experienced by being in the Karmic box: You come last, you have to serve, you have save, you have to fix things because they are not "right, you have to judge, compare and measure up, you are told you have to do everything by yourself and if you don't work hard you do not deserve it AND your efforts ALWAYS will fail to meet your expectations! The Universe does not judge, it just brings you what you place your focus of attention upon. The Universe will bring these belief systems/truths/vibrational frequencies to you based on the old programs you are holding into form in your consciousness (when you awake in the morning). The whole premise of Karma, in essence and the bottom line is, whatever you have, it will be taken away from you! It is based in Fear and the law of Karma (which is based on the law of Expectations) will make sure you will be disappointed (Again!). Your best is not good enough, you have to settle for less, your solution set to solve issues is extremely limited, life is unfair and unjust, you have to struggle for what it is that you want and you Have to give away your Power to just to hang on. You have to pay a price, there is always a quid quo pro involved. So being of Service in the way we have been experiencing it is an old program.....Now, let's step into the new Being of Service paradigm....This is about Being YOU First! The old programs of Karma are on the way out and being dissolved back into the nothingness of where they came from. We are moving back into our Heart Space - here, there is nothing but Love and not Limitations! As we let go/release the old Karmic programs, we raise our vibrational frequencies (in other words, we cannot take the old vibrational frequencies with us!). So, you do not have to try to BE, it is and always has been right there in the middle of your Heart Space! Your Love and Light has just been covered up with the "layers" of the Karmic experiences. So, the real meaning of Being is becoming what we know as "Happy" and taking care of you FIRST. You are simply here to create and experience ALL things possible and the bottom line is to be Happy! You do not define yourself of who you are by what you are or have been doing. That is not who you are - you are essentially a big ball of Love and Light! You are here to create and experience all thing possible in this dimensional space we call "Earth"! You are to place your focus of attention on things that make you smile, laugh, giggle and have fun - then you ASK/Create from your Heart Space of what it is that you want/desire. The bottom line is to Shine and Illuminate your Love and your Light as brightly as possible! This takes no effort at all! When you shine your Love and your Light and are "Selfish" enough (not in a Karmic definition of selfish) to take care of you First, then Being of Service is an Ease! You do not have to give away any of your Power because you are not using your personal energy/chi/life-force. You are tapping into the Universal Love which is Unlimited! You simply send everyone and anything Love and Light - it will dissolve anything that is not itself! As you focus on more and more on your happiness, you bring ALL things up to your higher vibrational frequency simply by being Happy! It is not really important of what it is that you ask for OR why you asked for something....It is all about your anticipated excitement of the Happiness you will receive when you are given what you have requested! (and it will always be better than what you ask for in the first place!). So, when you are Happy, you do not focus your attention on things that you do not want and that automatically raises your vibrational frequencies...You do not have to TRY to get to somewhere you think you have to BE! Your Magic is already within You, your answers and solutions are already there! So Ask, it is Given, Now Allow Yourself to Receive the Abundance that is here to be Given to you! It will make you smile and you will remember how to BE! The ease and the grace and the flow of energies will amaze you!
It gets better from here!
The Link between the Law of Attraction and Karma
We are creators. We are here to create and experience ALL things possible. Everything you create (regardless of what it is), comes to you! You never go to it! This includes all the things you experience every single moment of your "life"! This is called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is the engine that applies to all things that we create. It does not matter what it is that you create, the Universe will bring you anything thing you focus your attention upon. You are an accumulation of everything you have ever created! You are playing out your experiences every second of each day - this is your consciousness holding into form the experiences that are in the pool of your subconscious experiences. It is just as easy to created something that make you feel happy as it is to create something makes you feel fear! The Universe does not judge or feel right or wrong or good or bad, it just brings you what you are focusing your attention upon! Or, as I see it, you are being played by the Game! So, how does Karma fit into this scenario? The link between the Law of Attraction and Karma is this: Karma is the story of how you describe what is happening as the events/experiences are being played out in a mental/intellectual manner - think of your ego and how you experience your daily life. Karma and the Soul go hand-in-hand - you can't have one without the other - Karma means comeback in Sanskrit...ergo Karmic Cycles and how we tend to repeat things over and over and over again! Karma is a "box" within which you have created an illusion of being separate from what we call your heart-space (Love). Karma is all about having something and at the end of the day, it is taken away from you, i.e., you are "physically" born, age and then die - your physical body is "taken" away and you have the perception that you are no longer here - at least in the Karma sense of the definition. And Karma plays out as all the "limitations" we experience or have to work through, or "learn" and so on and so forth! (Been there?!!) The Karmic stories get "wrapped" around the engine of the Law of Attraction. For example, if you are awake, your consciousness is holding into form all the things that you have created. Now, events will occur in your life based on what you have created and are keeping in place. Karma (old programs, paradigms, belief systems) are what I refer to as "space-junk" that fills and occupies space in the dimensional biofields of our "human body". This is referring to the Clearing and Releasing work of removing this Karmic "space-junk" that we do in sessions. So, when an event occurs, and then you react to that event (the event will entail the scene, the actors, the program and the emotions/feelings) - if that reaction causes you to feel "not-so-happy", then you know that you are just out of the Flow of the Well-being that is running through you at all times! Now, this is not good or bad or right or wrong! Now, if you are like most of us, your reaction will be predicated on putting old programs into action - these are Karmic - the event is another of the many types of examples of a pattern of experiencing the same type of emotion that you experienced before! Your head/mind will then apply the same solution to "fix" the issue that it has been using forever! That is because, it has a very limited solution set! So, you keep repeating this pattern over and over - and here comes the beating yourself up routine, the whole nine yards of struggle, you are doing the best that you can with what you have - a limited solution set - ALL which will never solve the issue, EVER!.....Classic Karma! So, now You are going to start Playing the Game the way YOU WANT! You must get out of your head/ego, raise your vibrational frequency and ask within your heart-space for assistance! In you heart-space, you have access to ALL the other solutions that the mind/ego does not have! The illusion of the separation from your heart is just that! An illusion! You Created this illusion to experience it! Now, you can dissolve anything you created as you desire! So, once you are aware of your reaction to an event, and it does not make you feel happy, then bring that feeling/emotion to a standstill. Then, place your focus of attention away from what you just reacted to (you de-emphasize your focus on what it is that you know that you DO NOT want!) and place your attention on something that makes you feels happy! Anything! This automatically raises your vibrational frequency! Yeah! Then, just say aloud "I wonder how happy I will be when ______(what made you react) is completely gone! Thank you!" Now, you have asked, your answer given and it is already been delivered! Open your front door and receive your answer (whether it is visible or not!). Receive as if you have already received it - become your Change before the Change becomes you! So, your focus now is not on why you had to ask or what you asked for, your focus is simply on the anticipation of your happiness of receiving what you asked for! The Universe will deliver it to you with perfectly Divine timing! You don't have to do anything! Allow yourself to Receive the Abundance that is here to be Given to YOU! You can't run out of it! Ever! And the Universe will Always bring you More than what you asked for! Stop trying to figure things out from your mental/intellectual ego - it is not your job! Never has been! You have already been there, done that!!! Now, Believe, Trust and Love Yourself more that you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else!
"So, when I am feeling happy things are going well, why do things happen to take that away?"
