This is Way Cool Stuff!
Things are NOT always what they seem to BE!
When you innerstand that your inner world is your real world,
you will see that nothing outside can affect you unless you let it.
You Wouldn't Have a Desire or a Dream unless it were within your Power to make it Real.
Detach! I KNOW! Reset Simulation!
- me
Lean Into Your Imagination!
Your Imagination is Time Traveling without the Time -
You are Always in the "Present or Now" with NO Ego!
You have the Power to create Anything that you place your focus on.
Pay attention and be careful to what you are focused on! As it will be given to You.
Believe in the Impossible! and the Unimaginable! Your Magic is Within You!
Shakespeare’s words come mind;
‘All the world’s a stage and and all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
his acts being seven ages.”
Realize the Power of Saying "NO!"
"NO" Reverses Spells!
Consciousness (Your Essence) is the Only Reality!
Stop reacting to the physical world! For Now and Forever More!
Stop trying to change the physical world! It doesn't exist!
Since your consciousness is the only reality that exists,
you already have what you want.
The only thing you have to Change is your mind. That is ALL that Exists!
........Neville Goddard
Let there BE....And there WAS...
The NO Thing in your Consciousness is the POWER
which goes forth into all forms of manifestation.....
Let it BE so and so it IS.
When you don't know How know...
But you know you know....
and you know you knew
and that's all you needed to know.
....AJM Jokela
Always Remember You are braver than you Believe,
Stronger than you Seem,
Smarter than you Think,
Twice as Beautiful as you'd ever imagined!
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
Most People do not see their beliefs.
Instead, their beliefs tell them what they see.
This is the simple difference between clarity and confusion.
- Matt Kahn
You don't manifest what you want.
You manifest what you truly believe
to be possible for you.
When you experience it internally,
it will explode in your reality!
- Conscious Magnets
Fear is consenting to give your power away.
-Matt Kahn
Even when tied into a thousand knots,
the String is still but one.
Belief Systems are not Real.
Stop Believing and Come Home and KNOW.
Listen to the Voice that Uses NO Words.
- me
The day I decided that my life was magical,
there was suddenly magic all
around me.
- Marabeth Quin
As You Start to Walk on the Way, The Way Appears
- Rumi
You'll Never Regret:
Asking a Question to get more Clarity
You'll Always Regret:
Making a Decision based on a Story you've created in your head.
Remember, we get what we focus on, what happens real time is what you are focused on.....
timelines have different frequencies and outcomes AND they all exist simultaneously
...that means you can scalar jump into a higher frequency timeline NOW! where what you just experienced cannot happen!
So, if you get stuck in a timeline...the story or narrative is
only there to keep your mental mind distracted and the void programs running...
So, when you react to an event with an emotion or feeling, these are now on the surface....all these are based in fear....LOVE and fear are the same (just like forms of water: ice, water and steam). The ego uses Fear to hold the karma together to repeat the programs...everything has opposites except LOVE (you or your essence/soul). LOVE only has opposition and that is fear (fear is actually LOVE just turned around) with each of these events, acknowledge the reaction which is based in fear, silently call in all the associated timelines that made up the event and validate it by saying "It is okay to feel this emotion or feeling," then Accept the Fear by saying " I accept all this fear!", then integrate the fear into your LOVE...this then raises your frequency and allows you to jump to a higher frequency timeline to make a different choice than you just experienced...then say "Scalar Jump!"...then focus on things that are positive without the opposites with the magic of your imagination! 😇Use this technique for everything...this technique is exponentially more accelerated than what we have been using before and effects EVERYTHING in this game.
My reply back to a question about scalar jumping timelines:
It is NOT about the event, the story or the narrative, the actors, the set, stage or is ALL about your reaction - emotions and the current timeline you are in, you just described to me what has been reflected back to you...this is the slide (focus) that you have in the projector and your ego mind cannot see anything are now given the opportunity to, a higher frequency timeline exists IMMEDIATELY NOW, and that does not include any of what you are focused on at the, change the slide (your focus is that everything you desire is already done), then Scalar Jump and allow you to become the change...then relax😉
Scalar means non-directional, out of time and space, no ego or mental mind (time travel without the time) frequency...