So, as long as you are playing within the duality of Karma, the opposite of what you point your attention to has to exist. Karma is all based on having something and then having it taken away from you! So, the fears that you experience of the happiness being taken away is telling where your focus of attention is being placed. In essence, everything comes to you. If your attention is focused on fear, then you will attract that vibrational frequency and the fears will be realized. In this holodeck, you need to know that you can say “Stop program” at any time and change the program(s). But first you have to Believe, Trust and Love Yourself more than you can Believe, Trust and Love anyone else! Every time that you react, ask a “How or Why” question, you are trying figure out a solution from your mental/intellectual mind – it won’t work, as you are only being able to choose from a very limited solution set. You are in the "box". And if you try to solve a problem from a mental/intellectual perspective, it doesn't work very well. Also, you are not here to try to figure things out or to make things happen (NOT your Job!). You may have tried and you may have noticed that you tend to be right back in the same position that you started in (karmic loop). Once you are aware of your reaction to any event that occurs, and that reaction does not make you feel happy, then you know that this is a tap/reminder from Spirit that this is an old Karmic program being raised to the surface and Spirit is letting you know it is something that you can remove and release. The mental aspect of the mind is resisting change – it is fearing the change and trying to control the outcome (Asking the How, Why, Who, What, Where questions) and it literally puts you in the Karmic conundrum of Woulda-Shoulda-Coulda. When you are award of your reactions and you do not feel good about it, you do not beat yourself up (as you have never done anything wrong, EVER!), and you do not let your head/mind try to solve the issue (been there, done that). You need to gather up all the feelings and emotions, players, scenarios etc., that have made up the Karmic event that you reacted to, then bring all that to a standstill, then take your focus of attention AWAY from that feeling and focus on something that makes you Happy! Then ask aloud “I wonder how Happy I will be when ________ is completely gone! Thank you!” Now, let it go! Let Spirit work for you! That is their JOB! Now focus solely on your Happiness of what you asked for! Now, your attention is NOT on the “old, is it coming back, will it happen again, how am I going to figure this out, when will this go away”. Your attention is now squarely placed on your happiness of what you asked for! In your heart space, there are solutions to everything! This is your tool box – the tools in the tool box belong to you – this is your movie, you are movie star of your movie and the movie always gets what the movie star wants! So, reach down in that typewriter and take out that old script and put a new piece of paper in and start rewriting your script – and it is focused solely on your Happiness! Nothing Else. Karma is all about having things and having it taken away from you. In your heart space, nothing can be taken away from you, Ever! Remember, you do not have to do this all alone, you have lots of help, all you need to do is ask, then it is given and Now allow your self to receive! Once you decide that you can let go of these old programs and you KNOW in your heart that you will Always be taken care of NO MATTER WHAT, you have returned to the Magic within you that has never gone away (it has always been there!) and now you can see from the perspective of being up on the hill instead of being in the forest! Now you can make your decisions from your heart space because all your answers/solutions that are given to you Work! You allow yourself to let go of trying to control the outcome and focus solely on your Happiness! So, it is embracing the changes instead of fearing them. Your head can only give you back information that you put into it. Your Heart has ALL the rest of the Solutions! So, Love, Trust, and Believe in YOU! Allow your Magic to Unfold! Now, take my hand and come with me out of these dimensional frequencies! Sit up on the hill, observe, see the game-board, now make your decisions from your heart – Become your Miracles! All the things that you are experiencing that are coming to the surface now, this is the old energies leaving, it is okay to let go of these old programs! Get on the train, leave the baggage behind as the train is NOT coming back to the station! On the train, you are headed to higher vibrational frequencies and Everything that you could possibly want is on that train waiting to be given to you! Believe in your Magic! Believe in YOU!
What does it mean, that I need to detach myself emotionally from other people or things?"
So, pay attention as to how your are asking the question. If you look closer, you will see that you are asking from a mental/intellectual point of view – this uses reasoning, rationalization, analytics and logic. This is the illusion of Karma. For when you try to figure things out by using your reasoning mind, you have a very limited solution set to access. Karma is all about duality – the bottom line is, if you have something (or think that it is yours or you “own” it), then it will be taken away – this is why almost all of us have the fear of death or dying. This is the ultimate take-away in Karma, the loss of the physical body. We “think” from the mental aspect that once we are gone, that is it and we have, to our great pain, everything that we thought was important to us, taken away from us! Then, only to return and play out these programs that we have created over again. We never really go anywhere when our physical body is gone, we are still here. Now, these fears of dying (and all fears) are very real because we have created them to experience them! However, just like Everything that we create, we can change anything we desire. So, when I would say to you that you need to detach yourself emotionally, this essentially means that you are in fear of having something or someone taken away from you – and by this using logic, this is what the outcome that the mental mind will allow you to experience. So, everything in Karma has an emotional, mental or physical attachment. When you detach from something, you remove ALL of the “energetics” that ties you to any situation. For example, a family member, say a daughter, is representing the actress in your script, that you have a fear of losing, or she could be somehow taken away from you and you then you “feel” all the emotions that were created as a belief system or a vibrational frequency, of loss. But,now, you have the opportunity to choose from many different choices when you allow yourself to have the awareness of a reaction to an event, then allow yourself to get out of your reasoning mind, and having the knowing, faith, trust, love and belief in yourself, that you have the power to change anything you desire. When you allow these old beliefs to be dissolved and you ask for help within your heart, you will be given answers that you have not had access to beforehand. Then, is no need to try to mentally figure anything out, your answers are already there and there are answers for everything for every question you may have! We are all perfect ideas in Divine Mind, pure substance expressing perfection! We can’t be anything less! So, the premise for all of this “clearing and releasing” (raising your vibrational frequencies) is detaching from the all of the “emotional, mental and physical” energetics we have created and stepping into the higher frequencies (this is happening to everyone whether or not you are actively working on clearing)….When you detach, you KNOW in your heart that nothing can ever be taken away from you because there is nothing but Unconditional LOVE! 😊…
Zero Points and Deliberative Creation
So, you are trying to get to Zero point? Well, you have been signed up with the program EVER since you have been here! This is where creation is created – at the Zero point! So, you are doing it every single micro-millisecond that you are here! This is what holds everything into form – your belief, your truth or a vibrational frequency. LOVE is the base for all of this. We are here to create and experience ALL things possible! Nothing is right or wrong, good or bad. So, you ALWAYS come from LOVE – that is the essence of ALL things. So, if you put out LOVE, you get it back. If you put out any other emotion (as you created it at a zero point), you will get that emotion right back to you! So, when you wake up in the morning, everything looks about the same as it did before you turned off the lights to go to sleep. All the things that you have created are still in form UNTIL you Change them! The Change happens, at what is described for science books, at the Zero Point. Zero Point is the same as Deliberative Creation! You can create Anything! Change can be anything – it can go in any direction – You have the power/ability to change ANYTHING you desire simply by focusing your attention on a thought. The universe does not judge, it just brings you what and where your attention is being placed! So, if you desire to change, you don’t have to go anywhere – the LOVE has ALWAYS been right there in the middle of your Heartspace! That is you! This is why you want to LOVE yourself FIRST with all your might and know that you have NEVER EVER done anything wrong!!! So, if you focus your attention on things that make you smile, this is what you will be given – Happy! If you focus on things that don’t make you smile, then you will given things that allow you to “struggle” and life is defined as “hard”. Embracing the changes instead of Fearing them (this is classic Karma – or the duality that we have created to experience) is a key to allowing you to “see” things from a different perspective. So, remember, everything comes to you. You never go to it. When you understand the knowing in your heart space, then you start to realize that it is very easy use the Zero point to create WITH EASE anything that you desire! Your Belief, Trust, Faith and LOVE is your Zero Point! When you are at Peace in your Heart, you never have to struggle or fight, there is no right or wrong – things just ARE. You are the creator, now what is it that you want to create! Imagine it, dream it, then just ask (that is your zero point). You do not have to try to figure anything out! When you ask (create) for anything, it will be given to you – let the universe work for you. You do not need to try to do anything (that is not your job) and this is also part of the Karmic things we have created (a lot being in the mental/intellectual aspect). Once you KNOW in your Heart that you can do anything with an ease, grace and flow, you will have brought your magic to the surface! Imagine what is possible when you really pay attention to Deliberate Creation - AND DOING IT! Believe in the Magic of YOU!
The Origami Effect, The Law of Attraction and Time Loops
I have written about a process I call the Origami Effect. In other words, the Karmic cycles that we keep experiencing over and over again, have an Origamic "construct" or belief (vibrational frequency). Since the construct (belief) was created from nothing (flat piece of paper), it can be deconstructed (de-convoluted) back to nothing! Now another piece of the puzzle has surfaced and is it the integration with the Law of Attraction. So, a belief is anything that you have held your focus of attention on for any length of "time". Beliefs are the origamic folded constructs that are in your subconscious (old programs that you have created). There is a "time loop" latch that holds these constructs into place. The time loop allows the same type of event to occur over and over and over - ergo, the Karmic cycle. We tend to repeat things because we are trying to solve the problem instead of dissolving the problem! The following outline will help you understanding the relationship of the Law of Attraction and how it effects the Well-Being of YOU!
- If you react to a situation or event, then pay attention to how you are feeling (what emotion are you experiencing?)
- That feeling will let you know right away as to where you are focusing your attention on. It is your barometer. Is that feeling making you feel good or feel bad?
- If that feeling is making you feel bad, then you Know right away that your attention is focused on holding that vibration frequency into form (the Origamic construct you created!)
- Now, once you are aware that your focus of attention is making you feel bad, then immediately shift your focus of attention to something that makes you feel happy and makes you Smile (no matter how small!).
- Then, center yourself (3 breaths), then vision from your heart space that what you just reacted to is COMPLETELY Gone!
- Now, say aloud, “I need some help please! Thank you!” (In other words, you really just said "I wonder how wonderful I will feel when this is all gone! Thank you!"). The Law of Attraction is very simple: 1) Ask; 2) It is Given to You Immediately; 3) Then Allow Yourself to Receive (open the door and receive your solutions, whether they are visible or not!)
- Then allow Spirit bring into your vision the Origami constructs which represent the beliefs that you were holding into form AND then
- Completely de-convolute the constructs back to the flat piece of paper it came from!
- Know that you have asked, your answer is given (it is already here!), now ALLOW yourself to receive what you asked for!!! (Don’t worry about the details! – Stay out of your Head! Spirit will always bring you more than you just asked for ALWAYS! )
- The Candy Store is always OPEN!
- Keep your thoughts on things that make you laugh, giggle, smile and have fun! This is just not Positive thinking. It is allowing you to Enjoy Everything! Look with Wonder at That Which is Before You! Take your Thoughts to where NO ONE thought has gone before!!! And your Life will change! It will make you Smile!
Things are not what they seem to BE!
Most of the time, we are quite busy being played by what is in our subconscious - as in old programs of limitations we created to experience outside of our heart space! The big three limitations are mistrust, not feeling deserving and being alone/loss of any kind. All of us deal with one, two or all three of these limitations! This is what I describe as being in the forest, where all you can see are the same trees over and over again! Your subconscious runs 24x7 and when you awake in the morning and open your eyes, your consciousness dips into your subconscious and holds into form whatever is playing in the subconscious (karmic cycles). So if there are any old programs of limitations still in your subconscious, you are essentially telling the universe to create another event for you to react emotionally to fit the criteria of the limiting program(s). So, many times, our mind/head will hold onto something that we think is true, only to find out that we have been playing out a "false" illusion! And when that does happen, we react emotionally and are quite distressed and disappointed! However, you can do a very simple process to help take you out of playing these "false" illusions. If you find yourself reacting emotionally to any event (and all events are neutral), then be aware that spirit is tapping you on the shoulder and asking you, "this is on the surface now", "what is it that you want to do with this emotion?". You then have a couple of choices: 1) do nothing and and the karmic cycle will keep being presented to you over and over and over again until you "hit the wall". Then, and only then, do you release the old program because you have essentially told spirit, "I cannot do this anymore, please take it and allow me to be released of this limitation!" (this can take a long time!!) or 2) You then 'hand' the emotion you just reacted to and give it to spirit, then take three deep breaths (which puts you into touch with spirit (heart) immediately), and then ask from your heart, "I need a solution please, thank you!" Now, when you do this, spirit will immediately begin to bring you solutions made in Love to replace the limitation that you had been experiencing (this all about the law of attraction - everything comes to you, you never go to it! If you remove the limitation, then that old program will not play for you to experience Again!). This simple process will change your script, raise your vibrational frequency, scrub the subconscious, complete karmic cycles and that will allow your to take a bit more of the mud and muck that has covered up your light and love in your heart so that you can shine and illuminate a bit more brightly!.....This process then gives you back your clarity and freedom and allows your inspiration to be unfolded to assist you in creating things that you desire instead of focusing your energy on things that you know that you do not want! So next time, if you react emotionally to any event, pay attention to the tap on the shoulder from spirit, then give spirit the emotion (they will throw it in the dumpster for you!), take three deep breaths, get in touch with your spirit and then ask from your heart for solutions! New Solutions are then on the way! Let spirit put you up on the hill so that you can observe what is really going on and then allow yourself to make the choice of either, 1)"Do I really need to go back down into the forest Again?" or 2) "Stay up on the Hill! I would recommend that staying up on the hill will make you smile! Big time!