So, scalar jumping puts you directly into your essence(HEART) or imagination...knowing...
this gives you the ability to know (knowing) how to manipulate the frequencies and vibrations/dimensions
in this game when you land in higher timelines....
Now is the "time" to reclaim your Dominion!
Book a Session and Punch your Ticket out of this Karmic Realm!
Your Essence (Heart) + Unknown = Miracles
You Create the UNKNOWN! In the NOW!
Words are Spells - Now place these two Spells upon yourself:
Say aloud, "I wonder how much fun I am going to have!"
"I wonder how easy this is all going to be!"
Then allow everything to unfold - fun, easy and wonder will unfold for you!
I used to be afraid of the dark until I remembered that I am a light and the dark is afraid of ME!
When you are learning there are always doubts. When you are remembering, there are no doubts!
When you are learning there are always doubts. When you are remembering, there are no doubts!
To See, we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at
Claude Monet
Your Heart Knows the Way! Run in that Direction!
Claude Monet
Your Heart Knows the Way! Run in that Direction!
We do things a little bit differently here – we turn the metaphysical on its ear! Things are not always what they seem to be! This work is getting you up and out of the forest to the top of the hill so that you have better view and perspective of what you are experiencing! Moving you out of your head and back into your heart – it is clearing and releasing at accelerated levels as a function of vibrational frequencies. It is all about YOU – you do the “healing” and I am here to toss this stuff in the dumpster for you! My technical name for it is “Way Cool Stuff!” And is all about unfolding your wings and powering up your imagination!….. An initial energetic session is running you through the “wringer” or the top button deluxe car wash! – a series of questions to get the releasing process started, along with some breath work and then we address some items that you would like to work on. This work is designed to make you smile and shine your Light as brightly as possible!
Dake it Easy.........Michael
If you keep thinking you have healing to do, then you are always going to find more and more healing to do because that is your primary focus.
You are already whole and complete! There is nothing to fix. What if you just simply BE?
It is called releasing all attachments. ALL OF THEM! Detach from All of them!
Every person, place, and thing you hold attachments to is only telling you a story of who you are.
Attachments are frequencies based in Fear. You are Not of Fear. You are Not of Duality.
You are Not of Karma. You are Not of Time.
Your past does not define you, it has only prepared you. Let it all go. There is ONLY NOW!
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The Light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion.....the tunnel is. Danielle Stotjin
May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows! Jason Mraz - Have it All
There is a Voice that uses no Words. Listen! ......Rumi
Remember, the definition of Success is How much JOY you feel in your Heart!
Question: So Freedom is then the ability to choose your perspective and happiness is to choose it as close to your heart as possible?
Answer: Take it a couple steps are already whole and complete....choices are still within the duality of the predictive programming.
There is no concept of happiness in your Heart. LOVE is not an is BEING, YOU or ESSENCE...then you have the ability to create anything you place your focus on. Your Heart does not care in what emotional state you choose to be is innerstanding what you are placing your focus on.
And it will be given to you instantly!
Answer: Take it a couple steps are already whole and complete....choices are still within the duality of the predictive programming.
There is no concept of happiness in your Heart. LOVE is not an is BEING, YOU or ESSENCE...then you have the ability to create anything you place your focus on. Your Heart does not care in what emotional state you choose to be is innerstanding what you are placing your focus on.
And it will be given to you instantly!
Michael Dake Master Alchemist Master Healing Facilitator Reiki Master/Teacher Long Distance Healing Facilitator Soul Flow Regeneration Master Energetic Bodywork BS Biology, NCTMB, ABMP, LCMT Facilitating and Assisting Your Return to Happiness! 208-965-7751 Cell Email: [email protected] I will be done today! Today is a day of Completion! Thank you for this Perfect Day! Miracle shall follow Miracle and Wonders Shall Never Cease!