Facing your Fears
You may have heard something similar to this saying, “The more you resist, the more the problem will persist”. In other word, the more that you try to push something away, the more that it will present itself to you. We all have been in this position – we think (using your head and logic) that just when we have gotten rid of the issue, its raises its ugly head again. It is because we have been trying to solve the problem by logic, reasoning, rationalization or analytics. There is no logic or reasoning or rationalization or analytics in your heart space. NONE! Only Unconditional Love is found there and this is the only way you can solve any of the problems that you are facing. Remember, you are playing out old separation (from the heart) programs still running in your subconscious – this is all about NOT being able to have and enjoy the Total Abundance that the universe has been trying to give you! These programs of not being able to have and enjoy the abundance are found in the big three limitations that we have created so that we could experience them (mistrust, not being deserving and being alone/loss) - and they are ONLY experiences that you have created. Now, you have go into your heart space (three deep breaths) and ask from that space. This is the only place that you can dissolve and dissipate these old programs and scrub them from the subconscious. Your head (consciousness) will hold these programs into form if it is in your subconscious. So when you open your eyes and you wake up in the morning, if the programs have not been scrubbed from the subconscious, the programs will be held into form and the universe will give you what is playing in the subconscious AGAIN! So, the more that you push back, resist, get annoyed, angry, frustrated about these programs that have created any limitations for yourself, the Universe will give exactly what you Are asking for. You must TRULY and UNEQUIVOCALLY have unwavering faith and trust in your heart space knowing that when you ask from your heart, it is already on the way! When we ask from the head/mental/ego perspective, it is just wishful thinking and you will continue to push the dead horse and the cart with no wheels up the hill AGAIN! If you observe all the same types of instances that have appeared to you that you have experienced being denied the abundance of the Universe, you will notice that the underlying theme is the same: most everyone you interact with are just mirroring the belief within you - they are just actors reading your script, nothing more. They know not what they do! So, every time you seek out a solution that is outside of you, you will get the same answer! Your head will them confirm it to you that you are stuck with the problem, you can't change it AND you settle for less AGAIN. This all about facing your fears - stare the lion directly in the eyes, and the lion disappears! The old programs running in the subconscious are based on fear and more likely than not, based on the big three limitations, that have compromised your clarity and freedom. The only place you can change these old programs is within your heart. You cannot change it in your head, that is just wishful thinking and will leave you frustrated and you will continue to struggle playing the same programs over and over. Remember, everything comes to you, that is the Law of Attraction. You must begin by loving yourself unconditionally with no strings, conditions or attachments. You must affirm to yourself that you are rich, wealthy and affluent on ALL levels. The energy work is all about releasing and letting go, loving yourself unconditionally and know that when ask within your heart space, it is already done. You have allow yourself to Receive! The solutions are already awaiting you right now and have been all along! So, when you truly believe in yourself and love yourself unconditionally, the universe will provide, merely by asking from your heart space! The solutions are looking for you, not the other way around! The more you push, try to force, become frustrated, you will only attract that which at you are putting out to the universe. The universe doesn't judge, it just gives you what you ask for. Remember, in your heart space three is no reasoning, rationalization, logic or analytics. There is only unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and abundance in your heart. Go there and be there and let your magic and inspiration unfold. Allow yourself to receive the abundance and these old programs too shall pass. Change your Energy, Change your Light! Keep smilin’!.....Namaste....Dake it Easy......Michael
Which side of Enlightenment are you on?
I will paraphrase a saying from the philosophy of Buddism: "Before Enlightenment you chop wood and carry water; After Enlightenment you chop wood and carry water!" Now this may seem like a conundrum that is quite puzzling - isn't this saying the same thing? Enlightenment allows you to be in your heart, come from your heart and be in the flow and grace of your inspiration. It means that you do not have to struggle with life. It allows you to become your miracles. It allows you to shine and illuminate your love and your light. It allows you to walk in peace within. It allows you to have clarity, freedom and the unfolding of your inspiration of your heart's desires! It allows all of your possibilities to be endless. We, as human beings, usually are striving to try and rid ourselves of burdens and limitations (Karma) - things that we struggle with in this physical experience. The big three limitations that we struggle with are: Mistrust Issues, Not Feeling Deserving and Being Alone/Loss. We all have had experiences dealing with all of these issues in some form or manner. These experiences occur within ourselves "before" enlightenment - in other words, these are the burdens and struggles that we deal with on a daily basis. We can call these Karmic - we are operating on old programs that are in our subconscious. We let our subconscious run the show as we are very busy reacting emotionally to events that happen to us. So, as we clear and release old programs from the subconscious, we give ourselves back our freedom, clarity and inspiration that we have given away! Leading and being in your heart is "after" Enlightenment. You observe events from a different perspective, up on the hill, so to speak - you don't react the way you used to react when events would occur. You gain your trust back and you stand in your power. You notice it is okay to receive and when you receive, it is fun! So, next time you go to chop wood or carry water, is it a burden or an Ease? And which side do you choose to be on?! When you change your energy, you change your life!
Is the Light Bulb really stuck?
I have shared this story with folks along the way since the beginning of this last February - this really happened to me and it was so powerful in that it seemed so inoculous but at the same time, it really represents the essence of realizing that everything in not ALWAYS what it seems to Be! It goes like this....We have a light fixture in our main bathroom that has 5 sockets with 40 watt globe bulbs. My wife, Isabelle, let me know that one of the end bulbs was not working - it would flicker, go on, go off (mostly off). When she tried to change the bulb out, she discovered that the bulb was stuck in the socket and then informed me that the bulb was stuck in the socket. Since I don't use that bathroom much, it wasn't too much of a priority for me and I told her that I would see what I could do. Then, I promptly forgot about the bulb that needed to be changed! About a week later, she reminded me that bulb was still not working. So, that Saturday I was doing all other kinds of things around the house and I managed to remember that I needed to check the bulb. So, in passing the bathroom, I thought I would be able to sneak up on the light bulb and surprise it! I went in and reached up to remove the bulb from the socket - and by golly, the light bulb was stuck! I tried to twist it gently so as not to put too much torque on it lest it break off in my hand. To no avail, I let it go because I was busy doing other more "important" things and besides that, the other 4 bulbs were working! So, off I went, completely forgetting about changing the light bulb again! Well, about a week had passed and I awoke on a Monday morning and got into the shower to get ready for the day and I heard a voice saying, "Are you going to change the light bulb?" Well, of course, it dawned on me that I still needed to change the light bulb in the other bathroom! So, I acknowledged the voice, nodded yes and then promptly forgot about it as I was too busy just waking up! So, I got myself ready and went to fix breakfast and such. When I finished breakfast, I went into my office to start sessions for the day and I no more than sat down in my chair when I heard the voice again, "Are you going to change that light bulb?". Well, since the bathroom was just around the corner and I had a few minutes before my first session started, I got up and went into the bathroom to change the light bulb. I reached up like I did before and began to give a twist - there was a slight resistance and then it just unscrewed with very little effort! I changed the bulb and everything was right with the world again! So, anyway, my story is all about paying attention and being aware that things are not ALWAYS what they seem to be. Your mind will always present you with what you hold into form. It will allow things to appear as you think they are. In my case, since Isabelle told me that light bulb was stuck, my mind took that thought and belief that the bulb was indeed stuck. Also playing in the back ground, you can call it the subconscious/mass consciousness, all the things related to light fixtures and light bulbs! Since we are here to create all things possible, here are some of the things that my mind was holding into form: we have collectively created the light fixture, the light bulbs, the sockets, the electricity, the danger of torquing the bulb that could break off and cut you with the glass shards, the light bulb end getting stuck or fused in the light fixture socket, the danger of being electrocuted or shocked, the hassle of having to go turn off the electricity and everything else related to problems surrounding light fixtures and electricity. So, when I originally went in to change the bulb, in my mind, it was stuck. Then when I literally let the problem go - as in, this was not a big deal, there were four other lights working so the bathroom was still functioning and I let go of the outcome - I didn't care if the light bulb was replaced or not. In other words, when I released what I thought was going on - the bulb was stuck - then I changed all the parameters that allowed the bulb to be seemingly stuck when it wasn't stuck in the first place! Always pay attention to what you "see" with your mind - you may be very surprised that things are now ALWAYS what they seem to be! So, always look behind the storefront/facade and notice what is really going on behind the scenes! This will allow you to make a choice to change old programs and patterns that have been in the way of you receiving the abundance that the universe is giving to you! Apply this with everything and you will be amazed at how things shift from being difficult or being an obstacle to being something that will be an ease and make you smile! I can assist you with the "stuck" light bulb(s)! Remember this work is all about you - to shine and illuminate your love and your light!
A Perspective
When we elected to don bodysuits and a physical form here on good ol’ planet earth– there were some very basic rules that we were given........Create and Experience all things possible! This meant that we could begin creating from outside of our heart space. Creating outside of our heart space has allowed us to experience limitations of all kinds (separation from our heart space) – emotions, intellectual and mental constructs – which are dual in nature i.e., good/bad, right/wrong, black/white and so on! This allows us to judge ourselves and others and so to experience these emotions and to give away our power in many different manners, shapes and forms. So, the big three things that all of us work on are Mistrust issues, Not Being Worthy/Not Deserving issues and Abandonment/Alone issues. The duality and separation are Karmic (karma means comeback in Sanskrit) – you can also give them the connotation of “sin” in a religious definition. They are not wrong or right/ good or bad – they are something that you created to experience limitations/suffering – because in your heart, there is none of this – in your heart, you just ARE, being Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, Abundance and Non-resistance! Non-resistance is not reacting emotionally to events that happen! The head/mind/brain is very good at holding onto (like the proverbial bear-trap with a live bear in the trap) all kinds of things that do not serve our highest interest. It is afraid of letting go of anything because it “FEARS” the unknown. It is very tiny, small and not very powerful! So, when we began the game, we all wrote a script for ourselves and then handed it to the universe. Then the universe took your script and went to central casting and and central casting has provided the actors. So ANYONE, regardless of how you define them, in the past, present or future are all just actors and actresses playing the role of the script that YOU wrote to experience. Nothing more! The actors Know NOT what they do!! So if you react emotionally to an event (and all events are neutral), the first thing is to be aware that you just reacted emotionally. Then DO NOT beat yourself up or be hard on yourself! Remember, you created this emotion (limitation). Since you created it, you can dissolve and dissipate it back into your heart space. Remember, everything comes to you! You do not go to it! This the all about the law of attraction. If there is an old program/limitation still running within you, it will attract the actors to play out that part of the program that you created so that you can "re-live" the experience that you created! So the main thing is to become aware that you just reacted emotionally, as spirit is telling you that this is on the surface (AGAIN!) and you now can choose to release it or keep it. If you keep it, it will play over and over and over again (karmic cycle) until you put your foot down and demand that you will not play this game or keep on choosing the same old solution! Once you are aware that this emotion is on the surface and you decide to choose a new solution, you then take three deep breaths (which gets you into your heart space immediately), then cast the burden of that emotion – for example, “ I cast this burden of anger into my Christ Consciousness (higher self) within and I now will be freed and released forever!” , then in the same breath, you say to your team/spirit, “I need a solution, Thank you!”. Then once you ask within your heartspace/spirit, your job is to be still, quiet and listen and let your team/spirit bring you a divinely orchestrated solution (do NOT use your head/mind for a solution – you will get a plate of catfood!) and once you receive the solution, then you bring it forward into this left brain world and make it visible! In other words, you chose different solution which then completes the old karmic cycle, which in essence, you have scrubbed your subconscious and then when you awake in the morning, that program is not available in the subconscious to run in your projection that you are consciously experiencing each day! You get a banquet and a feast when you ask from your heart/spirit! When you ask from your heart/spirit, you shall receive AND you will always receive more that you ask for! You cannot lose anything that you have created in your heart/spirit and it can’t be taken away as opposed if you created outside your heart where you come from a position of lack (you are under the Law of Expectations) and you tell the universe that you have a fear of loss – the universe will oblige you with realizing your fears! In your heart/spirit, you are now under the Grace and the Law of Expectancy is in place. Vision with your heart/spirit and allow your magic to become you! You have now brought more of YOU back into your heart/spirit (and you don’t give away yourself!) to create what it is that you desire! Since you are a creator and that means that you are part of God – you would not be here if that was not the case! Your job is to create and experience – it is not your job to manifest anything! That is your teams/spirits' job – they do the hows and whys! If you try to do the hows and whys, you will struggle AND if that is what you choose, then the universe will give you what you ask for! So be careful what you ask for! Remember to always be in your heart/spirit! Unconditionally forgive yourself and all others, then release them and allow yourself to receive and accept the love and light of the universe
Clearing – Clearing – Clearing!
Most of you that have been delving into the metaphysical side of the universe have probably heard of the word or process of clearing. Clearing is the course of action that describes the method of releasing or letting go of old patterns, paradigms and programs that we have accumulated. These programs reside in our subconscious. Our subconscious stores these programs in our many different dimensional layers and fields that we define as our earthly physical body. Most of these programs have been created by us and then after we have experienced them, we don’t release them, but we hang on to them because we “think” (read ego mind) they are important. This is where it becomes a bit problematic. We are creators. We are here to create, experience our creation and then release the experience so that we can create anew! However, we hang on to all of this “important” stuff that just clogs up the energy flows within our bodies. I liken it to “space junk” – not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. The space is filled with emotional and mental constructs that do not serve our highest interests, blocks the flow of energies and creates a physical dis-ease in the body. Clearing work involves removing “stuck” energy patterns/programs in a way that your energy channels get a good clean out. Old energy is removed and replaced by new, high vibrational energy. Raising your vibrational energy by clearing old patterns is the key to feeling better and gives you clarity on all levels. Clearing allows us to remove karmic and ancestral burdens that we have been carrying for a long time. In effect, we are clearing the subconscious of karmic cycles and that allows us to refocus the energies tied to these cycles back to our heart space. It allows us to stand in our power. This in turn, raises our vibrational frequency. The more clearing that you do on all levels will allow you to reach higher and higher vibrations. This means that you are not being so affected by lower level frequencies, such as mass consciousness. When you raise your frequencies, life, in this left brained world we have created, becomes easier! The more often you do clearing work, the better you will feel and it allows you to accelerate your “healing” from old patterns and programs. You then feel the difference of being in the flow and you are aware if you try to “force” something, you can feel the lower vibrational frequencies around you! Keeping your vibrational frequencies at the highest level possible will enable you to shine and illuminate your love and light from your heart. This puts you in the flow and under grace! So do clearings on a regular basis and start changing your life! Change your Energy, Change your Life!...............Namaste………Dake it Easy…….Michael
Your Magic within