Florence Scovil Shinn |
Welcome to My Universe!
I am a WayShower! Allow me to take you to the places YOU want to go! Grab my hand, Come with me! Sit up on the Hill with me and Observe! This is about clearing and releasing old energies and giving you back your Clarity and Freedom - unfolding your Inspiration and Creativity from the Magic of your Heart! I can Show you the Way and take YOU...........Where you want to Go! Know that You are loved more than you can possibly ever know, Spirit is always there for You! Spirit is You! (You just don't See it YET!!) Spirit ALWAYS have your back! It is the wind beneath your wings! Spirit is never too busy - Nothing is too small to ask for! AND Spirit will Never, Ever Let Go of Your Hand! You may be by yourself, but you are Never Alone! Trust, Believe and Love Yourself more than you can Trust, Believe and Love Anyone Else! Now, Allow yourself to receive the abundance that is here to be given to you! Simply by asking from your Heart! From Now On, Your job is to shine your LOVE and your Light from your Heart as brightly as possible! Remember How To BE First! Then, allow me take you to the place that lets you Laugh, Giggle, Smile and Have Fun and Be Happy! Keep Smilin'!................Dake it Easy.......Michael Click here to access the Articles and other Musings page! and the Rules of the Game! |
“My dream has officially come true,” she told the crowd. “Dreams come true. So if you have a dream, go for it, and it's going to come true.”
Austrailan Open Women's Tennis Champion 2020 (unranked) 21 year old - Sofia Kenin
“My dream has officially come true,” she told the crowd. “Dreams come true. So if you have a dream, go for it, and it's going to come true.”
Austrailan Open Women's Tennis Champion 2020 (unranked) 21 year old - Sofia Kenin
My healing session with Michael has been absolutely amazing. I had very painful back pain from playing sports and I was not able to move much. I had a healing session (Skype) with Michael and he had helped me to reduce my back pain significantly in just one session (45 min.)! All I could say was "Wow!". Now I can do things that I could not do before......I was expecting a long recovery road but I feel that I'll recover much sooner than I thought :) He had also helped me release sadness and anger that I've had bottled up inside of me for very long time (which was related to my back pain). As a result, I was able to remember that I am worthy of happiness and bliss that I am feeling right now. I'm definitely continuing my sessions with Michael to remember more of my true self. Thank you Michael, you are truly special!
I.T. from Santa Clara, CA
Soul Flow Re-Generation Methods and Techniques
What is Soul Flow Regeneration? It is a continuous process of raising your current vibrational frequencies to higher levels using metaphysical techniques and methods. By implementing these methods and techniques, it will allow you to access and accelerate your healing and to enhance your abilities to help you heal on all levels. Clearing work is an extremely important element in Soul Flow Regeneration. It is the foundation of your personal healing and healing of others. The process of clearing allows you to find “blocks’ on all planes and dimensions in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers. Using the tools of Soul Flow Regeneration allows you to clear and remove Karmic and Ancestral programs/paradigms that present themselves as a Physical Dis-Ease in the human body. Everything that you experience and is expressed in the physical body as a physical dis-ease is from an emotional or mental construct that is being repeating from an uncleared Karmic cycle. Soul Flow Regeneration gives you an understanding of which techniques to use in order to clear the program/paradigm from the source of the problem so that it can be dissolved and removed. This is not about treating the symptoms, this is all about removing the source of the issues! Scheduling regularly timed sessions is highly recommended! Remember, this is all about taking care of YOU, FIRST!
Change is the only thing that is constant in this Universe.
And when you do not Fear the Change, then there is Nothing you Cannot Do!
And Change Comes Only in One Size!
And that Size is Wonderful!
Face your Fears, Stare the Lion directly in the Eyes and the Lion will turn into a Kitty-Cat!
Florence Scovill Shinn 1925