Looking for that magic answer to life? Well, most everyone is! But it is elusive! So here is the riddle: It has always existed and it is has never gone anywhere, but why is it so hard to find? So, what is the answer to this riddle? It is in your heart space as it is a sum total of your higher self, consciousness and your soul or subconscious)! It is the key part of you that has been covered up/neglected because we have been told over and over that everything that is worth anything lies outside of us! We have allowed ourselves to delve, play and exist in what can be loosely defined as the fourth dimensional astral plane. This is the realm where duality or Karma resides! Everyone contributes to it – so when you play out here in this space – you always come from a position of lack, because fear is the underlying lynchpin – in other words, you really have very little control of what happens when you draw from this “pool” of emotions and constructs. And, it is all too real! It fills up our subconscious and it you don’t “scrub” out this part of you, you are subject to not only your thoughts, but all of the others that contribute to mass consciousness’ thoughts as well! So don’t complain next time that you ran out of something because you had a fear of losing it! This is often a common result of being under the law of Karma! Within you though, is your heart space – it is the essence of you and your divinity! You always come from a position of abundance in your heart because there is NO Fear – it can’t exist here! The only thing you can have in your heart is Love! This is not an emotion. This is You! This is you as a creator! When you stay in your heart and give out love, the only thing you can get back is love! Conversely, if you want to play in Karma land, then, be aware, any result can occur – from good to bad to horrible to so-so! You are always at risk of losing it all! Be careful what you ask for, because the universe will provide it – and I might add, with the new energies that are here now, it occurs very, very quickly! Instantaneous Karma! Yikes! Within your heart, it is impossible to lose anything! Can’t happen! When you dissolve and dissipate karmic cycles back into your heart space, you scrub your subconscious of these emotions and scenarios, which means, you can’t draw these cycles or events back into your life (consciousness)! You become non-resistant, meaning that you don’t emotionally react to events that earlier would have triggered a tired and worn out response that you have been repeating over and over for many lifetimes! So make a choice to ACT and then choose to apply a new solution to an old issue – scrub your subconscious and when you wake up in the morning and open your eyes, you will notice that the DVD that is projecting your reality has now been re-scripted! You don’t have to apply or direct any energy to things that are not in your highest interest! You now have more power to create within your heart and create the magic that YOU are! Become your miracles, be your magic! Be in your heart as much as you can and the magic will become YOU!.............Namaste………….Dake it Easy…………..Michael
January Blog 2013
There is a saying “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” Well, if you create from your heart (and not your head), you cannot fail! Can’t happen! There is no fear in your heart! For everything you create within your heart is perfect! Since you are a creator, then ergo, it is perfect! For in your heart there is only Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, Non- Resistance and Abundance! When you send out Love from your heart, the only thing you can receive back is Love! Many people “think” that they are praying with their heart, when in reality, they are praying with their heads – under the law of duality or Karma! This is wishful thinking at its best! Most of the time nothing happens or we are mightily disappointed because we have set expectations outside of our heart. Within your heart, you are not subject to the dualities of the law of Karma, i.e., good and bad or right and wrong. It is the unwavering faith in your heart that is called the law of expectancy. This means that you create within your heart, your desire with unconditional love. Then you see yourself as the end result of your creation (it has already happened!). Never mind trying to manifest what you think you want – manifesting is the universe’s job (always has been!). When you create or ask within your heart, you shall be given what you have asked for – Always! Ask and you shall receive and when you receive, you will receive more than you asked for! For this is being under the Grace of God! If you try creating using your head, you fall under the law of Karma – in other words, you set expectations – AND so what happens when you set expectations instead of expectancy? This is like pulling the rhinoceros out of the hat instead of the rabbit! Yikes! In other words, you don’t really know what you are going to get! It could run the gambit of everything from what we define as good to horrible and everything else in between! This scenario happens to us every day all the time! So, next time you ask for something, ask fearlessly with unwavering faith, and KNOW whatever you requested is on its way! Change your Energy, Change your Life! Life should be fun! Get into the Flow! ……………Namaste…………Dake it Easy………Michael Dake
New Frequencies, Expanded Time and Way Cool Stuff!
Changes? What Changes?!!! Change is the only constant thing in this Universe(s). When you do not fear the change, then there is not ANYTHING you CANNOT do! The new energies being ushered in are allowing everyone to realize that if whatever you are doing that is NOT making you HAPPY, then you are being reminded that YOU can choose to CHANGE IT! It is not about anyone else, IT is all about YOU! And it is not being selfish! Remember, we are creators and we are here to create and experience, then let go of the experience! It has been inculcated, for a very long time, into us that we have to hold on to experiences because they are important – (well, at least at the time we choose to create the experience they seemed important!). But as long as we hold onto old experiences (read Karma), we get in the way of ourselves (mental and emotional constructs!). In other words, we have been told that once we create something, our mind has to take a hold of the idea and then we have to manifest (i.e., the how’s and why’s) the thing that we have created! So, since it was never man’s “job” to manifest anything (that is the universe’s job), we have gotten the notion that it is really hard to get what we want – it is soooo hard! It is really important to get out of your head as these are mental and emotional constructs that have been created outside your heart – or duality of Karma! Releasing the old – or surrendering it to the divine (an emotion or mental construct) is imperative. And we wonder why things don’t get better! There is an old Chinese saying, “When you find yourself in a hole, STOP digging”! It is the duality that is now going away with the advent of these new energies coming at us at warp speed! When you start to understand that you can complete Karmic cycles and dissolve and dissipate them back into their native nothingness, then you begin to create solely in your heart! There is no duality in your heart – there is only love! You focus on the end result of your creation (in other words, you see yourself there at the end result)! Also realize, that within your heart is NO reasoning, rationalization or logic! You just are! Learn to be in your heart at all times and just BE! You can only have abundance when you create from your heart! Try it, you will find yourself amazed at how easy things can be – you will find it easier to do things, create things that have not been yet created and do more and more by doing less and less! Sign me up for this is good Way Cool Stuff! I have seen and felt incredible changes in the people I have been blessed to work with either in the office or long distance! It is time to shine and illuminate your light from within! I can assist you to get you to the next levels! Accelerate your healing! Get out of your Head and into your Heart! This is Way Cool Stuff and if you want to be on the cutting edge of this transformation, I can help you on your journey to bring out the unique gift that each and every one of you has to share with the rest of the universe! 2013 will be a wondrous year! Look with Wonder at that which is before You! I do want to also share that many of you will be experiencing “expanded” time – in other words, you will begin to really understand the real constraints of linear time that we have induced upon ourselves and you will realize that you don’t have to be restricted by time anymore! This is Good Stuff! One last thing that I need to share in this article – I have been told many times over in recent sessions that it is time to stop being so serious about everything and I have been instructed to tell everyone the following: “Let your hair down, sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching and above all, Laugh and Giggle, Laugh and Giggle – THEN, Laugh and Giggle some More!” Life should be fun so get into the flow!
December 2012
Welcome to December 2012! On our collective calendar is a date of 12/21/2012 – and according to the folks in the know, there is a big shift that is supposed to occur on this date. Well, I don’t mean to disappoint you but we have already been experiencing this transformative for quite awhile now! Everything will look the same the following day. You may not notice much difference in the “storefront” appearances of people but there have been and we are continuing to experience major shifts and changes within us! The old energy is being brought to the surface – what we are experiencing as “chaos or havoc” in our lives – and this is being accentuated even more so than ever! Old emotions/mental patterns are being released at an accelerated rate and there is a heightened sense within us and that there is something “more within you” but you just can’t seem to place a finger on it! This energy change is somewhat like the process of creating a piece of petrified wood – i.e., the old is being replaced with the new on all levels! It is a replacement of old energies with the new higher vibrational frequencies. I have been working with many folks to help smooth out the bumps on this process. It really is helping you really embrace the feeling of freedom that has always been in your heart space! Your light and love is being uncovered and the burdens you have been carrying around are being released and this is literally setting you free! You also may have observed that your sense of linear time is changing as well! Time flies when it doesn’t exist! I have been assisting in aligning, attenuating and calibrating the changes taking place within the physical body to help these major changes and shifts to continue to develop within your bodysuits! I have seen and felt wonderful changes within the people I work with on a daily basis! If you have been experiencing more ups and downs lately, schedule a session! You will be glad you did! Life should be Fun! Change your Energy, Change your Life! Get into the Flow!.............Namaste………Dake it Easy………..Michael
October 2012
With this last full moon of this weekend, there has been a culmination of intense energy of the past three months, the energies in my sessions have certainly been heightened – more and more people are experiencing very large shifts in their awareness. Many people are being given the message that it is okay to get out of the minutia and they are really listening to that message! In other words, leave the details to the universe (how’s and why’s) and just focus on the end result of whatever they have asked for within their heart. So, instead of doing the same old thing or procedure and such, the awareness is being awakened and permission has been granted to let go of everything old! Also, there has been a much more rapid acceleration in old patterns/programs being removed/dissolved and dissipated within the last couple of months. It is extremely interesting to see people experience very incredible “spiritual” instances that would not normally be defined as being spiritual! These changes are setting us up to be ready to pleasantly expect the unexpected – which comes from the Law of Expectancy, which therein lies within everyone’s heart. This meaning, that what you ask for in within your heart, you shall receive because you have aligned your desires with your request. This is totally different than the Law of Expectations, which is under Karmic Law. This means that it has been created outside of the heart (read mental/ego construct) and is therefore fraught with the emotional gamut that we experience as disappointment, fear and disillusionment, etc. When you allow yourself to create and experience with unconditional love from your heart, you can have anything and as much of whatever you desire – there is no limit. You come from a position of abundance. This is being in the flow or under the grace of God. If you create outside of your heart, then you are under the Law of Karma, subject to limitations, constraints and restrictions – not to mention fear, mistrust and other not so wonderful emotional states we have created. You come from a position of lack! When you allow yourself to be in your heart as much as possible, then there are no limits and nothing is too small to ask for. So always be in your heart, ask for assistance from your team (they can’t help if you don’t ask because they have to respect your choice of free will) and you will notice that things start to flow much more easily into your life. Nothing is forced or coerced from your heart space. So, if you are experiencing some ups and downs, get centered, grounded and get into your heart space. Then ask your team for help, then sit, wait (remember, this has NO time or space element, listen for your answer, and then act on the answer you have received. You will notice that things will become much more spiritual without you trying to do so much. In fact, you will be able to do more and more by doing less and less! We are here to create and experience all things possible. We have forgotten that is is OKAY to let go of the experiences that we have created so we can create new things to be created (and I have been told that there are a gadzillion things that have not yet been created or experienced!). So, as it is said, “Let go, Let God!” They certainly were not kidding around with this! Forgive yourself Unconditionally for Everything! Life should be fun! Get into the Flow! Change Your Energy, Change your Life! Let me assist you with your journey
..............Peace-Love-Light…….…………Dake it Easy……………….Michael
August 2012
I have been using the Re-Calibrate, Re-Align and Rejuvenate action sequence to allow an integration of the changes that occur during each individual healing session.So when I invoke the Release-Remove-Repair-Restore-ReSoul sequence to assist in clearing old energy patterns/paradigms/programs, I follow up with the Re-Calibrate, Re-Align and Rejuvenate sequence.Re-Calibration is a crucial step in making sure that all the new energies that have been brought in to replace the old energies are vibrating at the correct frequency with the client’s dimensional bodies and that the new energies are compatible and stable. Re-Align comesinto play as the energies that have been properly calibrated can now be aligned on all dimensional levels – at least a 6 dimensional alignment is done (some folks can handle an 8 D alignment – but not too many yet at this point in linear time!).Re-Alignment helps to connect, integrate and create a new system of new matrices that support the new energies and the higher flows in all dimensional levels.Re-Alignment allows a higher flow (volume and frequency) of energies to assist the client to become who they really are!Rejuvenate is the action that follows the Re-Calibration and Re-Alignment.As you are being adjusted to the new energies and flows, you will start to feel changes in all your dimensions.The clearing work that you have done helps slow down the chronological aging process and you feel lighter! And just recently, within the last 6 weeks, I have added Re-Set and Activate to the sequence.Re-Set and Activate is in linewith the accelerated changes in the energies that we have been recently been experiencing in the past 3 months. We are literally “pressing” the Re-Set button and Activating the new energies to provide seamless cohesion with the structural changes of our physical bodies we currently are experiencing!Sessions are taking on much more profound dimensional configurations at a consistently accelerated pace!This is Way Cool Stuff!Remember, Life should be Fun!
Change your Energy, Change your Life!
July 2012
Release! Remove! Repair! Restore! Re-Soul!
After the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, I was asked by a number of people of “What do you mean by the term Re-Soul" (this alliteration is on my cards and my website). Re-Soul was given to me after I had been working with the original words – Release, Remove, Repair, Restore – while doing clearing work for my clients. It may be easier to understand this process by using an analogy of individual cells in the physical body. The individual cells define our “shape” of our physical body. With the clearing process (clearing Karmic events that we have created outside of our heart space that are “stuck”) in the physical body, here are the steps:
1) we ask to Release the “stuck” energy pattern, program or paradigm
that we are targeting;
2) then, we ask to have the pattern, program or paradigm to be Removed;
3) then we ask to Repair the “hole/damage” that was caused by the
pattern,program or paradigm;
4) then we ask to Restore the “hole/damage” to its perfect template form.
With the rapidly changing energies events (starting about 3 years ago), I was guided to add Re-Soul to the string. Re-Soul means that as we clear the stuck energy (steps 1 to 4), we step up in our vibrational frequencies for each individual cell in the physical body. Each individual cell has a “Soul” – all of these individual cells make up your composite “Soul”. So when you take out old “stuck” energy of the cells, you have to replace it with new energy – this is the kind of the very high frequency energy that little kids have (energy cannot be destroyed, just transmuted and once transmuted it is available for use after it has been ”scrubbed” and sent back into the universal energy grid). The new energy literally “Re-Souls” you! In other words, you have removed the “space junk” from your cells and then you literally become who you really are! This is why you feel better after clearing “dis-eases” from your physical body. So also be aware that clearing also simultaneously occurs on many different levels when you do a session. So that leads to the Re-Calibrate, Re-Align, Rejuvenate string that applies after you have done a clearing. This second part of the process helps hold the new energy frequencies so that you can expand “within” to new and higher vibrational dimensions.
The energies since the Solstice (June 20) have been amazing! I have observed many different cloud formations that I have never seen before! I have also noticed a very subtle difference in the “brightness and clarity” to the light (colors) of the sun and all things (especially people, animals and plants) than I have experienced before the Solstice. My sessions have been very much enhanced as the energy has taken on new and higher vibrations. This has allowed folks to be taken to a deeper level of expansion! This is Way Cool Stuff! July promises to bring many changes that were “staged” for take-off in May and June! Let me assist you on your journey! Remember, Life should be Fun! Get into the Flow! Change your Energy, Change your Life!
May 2012 Year of the Dragon?......Think Again!
Many of you have heard that this is the Chinese Year of the Dragon and that is true. However, what is much more really important, it has been officially replaced by what I have designated as “The Year of the Dumpster!” With all the major changes in the energies that have taken place within the last eight or so months, I am seeing numerous folks that are experiencing an overload of emotions being presented to them ALL at once! Old energies and paradigms are coming to us at a more rapid pace to the surface than before and they are certainly ready to be released – but that can be daunting. Yes, it can be quite overwhelming to try to choose which emotional situation to deal with first! It is like you are setting your table to sit down to eat and then plate after plate of “stuff” keeps being placed on your table. Pretty soon, it full and there is not enough room on the table and plates keep on coming! It is much like the situation that happened in Fantasia’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice with the water and brooms getting way out of hand! What to do? This is akin to the darkness before the dawn. You now have permission to allow yourself to take as many of the plates of “stuff” on your table and put them in the Dumpster (this is not your ordinary garbage can – it is the 40 foot blue monster Dumpster!) Dump Plate and ALL into the Dumpster! By dumping all these old energies, patterns and paradigms, it helps you get out from under all the weight of these burdens – literally, giving you a new lease on life! I was given a wonderful vision on how to get these plates off your table in a very satisfying manner: You get yourself a handy-dandy 5th century catapult, then load up then pull the release rope and launch your “stuff” (or turn the “stuff” into pumpkins!) and let ‘er fly to yon distant dumpster! That should make you smile! As your table begins to be cleared, you feel lighter and freer and in essence, you Change your Energy, you Change your Life! Make this your “Year of the Dumpster! I can assist you on getting your table cleared and it is a lot of fun to launch the catapult knowing that this “stuff” can be flung into the dumpster! Life should be fun! Get into the Flow! Go in the Grace of God and Change your Energy, Change your Life!
April 2012 Are you being bothered by the barking dog?
Now suppose that it is a nice sunny summer day and you have the opportunity to go out to your back yard, grab the big foldout lawn chair to take time to sit back and relax and possibly get forty winks in the process! You have just sat down and leaned your head back in the chair and you start to drift as you begin to relax. “This is good”, you say to yourself. Then, all of a sudden, the neighbor’s dog starts to bark! What you do next, is very important. Typically, you REACT like you always have reacted! That is, you get upset! You let the barking get under your skin! You ask, “Why does the stupid dog have to bark and interfere with your relaxation time?” You become annoyed and now you are looking at ways to get the dog to shut up! So you consider some of your old standby options like: 1) Yelling at the dog - which just makes the dog bark more and it seems louder! and it doesn’t make any difference at all, but hey, you rationalize, it made me “even” with the dog!; 2) You march into your house and make a phone call to the neighbor and leave a not-so-nice message (there, that will teach him a thing or two AND it makes you feel better because if his stupid dog can interrupt my relaxation time, then I can get back at the neighbor by insulting and threatening him! So There!); 3) Fold up the lawn chair and stomp into the house and fume for hours about the barking of the dog and how it ruined your afternoon and thus everything else you had planned for the rest of the day! Now suppose that you changed the way you reacted or in this case, ACTED. You do something different – what a novel concept! You change the energy of the situation. This time, you allow the dog to bark. The dog has every right to bark as much and as long as it desires. Now, what you are doing is becoming Non-Resistant to the barking. You become undisturbed – you don’t let it bother you. When you resist something, more of what you resist or become upset/disturbed by will be coming your way. You have to let go of the resistant! When you let go of the resistant, then there is nothing to draw something that annoys you to you! When you become non-resistant, you are operating in your heart space. In your heart space, there is no resistance to anything! In the case of the barking dog, if you become non-resistant to the barking, then invariably what happens is that the dog stops barking a very short time later (Because one of the following occurs: the owner quiets the dog/takes the dog inside/the dog falls asleep/or just simply stops barking!). You then can rest and enjoy your afternoon in the back yard. Find out how many barking dogs you have and then being aware of them, start to become non-resistant and undisturbed by whatever is creating your barking dog (remember, you have created ALL your barking dogs all by yourself! AND you can dissolve and dissipate all of them by yourself!). ACT instead of REACTING to your barking dog incidents – this changes your energy and puts you into your heart space within you. In your heart space, there is only Non-Resistance! You don’t attract the barking dog to you! I can assist you in releasing your barking dogs! Change your Energy, Change your Life. Life Should be Fun, so BE in the flow and go in the grace of God!
March 2012 Are You “In Your Zone”?
There is a wonderful feeling when you are in a flow or state of grace – you can call it being “In the Zone”. Many of us are familiar with hearing stories or watching athletes perform astonishing feats while being “In the Zone”. Spirit was kind enough to provide me with an excellent example of how to get “Into Your Zone”! I recently had a session with a client who came to see me to help de-stress his incredibly stressful life, much of which was being influenced by his high maintenance job. He works in a fast paced computer IT environment – which he described as being busy 36/7! His head was and has been very BUSY with mind-chatter and it was overwhelming him (and that was an understatement!). Anyway, before the session began, I did ask if had tried to do something to decrease his stress level and he mentioned that he rides competitively in bike races – and he is very good at it as well! I asked him if he feels the mental chatter when he is riding his bike. The answer, which was not surprising to me, was NO! He somehow tunes out the mental chatter and was really unaware that he did so until I pointed it out to him. Then I saw the “light bulb” come on! This was really a good thing! In other words, when he is on his bike, whether he is racing or not, the mental chatter disappears. This is because he is “In His Zone”. He is creating from his heart and it is his passion to be on his bike. He BECOMES his passion! He does not have “think” – he just does! There is not ANY mental chatter in your heart – only love! When you create from your heart, you are “In the Zone” automatically! You are in the flow and in a state of grace. In his case, there are (pardon the pun) NO roadblocks or obstacles in his path when he is riding his bike! I told him the focus of his session was to get on his bike and then, after the race was over – STAY ON THE BIKE! In other words, expand your zone so that everything you do becomes your passion. You operate from the heart space instead of the head (ego mind). Magic happens when you are in your heart space! You have all that you need within yourself! You are never left wanting for anything when you are in your heart space. Every time you get out of your heart space, things tend to go awry – your ego mind wants to take over for everything and then you get asked, “So how’s that workin’ for ya? HUH?” It makes living your life that much more difficult in this physical left-brained conscious world that we live. So, you really do have a choice – Stay on Your “Bike”! Become your passion so that the passion becomes you! Expand your Zone and Stay there always! Be in Your Zone! Change your Energy, Change your Life!
Coming to a Theatre Near You!.....New Film at Eleven!
Is it time to check the message on your theatre marquee? In another, yet, wonderful session, I was given a clear vision on how important it is to change the message on your very own theatre marquee on a regular basis. You should be asking yourself each day, “What’s playing today?” What is on your theatre marquee? Do you get the feeling that after every day ends and you have experienced the MOVIE of your daily projected reality, the story didn’t get any better than the day before? And then the next day, you managed to play the same MOVIE as yesterday AND that you had wanted and expected changes in your MOVIE script but nothing happened! Then you complain that you are watching the same old thing over and over! Well, you need to check the message on the marquee and see what it is saying! What are you asking for and are you really allowing yourself to receive it? Or, are you standing in the way of yourself – blocking your manifestations such as in engaging the ego (mind) first?! In other words, you are not in the flow or aligned with your desires. You try to force things to happen. This is akin to asking for something (as in manifesting your desires) and then putting barriers in the way for you to receive it. You know what you asked for, but somehow you have placed something in the way of yourself preventing you from receiving what you asked for. Take for example the following scenario: You decide to order something from a catalog and pick up the phone and place your order (ask for something that you desire), then you hang up the phone and then anxiously await for it to arrive at your doorstep. So upon hearing the delivery man ring your doorbell with the delivery of your desired item, you start to run to the front door BUT before you get to the front door, you inexplicably move your refrigerator into your hallway blocking your way to the front door and then complain that you can’t get through to the front door! So now what!!? The pathway to the front door is blocked by the refrigerator as you somehow have forgotten that you put the refrigerator in your way. You know that there is the package that you ordered on the front doorstep but you can’t get through hallway to the front door, so, you, try to make the best of this “bad” situation! You seem to think the only option have is one that you have been conditioned to react (read old programming!), i.e., I will have to settle for less, because that is how I have always dealt with situations like this and besides the refrigerator is in the way and it is big and heavy! And I really didn’t deserve what I asked for when I placed my order anyway! So, in settling for less (AGAIN) and allowing yourself to be confined within another ego (mind) creation, you don't get out of the box! So, get out of your head! And into your Heart! You can move the refrigerator back in its place (because you can!!) and now you can get to the door and open it and receive your package! Ask within for assistance and help! And know that it is already here! Believe in your Magic!